When we questioned Fauci.


sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
The forum "scholars" all ganged up on us. Will they be man enough to admit that they were duped? Maybe he wasn't following the science.
Fauci flip flops during first 7-hour session of grilling before House
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Fauci also U-turned on his views of President Donald Trump's 2020 orders to restrict incoming travelers from China.
He told Congress yesterday that he supported the ban - despite publicly criticizing the move in 2020.
The former President moved to restrict travel from China in January 2020 soon after Chinese officials identified around 10,000 cases of the novel virus.
Leading political figures on the left including President Joe Biden calling the then-President's travel restrictions 'hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering.'
Dr Fauci, once seen as an 'adult in the room' amid a chaotic and confusing government response to the initial 2020 outbreak, has seen his sparkling public image take a hit in recent years.
He flip-flopped on crucial Covid safety information including masks and worked to silence scientists with views that differed from the mainstream.
The full extent of Dr Fauci's testimony over the two days will be released after lawyers review their content to make sure no restricted information will be made public, though it's not clear when that will be.
The snippets were revealed by Republicans on the committee, who laid out the key takeaways on a lengthy Twitter (X) thread.
Ohio Republican Brad Wenstrup, who heads up the subcommittee for the pandemic response, said Tuesday: 'Dr Fauci's transcribed interview revealed systemic failures in our public health system and shed light on serious procedural concerns with our public health authority.
'While we remain frustrated with Dr Fauci's inability to recollect Covid-19 information that is important for our investigation, others we have spoken to do recall the facts.'

Dr Denial? Fauci STILL thinks Covid was natural - despite lab leak ties

Newly released highlights from the second day's hearing revealed that the committee honed in on the issues of social distancing, mandatory vaccinations, early travel bans, and the now-infamous paper that called the lab leak a conspiracy.
Dr Fauci told the committee that scientific data was not a driver of the blanket six-feet-distance recommendation to reduce the spread of the virus, saying that the rule 'just sort of appeared.'
He also said that vaccine mandates, which split the nation in 2021, likely reinforced a general sense of distrust in the government with more and more people questioning its motives.
Republicans on the House committee said that Dr Fauci 'advised American universities to impose vaccine mandates on their students.'
While it is not clear exactly how Dr Fauci engaged with university leaders to install vaccine requirements, it is well known that he supported such mandates on university campuses as well as primary and high schools.
Mandates also sparked outrage about what millions of Americans perceived as government infringement on their personal freedoms.
Many chose to eschew the vaccines to, in their view, preserve their own autonomy despite mandates for attending university, going work, or taking public transit.
Rep Wenstrup told the Washington Examiner: 'I can't get into his mind, but I think he felt it was the right thing to do because he thought it would save lives… but he basically was saying the lesson learned [was it] didn't get into the psyche of America.'
Dr Fauci was also said to have 'played semantics' with the definition of the lab leak theory, which maintains that the coronavirus that started sweeping the globe in early 2020 emerged from a Chinese lab where researchers tinker with viruses to make them more transmissible and/or virulent.
He was specifically speaking about the now-infamous Proximal Origins paper published in the journal Nature Medicine in March 2020. The paper argued that Covid had most likely evolved naturally after spilling over from animal reservoirs, rather than being engineered by scientists.
Dr Fauci was not an author of the paper, but he has come under fire for his role in commissioning it.
A House investigation later reported that Dr Fauci, along with former National Institutes of Health head Dr Francis Collins, orchestrated a conference call before the paper would be published, during which time they allegedly strong-armed scientists into publishing the natural origin theory.
But Dr Krisian Andersen, a co-author of the Proximal Origins paper who initially believed the virus showed signs of being genetically manipulated in a lab, told Congress last year, 'there was no 'prompting' to disprove, or dismiss, a potential 'lab leak.'
'Although Drs. Fauci and Collins were on emails containing documents that would eventually help form the basis of the Proximal Origin paper, they were not sent drafts or final versions of the paper for 'editing and approval', nor did they, or any other NIH official, provide any edits or suggestions on the paper.'
Still, emails from Dr Andersen included language that Fauci 'prompted' him to write the paper with the goal of 'disproving' the lab leak theory, Dr Andersen told Congress that the statements they highlighted 'are false and based on selective quote-mining of private emails, misrepresenting what was said.'
Fauci ignores reporter as he enters Capitol for Covid interview

What did Fauci get wrong? From telling people not to wear masks to claiming vaccines stopped infections​

Dr Anthony Fauci is due to step down from his position as one of America's top infectious disease advisors at the end of this year.
Below are listed some of his key blunders when the virus struck
Don't wear masks, do wear masks
As global concern for Covid was surfacing in March 2020, Fauci told Americans that there was 'no need' to wear a face mask.
He said they may only help people 'feel a little better', and 'might even block a droplet' — but would not provide good protection.
Less than a month later, he was forced into an embarrassing climbdown after it emerged the virus spread via droplets in the air.
Dr Fauci later insisted he advised people not to wear masks to ensure there were enough available for hospitals and healthcare centers.
Covid did not come from a lab
Dr Fauci has also repeatedly insisted that Covid did not leak from a lab in China.
He called the theory a 'shiny object that will go away', and brushed aside claims from other top experts as an 'opinion'.

Dr Fauci has now backpedalled, saying instead that he keeps an 'open mind' although insisting that it remains 'most likely' that the virus spilled over from animals to humans.
Two jabs will stop you catching Covid
When the Covid vaccine roll-out was in full swing, Dr Fauci said the immunity from shots made doubly-vaccinated people a 'dead end' for the virus, and even suggested they may no longer need to wear masks.
Schools shutdown
Schools were closed from March through to August 2020, something Dr Fauci later expressed regret about.
But he said last month that he 'should have realized' there would be 'deleterious collateral consequences'.
Children are now bearing the brunt of the US's tripledemic, after lockdowns left them without proper immune defense.
Funding Wuhan lab
In 2014, Dr Facui's agency issued a $3.7million grant to EcoHealth Alliance, which some allege was used to support gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
admit their ignorance?


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
You're the guy who doesn't go inside when there's a tornado warning, and then yells, "See! I told you you were overreacting!" when the storm passes.

Good for you for being "right".


sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
Key takeaways from day two of Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview:

  • Dr. Fauci claimed that the “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials was likely not based on any data. He characterized the development of the guidance by stating “it sort of just appeared.”
  • Dr. Fauci acknowledged that the lab leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory. This comes nearly four years after prompting the publication of the now infamous “Proximal Origin” paper that attempted to vilify and disprove the lab leak hypothesis.
  • Dr. Fauci admitted that America’s vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic could increase vaccine hesitancy in the future. Previously, Dr. Fauci advocated “that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated.”
  • When American universities approached Dr. Fauci, he advised them to impose vaccine mandates on their students.
  • Dr. Fauci denies allegations that he visited the CIA during the pandemic or influenced the CIA’s investigation into the origins of COVID-19.
  • Dr. Fauci played semantics with the definition of a “lab-leak” in an attempt to cover-up the inaccurate conclusions of “Proximal Origin.” It is impossible for Dr. Fauci to defend the conclusion of this publication while simultaneously acknowledging that a lab-leak is possible.


sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005

Wenstrup Releases Statement Following Day 1 of Dr. Fauci’s Testimony​

WASHINGTON — Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) issued the following statement after day one of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s two-day, 14-hour transcribed interview:
“Dr. Fauci’s testimony today uncovered drastic and systemic failures in America’s public health systems. While leading the nation’s COVID-19 response and influencing public narratives, he simultaneously had no idea what was happening under his own jurisdiction at NIAID. Dr. Fauci signed off on all domestic and foreign research grants without reviewing the proposals and admitted that he was unaware if NIAID conducted oversight of the laboratories they fund. Clearly, the American people and the United States government are operating with completely different expectations about the responsibilities of our public health leaders and the accountability of our public health agencies.
It is also concerning that the face of our nation’s response to the world’s worst public health crisis ‘does not recall’ key details about COVID-19 origins and pandemic-era policies. Nearly 1.2 million Americans lost their lives to a potentially preventable pandemic. I look forward to asking Dr. Fauci further questions about mandates, his role in prompting the ‘Proximal Origin’ publication, and his policy positions related to masks and lockdowns. Tomorrow’s testimony will continue the Select Subcommittee’s effort to deliver the answers Americans demand and deserve.”
Key takeaways from Day 1 of Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview:
  • Dr. Fauci claimed he “did not recall” pertinent COVID-19 information or conversations more than 100 times.
  • Dr. Fauci profusely defended his previous Congressional testimony where he stated NIH does not fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
  • He repeatedly played semantics with the definition of gain-of-function in an attempt to avoid conceding that NIH funded potentially dangerous research in China.
  • Dr. Fauci testified that he signed off on every foreign and domestic NIAID grant without reviewing the proposals.
  • A 2020 email, previously released by the Select Subcommittee, proved Dr. Fauci was aware of dangerous gain-of-function research occurring in Wuhan, China. Today, he backtracked by arguing he should not have stated that as “fact.”
  • Dr. Fauci was unable to confirm if NIAID has ANY mechanisms to conduct oversight of the foreign laboratories they fund.




Forum Member
Mar 14, 2021
Yeah, that whole 6 feet thing, I don't remember where tf that came from.
Man belongs in prison.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006

What did Fauci get wrong? From telling people not to wear masks to claiming vaccines stopped infections​

Dr Anthony Fauci is due to step down from his position as one of America's top infectious disease advisors at the end of this year.
Below are listed some of his key blunders when the virus struck
Don't wear masks, do wear masks As global concern for Covid was surfacing in March 2020, Fauci told Americans that there was 'no need' to wear a face mask. He said they may only help people 'feel a little better', and 'might even block a droplet' — but would not provide good protection.
Less than a month later, he was forced into an embarrassing climbdown after it emerged the virus spread via droplets in the air.
Dr Fauci later insisted he advised people not to wear masks to ensure there were enough available for hospitals and healthcare centers.
It was a once in a lifetime pandemic. It was a disease that had never been seen before. How were they supposed to know exactly how to best prevent it's spread? Once they learned they could be effective, they were mandated.

Covid did not come from a lab
Dr Fauci has also repeatedly insisted that Covid did not leak from a lab in China.
He called the theory a 'shiny object that will go away', and brushed aside claims from other top experts as an 'opinion'.
Dr Fauci has now backpedalled, saying instead that he keeps an 'open mind' although insisting that it remains 'most likely' that the virus spilled over from animals to humans.
Nobody knows the exact origin or source of the pandemic.

Two jabs will stop you catching Covid
When the Covid vaccine roll-out was in full swing, Dr Fauci said the immunity from shots made doubly-vaccinated people a 'dead end' for the virus, and even suggested they may no longer need to wear masks.
It was a once in a lifetime pandemic. It was a disease that had never been seen before. How were they supposed to know exactly how this brand new vaccine would work? It's called medical practice for a reason.

Schools shutdown
Schools were closed from March through to August 2020, something Dr Fauci later expressed regret about.
But he said last month that he 'should have realized' there would be 'deleterious collateral consequences'.
Children are now bearing the brunt of the US's tripledemic, after lockdowns left them without proper immune defense.
It was a once in a lifetime pandemic. It was a disease that had never been seen before. Thousands of people were dying around the world every day. Expecting the leaders around the world to keep the schools open is absurd.

Funding Wuhan lab
In 2014, Dr Facui's agency issued a $3.7million grant to EcoHealth Alliance, which some allege was used to support gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
admit their ignorance?
We have labs around the world. There's one in Wuhan. Who cares.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
It's called "science." Unlike religion, scientists don't say "ok, here's the final answer. This is right, and we're never changing our minds." If you present scientists with new evidence, they will examine and test it. If it's compelling enough, they will change their minds.

Please show me where Dr. Fauci says "I was right from Day One." He'll be the first to admit where he made mistakes. They did the best they could to protect public health. When new facts emerged, they adapted.

The fact that all this was (and still is) politicized is fucking insane. If we had a president in the White House who wasn't a fucking idiot who didn't want to be seen wearing a mask, this never would have been an issue. We would have had a LOT fewer deaths.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 28, 2008
It's called "science." Unlike religion, scientists don't say "ok, here's the final answer. This is right, and we're never changing our minds." If you present scientists with new evidence, they will examine and test it. If it's compelling enough, they will change their minds.

Please show me where Dr. Fauci says "I was right from Day One." He'll be the first to admit where he made mistakes. They did the best they could to protect public health. When new facts emerged, they adapted.

The fact that all this was (and still is) politicized is fucking insane. If we had a president in the White House who wasn't a fucking idiot who didn't want to be seen wearing a mask, this never would have been an issue. We would have had a LOT fewer deaths.
you're a total fucking clown. Fauci should spend the rest of his life in prison.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 28, 2008
Because you had to wear a mask in public during a pandemic? As the freedom loving American you are, please tell me why Fauci should spend the rest of his life in prison.
i never wore a mask in public, and I never will.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 13, 2007
crossville tn
Because you had to wear a mask in public during a pandemic? As the freedom loving American you are, please tell me why Fauci should spend the rest of his life in prison.
Never wore a mask never took a shot Fauci should be in prison he lied under oath about Gain of Function He helped fund Wuhan studies i wonder if he made money off the Lab maybe we will find out
  • Haha
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