where do you stand? (or hide)

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spibble spab

Forum Member
Apr 16, 2004
Concord, Michigan
I was curious to see if any of you in this forum
can name any positive outcome from the Iraqi war (2003)
But here's the rub on this one.

I know you are all addicted, however, in this thread you are unable to do the following.:nono:

use any personal attacks, including name calling.
(most of us usually act too foolish in here)

Just because it is your opinion, DOESNT MAKE IT SO> any dissenting opinions have to be backed up with concise facts. (don't puss out and gimme a link to a larry king or katie couric interview.)

Ready. set. bitch.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
:nono: Kosar, if you were sharp enough, you would realize that most importantly, we have some enemy territory under our belt so we have troops and bases in the region in case we need to battle Iran. This turned out to be an added bonus!! :clap:

other than that....positive Iraq outcome???

Removal of the man who commited mass genocide of 400,000 innocent men, women and children.

Removal of terrorist government and turning it into a free democracy.

Turning an enemy nation into an ally in the war on terror.

Getting the Syrians out of Lebanon.

Getting Libya to give us their WMD's..aren't those in Tennessee now?

Nobody else will be raped in a rape room by Uday and Qusay Hussein.

Killing and capturing Al Qaida terrorists so they don't plot and plan attacks on the homeland.

My list would go on for days....
I know the truth about what is really taking shape there because I know people who are there.....but call me a crazy neocon....all you have is namecalling, I see how it is in here now. Seems like the anger and personal attacks and the frustration and the namecalling has gotten worse.

Excuse me if I like seeing Saddam's terrorist regime go down. Those people have a right to freedom too IMHO. I guess you guys wouldn't care anyways. As long as you have something to cry and critisize and complain about you're pretty much set.

You should ask an Iraqi if the invasion was worth it. Interview one of them after they are dancing in the street with a purple finger. Liberals ignore it. They deny all the good that has been done. Maybe it's just a matter of being brainwashed by the media who knows.

My list could go on for days about the good that has taken place but I'll leave room for the angry negative Bush bashing types to come in here and piss all over your thread.
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Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ

you said:

You should ask an Iraqi if the invasion was worth it. Interview one of them after they are dancing in the street with a purple finger. Liberals ignore it. They deny all the good that has been done. Maybe it's just a matter of being brainwashed by the media who knows

I would love to ask some Iraqi's if they are happier now. Maybe right after Saddam fell they were happy, and for good reason. That was before they realyzed we would not finish the job and secure the country and ensure the peace. Now it seems everyday 30 or more people get blown up because our military has no control. They have no control because the people who sent them had no clue of what would take place after baghdad fell.

All you have to do to know this is the case is to listen to Cheney on Meet the Press three years ago. He had no clue. He was wrong on all counts. Or he lied. Whichever


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Of course there are some good things. Anytime an asshole like Saddam is gone, it can't be 100% bad. Some individuals are better off, no doubt.

Overall though - I believe it was horrible strategic move. I dont believe we are any safer, we are less able to confront actual impending threats, and in the long run I doubt Iraq will be any better off.

Not to mention our own human and financial cost. If I spend $100 and lose a finger in order to obtain a hamburger - yeah you can say that I'm better off in that I now have a delicious hamburger - but clearly it was not worth what I gave up.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Larry King & Katie ???? How about a pre war interview with Tim Russert, days before this thing got started with our VP,the point man for this mess. cmanson,we could have done all the thing that you list with air power, we would be further ahead if we never went in there and just bombed the shit out of them. The same things would have been accomplished,the people of Iraq would have their country devastated but we would have saved and not wasted American life. We do not have any enemy territory under our belt and Iraq is not an ally. To have an added bonus,you first need to have a bonus. What are you trying to sell your self ? Why don't you lead the troops into Iran ? If Iran has any wmd's,we should do to them what we should have done to Irag, bomb the mother****ers.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Spibble, what is you definition of a neocon ? You should replace neocon with sheep, boot-licker. Do you know what a neocon is ? hitler was a neocon. You want to forcefully make people live and think like you do ? It won't work. What happens when you put your gun down ? Or close your eyes and go to sleep ? Someone forgot to tell you, neocons don't sleep.

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
One Positive?

it's a positive that the majority of Americans are realizing that they should not have blind faith in their leaders as they can now see that they were lied to by this administration.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Depends on who ask--

Would imagine however you'd get same reply from-Alquada-terrorists captured or killed--Saddam & Sons or liberals

---and get entirely different from troops-the 85% of Iraqi's that risk their lives to vote and most conservatives.;)

Would also depend on which media you read or view.

Anybody been watching the daily interviews with troops at Ramada past couple of days. It was wild to see how turkish barbers use fire to trim our troops ear hairs when getting haircut.Have caught any of the scenes of troops and Iraq'is building schools and hospitals together.There are lots of things going on many don't know about--and more than likely prefer not to know about.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I'm not sure what your goal or point is with this question, but I'll play. I pretty much agree with smurphy. I don't think it is appropriate to try to gain points of positivity without comparing it to the cost. Simply, the Iraq invasion was not worth it to America, in my opinion. I don't pretend to know the situation in Iraq right now, and I doubt it is the same for all Iraqis. I'm pretty sure those that have died during the conflict probably don't feel too good about things. And I'm pretty sure the soldiers and guardspeople from America that died probably don't think things are too good, either.

At face value, I assume democracy is a good thing for any country. I think it's a good thing that Saddam and his henchmen are no longer in power and can no longer commit the acts they did. Of course, they have been replaced by terrorists and death squads, and the country is apparently dissolving into civil war which will not be a good thing for the citizens there. Citizens are terrified about what goes on in the country now, so I'm not sure how much better things are for the general person. I have no way to know. Whether they were bothered or killed by Saddam's regime or by a death squad or terrorist now...who's to say what's worse. I'm guessing things were a little more predictable during the time of Saddam (which is kind of an odd way to look at it, granted).

The power grid is decimated, and there is still no power to parts of the country. This is worse for people, I assume. The water situation is terrible, and not improving rapidly, which is worse for people, I assume. The country is producing far less oil than pre-invasion levels, and foreign (to Iraq) interests control much of that now. I don't think that is necessarily better for the country. The country has become a gathering place for terrorists, and I think that's bad for the country.

There has to be some good things for Iraq with all of this. But I don't think it was worth it for America.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Dogs, I would have to think there are some good things going on over there that we don't hear about. I wish we did hear more of it, I truly do. It would make things a little more palatable. I also wish that there was a balance from the right in not whitewashing things as being good and positive when there clearly are major problems and negatives with the entire thing.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Yeah, it's really wonderful that we're building schools and hospitals (why, exactly are we doing this again?), but as Chad touched on only 50% have potable water and 30% have electricity. Sounds like a real utopia with only 1000 killed in sectarian violence since that shrine was bombed a month ago.

On another note, anybody catch where a guy converted to Chrsitianity in Afghanistan and now faces the death penalty?
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spibble spab

Forum Member
Apr 16, 2004
Concord, Michigan
comments made on this thread include personal attacks and self-serving opinions without concise facts to back them up.
smurph got close to the issue on one post. But still the same ol' for every one else. I honestly wanted a political debate. I overviewed how the thread I started should be conducted. I understand that I by no means have any "authority" to enforce any off topic ramblings but I just wanted a more mature tone in a thread for a change. {Refer to points on my first post at top of this thread.}

Instead I get:

Compared to Adolf Hitler

boiled down conjecture from a 'realist'

called a boot-licker and a sheep

talk about bombing Iran (huh?)

Bush administration lied (classic one)

The political right engaging in 'whitewashing'

statements regarding the military having 'no control'

all that has nothing to do with the topic.

I'd honestly like to see what colors you wear on your sleeve but from the looks of this thread it appears anyone in here is willing to burst a spring if they try to talk coherently and stay on point. wanna try again. or prove me right once more?
But i think not. Looks like most people in here cannot debate politics coherently.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Well im willing to wait for another couple of years to see if any thing good really comes out of this mess. So far it's about 50/50. Good, Saddam is gone. Bad, it cost to many of our soldiers lives and to much money. And were still there with no answer when were leaving.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i`ll take a whack at it....

syria has been driven out of lebanon....

libya and khaddafi has disarmed itself...

democratic elections...a chance at some sort of self governance....

no more mass graves..no chance at another saddam issue:i.e..

attempted assasination of a u.s. president,..

attack on u.s. planes in no fly zones

attacks on neighbors

mass killing of kurds and shiites

burning of oil fields

paying of suicide bombers

aiding and abetting terrorists

dissing of u.n. resolutions

bribing of u.n. officials

lobbing scuds into israel

would you rather die under the tyranny of saddam?....or fighting for your own self determination?...

do you seriously believe that the kurds and the shiites wish we never invaded?....the only iraqis who largely wish we had stayed home are the sunis, and that's because they were dominating the other ethnic groups in iraq by violence and intimidation, apartheid style...and the terrorists intent on resisiting modernity and reform........ so, then are you saying you prefer apartheid?...only if it involves people of color?

should south africa have been left to their own devices?.....it was a similar situation....only they threatened no one but their own people...saddam threatened the whole region.....they disarmed...and reformed willingly...saddam wouldn`t...

i guess you`re saying that muslims are incapable of understanding democracy?...maybe......some might call you an elitist racist....i actually understand your concern...

but, you should tell that to the kurds.....also tell the lebanese that they don't understand democracy.......i'm sure the israeli arabs would be edified by this smug superiority as well......

it may very well be difficult to inculcate democratic values into the shiite and suni iraqis.....certainly democracy as we know it...

how long did it take us to become what we are today...to have such an advanced democratic system?...it didn`t happen overnight...

it was also not so easy with for the japanese and the germans, was it?...the germans were democratic but were turned totalitarian by the hitler regime......and there were little racist cynics back then as well.....

i`d guess that most germans and japanese are gratified that the "little racist cynics" were largely ignored back then......

i have my doubts about the middle east.....but if you really think arabs or muslims cannot change, then what?....

we should have just bombed rather than invaded? ...nuked?....let saddam thumb his nose at the u.n. and the world?...forget about iran?.....

it's a small world now - you can't just ignore people and hope they go away...

we`re o.k. at second gusessing... what's the answer?....genocide? ....dictatorship?.....apartheid?

does anyone think that iran arming to the teeth wouldn`t have prompted a saddam response?...

as long as we we depend on oil...and as long as we stand side by side with other democracies(israel),we`ll have to deal with the middle east....

like it or not...

sit on your hands...as europe did in ww2....and wait until it`s to late?...

i don`t think that anybody disagrees that we should have taken down the taliban...

iraq is debatable....but to say that nothing good has come of the iraq war is wrong...

to question the balance of positive/negative issues as a result of the war is a more valid question...

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil."
--Thomas Mann


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
syria has been driven out of lebanon....

Had absolutely nothing to do with our invasion of Iraq.

libya and khaddafi has disarmed itself...

Had absolutley nothing to do with our invasion of Iraq.

democratic elections...a chance at some sort of self governance....

This 'self-goverance' will be run by a group that is sympathetic to terrorists and Iran.

no more mass graves..no chance at another saddam issue:i.e..

Have you checked the news in the last few years? Almost every day they are turning up fresh new 'mass graves.' 20 here, 30 there. It adds up.

attempted assasination of a u.s. president,..

I always love this one that seems to get repeated as if it's any different than tons of other countries that would LOVE for someone to kill our president. Please provide details of this 'attempted' assasination of Bush 41 that always gets thrown out there.

attack on u.s. planes in no fly zones

With flack that could not possibly reach our jets. It was not possible. Come on, Manson.

attacks on neighbors

He attacked Iran, which we supported and he attacked Kuwait which we handled.

mass killing of kurds and shiites

Kurds likely killed by Iranian gas and Shia slaughtered after we promised them support.

burning of oil fields

It's true that he burnt oil fields as he left Kuwait. Not sure if that should prompt an invasion 12 years later.

paying of suicide bombers

Paying some families of Palestinian suicide bombers should be Israels problem. And I hardly think that it made the difference as a young man decides whether to blow himself up or not. IOW, him doing this did not increase violence or death, and in any case, had nothing to do with America. Do you remember America?

aiding and abetting terrorists

I see you've been reading Mansons latest drivel.

dissing of u.n. resolutions

I thought the UN was irrelevant and corrupt. Yet we invade because he 'dissed' them? Hmmm.

bribing of u.n. officials

And this is worth 2300 lives and a half trillion?

lobbing scuds into israel

Yeah, what a shocker. Him firing weapons during a war and doing almost no damage.

would you rather die under the tyranny of saddam?....or fighting for your own self determination?...

WTF? Do you really care that much about the Iraqi civilians? If so, maybe we should weep over the fact that three years after our invasion, only 30% of the country has electicity and only half have water to drink. Oil production is lower than pre-war. They're finding mass graves every day because someone blew up a shrine. Saddam was no prize, but wait until we leave and judge the alternative.

do you seriously believe that the kurds and the shiites wish we never invaded?

lol- uh, yeah, I do believe that the religious nut fringe of the Shias are salivating at the thought of us leaving and are quite happy, frankly. That's nice for them.

should south africa have been left to their own devices?.....it was a similar situation....only they threatened no one but their own people...saddam threatened the whole region.....they disarmed...and reformed willingly...saddam wouldn`t...

Actually, it looks like Saddam did disarm, unless you or Manson know something that the CIA and the Senate committee don't.

i guess you`re saying that muslims are incapable of understanding democracy?...maybe......some might call you an elitist racist....i actually understand your concern...

lol- 'elitist racist.' Have you been following along in that region for say, oh, the last thousand years?

it was also not so easy with for the japanese and the germans, was it?...the germans were democratic but were turned totalitarian by the hitler regime......and there were little racist cynics back then as well.....

Et tu, with the WW2 comparisons? Makes sense, since in the last few days Rummy and W have done the same.

i have my doubts about the middle east.....but if you really think arabs or muslims cannot change, then what?....

What do you mean, 'then what?' You cannot force democracy on a nation and be able to control the resulting residue. Palestine is a 'democracy' run by a terror group. Iraq is and will be run by terrorist sympathizers and will most likely be an Iranian puppet. That's assuming the government doesn't dissolve altogether and become another Sudan once we leave.

does anyone think that iran arming to the teeth wouldn`t have prompted a saddam response?...

All credible sources have agreed that Saddam WANTED to restart his WMD but he was unable to while the world was watching. He may have made a lot of money with the corrupt UN, but he had no capabilities when we invaded. Let alone any capabilities of doing anything to us.

What makes you think he would have been able to flip the switch as he saw Iran 'arming to the teeth?'

sit on your hands...as europe did in ww2....and wait until it`s to late?...

lol- ahhhh, again with WW2. Was Saddam raging through the Middle East conquering countries? Did he bomb Pearl Harbor? Did he fly planes into buildings?

iraq is debatable....but to say that nothing good has come of the iraq war is wrong...

I guess (pending results of new Islamfascist government of course) removing Saddam *might* prove to be a good thing. Weigh that against the costs and future costs and it's not even close.

We ignore our ports, nuke facilities, subways, borders. We have a huge chunk of our military trying to mediate tribal warfare, rendering us toothless when it comes to Iran. If all that makes you feel safer, well, I don't know what to say.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
spibble, are you referring to my post when you say no one is staying on point? I thought I did, but maybe it was too much on point and you were ignoring it.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
libya and khaddafi has disarmed itself...

Had absolutley nothing to do with our invasion of Iraq.

oh i disagree....of course we'll never know..... but i definitely think khaddafi disarmed himself because he thought that we finally had an administration that was fed up with all the bullshit from these maniacle (is there such a word...lol) regimes & that he would be next....

if one act had nothing to do with the other...then it's odd that all of a sudden khaddafi would disarm.....

when i get time i will read the rest of your post....


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
AR182 said:
libya and khaddafi has disarmed itself...

Had absolutley nothing to do with our invasion of Iraq.

oh i disagree....of course we'll never know..... but i definitely think khaddafi disarmed himself because he thought that we finally had an administration that was fed up with all the bullshit from these maniacle (is there such a word...lol) regimes & that he would be next....

if one act had nothing to do with the other...then it's odd that all of a sudden khaddafi would disarm.....

when i get time i will read the rest of your post....

Sheesh, you only got through my first point when you stopped reading?

Anyways, for one thing, let's not exaggerate(not that YOU are, but plenty of others do) the threat to the United States that Libya posed. I mean, come on.

Secondly, like you said, we cannot ever know for sure, but I doubt that the actual act of invading had much to do with them giving in.

After 9/11, we became more sensitive to, and aware of the regimes with nuclear programs. We offered Libya a shitload of financial incentive to stop their program. Not cash, but we allowed them back into the worlds economy.

I believe this would have happened with or without Iraq. Regardless, if this is considered some big positive, then....I mean, it's nice that it happened but far from anything to point at and say, 'see, Iraq was worth it.'