I do not beleive Ruby was diagnosed with Cancer until after he was in prison. So at the time they did not send a sick man, if they did. He was healthy and also was friends with many people working for the Dallas police. he was not a master criminal, again why send Ruby a petty criminal who main claim is owning stirip club when you could send a hitman.
by the way it was not hard for anyone to gain the access Ruby did, security was very slack. the very fact that he could pose as a reporter the night of Oswald arrest and have a gun on him is proof of this.
he was found to have cancer after he was arrested. by the way everyone talks of connections of Ruby and Oswald. Forgot the poor man who was prosecuted (in JFK played by Tommy Lee Jones), but he went to a party and Oswald was also there. that is proof enough for me, they said he worked for the CIA, a small law abidding business man. who had to fight court battle after court battle, all finding him innocent, he died poor and ill after the constant court battles, of coarse that was probably a clever CIA front, :shrug:
there was a very good documentary called the Bribe or the bullet, it was about Mexico politcs, and the crime organzations that would either bribe or kill you to get their way. they controlled the very top and would even kill the police chief if he could not be bought.
anyways they did a political assination of a man who was running to be president of Mexico and some police ( or thought to have been ) arrested the man and were going to take him away. anyways one of the few honest and braves police officer at gunpoint and in front of a crowd made them turn the suspect over, and then he revealed the plot. they were planning to kill the man it was later revealed.
If this was planned Oswald would have been killed very quickly dead men dont talk.