I thought you did food delivery in Philadelphia, probably should already own a vest.
yes that ws years ago NO MORE even had job offered to me at big time steak shop i said no thanks guys i'm done delivering food ........it only destroys your car making short trips like maybe 20 per day gas milage poor
and i have 4 cyl dodge caliber with 6 speed trans
GOING to drive for lyft make minimum $800 per eek write off everything i buy gas , maintenace , bottels of water , mints candy etc,,, for riders, I want to askthem upfront if i can refuse drunk unruly riders cause fear for my safety and maybe VOMIT in my car ... That would end my day because no one wants to sit near vomit..
Saw videos of where it happened ..one driver was almost arrrested for trying to pull girl out of his car :facepalm: