Why is the media so overwhelmingly liberal?

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The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Are you REALLY as stupid as you make out?...Do you not read posts that you don't agree with?....Or do you just like the sound of your own hand tapping on a keyboard?

Honestly. I thought you were just attention seeking, but I'm starting to be convinced you really are a moron.

You've had 4-5 answers in this thread alone, and if you're too stupid to decipher them, then it's hardly worth any of our time or energy to bother opening a thread that BOLDLY states it was started by you.
But, then if that were true no-one else would ever post, since you pretty much hijack every thread with your crappy retorts and probing questions.
Even when you get answers you just start up another thread and go on and on until no-one can be bothered telling you any more...At which point you claim 'victory'.

Hey, I know I'm just as pathectic by replying to your trash....But I'm prepared to wear that this once, just to get that off my chest.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

It was kinda short. They fired me caused I called in sick 32 times in 2002. So I sued them for discrimination and cause I spilled hot coffee in my lap while on duty. I won. The jury awarded me 29 billion dollars. Then LA County's premiums went up.

What Mr. C. said. First of all, your question is subjective and calls for an opinion. You think its liberal, others think its conservative, others just read the comics and watch Moesha. Some outlets lean one way others lean the other way. Been said here ad nauseum.

Data has been posted showing how many democrats and republicans appear on each network. The results were relatively mixed in that each network generally provided equal opportunities. I mean you make a statement that the media is liberal and expect those of us who disagree with you to rebut it?

Okay, Chaz. I think the media is conservative. I think my argument is the best and nobody has given me any reasons to think otherwise. Go ahead and respond to my argument but I couldn't care less as to how you respond.

I think I pretty well paraphrased your post. Now I have to sober up and check myself into a shitward. By the way, would you mind telling me what a shitward is? It does not sound like a pleasant place.

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Forum Member
Hey Eddie...how was your career at LAPD?

I heard you were killed in Viet Nam or was it that you were really John C. holmes- Can't remember?

The Eddie Haskell Dilemma
Your child?s friend behaves badly. Should you intervene? What should you say?
by Laura Golden Bellotti

On the classic 60?s TV show Leave It to Beaver, Beaver Cleaver?s older brother Wally had a friend who was as charming as a dancing snake ? whenever he was in the presence of Wally?s parents.

Eddie Haskell seemed to have a guilty grin permanently plastered on his face. ?How are you today, Mrs. Cleaver? My, but it?s a beautiful day today, isn?t it Mrs. Cleaver?? he would inquire with ingratiating politeness. But as soon as an authority figure?s back was turned, Eddie made a beeline for trouble. Just being within slingshot distance of Eddie Haskell meant Wally and Beaver were about to do something forbidden.

Does your child have an Eddie Haskell-esque pal, someone you sense can?t help but lead your upstanding son or daughter down the wrong path? If so, should you do whatever you can to let your child choose his or her own friends, even if those choices spell trouble?

According to Betty Bardige, PhD, author of Your Child at Play ? Five to Eight Years: Building Friendships, Expanding Interests, and Resolving Conflicts (Newmarket Press, $17.95), unless there?s a real threat of danger, it?s best to let children choose the friends they enjoy. ?I find it hard to write off any child,? she says. ?Sometimes the most popular playmates are those kids with the most daring or the greatest imagination, and such children can be less than perfect angels.?

Oh and Charlie- I think its best to make the most of our two parties. Remember, if not for the CA Liberal Court system, you wouldn't be here.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Actually, Eddie Haskel was my nickname in high school as I did exhibit many behaviour patterns similar to that character. Some of my high school buddies still call me Eddie in real life (as opposed to computer life).

Also if you move the letters contained in Haskel, you spell my last name in real life. Well almost. I mean doesn't this post contain information that is absolutely totally useless. Sorry.



Forum Member
I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! just like in "Silence of the Lambs." OK- Eddie Haskell, Eddie Haskell.....

Got it: eddiE ask Hell eddiE ask Hell :scared

Bet you got beat up a lot as a kid huh? As far as this thread is concerned...

Or at least die Ed :joke:


As far as this thread goes I thought you might like this link eddie- http://www.bluelemur.com/
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 1, 2004
Manson if Kerry doesn't win Dan Rather is going to kill hisself right their on the set of the evening news. And Schifter asking the questions and giving Kerry extra time to answer was just to obvious I thought one time he was going to go up their and jack Kerry off before the debate was over! If anyone can stomach it just try to watch ol Rather and if you can't see who he and CBS are for its very obvious!


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Chanman said:
Oh and Charlie- I think its best to make the most of our two parties. Remember, if not for the CA Liberal Court system, you wouldn't be here.

:thumb: I posted the exact same thing a little while ago, Channy. :142lmao:

btw, thanks for being honest, Manson...but really, if that kinda thing is all that amuses you, you gotta get out more dude!! :drinky:

ps. Does one of those signs really say, Pro-conscription at a pro-choice rally! :scared :scared
(I did like the whale pic! :D)
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The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Don't really understand, Chanman?...LOS? Sorry.
(Do you mean I'm grumpy?...Or is the LOS an Australian Disney Land I haven't heard of? :D)

That is one of the worst articles I have ever seen!!!
WOW!! How long a bow do you want to draw??!!

Journalism based on TOTAL assumption!! Crazy stuff!


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Never been to Thailand, Channy.

Bein' down here in Tassie, there's plenty of holiday spots within Oz that are better than here!!
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