Why WWF is the only true sport

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
Wrestling is referred to as Sports Entertainment for a reason. It is both a form of sports & entertainment.

They're training is much harder then most sports & they do it for much longer then your typical sports.

If someone is going to sit here & say wrestling isn't a sport, then I'm sorry but they are grossly misnformed.

Look at amt. wrestling, most if not all people consider that a sport. Look at what wrestling used to be, it used to be exactly like that, what some people's mistakes are the fact they get drawn into the character & persona & forget that no matter which wrestler you like, they all know some form of amt wrestling but most don't show it.

Plain & simple it is part sport & part entertainment. I won't disrespect sports such as Nascar or Billiards as they are both sport as well & the degree of difficulty with getting into a sport shouldn't be the only determining factor in your opinion of what is a sport or isn't.

If some are going to be that close minded, I might as well put down Nascar as all the goofs do is drive around in a freaking car over & over but I won't do that as I unlike others have respect for what it takes to master the profession of it or any other sport.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
Horse Shoe Pitching: now that is a real sport. Only the man, the horse shoe and 40 feet of space to the pole. Man-o-man, no one to blame: no script - just you and the horseshoe. Now that is really the top sport. And we don't need no damn TV to pump up the crowds either.

God, I love it so!!!



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2001
The only true sport is DARTS!!! Now that is athleticism!


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Nov 4, 2000
Those in it say its like a T V show. So call it what ever. But they seem to bounce back fast from what ever happens to them. They do the same thing over some times two three times a week. Must heal fast from what ever so called injuries they get. I wonder if all that chit is just fake. I bet there pulling those punches. Looks like they use side of the hand. Not sure what you call it. I can tell you it's not karate. Hey as long as folks are willing to throw 20 bucks at-em to watch. They will keep the show running. Can't blame them for that. It's about money.

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
Originally posted by djv:
Those in it say its like a T V show. So call it what ever. But they seem to bounce back fast from what ever happens to them. They do the same thing over some times two three times a week. Must heal fast from what ever so called injuries they get. I wonder if all that chit is just fake. I bet there pulling those punches. Looks like they use side of the hand. Not sure what you call it. I can tell you it's not karate. Hey as long as folks are willing to throw 20 bucks at-em to watch. They will keep the show running. Can't blame them for that. It's about money.

Honestly alot of them are wrestling with injuries all the time.

I would be hard pressed to ever find a wrestler on tv or any federation who goes in their pain free. For the most part they just grin & bare it, what can they do really?

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
Originally posted by snoozing:
Horse Shoe Pitching: now that is a real sport. Only the man, the horse shoe and 40 feet of space to the pole. Man-o-man, no one to blame: no script - just you and the horseshoe. Now that is really the top sport. And we don't need no damn TV to pump up the crowds either.

God, I love it so!!!




Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Amateur wrestling is a sport. WWF is not. Just because I don't think it's a sport, though, I will agree that the guys are most likely in very good shape. Just think if they actually did those moves. Pile drivers, neck chops, atomic elbows, figure-four leg locks, jumping off the turnbuckle, and etc. If the guys weren't in shape, they would be dead. Faking those moves without actually hurting the opponent is definitely skillfull. They do work a lot of days a year as well, and they travel all the time. WWF is just a glizy, glorified soap opera, but the guys are strong and in decent shape.

I'm a golfer, and I love that sport, but like the one guy said, there sure are a lot of fat azzes on the pro tour! I guess we could revisit the Casey Martin cart thing and walking being integral, but NAH!

Dart throwing? Actually that is pretty huge I know in NZ. They have leagues and everything.

NASCAR drivers are definitely in good shape, and that is definitely a sport.

It's far better to be LUCKY than good.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
One group of athletes that seldom receive credit for the difficulty and danger of their profession are jockies. Wrestling is more dangerous? More jockies are killed and hospitalized in a year than the sum total of all professional wrestlers from the beginning of time. Wrestlers work more days? Most jockies ride 5 days a week for about 50 weeks per year. They get up at 4am or 5am (yes - even the good ones) and work horses in the morning. Then they come back and ride in the afternoon. More than a handful then go out and ride at night, too. Pound for pound, most jockies, undoubtedly all steroid free (something that can't be said about wrestlers), are exceptionally strong. Controlling a 1200 animal is no easy task.

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
Originally posted by ferdville:
One group of athletes that seldom receive credit for the difficulty and danger of their profession are jockies. Wrestling is more dangerous? More jockies are killed and hospitalized in a year than the sum total of all professional wrestlers from the beginning of time. Wrestlers work more days? Most jockies ride 5 days a week for about 50 weeks per year. They get up at 4am or 5am (yes - even the good ones) and work horses in the morning. Then they come back and ride in the afternoon. More than a handful then go out and ride at night, too. Pound for pound, most jockies, undoubtedly all steroid free (something that can't be said about wrestlers), are exceptionally strong. Controlling a 1200 animal is no easy task.

You are absolutely right, jockies do deserve more credit & I wish they could raise the scale as far as what they have to weight to ride.

I know alot of people in the horse business since I'm around it alot & what those guys & girls go through, most shouldn't have to.

Imagine eating 1 peanut for lunch


They still suck
Forum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Ann Arbor, Ohio
Originally posted by SixFive:

NASCAR drivers are definitely in good shape, and that is definitely a sport.

left turn, left turn, left turn, left turn, get gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, left turn.....YAWN!

I know this offends people as NASCAR has a huge following....but DAMN.
To each their own.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
I cant remember the name of the event, but the WWF ppv in Pittsburgh a few years back with Mankind vs Undertaker. You wwf fans know what i am talking about.

For you non-wwf fans that are not completely closed minded try and get a hold of a clip of this match. Mick Foley (aka Mankind) took a fall off of a 18 foot high platform straight to the ground. there was no padding, safety wires or anything.

His front tooth came out his nose. You can see it hanging there during a close up of his face as he is staggering to get back up. Tell me how this is faked.
yes some of the moves are "faked" but they still feel the brunt of these moves.
Hell, last year a guy took a little jump off the turnbuckle and did a belly flop... his arm split in two... you could clearly see the break as he layed there writhing in pain (eddie guerrero). show me the "fakeness" of that.

Injuries are a part of this and the wrestlers just suck it up and deal with it. Something a lot of pro athletes fail to do... (turf toe)
why do they suck it up tho?
they can not afford to lose their TV time. no time wrestling in matches in front of the crowd causes them to lose their appeal, which affects their pay and their future with their role/coverage.
Something i wish a lot more pro athletes would do... people pay money to see them play, yet a lot of them are always sidelined with the sniffles/turf toe/sprained thumbs and what not. I give the wrestlers a lot more credit in the "gut check" department than damn near any athlete.

Mr. Promises Delivered

Forum Member
Dec 1, 1999
New York
Originally posted by marine:
I cant remember the name of the event, but the WWF ppv in Pittsburgh a few years back with Mankind vs Undertaker. You wwf fans know what i am talking about.

For you non-wwf fans that are not completely closed minded try and get a hold of a clip of this match. Mick Foley (aka Mankind) took a fall off of a 18 foot high platform straight to the ground. there was no padding, safety wires or anything.

His front tooth came out his nose. You can see it hanging there during a close up of his face as he is staggering to get back up. Tell me how this is faked.
yes some of the moves are "faked" but they still feel the brunt of these moves.
Hell, last year a guy took a little jump off the turnbuckle and did a belly flop... his arm split in two... you could clearly see the break as he layed there writhing in pain (eddie guerrero). show me the "fakeness" of that.

Injuries are a part of this and the wrestlers just suck it up and deal with it. Something a lot of pro athletes fail to do... (turf toe)
why do they suck it up tho?
they can not afford to lose their TV time. no time wrestling in matches in front of the crowd causes them to lose their appeal, which affects their pay and their future with their role/coverage.
Something i wish a lot more pro athletes would do... people pay money to see them play, yet a lot of them are always sidelined with the sniffles/turf toe/sprained thumbs and what not. I give the wrestlers a lot more credit in the "gut check" department than damn near any athlete.



Forum Member
Jun 29, 2001
this wrestling is so fake i go back to the old days in the boston garden it was 110 and ten degrees bruno sammartino vs.pedro morales that was real stuff.the garden held 14,000 half porto ricans half italians there was more wrestling in the stands than the arena.some of the old guys haystack calhoon,george the animal steele,chief jay strongbo,andre the giant,these were the real men then that bafoon hulk hogan came along and ruined it for me.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
The average male would probably die or be crippled for life if they spent 10 minutes in the ring with the animals from ANY of the professional wrestling orgnizations. Dennis Rodman quit after less than a month because he said he couldn't stand the pain. If these guys ever quit taking their steroids they would probably quit also, but there is a ton of money for them if they can hack it. When I'm really drunk and obnoxious, I love that WWF crap. That way I'm on the same wavelength with the rest of the WWF fans and the entertainers themselves.

I'd rather die drinking a gallon of buzzards cum, than think of professional wrestling as a sport.



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
Mr. promises, You must have read that article about 10 years ago in S.I. It was about Laffit Pincay Jr. who was on a plane from the East Coast to the West Coast. He was sitting beside the writter fromS.I. and he went into great detail how Pincay put ONE(1) peanut on his plate and looked at it for about 2 minutes before he ate it.That was it.I owned horses at Woodbine back in the 80's and I have Huge respect for the jockeys..I really think weights should be moved for the 'jocks' they spend every day in the "hotbox" to shed a lb. or two.I agree ,these guys ride early in the A.M. working out 'stakes' horses ,riding the day 'card' and sometimes jumping a plane to ride a night'card' somewhere.Few people actually realize what these stellar atheletes,grind themselves through mentally and physically in a sport that could prove fatal(as many 'jocks 'have died in attempt to keep weight off or through tragic accidents or by taking their own life)..As for me I'll sit in the boat with my can of worms,Wrestling-please give me a break...Good luck, Bring on the FootBall.Spanky...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
Quebec PQ, Canada
Let's call an apple an apple.

Basically, pro wrestling is not a sport...
Basically, pro wrestling is not a show...

Basically, it's nothing else but pro wrestling. And I like it this way

And basically that's all I gotta say about that


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Nascar does not have to be defended. It's the fastest growing sport in US. You even can understand what the driver saying when interviewed. They must be in a little shape to sit in a 125 degree car for 3 hrs. Just out drieving around 125 to 190 miles per. Make the wrong move you could die in a second. They dont even get togeather and pratice there moves. They just do it. When they bleed its not from hidden capsules they bite into, or break open on contact. No they bleed because something busted them open. Oh well everones has to like something. Hey you like WWF go for it. Not sure if you have any young kids. I would leave them at home. The use of half naked woman, to help get your attention. And beer being thrown and spilled all over the place. And not by the audiance. Not the best example for kids.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2000
Quebec PQ, Canada
Not the best example for kids.

I totally agree with that and that's why it says "for mature audience only" and that's also why I feel a bit sorry when I see young kids in the crowd. Nobody under the age of 14 should be allowed to look at this stuff - live or on TV. But hey, once again, don't blame pro wrestling, blame the irresponsable parents.
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