Miserable loss on the total, even moving it 2 pts from 195 to 197, fall short by 6 pts, missed free throws and turnovers kill ya!!
Congrats to the Spurs!! Obviously the better defensive and team collaboration did it!!
Thank you for all the MJ Forum supporters of the Wild Man's picks the last 2 plus years - 2013/2014 was another positive year, starting with a 100 unit bankroll and staying positive isn't an easy feat and coming out over 100 plus units the last 2 years should have put a lil cash in your bankrolls for football!
Now it's time to study the new rosters, new coaches and systems for the colleges and NFL!
Thanks again!
Game 5, Sunday, June 15
OVER 195 (10 units) LOSS 104-87
Heat +5 1/2 (3 units) LOSS
1 unit.....33-29-3, +1.4
3 unit.....7-4-1, +7.8
5 unit.....6-5-1, +2.5
10 unit...1-10, -1.0
Money Line..0-2, -2.0
Teasers...2-2, -4.0
WON..50....LOSS...43..PUSH..5...,+4.8 as of 4/19/2014
New Management System format, 3/18/2014 - END OF NBA REGULAR SEASON
1 unit.....23-28-1 -8.8
3 unit.....11-6-2, +13.2
5 unit.....2-0, +10.0
10 unit...
Round Robin x 3...-3.04
Money Line..1-1, +4.25
Teasers...3-1, +2.85
WON..39....LOSS...36..PUSH..3...+20.19, since 3/18/2014.
14-24-1, -17.4 units, since 03/01/2014
1 unit....178-142-3, +23.0
2 unit....59-44, +21.2
3 unit....15-9, +13.3
4 unit....9-9, -3.6
5 unit....16-22-3, -41.0
TT prop...0-1 -5.0
Teasers...6-15, -17.01
Parlay/RR....3-8, +6.61
ML........4-0, +7.0
NBA Game of Year....Suns pk, WON 117-103, 01/19/14, +10.0 units
NBA Total of Year...WON, +10.0, 11/24/13, Over 193 Chi/Clips, final LAC 121 CHI 82.
Sides....170-152-5, 52.79%...Totals....113-74-1,...60.42%...+28.1
WON....290.....LOSS....250....PUSH....6, Units....+28.1 from October 27, 2013 to March 1, 2014.