kickserv thoughts on Milos loss......
Milos did have two sets points to go up 2 sets to love. A let cord was all that saved Querry. So close to going up 2 sets to love
That is a match Milos needs to win, it wasn't a bad loss, but he needed to win that match!
He SHOULD have won that match.
Milos needs to come in more.......IT IS SO FRUSTRATING TO WATCH HIM PLAY NOW

Ex Canadian Greg Rusedski said it best, if he's came to the net more, he would have won in straight sets. He served and volleyed 8 percent of his service points. That is pathetic
Blanco (his coach) has done a great job with him, but I am convinced the clay courter Blanco hasn't yelled at him to get his ass to the net. I mean how in the love of fuck is Milos serving and volleying 8 percent of the time at Wimbledon? That is awful
Bottom line Milos makes it hard on himself, it is really frustrating to watch him play now. Sooooooo frustrating.
But I know.....he's still very young.