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Dec 6, 2001
I am in a win/win situation.

Giants win: net $202.58
Angels win: net $111.42

But, I think the Giants will take it all tonight.

I think the Giants with their backs up against the wall are a better team than the Angels with their backs up against the wall.

The Giants knew they had to win 1 out of 2 in Anaheim to start the series, adn they did. The Giants knew they had to win 2 out of 3 at home, and they did. Now, the Giants have to win 1 out of 2 in Anaheim, and they will. I do not think the Angels have it in them to win 2 elimination games ina row.

wannabe whale

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Mar 3, 2000
Rochester, NY
Just don't understand your statment-The Giants with their backs up ag the wall are better than the Angels??:shrug: :shrug:

How could you be more ag the wall than down 5 in the 7th inning in an elimination game of the World Series??:shrug: :shrug:

This could be a slug it out game-BUT don't tell me the Giants weren't sizing their rings and already thinking about their parade!! This letdown could be huge if they get down early.

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Regardless......with the exception of the blowout game........was
this baseball at it's BEST or what..............:toast:

Coca-Cola Kid

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Forum Member
Sep 29, 2002
Central, New Jersey
How is it baseball at it's best ?

Two wildcard teams.....with no pitching
ERA's over 9.00

Lowest rated sries EVER....

No name players....

It's like the 1997 series - Indians / Marlins
You remember anything from games 1 through 6 ??

You could have put Colorado Vs Boston
and got the same effect.....

And Selig wants MLB to be like the NFL....PARODY

What a joke !
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Dec 6, 2001

You totally misunderstood my statement. Last night with their backs against the wall (i.e. facing elimination), the Angels were the better team. Tonight, both teams will be on a level playing field (i.e. both are facing elimination), and under these circumstances I think the Giants are the better team, and will therefore win.

Coca Cola,

blah. blah. blah. Barry who? I've never heard of him. Glaus? We won't here is name again. And the teams two bullpens headed by Nen & Percival, they suck.


Hell........If you don't like baseball........why do you watch or follow
it.......just because YOUR teams or team didn't cut the mustard,
don't piss on your toes......these games have been entertaining
and exciting and what close competition between two damn
good teams and well managed teams as you can either
watch it and enjoy or watch something else.........:rolleyes:


Registered User
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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
The reason this series is low rated is because it involves 2 West Coast teams. With the huge eastern media bias, as well as the Eastern fan bias, the entire Eastern section of the country would just as soon forget that this series ever happened.
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Registered User
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Jan 7, 2001
Long Island
gotta give it to the angels

gotta give it to the angels

They made a great comeback, starting out so bad. They never give up and thats what it's all about. I was at an angels-yanks game this year and they won that in extra innings. They want it and they are hungry for it. I've enjoyed the series i think it has been good. I don't understand the low ratings, if you're a sports fan or baseball fan you're missing out. Whoever wins tonight i congragulate them and their fans, it's long overdue! :p
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Coca-Cola Kid

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Forum Member
Sep 29, 2002
Central, New Jersey

You can sugar coat it all you want

Bottom line is...this is the lowest rated series ever.

That's national...not east coast..

Just FYI

I agree with Spartan's assessment on just being a fan.
I love the game for what it is....

But unfortunately - it conflicts with Football season
If not for showing of the playoffs with the beginning
of Football season...I believe the ratings would be up 5 pts.


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Just look at the BCS ratings, etc. - there is a huge population out there that thinks that if it doesn't happen in the East, it isn't happening. Once the mighty Yanks were eliminated, the ratings were going to go down. This was an extremely entertaining series with a little of everything and a lot of intrigue. Don't really know why you would be concerned with ratings unless you are an executive at Fox. The fact that the public didn't watch this in droves in now way undermines the series. Look at the shows that make up the top 10 every week in Nielson ratings - some are good, most are not likely to be viewed by any MENSA member anywhere. Ratings have little to do with the quality of a product.
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Coca-Cola Kid

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 29, 2002
Central, New Jersey
ONCE AGAIN... I disagree

The elimination of the Yanks have very little to do
with low ratings....

The lowest rated series prior to this one
was the Yanks/Mets in 2000

Apparently - the west coast didn't care much either
But shoots your theory down....

I feel - my opinion - that it was a good series.....
between two teams - that were not necessarily the best teams.

Congrats to the Angels -
but this feels like 1997 all over again.
kind of tainted......and shortchanged....

Shitty pitching both sides...........
Reminds me of Intra-League in July......

It was a good series....but I don't think it was GOOD baseball.

Coca-Cola Kid

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 29, 2002
Central, New Jersey
Also -

BCS is a different thing all-together....

Don't get me started on that.......

....That's a joke to appease the public...
......and protect the powerhouse schools from getting
the big bowl berth

BCS -- What a laugher !!

Get the top four and seed them....
Use the coaches poll - they know best

1 plays 4
2 plays 3

Let them do a small tourney....
Any of the top four has a 25% chance to win.
F*** all the other teams - tough luck


Senior Lurker
Forum Member
Dec 7, 2001
parts unknown
Coca-Cola Kid said:
The elimination of the Yanks have very little to do
with low ratings....

The lowest rated series prior to this one
was the Yanks/Mets in 2000

I feel - my opinion - that it was a good series.....
between two teams - that were not necessarily the best teams.

Yeah, I guess it shows no one really cared about the Subway Series either.

The Anaheim Angels is the overall "best TEAM" in baseball this year. Note the emphsis on TEAM. I followed them all year long and the metamophosis from last year's underachievers to this year's championship squad is incredible. No egos, just go out there and play as hard as you can. Scoscia's system and Hatcher's coaching had them playing inspired hitting team in the majors and best pitching in the AL this year.

Coca-Cola Kid

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 29, 2002
Central, New Jersey
Yes - best hitting

No - best pitching.....

To say both - is just child's talk

The numbers back me......see ERA in World Series

The Angels , I feel , are the first team since the
1976 Reds - to hit their way to a championship

Doesn't happen that often...enjoy it


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Halifax, NS, Canada
Lowest rated series ever

Lowest rated series ever

Games started too late

My kids have NO chance of see ANY games.

I went to bed at midnight in one game and it was the 6th inning.(Granted I am one hour east of the Eastern Time Zone, but that is still way too late)

Who wants to watch 3/4 of a movie, but not the end. Why watch 6 or 7 innings of a ball game and then go to bed. If I know right from the start that I cannot stay up until the end why watch at all. I am a huge sports fan, and did see almost all of all the games, but most people have commitments, and guess what, watching baseball, even the World Series is not one of them. I am 42 and can remember at least some of every series starting with Detroit in 68'. MacLean, Amazin Mets, Brooks,Clemente,Oakland's dynasty. Never would have known if the games started at the same times as this year. Never would have cared either.


Coca-Cola KID

Coca-Cola KID

It just dawned on are the east coast version of
HE HATE ME........props to your positive outlook on life......hope
you eventually find something in life that makes you happy.....
in the meantime........ANGELS ROCK.........:toast: :drinky: :Yep:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Of coure the ratings for the Met-Yankee series were miserable. Nobody on the West Coast gave a damn. Why do you think the networks would love to see Yankee/Dodger. etc - they want to pull in the biggest market. When the games only concern one area of the country, the rest is shut off. All that being said - who cares about the ratings? What do the ratings have to do with the quality of the games being played? Is the general public the ultimate authority on the caliber of baseball? The ratings are not analagous to quality - whether it is sporting events or tv shows. Why do you think they get decent ratings for Thursday nite college football or Sunday nite NFL football? Is it the caliber of the games played? Or is it the fact that people have WAGERS on the game? Why else would anybody watch Washington versus Indy?


For once, the WS didn't come down to the BIG MONEY teams.....
came down to the teams with the most final post on all baseball fans, CHEERS........:toast: