Who fucking cares? Start a thread about the thousands of workers at Kimberly-Clark who are being shown the door. THAT is a job being lost. People lose jobs every day. Why are these woman a big concern?
Everyone's job matters. You are getting off track here.
I work for a big bank in NYC. HR now send out these emails to all staff saying that if they feel they have been discriminated against or disadvantaged unfairly they should report it to HR and they will receive a sympathetic ear.
This invitation is just rife for abuse. I know two guys who were reported. HR opened an investigation in to both and no action was taken in either case.
Now, I don't even look at many female co-workers. If I pass them in the hallway, if they are young attractive women and I don't know them I look down and walk past without making eye contact. I know other guys who spend more time working from home because they don't want to haven misunderstandings.
I NEVER banter with women at work anymore about any subject. In the past I might have chatted about some topic of the day, or even complimented her on her summer dress (I definitely said this to one woman last year), now I avoid contact, only working with women colleagues that my job specifically needs me to.
Obviously, if some manager discriminated unfairly against a female subordinate, that guy should be fired and the hell with him. But this is not what is happening as far as I can see.
This whole Me Too/Times Up thing is having real world consequences. And not all of them are positive IMHO.