worse date ever?

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Just completed 4 quotes, (and a sit and go) and on my way out into the winter abyss to write a home and auto. Plus I will have to buy the guy a cup of Starbucks. A good Agent never rests! :sadwave:


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Nov 9, 2000
Another time I met this girl for dinner. She was attractive and had a very nice personality, although she seemed somewhat groggy. No big deal though. Things were looking good until I asked her if she wanted a drink and she replied, 'I can't drink tonight because I had an abortion this morning and i'm on medication from that.' The charm wore off after hearing that tidbit.

kosar....this story almost knocked me off my chair.....unbelievable.....

when i was in my early 20's, my father set me up with a blind date with a person who worked in the same hospital where he worked....

my plan was (& she agreed) was to go to the movies, have dinner in a nice restaurant, shoot some pool, & go back to my ap't.....

all my plans changed when i picked her up at her ap't.......the nicest thing i can say about her was that she dressed nicely.....but clothes couldn't help her face......she wasn't nice looking to be polite......

i still took her to the movies.....

as we were looking for seats, i heard my name called out & knew immediately who it was (my friend's joey & jerry with their wives)...but i made out like i didn't hear them.....

we finally got seats on the other side of the movie theater.....in other words..as far away from my friend's as possible......

since the movie didn't start yet,i tried to be polite & started talking to this girl..... out the corner of my eye i noticed that my friend's & their wives were walking down the center aisle towards where we were sitting......luckily for me the lights just dimmed & the coming attractions were starting.........i immediately grabbed the girl's hand & yanked her out of her seat & started walking up the side aisle as fast as i could & ignored my friend's again as they called out to me.....the girl wanted to know if somebdoy was calling out my name....i told her i didn't hear anything & we left the movie theater & went to the diner accross the street......

in the dinner i sat across from the girl & was so sick of this girl that i asked her if she minded if she would take her dinner to go & i took her home.....

i avoided my friend's for about a week after this with the hope of them forgetting about the movie incident....they didn't....

for sure this wasn't one of my best moments...

Franky Wright

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May 28, 2002
Heaven, oh!!, this isn't it?!
Agent 0659 said:
and on my way out into the winter abyss to write a home and auto. Plus I will have to buy the guy a cup of Starbucks. :sadwave:

Right, make sure you sober up and dont forget to wipe that sauce off your chin and dig that wing from between your two front ones :142smilie

After you call his office, I will do the same and tell em he stood me up for my appointment :mj07:

Franky :moon:


Dirty Foot
Forum Member
Mar 13, 2002
I WAS the nightmare on a first, essentially, blind date ! Many years ago I received a call from a guy who remembered me from my company's holiday open house. Admittedly, I'd had a bit to drink that night and didn't have a clue who this guy was. I asked my boss about him and he said that he's a great guy and I should go out with him. At this point, I wasn't aware that he'd set me up for this.

The night comes around and I'm sitting on the porch of my apartment house. Two of my neighbors are hanging out and laughing and asking who died since I was in a dress and heels. I informed them that I had a date and to be nice when he arrived. They were sipping on their Buds and one pointed and said "I'll bet that's your date." He was pointing at one of the nerdiest, geekiest guys I'd ever seen and he was walking our way. Sure as Hell, he was the date and I was mentally cursing my boss.

The guy was really a nice guy and took me to dinner where I ordered surf and turf. I ordered a drink and proceeded to tell him that I rarely drink and don't handle it well. He encouraged me to have another. I can't imagine why!

We finish dinner (and a couple more drinks) and he takes me to a club where the bartender was a moonlighting co-worker from my office. The bartender was in on the joke yet was feeling pity for me, I guess. The marguerita's quickly progressed to double shots of tequila and I was snot-slinging drunk! I was loud, obnoxious and grabbing total strangers to come dance with me.

When the club closed, I announced to my date that I was out of cigarettes and that he had to stop and get me some. Did I mention that he didn't smoke and I was the first person to smoke in his car that he obviously tended with care?

I lay across the seat with the AC blowing directly into my face and made a complete bitch of myself for the drive home. Upon arrival at my apartment, he came around to open the door for me and I topped off the evening by proceeding to barf all over his feet (of course, hitting the interior of the car in the process). He continued to treat me with the utmost respect and led me to my apartment, took my key from my purse, opened the door, parked me on my couch and left, locking me in from the outside and sliding my key under the door.

Unbelieveably, he kept calling and asked me out again but I couldn't do it. My boss had a great laugh over the whole story but I felt guilty as Hell and, honestly, couldn't bear the thought of facing the guy again.

So, George, if you're out there I'm really sorry about christening your shoes and car! :sadwave:


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Feb 15, 2006
rockford, il
RexBudler said:
How was the Bobster
oh how did you know. ok, if anyone adds a "ster" or "myster" to their name don't go out with them.

this guy was just a weirdo. i mean i am pretty laid back but i feel there is certain lines you don't cross on a first date, at least for me - especially if you don't have a lot going for you. the questions he asked were just so obnoxious for example out of no where he asked:
have you ever been with a woman, what bra size do you wear, are your boobs real, would you get a breast reducation/job, how many men have you been with, do you like anal sex, would you have a 3 some,the list goes on and on. why did i stay for the date? i have no clue.
i really think he was just incredibly horney and wanted to get laid - but man have some tact. he called me the next day and asked if i wanted to come over and "watch movies" and have a sleep over.. give me a freakin break! this guy was not cute and lacked charisma to ask things like this.
if it was rex, i would totally be cool with it:)

mode the lode

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2003
central ny
i was 17, she was 16, didnt have my car in park, and she already had my zipper down,1st date honest, usually you hear about that type from someone else, not this time, thought it was going to be a long nite, instead it ended easrly, if you know what i mean.
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