Hope all you texans are high and dry.
After i get off the throne in 5 minutes, i am leaving from new orleans to SW LA, for business. Local iphone repair shop gave me 9 battery powered phone chargers to distribute. Pretty cool of them. I was picking up my son's phone after a screen repair yesterday, and I mentioned that I was headed out this morning. He told me to wait a minute, and came out with a bag of these chargers to diatribute. I was like, fuckin' A right!. Got me thinking, so i stopped at grocery and loaded up on 21 cases of water and some bags of tuna.
You're a good man Cie. God Bless the Cajun Navy! They came in the dead of night and helped many people. Houston is covered with boats, time for us to return the favor. Have a number of friends headed east with their boats to help Beaumont, Lake Charles etc. Hang tough we are coming.