You weasels still think Kerry has a chance?!


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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Wilson Do not discount Kerry's chances. Election will hinge on amount of minorities they get out to vote. You have to remember it makes no diff who they run they will pull at least 75% of minorities (about 90% of blacks per last election) regardless,

Think how close Gore came--and there is no doubt that Clinton would have won if able to run again--despite perjury-disbarment-pardoning 10 most wanted felons for money ect.

Its about false promises to the indigent--promising them something for nothing--those that succeed are the nasty bad guys.

Kerry was in black church the other day with Sharpton and Jessie thumping his chest about how he brouht them together and then quoted scripture to the congregation tell them how devout he was and how many do not live the faith.
They all cheered--I wonder how many had a clue that this devout christion touting his faith stiffed his church-members of congregation and charities for 0 conrtibutions in years.

Sure is easy to blow smoke up the uiformed ass.As in most his "sermons" he talks the talk but The Facts prove otherwise.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
I'm hearing the Bush has the Electoral College locked up. These polls right now aren't accounting for that. :shrug:


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Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
The surprise is going to be in new young voters 21 thru 25 that are being registered as new voters in voting drives, We are running 80 % kerry voters.. that are new registers The missing front tooth right wingers arent puting their beers down to vote fer the "C " student. Also the Kerry backers are highly educated and familiar with the issues unlike the beer belly right wingers that blindly wanna "kick some ass". The biggest concern for these people are jobs and health care and Bush has no plan for either. hasnt for 4 years all he can do is attack attack attack..bout all u can do when ur clueless and have a 4 year record of failure.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
I really do think this is going to be very tight race, would be shocked if it was big for either side. And who ever wins they need to be backed by the people and those on the hill so we can at least try and work together something that has been lost in the last 8 months because right now all either side cares about is a win, not us the people. Get it over with and move on and start to work as a country not 2 countries inside of 1.


% MAN !!!!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2003
rochester ny
kerry will trip before the election!!!democrates wont be able to mindfawk and ask for a recount in this 1.. ;)


dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
the kerry voters ages 21-25 are indoctrinated, not educated......

you become educated after you work for years and years and pay your bills and learn to deal with people....

listening to your liberal professor rant and rave in college is not an is indoctrination


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Hammer Let break down the facts on your statement---

"The surprise is going to be in new young voters 21 thru 25 that are being registered as new voters in voting drives, We are running 80 % kerry voters.. that are new registers
The dems internet stunt on the draft might gain a few who do not know whats going on but hardly 80%.
Last election CNN election polls results show
those age 18-29 vote 48% gore 46% Bush
"The missing front tooth right wingers arent puting their beers down to vote fer the "C " student. Also the Kerry backers are highly educated and familiar with the issues unlike the beer belly right wingers that blindly wanna "kick some ass"."

The highest % of backers per income for Gore in 2000 were the bottom wrung----those making less than $15,000--- 57%

The highest % of backers for Gore per education level were again the bottom wrung--those with no high school degree---59%

The highest % of backers per ethnic origin for Gore were
black-- 90%


"The biggest concern for these people are jobs and health care and Bush has no plan for either. hasnt for 4 years all he can do is attack attack attack..bout all u can do when ur clueless and have a 4 year record of failure"

Jobs--- Since when is it any persons responsibilty to find you a job?
Why do some people work all their lives and others never work??
Would you say luck or ambition is the cause?

and on healthcare cost When is last time cost of healthcare declined?? I don't know the answer but I know it has increased yearly for last 25 years.

I do know Medicade rose 13% last year and 1 out of seven U.S. residents are on Medicade and I would assume most of those come from the under $15,000 income and high school drop outs per above ;)
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Forum Member
hammer1 said:
The surprise is going to be in new young voters 21 thru 25 that are being registered as new voters in voting drives, We are running 80 % kerry voters.
Also the Kerry backers are highly educated and familiar with the issues unlike the beer belly right wingers that blindly wanna "kick some ass".

I guess besides, M. Moore is handing out more clean underwear than I thought- hope he saves an XXXL for himself. As for the highly educated Kerry backers- maybe you missed the Bezerkely thread :thinking: - not saying all Kerry's supporters are that 'far out,' just saying all Kerry's supporters are not highly educated.

Thursday, October 7, 2004 ?

Pa. state Senate debate turns ugly


HARRISBURG, Pa. -- A debate in the usually sedate state Senate chamber dissolved into mudslinging, with a senior Democrat using a derogatory term for homosexuals to denounce a Republican leader.

Republican President Pro Tempore Robert C. Jubelirer on Thursday demanded an apology, and Democratic Sen. Vincent C. Fumo later admitted to "a very unfortunate word choice."

The name-calling erupted Wednesday night during a debate on a slot machine gambling bill passed last July.

"He called me a faggot," Jubelirer related Thursday. "And then I said, 'What did you say?' and he screamed it. If he has an issue with me, that's fine. But to use that term, 'faggot,' to me was a black mark, not only on him but the institution."

No video cameras captured the tirade. But Radio Pennsylvania reporter Ray Smith heard it. "Sen. Fumo used the epithet four times that I counted," he said.

Smith said the shock on lawmakers' faces was obvious.

"I guess he believes the stereotype of that ugly word is someone who is effeminate and doesn't have much courage," Jubelirer said.

Fumo conceded he "made a mistake." In a statement Thursday, he said he was "especially sorry about using the term because it is not the way I feel in my heart toward gays."

The Philadelphia lawmaker also phoned to apologize to longtime friend Mark Segal, publisher of the Philadelphia Gay News and a 30-year lobbyist on gay issues.

"Vince Fumo has one of the best track records of voting for, sponsoring and co-sponsoring legislation for gay and lesbian citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of any senator serving or who has served in the past," Segal said.

The incident occurred after Republicans invoked an obscure parliamentary rule to cut off debate on a package of changes to the gambling bill. The move short-circuited the Democrats' hopes of bringing up amendments of their own and Fumo went ballistic, according to witnesses.

"I should have called them 'girlie men,'" he told reporters later. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger used the same insult to deride Democratic lawmakers in his state.
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Where in the name of Jesus H. Christ have you been? Still sleeping with your cousin? I've missed your drunken, moronic, non-sensical posts. Hell, I've had to read Waynes posts to keep me entertained. Glad your back to provide comic relief.



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 24, 2004
Kerry is so sure he is gonna win that he has not resigned his spot in the senate... just accept it, 4 more years! ;)


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
^BIGBUD^ said:
Kerry is so sure he is gonna win that he has not resigned his spot in the senate... just accept it, 4 more years! ;)

Total electoral votes in states in which Kerry leads in latest polls- 280

In which Bush leads-254

New Hampshire-dead heat- 4 votes

Still one more debate to go.

Should be a close election.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I hope this keeps up. I'm starting to get excited as I think Kerry has a chance to pull this off. However, I'm still waiting for the big money, corporate america smear campaign to try and reverse Kerry's momentum. You know its coming and its going to be dirty.

Or, they will miraculously capture Bin Laden two weeks before the election.



Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl

Yes, you better believe that *something* is coming. This little 'documentary' won't affect anything, but coming up with Bin Laden between now and 11/2 would be big.

As far as smear campaigns go, they shot their wad too early with the Swift Boat Veterans nonsense. Kerry seems to have weathered that and is now back in the lead. It's nice that people get to see our president speak without a script.

Granted, a lot of the states 'given' to each candidate are very close (within 4%) and anything could happen, but I have a hard time understanding those people who are continuing to predict a Bush rout.

Once again, just the mere fact that a goofball like Kerry even has a shot against a wartime incumbent, shows just how terrible this administration has been.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
"You weasels still think Kerry has a chance?! "

i resemble that remark.. :brows: ..and unfortunately,yes i do....
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