You guys are humorous. The only thing you can be sure about beantownjim, is the fact that he is just someone's creation.
Everyone else in the forum is an actual person. Is yyz my name? No, it is Eric. I have talked about sports, family, life in my little corner of the world, etc. All of you have done the same. I am sure that we all keep our secrets, but for the most part, we are real people.
BTJ is a mere creation, like my Father Ryan was. He is the creation of a person who never shows their real self to us. So, why do people argue with him? It is no different than yelling at the tv! Why doesn't he answer your questions? HE DOES NOT EXIST!
If you look at the styles of their posts, you can clearly see that "jim" is also the work of more than one person. The meter, and wording, and grammer, differ too much for this to be one person.
Did you ever notice that btj never is willing to write anyone an email? That would require some sort of concrete acknowledgement of existance. Now, "he" could provide a simple hotmail or yahoo address, and that is what will eventually happen if someone was to contact him, but rest assured, he will remain in the shadows.
He will never show up in a public place. Sure, you will have and make offers to meet him, but something will always come up. He will never be seen. I would actually like to see him win this contest. "Jim, give me your address, and real name, so I can send the check." I wanna see how that goes!
btj doesn't answer many posts, because then "he" can't be tripped up! Easy to get caught in lies, if you answer enough questions. He runs his mouth, but not to you, rather AT you.
btj is the brain child of someone very intelligent, who probably spends time in another type of forum, the way most of us spend time here. Sports are our passion, but something else drives "btj". They come here to play....get the goats of the "simple minded" sports players. It works! Who is public enimy number 1 in every sports forum? Why? Because "he" is an expert at pushing the buttons of so many. He's like the kids who toss a rock through your window and drive off. Tomorrow he gets your neighbor's place. The two of you bitch about "those damned kids", while they are 10 blocks down, laughing their asses off!
What kind of genius does it take to get two guys to accept a wager that they both agree will never get paid if "he" wins, and both agree that they will pay if they lose? Give ME that deal!
Just like Bigfoot, Nessie, the Boogie Man, and a "creator", beantownjim does not exist........Just ask Father Ryan.
Go in His Peace,