I didn't answer you woody because your full of shit. You have no idea what we were talking about and the argument never went to fisticuffs or anything close to it. It also wasn't about my service at all it was about when the Marine Corps went away from fire teams and created marine expeditionary units. Prior to that you had to be in 1st marines to be a fucking shooter. I was in 5th and he says you couldn't be in fifth marines and be a shooter and that there was no such thing as the 25th Marine expeditionary unit. He was not enlisted at the time I was nor was he a grunt he was air wing and he was not correct. If you recall all truthfully he was also very drunk and picked a fight with several people, but that's all lost on you because you have an agenda. Your feelings got hurt because you misread a post of mine and now you want some payback. Right? That is all secondary to the primary reason I didn't respond. The primary reason was that I was a bit shocked that it came from you and I stupidly thought that maybe you were just venting because you thought I told you what you understand our whatever ridiculous shit it is your panties are in a fucking wad about.
If you read my posts correctly I said no such thing but that didn't matter to you, you just kept in with your bullshit. When you made a comment that I'm full of hot air and fuck the notion in your head and I got upset toy aud it was a pun and I backed off. I even fucking backed your sorry ass up in another post adding I hold you in high regard. Yet you still keep taking these little fucking unsolicited shots at me. You have been for a couple months now and I dint know what your fucking problem is but because I liked and respected you I held my tongue. Yet you keep at it. You said you were done in the general forum yet here you are. Now you're throwing out some ridiculous fucking bullshit questioning my fucking life and my service. Fuck you in the mouth dickhead.
And you're not questioning my service because you think I'm lying about it, you couldn't be that fucking stupid. I've posted pictures of my service time. I have friends and a dd214 of my service.
You're posting an outright fucking lie in an effort to make me look bad publicly regardless of fact. You're hoping your little fantasy will get legs and I'll get fucked with. That's it.
So call the cop's then you little fucking bitch. Send them my fucking way and have them check it out. I'll be just fucking fine.
This is why I didn't respond, because I couldn't believe that you'd stoop to such lascivious bullshit with a person you used to call a friend.
That's me mother fucker now let me see your service fucking picture you little bitch.
You're feelings get fucking hurt and this is what you fucking pull. I had you all wrong brother and that's the saddest part about this. We were talking about a deflated fucking football and you take that opportunity to demean my service to this country that you never fucking served in. Fuck you woody. Fuck you. Don't ever cross my path because I'll fucking so you where you stand.