Recent content by LordofBalls

  1. LordofBalls

    RoAd To ThE fInAl FoUR

    w ya on Fla -6.5 today Bill ~ gl to us!
  2. LordofBalls

    Friday night lights…..Indoor lights

    wtf happened to Mich? It's like somebody hit the "off" switch... up 9 w 12 mins left, get throttled n lose by 13
  3. LordofBalls

    Friday Four

    going down in flames... Mich up 9 w/12 mins left, get outscored 31-8 and lose by 13... this isn't much fun lately.
  4. LordofBalls

    What’s worse ?

    I do hate that about this tourney... naturally we binge-watch and often multi-view so we see the same damn commercials over n over! I feel yo pain!
  5. LordofBalls

    Friday Four

    fwiw, I played these: MICH +9.5 (5u) Mich +10.5 (2u) Mich ml 77/189 Purd OV 134 (3.5u) **I'm thinking of playing purd +pts 'live'... think they give Hou all they want gl to us!
  6. LordofBalls

    Friday Four

    I'm reeeally getting tired of losing these close finishes... total sitting at 143 (I NEED OV 144.5) Tenn up 13 w/1:05, they bring it down, work it around, nobody fouling, after about 20 secs a steal by KY, dribbles the floor and loses it at the other end, Tenn comes down and turns it over, Ky...
  7. LordofBalls

    Jord Sweet 16

    Mich St loves the 2h comebacks... IF they do make a run and take the lead, you'll get a better "Live" line than the 2h number.. that's what I'm doing, whatever you do.. GL!
  8. LordofBalls

    Friday Four

    1H Missp +1.5 looking guut Billy Ray! up 10 w/ 4 mins... glad I didn't play the over! although 2h Ov might be a play eh? ADDED: Ky +6.5/OV 143.5 >>> 250/484 1h Ky +3.5 >> 1u MICH +10.5(pt) >>> 650/500 GL!
  9. LordofBalls

    Friday Four

    so far... PLAYED/(risk): *1H Misspi +1.5 (3u) *Misspi +3.5 (2u) *Ky OV 144.5 (4u) *Ky tt OV 69.5 (2.4) *Ky +6 (pt) 3.9 Par: 1h Missp ml/Ky OV 142.5/Ky +6.5/Purd Ov 131.5 >>> 135/1366 1) Mich St has struggled in 1h a LOT this season, and even in the last few wks! Ol' Miss has jumped out in...
  10. LordofBalls

    Jord Sweet 16

    Love Misspi+ tonight! GL
  11. LordofBalls

    Friday Four

    still coagulating, but I do like these 2 so far: Misspi +3.5 Kenty +4.5 Leaning: Misspi OV 144.5 Purd +8.5 IF guards win tournament games, Purdue has the best point gd in the bearded dude! like I said, still coagulatin!
  12. LordofBalls

    ARROW thursday

    how about 81.5??
  13. LordofBalls

    Thweet Thurthday!

    added: Fla UN 156.5 (2.86/2.6) Byu +5.5 (6.5/5) par: Duke -9.5/Un 154/Ark +5.5/Byu OV/Fla -6.5/Fla UN/_____(open) <<< 55/3226
  14. LordofBalls

    Plays Thur

    climb on in BA! plenty of room on the Byu train!
  15. LordofBalls

    Thweet Thurthday!

    as stated before, while my initial thoughts were dog n over on today's games, experience says nah... gonna tail Arrow's top total ~ Duke UN 155 (line I got, he's 156)... 3.84/3.4 perfect world, it lands 155, get a win and a push :P ya never know! he also likes Duke -9 (as does slumdog and...
  16. LordofBalls

    ARROW thursday

    I'll be ridin w/ya today pahdnah! gl to us!
  17. LordofBalls

    Thweet Thurthday!

    hi guys ~ hope ya'll are doing well and staying healthy! biggest thing today is... Happy Opening Day!!! Hoops-wise all 4 gms today I look and see "Dog/Over"... but I doubt they ALL end up there, so I'm :smilies25 of all the Favorites, to me Florida is most likely to blow em out! so...
  18. LordofBalls

    A Couple of Guesses...

    Love the totals ej! torn on the side ~ gl!
  19. LordofBalls

    Sunday's 8 games

    heading out for golf tournament in the morning.. so I'll need to put any action in before tee-off. Looking ahead: 1) Conn+9.5 v Fla (151.5)... Florida loves to jump out fast! they the best team in the country? 1H FLA-5.5 -- Lean Over 2) Bay +12.5 v Duke (143.5)... seems a little overpriced...
  20. LordofBalls

    Arkansas/at johns over worse beat of tourney

    I'd put ILL/Xav atop the list.. StJ/Ark just kept fggn missing, then Pitino went brain-dead and (twice) they let 25 secs run off before attempting a shot when you're down by 5 in the last minute Ill/Xav only had 3pts last 1:40... I think I just threw up a lil bit in the back of my throat...
  21. LordofBalls

    Gonzaga/Houston 1st Half Total…

    that's what I saw too
  22. LordofBalls


    nice pickin boomer!
  23. LordofBalls

    Huge play

    good to seeya easy ~ gl!
  24. LordofBalls

    Sat plays.. running late

    both teams 4/41 from 3pt... and combined 17 missed FTs and game stays under by 5pts
  25. LordofBalls

    Sat plays.. running late

    need some more fouls now pleez.. and make some damn FTs too! **need 15pts in 3 mins! been 2 mins and they've scored 2 damn pts... and missed 3 fts.. and NOT fouling.. smh
  26. LordofBalls

    Sat plays.. running late

    added to A&M ml and Aub -8.5 (5u total) also put 3u on UCLA+5.5 2u on BYU OV 154.5 and the current excitement is ~ Arky+/Ov 9:30 left in the game StJ/Ark and BOTH teams are in the Bonus!! Yes! should lead to clock-stoppages and FTs and the OVVERRR! c'mon boys! now it's 8min left, St J...
  27. LordofBalls

    Plays Sat

    wow, my site's ml is -155 (I played it an hr ago lol) gl to us!
  28. LordofBalls

    Sat plays.. running late

    played the Brad+/Brad Ov plays for 1u ea "live" early, so obviously being a small wager they're winning easily lol parlays going: *Ark+8.5/Ark OV 145.5/Aub UN 150/BYU OV 154 >>> 125/947 *Aub -9/Ucla +5/Byu ML/A&M ml/Misspi ml/Ky ml/Ariz Ov 152.5/_____(open) <<< 30/8035 *biggest straight...
  29. LordofBalls

    End of last night's Xav/ILL game still smells fishy...

    their effort had been exceptional all game, it was like they were "ordered" to stop, and those orders rarely come before the last 20 secs or so when you're down 10... not w/almost 2 mins. :mad::smilies11:mad:
  30. LordofBalls

    End of last night's Xav/ILL game still smells fishy...

    gotta bring it up. It was a true 'wallet-buster', heartbreaking finish to a game that should have gone OVER 161 EASILY! we've all been watching these games, and how they finish - almost EVERY team plays hard til at least the last 30-40 secs, and then quite often if the lead is so large, they...
  31. LordofBalls

    Plays Sat

    told ya! easy peasy over! congrats bud!
  32. LordofBalls

    Plays Sat

    current "live" line is 156.5... hopeful that your chastisement during the timeout has inspired a run! GL!
  33. LordofBalls

    32 down to 16...

    Faves were 9-7 yday... but I don't play em all totals I played I went 2-8 (Ouch!) 1pt loss in 1h Md, 1.5 pt loss in 1h Colo St, HUUGE 2pt loss in Xav (<--just stood around the last 1:41, only 3 pts scored!! grrr!) Needed Xav+5.5 to hit 12u parlay... flashes of brilliance and stupidity combined...
  34. LordofBalls

    Friday Hoopin'

    Conn Un 149/Col St Ov 147.5/Xav +5.5/Unm +5.5 <<< 155/1188 🤞 *Need Xav +5.5 to hit the par... *Need Xav +4.5 to hit the straight... other straights... -Conn Un -Xav Over -Bryant +17.5 -Okla +8.5 (live) real longshot... ML parlay UNM/Xav/Okla/_____(open)
  35. LordofBalls

    Plays Fri

    yes it's 153.5 I doun't think he bought 18 pts lol
  36. LordofBalls

    Friday Hoopin'

    geezez keeerist! another 1pt loss on 1h Mary staying under... :poop: and no, those breaks have not evened out.
  37. LordofBalls

    Friday Hoopin'

    Ole Miss +3 (pt) 2u -- will look to add live another unit if they start slowly... *Alabama gonna cost me 4.7.. went w/Jord on RobMo @ halftime (+15.5) so let's not get middled ~ whew! RM just made a 3, down 8 w/2mins *Col St Over hope wins me 4.7 , 1h almost there w/3:45 left.. don't think...
  38. LordofBalls

    Friday Hoopin'

    added: UNM +4.5 /3 Xav +4.5 /3 Col St Ov 147.5 /3 Conn Un 148 /5 Bryant +17.5 /1 Par: Conn Un 149/Col St Ov 147.5/Xav +5.5/Unm +5.5 <<< 155/1188 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 gl to us ~ lob
  39. LordofBalls

    Friday Hoopin'

    hi guys ~ 7-6 on actual plays yday (but lost 6.5u)... lost big on Georgia 1h/gm and Yale+8/8.5 like 16u on those 2 games - ouch! Today I like these Straight Plays: *Ala -23 (played yday) *ALA OV 166 (played last night) *Xav OV 161 *1H Maryd Ov 71 *Ariz OV 167 *Ky -11.5 Parlays: *Ala -21/Ov...
  40. LordofBalls

    Thursday entries

    Georgia... ADDED: par) Ga +9 (is it possible??/Ark+7/Drake +8/Yale +9.5>>>155/1040 "Live" Ga +14.5/+20.5 (1u ea) pressed up the BYU OV 146.5/147 (2.5u ea) Arky +6 (4u) Yale +8/8.5 (2u ea)
  41. LordofBalls

    Thursday entries

    g'morning gentlemen! start your engines! will try to keep all of today's plays in this thread! Lets have a winning day! and then do it again manana 👍 played these a few days ago: *McNeese +7.5 (2.5u) *Purd OV 153.5 (2.5u) *Ark OV 145.5 (1.5) *Ga +6.5 (4u) Laundry List added 430am today: *1h...
  42. LordofBalls

    Upsets? Which 15/2, 14/3, 13/4, 12/5 have a chance at the early upset?

    also played: Georgia +6.5 (3u) Ark OV 145.5 (1.5u)
  43. LordofBalls

    Upsets? Which 15/2, 14/3, 13/4, 12/5 have a chance at the early upset?

    *I've got McNeese+7.5 over Clemson - will throw ML in a parlay for much smaller amount *It seems like Colo St at -2 is worth a shot against Memphis TOTALS? What about the High Pt/Purdue OVER? I played it yday @ 153...?
  44. LordofBalls


    7 min mark, 82-45 tarheels aztecs are not always as bad as they look tonight on offense lol I think it's a case of nearly all new players for SD, and they're playing under a BIG spotlight against 1 of the all time great programs (having a down year) and the NC kids are used to the spotlight...
  45. LordofBalls

    UNC narrative…

    it's not exactly fair, obviously there's a lid on the Aztecs basket :P
  46. LordofBalls


    and now, the "ugly" aztecs have arrived... Compton kid in the headband has made 2 or 3 of the worst offensive moves you're ever gonna see lol...words fail me. Tarheels by 20+ pts???
  47. LordofBalls


    Outside of RJ Davis, the only guy I can think of on NC is the "other" guard that threw the ball away numerous times the other day in clutch situations Cedek? Sudek? and the inside guy w/the headband lol hardly a banner year for the tarheels :P but as a SD St alumnus and fan, their team is...
  48. LordofBalls

    Sunday Funday!

    0-3 on my afternoon efforts.. ouch! lost about 4u this wk, there goes my 3wk winning streak :P lots of good things still ahead! enjoy the rest of your day fellas!
  49. LordofBalls

    Sunday Funday!

    Adding: Wisc/Mich OV 151 >>> 3.9/3u gl
  50. LordofBalls

    Yale vs Cornell fishy total

    I often use the matchup history as a resource in my plays on totals, I'm a believer that coaches/teams have the tendency to use the same game strategies vs the same opponents, play fast against certain opponents, and slow it down against others. better luck ~ lots of action ahead these next...
  51. LordofBalls

    Sunday Funday!

    Added Parlay w/buys: GMason +9.5/Fla UN 144.5/UAB OV 158/Wisc ml >>> 85/552 note: *tenn/fla L5 have stayed UNDER (4 un this #) - 2 this yr landed 108 - 116 *uab/memp 5 of L6 have gone OVER the total and this number - way over - landing 169-177-193-185 - 258!! not sure it's possible for them...
  52. LordofBalls

    Sunday Funday!

    morning guys ~ only 5 gms today (yay!) it'll be nice not grinding into the night lol y-day was another rollercoaster.. couple of heartbreakers w/Az going over last second (just like Tenn on Friday.. ouch!) hit 6/8 on my 8tmr, had 3 outright doggos but lost Ariz and L-ville +6 (up 5 at halftime...
  53. LordofBalls

    Plays Sun

    going the same way BA! my shop has +6, I bought half pt... +6.5 🤞🤞🤞 GL to us!
  54. LordofBalls

    Saturday Straight Stuff w/2 parlays

    just when ya think the "UNDER" you need is looking pretty good, along comes an 11pts-in-a-minute BS!!
  55. LordofBalls

    louisville +6 vs duke

    I'm gonna saddle up n ride w/ya Loop! L-ville was a big Win for me last night, and I think they'll be scrappy enough to hang fo sho!! GL to US! 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
  56. LordofBalls

    Saturday Straight Stuff w/2 parlays

    thanks BA! Guys... a program NOTE: My original post said, AUB +4.5... That was either a Typo or/Auto-correct (my proofreader missed it! :P ) Should have Read... UAB+4.5 need the Wisc total to slow down please, but the Badgers 'side' is looking guut! LoB
  57. LordofBalls

    Saturday Straight Stuff w/2 parlays

    morning gents! L-ville was my key to the bounce-bk yesterday as their outright upset of Clemson finished my parlay and after rough, close losers earlier managed to actually come out ahead a lil over 1u ~ I'll take it! onward! :p Note: playing Arrow's plays between 2.5/3.5u each, except his...
  58. LordofBalls

    Pi Day Picks!!!

    Utah St isn't giving up that's for sure, but wow its tough watching Colo St play offense... they've scored 5 total points since the 9:45 mark.. and it's currently 1:31 remaining.. Still a chance!! just need to get get to 154... and there's another missed FT by Col St.. smh you'd think they'd...
  59. LordofBalls

    Worst Beat of Tournament

    wonder if he's related to that kid on Tennessee that fouled and cost me $800 earlier this morning? sorry greenie ~ better luck manana!
  60. LordofBalls

    Pi Day Picks!!!

    thanks to Arrow for pointing me towards the Colo St/Ut St 1h total (easy winner for a change - no sweat) as I believe Utah St will have to push pace to catch up. 2h OVER babyyy! my regular site had the 2h total @ 76.5, but I got 2 pts better (74.5) using the "live" site.... you know me...
  61. LordofBalls

    Pi Day Picks!!!

    geeezez!! Lville nearly blows a 14 pt lead in the last few mins, but they hung on and I got a needed parlay win on the moneyline :P now, 1h Colo St ov 68 and maybe the 2h over that total too! 4 of L5 meetings 2h's went OVER 89 and twice into the 100s
  62. LordofBalls

    Friday Hoops

    was looking at Ut St/Colo St matchup... 4 of L5 meetings 2h's went OVER 89 and twice into the 100s GL w/the Aggies... I'm on 1h Ov 68 and prob go 2h Over.. the implied 2h total is 76/77 GL Sup!!
  63. LordofBalls

    Where can I find the lines and results from last years 1st 2 rounds of the NCAA tournament?

    agreed should be able to provide the point spread info and results.. and if you need to look at the box scores then ESPN under ncaam/scores has a little 'date box' at the top and you can pull up results and get into the box scores for stats hope it helps
  64. LordofBalls

    Pi Day Picks!!!

    Louisville +3.5 >>> 4.2/3u filling in my parlay spot w/Louisville ML: W/W/W/L-Ville ML >>> 75/745
  65. LordofBalls

    Pi Day Picks!!!

    Daaammmnnnnn kid on Tex fouled and Tex went from covering to not.. Coach was yelling and his teammates had gone into "walk" mode, but Pope fouls... and of course Tenn kid hits both.. -$800 swing for me! not even counting the 2 parlays (30 to win 10k) he knocked out.. muddaaahfuggaaah :P...
  66. LordofBalls

    Pi Day Picks!!!

    Added These: *UCLA +3.5 (2.2/1.6u) *ILL ml (2.7/2,7) parlay: *Ucla +3.5/Ill +2.5/Tex +10.5/NCar +9>>> 185/1396 GL to US!
  67. LordofBalls

    Pi Day Picks!!!

    morning gents! That's right ~ it's PI DAY!!! March 14 (3.1415926blahblahblah) we learned in high school, and I take it to heart! Usually from Polly's Pies down the road! Chocolate cream is to die for!!! :P even w/several very close losses on totals (Davdsn going over by 4pts cost me huge par...
  68. LordofBalls

    Alright Thursday

    my cherry picking went a lil south today, but still above water for the week, a few more left tonight. opportunity awaits! onward! GL Guys!
  69. LordofBalls

    I hate touraments

    you must be very popular w/your book :) better luck ahead bulldog!
  70. LordofBalls

    Thurzday Thwingz and a par to thtart the day!

    Par Added: Az ml/Tulsa Ov 140.5/Aztecs ML/Colo St ml>>> 85/686 could use a few breaks to go our way 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
  71. LordofBalls

    Thurzday Thwingz and a par to thtart the day!

    have lost 2 plays by half pt ADDED: Toledo +4/ml in par (2.5u) Ariz -1.5/ml (2u/1u) E. Mich +5.5 (2u) 1h Ford OV 67.5 (2.5u) PAR: LaSalle +14.5/EMich +6.5/Ariz Ml/_____(open) >>> 75/606 <-- I'll look for a doggo to fill it
  72. LordofBalls

    Thurzday Thwingz and a par to thtart the day!

    morning gents - Georgia wuzzabout an 8k swing last night, and the way it played out I couldn't hedge but had a chance til the end.. a guut day tho!! still a bit slow this morning after numerous nights of 5 hr sleep, I woke this morn around 445, looked and saw arrow came in, made some plays...
  73. LordofBalls

    Plays Thur

    have a good day BA 👍 ✌️
  74. LordofBalls

    Anyone know the second half line SMU vs Syracuse? is reliable I think. but they may not necessarily be up to the minute unless you use their pay service. I presume you've looked at the 'odds' section at Covers? seems pretty thorough.. I use because it's pretty concise, not too spread out.. they've got the opening...
  75. LordofBalls

    Almost there...

    They take down those live lines so quickly in the last couple minutes, I didn't even get the chance to put anything on the ML.. it was all about waiting to see one of the teams I needed (Georgia or SMU) get far enough above the point spread in their game so then I could focus on the other game...
  76. LordofBalls

    Almost there...

    right when SMU finally got ahead by more than 11... Oklahoma goes on a 14-0 run to take the lead by 8.. Live ML is -909 on OKLA.. If it can get down to -200-300 I'll throw a nickel on OKLA EDIT: Line down to -658 on Okla.. Ga down 6 shooting FT.. give away 1300 to win 200 on OKLA???
  77. LordofBalls

    Almost there...

    thanks for the positive vibes guys! If I would've put more thought into it when I put it together, I'd have kept the Colo ml, and dropped 1 of these 2 late games, cuz there's really no way to hedge when it's 2 gms going at the same time.. oh well :P I know it's always a longshot, but last wk I...
  78. LordofBalls


    GL Box ~ I've got em -2.5 and ml in a par always good to be rooting for the same thing! 🤞
  79. LordofBalls

    Almost there...

    Hi gents ~ been a wonderful afternoon, and have the proverbial "birdseed" parlay with 6/8 Wins so far... bet a little, get a big payoff IF THESE LAST 2 come in: *Georgia ML *SMU -9 (10 or more plz :P) Par: Ga ml/Tex ml/NW ml/Iowa ml/Lib ml/But ml/Smu -9/Col UN 129>>> 55/7648 Note: I...
  80. LordofBalls

    Arkansas trying to miss last free throw

    these young guys are not all rocket scientists ya know lol sure it's theoretically possible that he's in on a point-shaving scheme, or mebbe he's just a bonehead and did the math wrong..? either way I'm guessing there was lots of interested parties lol, I saw people on -3.5, -4, and -4.5...
  81. LordofBalls

    Ohio St (-5.5) v Iowa... 155 total.... and 3 straight plays so far

    Hit Ga Tech for 1.5u, lost 4u on Cinn so far, I'm on SCar+ and R.I. under (scary right now) now back w/a birdseed parlay and a laundry list of straight plays that I've put in: Par: Ga ml/Tex ml/NW ml/Iowa ml/Lib ml/But ml/Smu -9/Col UN 129>>> 55/7648 Straight Plays: Butler Un (BA- 3u) SMU...
  82. LordofBalls

    Plays Wed

    GL today BA! can't believe I missed your San Hosey play earlier, great halftime lead hope it cruises for you! LoB
  83. LordofBalls

    Fine tomorrow

    I pressed up the Bearcats meself! have a month J! g'luck to us!
  84. LordofBalls

    Ohio St (-5.5) v Iowa... 155 total.... and 3 straight plays so far

    Delving deeper into their history... L10 meetings each team has won 5... Oh St is 6-4 ats 1/27/25... 1h score = 56... 2h = 91... Oh St by 17... Implied totals by half = 73/83 3/14/24... 1h score = 81... 2h = 87... Oh St by 12... " " " = 71.5/81.5 2/2/24... 1h score = 73... 2h = 82... Iowa by...
  85. LordofBalls

    Gonz vs St Mary's

    well, I hit the 1h St Mary cuz I had +3 (told you my book was shading Gonz (+200) lost the 1h Over by half pt (-350) then hit the 2h Under EASY (+300) but lost St M +5.5 by 7 (-5u) couldn't hit a 2pt shot at the end, and didn't hit a single 3pt shot the whole game...? whaaat?? onward
  86. LordofBalls

    Gonz vs St Mary's

    wow unreal... almost 30 secs left and they can't get 1 more point??? 2H UNDER 75.5 345/300
  87. LordofBalls

    Gonz vs St Mary's

    Added: Az St +6.5>>> (6/5u)
  88. LordofBalls

    Gonz vs St Mary's

    hi guys - won about 3u Monday (1h total in Zags got me by da hook, 7u swing) Some Research: **In the L6 meetings between these 2 teams, ALL have gone UNDER the total (surprised?) **In the L6 mtgs the 1h's have landed on: 72-64-58-72-67 (4 of 5 at or OVER the 64 set for tonight's game) *the...
  89. LordofBalls

    Tuesday Hoops

    missed em both as I've been afk, but hope you have a big winning month Sup!
  90. LordofBalls

    Monday Musings...

    a heartbreaking loss on 1h Gonz OV 72.5 (landed on 72, last shot in and rimmed out) still up for the day, but gonna risk it on the Game OVER 152.5 GL
  91. LordofBalls

    Monday Musings...

    well that 1h Furman that I tailed was wayyy off.. so knocked out par n straight play. won 1st half UN in Towson by a pt, and hit the 2 other straight plays PLUS the 1h Pepp for 150, which leaves... 1h Gonzaga OV 72.5 >>> 330/300 and a 1u play on Yt0wn +3.5
  92. LordofBalls

    Monday Hoops

    riding w/ya Supre! let's get it 🤞 EDIT: how bout those Penguins!! :smilies1
  93. LordofBalls

    wofford +105 vs furman

    woof woof!!! btw, I thought that was a great game to watch~ both teams shot well, especially from deep, and worked hard on defense and rebounding, leads switching bk and forth, exciting! nice call loop! (and I won my bet so woof woof!)
  94. LordofBalls

    wofford +105 vs furman

    should be wooferd then 🦮
  95. LordofBalls

    Monday Musings...

    added another unit to Woff +1.5
  96. LordofBalls

    Monday Musings...

    hi gents, coming off my best week in almost 2 yrs so that was fun! Had my 4tmr going w/USF ML late game and went for the middle w/Wash St +7.5 (which they were covering most of the gm) but missed their last few shots while chasing and fell by 11... still picked up over 800 on the play and over...
  97. LordofBalls

    Sunday Ncaa plays

    3-1 have some fun BGC!!
  98. LordofBalls

    Sunday Stuff

    Hey Diddle Diddle ~ I'm goin for a Middle!! So here's what I've got working.. PAR: *Furman +2 *Furman OV 146 (thank u OT) *Troy ML *Neb-O +4 *USF ML ------------- 85/1512 Played : Wash St +7.5 >>> 630/450 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
  99. LordofBalls

    Sunday Stuff

    hey, it's been a great day eh? ever since the minn/rutg stayed under despite the OT, been lots of fun. I've been afk for a while but followed scores on my phone and... I missed 1 of Arrow's plays, but got the rest and rooting for 1h Omaha Ov "Other" plays were: *1H Colg+1.5 easy winner *Furman...
  100. LordofBalls

    Plays Sun

    the 'regular' betting's working pretty well :P let's keep this ride going ~ pump in another quarter lol
  101. LordofBalls

    Plays Sun

    sad to say I missed the Drexel.. was out w/my doggo still rooting for the Minn UN and the Neb OV which are hangin in there GL
  102. LordofBalls

    Sunday Stuff

    ADDED: 1H Colg +1.5 (1.5u)
  103. LordofBalls

    Plays Sun

  104. LordofBalls

    Plays Sun

    g'morning BA, Drexel total looking good so far w/big first half (67), my Q: can u share what factors You use when 'capping totals when u get time? I remember trying to pick Hawkeye's brain but he never really shared, I think by the time I asked he was going thru some diff health issues w/his...
  105. LordofBalls

    Sunday Ncaa plays

    nice hit on Navy BGC 👍
  106. LordofBalls

    Sunday Stuff

    g'morning gents ~ time change prob doesn't affect you east-coasters as much as us out west, but as I hear so many wise people say, "it is what it is" lol It's been a very good week, had my first losing day y'day dropping almost 7u, still up 38 this wk, hope to get into 50+ w/some luck :) If...
  107. LordofBalls

    Plays Sat Tourney

    yah we nearly had it in the tx arlington gm, my figure's been a rollercoaster today lol rooting for Baylor Over now too
  108. LordofBalls

    Late Game

    get em next time bud EDIT: now they come out in 2h and get 35 combined in 6 mins... faaackers lol
  109. LordofBalls

    Late Game

    I'm riding w/ya AL ~ lets get it
  110. LordofBalls

    try a 4tmr w/buys...

    forgot about another Parlay from this morning: Kans ML/Ga -4.5/Tex ml/_______(open) >>> 75/467 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
  111. LordofBalls

    Jord Saturday

    I had the pleasure of attending San Diego St, where there was no shortage of beauties! And at Tart St, I'd expect nothing less :P Go Tarheels!
  112. LordofBalls

    try a 4tmr w/buys...

    Par) Tex -3.5 Tex-Arl OV 143.5 Tart St +8.5 Bay +6.5 ----------------- 135/936 GL to US!!!!!
  113. LordofBalls

    Jord Saturday

    they got some craazy little women there and I'm gonna.. git me one!
  114. LordofBalls

    Jord Saturday

    well I like to think that I'm smarter than the av-er-age bear... but I couldn't fggn translate whatever the #tarnoles is lol obv there's tarheels and seminoles.. but idk lil help plz _ whatever it is, thanks and gl! :p LoB
  115. LordofBalls


    way to go Steel!! way to go SLUMDOG!! 94k wooohooooo!!!
  116. LordofBalls

    Plays -Tourney

    I also played Tenn St + and after seeing your post I added the Loy-Marym OV which had a huuuge 2h and is currently @ 166 pts with 2:38 left... easy peasy great call BA! gnite and we'll get em again manana!
  117. LordofBalls

    Friday figuring...

    well Boise turned into a big pile o' :poop: leading 60-51 @ 11:01 mark, got outscored 32-13 at HOME on Senior night... the other 2 legs both hit of course lol lots more tomorrow.. and the next day.. and next week lol gnite and have a pleasant tomorrow!
  118. LordofBalls


    I took some at +12.5 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
  119. LordofBalls

    Friday Hoops

    hope you're right Suuup! need a bit of a rally in 2h 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
  120. LordofBalls


    18 made 3s?? in one half? wow.. still only lost by a bucket just made the over on a 3 from the corner in 1H Tenn St... w/1:50 left :smilies1 nice call there!
  121. LordofBalls

    Plays -Tourney

    I'm always glad when u post, you made me give Winthrop a look and looks good up 21 @ halftime there's a ton of hoops and opportunities ahead of us friend! LoB
  122. LordofBalls

    Plays -Tourney

    sorry bout the double post there
  123. LordofBalls


    I got 66 on Tenn St and 156.5 on Portland.. looks good to me! GL Arrow ~ thanks for posting!
  124. LordofBalls

    Plays -Tourney

    hey BA your NDak St boys are up 6 at halftime!! haven't seen the line yet, but you can probably get off your bet (or lessen it) if you wanna I'm pretty sure you know that, but in case u got caught up w/something else GL
  125. LordofBalls

    Plays -Tourney

    hey BA your NDak St boys are up 6 at halftime!! haven't seen the line yet, but you can probably get off your bet (or lessen it) if you wanna
  126. LordofBalls

    Friday figuring...

    ADDING: Winthrop -4.5 >>> 77/70 Winthrop ML >>> 123/60 GL to US!!!!!
  127. LordofBalls

    Friday Picks…

    just fyi, I think there's a way to "block" people from your thread.. if it would help prevent the back n forth on display yesterday and limit drama, it'd be to everyone's advantage ~ GL Go ILLINI
  128. LordofBalls

    Friday figuring...

    Fryday Parlay: SE Mizz St ML/Boise ML/Ill -2.5/_______(open) >>> 150/934 from last night: ILL -3.5>>>240/200 Not sure if I'll do more later or not, will try to post if I do whatever YOU play ~ BoL~LoB
  129. LordofBalls

    Friday figuring...

    that's the dilemma w/parlays, half right doesn't count lol I'll be honest and sometimes in the "Live" betting I'll play the ml, and it's NEVER a good number on a team that's winning (which is why I don't do it often), but you can sometimes get some great 'dog' lines on the ml.. point is, I...
  130. LordofBalls

    websites for matchup info..?

    gents, I usually use for research purposes into these matchups. however, sometimes it's like the guys uploading the info went to lunch and didn't come back! can a brotha get a table dance? Oops, wrong show! I mean a lil help? Q: which sites do YOU recommend/use? tia.. LoB...
  131. LordofBalls

    Friday figuring...

    NOT a bigger play for me, just a little something with the book's money that has a decent chance to win.. a gamble if you will Ill St v Belmont... pk/151.... just finished looking into this one and not much stands out except: *6 of L8 meetings have gone over the total (inc. L2) and of those 6...
  132. LordofBalls

    Friday figuring...

    wish they were all that easy! gonna take the dog to the park, when I get back I'll try to find some more opportunities for earnings. GL! 1-0 :smilies20
  133. LordofBalls

    The best trade deal ever made was with Canada........oh wait....LOL!

    I don't usually get involved in these discussions as I don't like the negativity that comes from them which lingers with me, but I'll just throw in these few thoughts if you guys don't mind. I've never understood anyone EVER thinking this guy was legitimate. First time I kind of remember...
  134. LordofBalls

    Friday figuring...

    3 winning days innarow feels good! let's keep focused ~ long month of opportunities! closer look at this first game --- G-Webb vs High Point 1H HP -8.5/73 Gm HP -15.5/154 L4 meetings results were: (pre-game totals weren't listed fyi) Feb '25: 1h HP 53-23... Final HP 96-55 Jan '25: 1h HP...
  135. LordofBalls

    Mich St Spartans @ Iowa Hawkeyes... Filling in my 4tm 'Birdseed' parlay!

    :smilies2 :smilies19 always trying to help, not perfect but hit 2 big winning parlays last night and I didn't miss a FT (unlike the St Thomas gm that had 17 missed FTs!) but I guess we can't win 'em all every night, let's keep at it and stay positive! we're all on the same side fellas trying...
  136. LordofBalls

    ARROW Thursday

    it's an underappreciated talent :p lighten up Patterson, we're all on the same side
  137. LordofBalls

    ARROW Thursday

    you guys believe in that jinx stuff eh? we won 1 close one and lost 2 close ones.. I only left my couch to get the dog a treat, I had nothing to do with any of the wins or losses other than rooting for em. If I had that kind of power I'd never lose lol it's a long month.. stay frosty :P
  138. LordofBalls

    ARROW Thursday

    St Thomas on pace to go way over -- ommagaaad what's wrong w/these guys?? they've hardly scored the last 12+ mins of this game.. c'mon somebody foul somebody, and then do it again! :P MSt/Iowa broke out last 10 mins and went over by 25 Fullerton/Poly game pace only slightly above the number we...
  139. LordofBalls

    Mich St Spartans @ Iowa Hawkeyes... Filling in my 4tm 'Birdseed' parlay!

    big Win w/Iowa and the Over.. and if NKY can cover.. currently down 3 w/under 30 secs
  140. LordofBalls

    Mich St Spartans @ Iowa Hawkeyes... Filling in my 4tm 'Birdseed' parlay!

    well the total was bouncing around "live" all over da place early in the 2h, and then the game took off.. I finally made a hedge on UN 154.5 -- 125/341 the current live total is like 160 at the moment, but I'm okay w/losing the hedge cuz I'll hit almost 1100 on the original bet! I would like...
  141. LordofBalls

    Mich St Spartans @ Iowa Hawkeyes... Filling in my 4tm 'Birdseed' parlay!

    ADDED parlay: Iowa +7.5/Valpo+5.5/Tenn St-2/NKy +5.5>>> 75/614
  142. LordofBalls

    Mich St Spartans @ Iowa Hawkeyes... Filling in my 4tm 'Birdseed' parlay!

    hi guys! 13 mins til tipoff in Iowa... total has moved up to 155.5 now Here's the thing.. I've got OVER 151 (to win 1083).. to try for a middle, I've got to play an Under say 156.5 or so at like 390/300 which could create a win of 1383 or if it goes wayy over, then I'd win just over 700...
  143. LordofBalls

    Thursday Picks..

    Swami, new people are certainly allowed to join Madjacksports, like to see new posters. please allow me to share a few thoughts about what makes it different from Covers or other forum sites. This people on this site aren't into trolling, if you can't say something nice, then show a little...
  144. LordofBalls

    Thursday Picks..

    Chris Berman's been doing his espn thing for 45 years, and now he's finally showed up at madjack's?? call me a skeptic, but I find that hard to believe :P
  145. LordofBalls

    Thurs straight plays plus another par...

    this birdseed par pays about 20/1 IF it hits ~ would be a lot more but I bought 2pts ea in the totals: Rice ml/Iowa ml/Iowa OV 151/Cal Poly UN 166.5 >>> 55/1014 *1H Ind St ml >>> 99/90 *Iowa +7.5 >>> 240/200 *Rice +2.5 >>> 280/200 *St Thomas OV 144 >>> 300/250 *Cal Poly Un 166.5 >>> 270/180...
  146. LordofBalls

    Mich St Spartans @ Iowa Hawkeyes... Filling in my 4tm 'Birdseed' parlay!

    g'morning guys, bk to bk good nights is fun! finished it off w/Usc/Over parlay :) earlier I'd played a 4tm ml parlay (1 open) and thanks to an Ole Mississippi rally, it got there! note: I call a "birdseed" parlay one that you bet a little and it pays a lot if/when it hits (in this case 22/1)...
  147. LordofBalls

    Dog diggy Dog diggity Dog w/open

    took a shot at a middle.. Wash +12.5 84/80 movie time!
  148. LordofBalls

    Dog diggy Dog diggity Dog w/open

    Okayyy.. phase 2 complete! Phase 3 tomorrow (maybe)... look for a possible middle, but guaranteed moolah is guut!! Par) NC St ml / +125 ez winnah! Misspi ml / +120 not so ez but winnah!! 1h Okla ml / +144 mostly ez winnah!!! ____________(1 open) 55/1213 remember still have this one...
  149. LordofBalls

    Dog diggy Dog diggity Dog w/open

    damn this Tenn team won't go away lol Ol Miss was up 4 w/40 secs and the fuzzy little foreigner (6'10" lol) drills a 3 and gets fouled and ties it up!! Need the REBELS!! EDIT-- David Brakefield is gonna be my hero here!! great last 10 mins.. scored like 20 something!
  150. LordofBalls

    Dog diggy Dog diggity Dog w/open

    ML Parlay still alive although Mississippi trails by 1 late in 1h... still a chance, and I hedged on Tenn ml 70/50 2-0 posted straight plays:ter :smilies1 8-1 overall today up over 2k last 2 days woohooo! :smilies2 ADDING: Par) USC -5.5/Ov 146.5 >>>200/450 **USC has Won and covered the...
  151. LordofBalls

    Moderator Jack

  152. LordofBalls


    as far as I know, the only moderator anymore is Jack. just create a thread asking JACK to chat mebbe? GL - definitely rooting for NC St tonight!
  153. LordofBalls

    Dog diggy Dog diggity Dog w/open

    [Mar-05-2025 07:00 PM] [CBB] - [700] NC STATE +125 [Pending] [Mar-05-2025 09:00 PM] [CBB] - [716] MISSISSIPPI +120 [Pending] [Mar-05-2025 08:00 PM] [CBB] - [1708] 1H OKLAHOMA +144 [Pending] [OPEN PLAY] 55/1213 great night last night, but not a lot jumping out to me today, but I'm on NC St...
  154. LordofBalls


    PattersonG - yah glad we hit that eh? not sure how many -7k nights your wallet has in it (hopefully manymany), be careful out there my friend! between Arrow, Jord, and input from a few others on here you'll usually get pointed in the right direction, but not EVery time lol let's have a great...
  155. LordofBalls

    Tuesday's Plays("Trap" GOY)!!!

    yah D2 this 'sammich' game for Aub last night was on a few people's radar, even got mentioned on espn bet show, so when you and jord and some others joined in, so did I and used it in my 4tmr which hit nicely! let's have a great month buddy!
  156. LordofBalls


    Guys, I haven't been tracking it on paper, but it seems to me.. *If Arrow likes the game "Over" , and 1h ends up being a stinker, then 2h seems to always go Over.. and same if he likes "Under".. 1h goes way over (like Kent St tonight) and 2h goes Under, and it seems like it's most the time! If...
  157. LordofBalls

    2h Byu/Io St

    oh, and by the way.. :smilies19 have 2u on Az St +18.5 still out there..
  158. LordofBalls

    2h Byu/Io St

    well played, max efforts, a bit sloppy by BYU but also gotta credit great hands by Iowa St.. gonna be a great month!!
  159. LordofBalls

    2h Byu/Io St

    Whatta helluva game by these 2 teams!! laying it all out there on the court.. it's a shame somebody's gotta lose it, but dats da name of da game 2pt gm w/1:07 left
  160. LordofBalls

    2h Byu/Io St

    holy crud gonna need somebody to start scoring heah!! some fouling, some more fouling and lotsa FTs! they've onlyh scored 8 pts in 3+mins.. yikes!!! heck, it might go OT
  161. LordofBalls

    c'monnnn you Lobos!!!

    Thanks T! of course right after I put in my hedge, the Lobos starting to stretch it out lmao that's okay tho, I be a happy camper when Lobos and Aggies finish these out
  162. LordofBalls

    c'monnnn you Lobos!!!

    played a 4tmr and first 2 are in.. A&M is #3, and UNM is the 4th Wright St-8.5/ky -10.5/Tex AM +6.5/UNM ML >>> 135/1095 A&M is up 8+ rt now, and UNM is up 1 w/ 11 mins... **Think I GOTTA hedge w/Nevada ML for a few hundy.. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
  163. LordofBalls

    2h Byu/Io St

    the way BYUs playing right now they may get 50+ themselves, and Iowa St has to try to push pace.. it could posssiblyyy get to the full gm over (149.5), need a 93 pt 2h and those are rare but we'll see! GL to US!
  164. LordofBalls

    2h Byu/Io St

    OVER 78.5 I know byu can shoot the rock, and I believe iowa st will get into the up and down pace.. this one could/should fly over the # (I hope!) GL
  165. LordofBalls

    Fine Tuesday

    summama Bitch! I went w/UTSA 2h ML and those fggn meaningless FTs w/:01 left got memphis a 2h tie... I still got a little bit so I'll live lol great call on the Roadrunners Jord!
  166. LordofBalls


    easy peasy lemon squeezy! 👍
  167. LordofBalls

    Sunday Hoops

    rice 1/13 from 3 utsa 6/19 from 3 I guess that's the big diff right now.. still have a chance still single digits! Nedermeyer...? Dead man!! (that's the first animal house quote that came to my mind lol)
  168. LordofBalls

    Sunday Hoops

    hope they make a comeback ~ gl to us Supre!
  169. LordofBalls

    I need 1 to close my 4tm parlay... what's your best?? any doggy upsets out there today?

    81 at half... just needed 60 and the tap went dry like 8 pts the L8 mins mebbe.. it hurts to remember lol
  170. LordofBalls

    I need 1 to close my 4tm parlay... what's your best?? any doggy upsets out there today?

    well that was a depressing final 4 mins by wisky ~ let's go UAB and OVER onward...
  171. LordofBalls

    I need 1 to close my 4tm parlay... what's your best?? any doggy upsets out there today?

    side note ~ Wisc @ Mich St... Last year Wisconsin (hm) won the game v MSt the PREV 6 Meetings, the VISITOR had won the gm outright.. so I'm hoping it can happen again :P
  172. LordofBalls

    I need 1 to close my 4tm parlay... what's your best?? any doggy upsets out there today?

    well since I liked Wisconsin anyways, I put THAT in the parlay: W/W/W/Wisc +6.5 >>> 55/534 (y) Added: *Bradley gm OVER for 3u and another par just cuz I'm like dat sometimes! I like this one too! Par: Brad Ov 140.5 UAB +3 UAB OV 159.5 RICE ML ================= 155/1474 gonna be a great...
  173. LordofBalls

    I need 1 to close my 4tm parlay... what's your best?? any doggy upsets out there today?

    hi guys - need 1 to complete a 4tmr POSSIBLES: *Wisconsin+ *UAB+/ml? please help :P LoB
  174. LordofBalls

    gotta hedge.. a lil bit anyway

    guys it's been a wonderful day right? the 4tmr was big for me, and I played 2 more this afternoon but kinda got away from posting.. 1) Byu -8.5/SF +10.5/Haw 1H UN 62/______open >>> 75/656 2) Tx Tech ml/1h UCSB OV/Iowa St ml/______(open)>>> 55/601 Let's do it again tomorrow lol ... a lot...
  175. LordofBalls

    gotta hedge.. a lil bit anyway

    :smilies2 :smilies1 was floating around the 13-16 range, but once it got under 10 last minute, I felt safe. hit the parlay (net +863) hit the side (+350) hit the total (+200) and anotha par (+302) =================== +1715 and feelin good Louis!!!
  176. LordofBalls

    Let’s have a Saturday

    was a bit scary down 18, but once DAYDAY came bk in the game and scoring I knew we had a chance! I had straight, and over, and parlayed all in all pert-near 1700 which is good for my small wallet :P shhweeeet!
  177. LordofBalls

    gotta hedge.. a lil bit anyway

    faaack!! Cinn starts out well in 2h, live drops to hou -12.5... and I'm wanting it under 10, hoping... then Cinn's shooter picks up 3rd foul on ticky-tack call and coach takes him out... again... FAAACK! :P
  178. LordofBalls

    gotta hedge.. a lil bit anyway

    it's so funny, hou started cold, cinn was up like 10-4 and live was hou -8.5 or so.. THEN... I DO THIS ALL THE TIME lol I ask myself, why hedge when my side's looking so good and the other guys so bad?? so I wait... then all of a sudden Cinn goes 6 mins w/o scoring and Hou starts hitting a...
  179. LordofBalls

    gotta hedge.. a lil bit anyway

    I've got Cinn +14.5 to win $993 gonna start w/Hou -12.5 to win 100.. mebbe something "LIVE" will present the best opportunity.. ? GL to any that tailed :p
  180. LordofBalls

    tried this 4teamer

    here's another start.. Tex Tech ML/3 open... 55/
  181. LordofBalls

    tried this 4teamer

    there's the 1st leg... also had it +2.5 for 1u :smilies2 played 2H St Joes UN 82, and hit it smaller Live un 79 Looks like no way to play the NKy game OVER "live" as the live total is up in low to mid 150s... it was already 4 pts over Arrow's play of 141 when I saw it this morning, so gonna...
  182. LordofBalls

    tried this 4teamer

    Par: (w)SCar ml/Tex Tech +5.5/(w)1h Penn St ml/Cinn +14.5 >>> 75/993 **EDIT: gonna grade SCAR a win as they're up by 30 in 2h (no idea what went so bad for Arky lol) I've got TxTech halfway to a win as they're up in 1h, playing well, seems KU struggling to keep up.. (what can I say I'm an...
  183. LordofBalls


    I started around 645 (pst) and at that time the only one that hadn't moved was St Joes Under 151 (which has now actually gone to 152) I bought half pts or full pt to get to the # that you played Arrow. 1 exception was NKy total went to 145 (4pt move) so at this point I've left it alone.. gonna...
  184. LordofBalls


    got 1 and lost the other by a smidge... thanks for the effort ~ looking forward to an exciting March run Arrow (y)
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