Recent content by Smitty

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  1. Smitty

    "Truth" Social.....Dead on the Vine

    hey, let's give credit where credit is due... he correctly spelled RNA.
  2. Smitty

    Made me think of Jack

    they make him show up? ooh, hammer1 must not like that.
  3. Smitty

    What's the Latest on Kamala?

    i mean, harris looked like a young white guy in PA and and old white guy in FL, but you're correct... she keeps trying to assassinate him! so first it was a registered republican and next a former trump supporter who currently supported ramaswamy. hey, a former trump supporter... maybe one day...
  4. Smitty

    Bagram Alaska

    just like when harris said she saw muslims in NJ cheering after 9/11 and talked about how the army took over the airports in 1775. man, she cray.
  5. Smitty

    Mark "Blac Nazi" Robinson to Stay in NC Race

    and yet how many hypocritical evangelicals are still gonna vote for him? all of them? we've said it before... but the more republicans yell and scream about something, the more we know it's really a confession. "I HATE TRANNIES!!" "but i sure do love watching them fuck!"
  6. Smitty

    "Truth" Social.....Dead on the Vine

    how can this be? it's almost as if the people dumb enough to buy this in the first place don't believe donny when he said he wouldn't sell his shares ASAP.
  7. Smitty

    Trump Unveils Plan for New Cryptocurrency Business

    This is a grift. You are the mark. pretty much sums up MAGA.
  8. Smitty


    excuse me... even though kamala harris apparently only recently became black, she is still a black woman. to the maga crowd, this means she must not be very bright. never mind the fact that she wiped the floor with him in a debate.
  9. Smitty

    Not allowed to be happy

    no, she's right... all those people seemed really, really pissed off.
  10. Smitty

    JD Vance?

    i haven't seen anything from him since the other day when he admitted he makes up stories to get media attention.
  11. Smitty


    i'd put up good money that trump couldn't find afghanistan OR alaska on a map. even if the map was labeled.
  12. Smitty

    Goldman Sachs: US Economy Would Perform Better Under Harris Than Trump

    those damn liberals at goldman sachs! they're probably only saying that because trump is going to put those cat & dog restaurants out of business in ohio!
  13. Smitty


    hahahaha is he wiping his hand? apparently a lot of pros play with trump just so they can have their own story about how trump cheated against them.
  14. Smitty

    Let's win another 10x WEEK 3 NFL

    my god, carolina is practically a lo... they're a lo... they really should cover.
  15. Smitty

    I Wonder What His Bonus Was?

    10,000 bets for over $88M in 16 days? well, he certainly had an exciting 16 days.
  16. Smitty

    Another assassination attempt

    and yet they are actually calling for cutting taxes for the middle class. so you're voting for the party that wants to cut corporate taxes even more (despite the country FLOURISHING when corporate taxes were a LOT higher) and give more and more tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy. again, you keep...
  17. Smitty

    Trump Unveils Plan for New Cryptocurrency Business

    you'd think so. but clearly they've turned their brains off. a fool and his money...
  18. Smitty


    oh, whoever else they brought in would do the exact same thing. they all do it. fucking prevent defense. making kirk cousins look good. don't get me wrong... it worked out well for me last night. but it's frustrating as fuck. the only time you should go to a prevent defense is if you're up...
  19. Smitty

    Week 2 NFL - Early play

    exactly this. and i'll add that guys like Young are throwing to the absolute best WRs in the country against d-backs who... usually aren't. then they get to the nfl, where everyone is elite... it wasn't long ago that you could see the progression of college qbs through their 4 or 5 years as...
  20. Smitty

    JD Vance Admits He and Trump Make Up Stories to Get Attention

    nah, we've already established they know they're being lied to. doesn't matter, so long as they're OWNING THE LIBS!
  21. Smitty

    Another assassination attempt

    you probably also believe him when he says he won his own club championship.
  22. Smitty

    Week 2

    all is well here. as a retired man, i'm playing a lot of pickleball, as is required by law. :)
  23. Smitty

    Another assassination attempt

    they are incapable of understanding this. fuck, in PA there were probably over 100 "good guys with guns", and a bullet just missed trump's head. so odd that in countries with far less guns, there are... wait for it... far less shootings!
  24. Smitty

    Week 2 NFL - Early play

    this is an easy one. even shitty teams tend to cover roughly half their games. it might be different if these teams were good last year and oddsmakers need some time to adjust. both were garbage. if short road favs won as much as people think they should, the books would have gone broke a...
  25. Smitty

    Week 2

    well, here's a shocker... i just noticed i actually bet the under. may be the first time i've ever put a bet in wrong and it WON. must be all that clean livin'....
  26. Smitty

    Week 2

    quarterback play is so awful now. the league is filled with athletic qbs who can't read a defense or throw the ball accurately (or on time). it's especially glaring when you remember that pretty much all the rules are now skewed to favor the offenses. let's just go back to the Winged T.
  27. Smitty

    Another assassination attempt

    why's that? the election is already rigged, right?
  28. Smitty

    Dem bill ...Bill would ban sports betting

    nah. remember, he was the HOUSE when he bankrupted the casino.
  29. Smitty

    Anyone have the Giants today?

    yup, they were my biggest bet today. absolutely disgusting. and what drives me nuts... after their first TD, they send the punter out for the XP. he missed badly and they went for 2 after that. now, you either have confidence in your punter to make an XP or you don't. if he's that bad...
  30. Smitty

    Week 2

    i'm gonna keep riding it. maybe not as big next week at TB. we'll see.
  31. Smitty

    Week 2

    thanks, EJ! how've you been?
  32. Smitty

    Dem bill ...Bill would ban sports betting

    i see both sides of this. on one hand, i believe in personal accountability. you should know your limits, and you should also know if you consistently lose, maybe you shouldn't bet. on the other hand, as we all know, this shit is addictive. hell, i've gambled damn near my whole life...
  33. Smitty

    Week 2

    denver 1H TT under (7.5) 2.5 to win 2. going to the well again. hopefully they don't get 2 safeties and a blocked punt again.
  34. Smitty

    Week 2

    for years, week 2 was THE chance to make money. everybody overreacted to week 1. well, that seems to have changed the last 2 years. don't know if it's just a fluke. early games: NO +6.5 1 unit NO ML 1 to win 2.3 NO 1H +3.5 1 unit NO TT over 19.5 3.9 to win 3. while it's always hard to...
  35. Smitty

    Wanna see the real assholes who kill cats?

    i don't know, i've never eaten a haitian.
  36. Smitty

    Dem bill ...Bill would ban sports betting

    i said it first. i was more succinct. you're pretty nasty for a canadian.
  37. Smitty

    Dem bill ...Bill would ban sports betting

    here's a first... the headline appears to be a little misleading. at least per the article, "The bill also would ban “prop” bets on the performance of college or amateur athletes, such as how many passing yards a quarterback will rack up during a game." also, of course, your thread title is...
  38. Smitty

    Wanna see the real assholes who kill cats?

    but... but... she's black!! and haitians are black!! and donny said on the tv that the immigrants are eating people's pets! he saw it on tv! so it must be true! goddamn woke agenda... eating cats and dogs. this country is going to hell.
  39. Smitty

    Wanna see the real assholes who kill cats?

    for these guys, i'm pretty sure trump's stupidity is a feature, not a bug.
  40. Smitty

    Happy Birthday wiliam13

    happy birthday!
  41. Smitty

    Wanna see the real assholes who kill cats?

    looks like the poachers got it. all so they could pose for that fucking picture.
  42. Smitty

    Debate Recap

    if you've been paying attention for the last 9 years or so, you know that if donny sees it on tv, he believes it. that's why anyone who wanted a job in his administration went on tv and praised him. he's been promising better health care, again, for 9 years. he used to say he had a plan. now...
  43. Smitty

    Happy Birthday Chipwich

    happy birthday! hold up... is it your birthday in english or metric? you can't have both!
  44. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    the seriousest
  45. Smitty

    Debate Recap

    Trump’s bodyguard invites Daniels to dinner, which turns out to be an invitation to Trump’s penthouse, she writes, in a description of alleged events that Daniels has disclosed previously but which in the book are rendered with new and lurid detail. She describes Trump’s penis as “smaller than...
  46. Smitty

    Debate Recap

    ok, NOW this is starting to make sense. duck isn't my favorite, but it's fine. and here's what i think happened... an immigrant was telling the local slut that he ate her pussy. there was just a small error in translation.
  47. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    hold up... are kickserv and i a lesbian couple? i'm his girlfriend... he's my girlfriend... and kick was not joking about the sled-by shootings. it's a very serious matter in canada, eh?
  48. Smitty

    Odds to be our next President

    she was certainly vulnerable on some things, but he simply isn't disciplined enough to hammer her on those. after 9 years of this, does he really lose a single vote after last night? and maga's plan to win the election hasn't changed. they're going to cheat, cheat, and cheat. maga has taken...
  49. Smitty

    Debate Recap

    only got through another 10 minutes so far. it's both hilarious and sad at the same time. apparently some owners of his stock have never seen him speak before.
  50. Smitty

    Debate Recap

    i've watched the first 25 minutes. i'll try to get through the rest tomorrow. so far, it's going exactly as expected. but, seriously, who the fuck is ignorant enough to believe a single word out of his mouth? babies are being executed after they're born?
  51. Smitty

    Yeah, this kinda sums it up

  52. Smitty

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    that's an easy one... he's in a C-U-L-T.
  53. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    yeah, i get angry when kids are slaughtered. and roughly half of our politicians refuse to do ANYTHING, except send thoughts and prayers. i'm funny like that. pretty sure i never called you a pussy. feel free to double check. to elaborate a little, i called people who are in zero actual...
  54. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    my plan? very simple. ban all guns. get rid of 'em. of course that will never happen. at least start with assault weapons and handguns. there's no foolproof solution that will ever protect everyone, but that would sure the hell make mass shootings a lot more difficult. see, the problem...
  55. Smitty

    September 9th Tennis Action

    BOOM! nicely done!
  56. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    that is such a beautiful bullshit statement. per the first amendment, people had the right to yell FIRE in a crowded theater. right up until they didn't. hell, women had the right to get an abortion in every state in this country. right up until they didn't. and, as a black man, you are...
  57. Smitty

    Odds to be our next President

    any time you're relying on americans to turn out for an election, you're asking for trouble. +175 does seem generous. certainly possible plenty of former trump supporters decide to sit this one out because they've realized how horrible trump is, but, gosh darnit, they just can't vote for a...
  58. Smitty

    September 9th Tennis Action

    deal. i'll have to get a few for myself. man, stephens has really fallen apart the last few months.
  59. Smitty

    Odds to be our next President

    well, trump supporters will say he won as long as he doesn't call her a dumb n---- bitch. and some would still say he won.
  60. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    the first time he said it, i accepted it. the 2nd time... yeah, i was thinking the same thing. we may never know how many kids need to get slaughtered before these clowns will vote for politicians who will actually do something about gun violence.
  61. Smitty

    September 9th Tennis Action

    thank you for calling it to my attention. i owe you a canadian whiskey. or a shot of maple syrup. your choice. i almost bet it in straight sets, but pussied out.
  62. Smitty

    September 9th Tennis Action

    WTF is up with that gadecki line? is sloane stephens playing on a broken leg? i know she hasn't been playing well, but holy crap.
  63. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    well, one of us may be fucking dumb. i sure hope it's not me. i'm very sensitive and finding out i'm dumb would be hurtful. but it must be me. because i can't figure out which part of this is dumb. yes, RJ, i'd be fine with banning handguns. because i'm not a fucking pussy who jumps at...
  64. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    those damn sled by shootings. i saw a whole show about them on faux news canada. saskatchewan is no longer safe at night.
  65. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    yes, RJ, i'd be fine with banning handguns. because i'm not a fucking pussy who jumps at every shadow. you probably know this, but i'm guessing you don't care for stats that don't support your narrative. but if you have a gun in the house, it's a lot more likely to end up shooting someone you...
  66. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    oh hedgehog... where are you? c'mon, at least answer #2. i don't really expect you to understand #1. how many fucking kids need to be slaughtered before you think we should once again ban assault rifles?
  67. Smitty


    on the bright side, that's the best price i've ever seen for pomegranate cashews.
  68. Smitty

    Week 1

    of course i didn't post it, but at least i did this at halftime. the list of denver scoring "drives" in that half is disgusting. 4 plays, 3 yards this was after geno threw the pick to start the game safety 4 plays, -2 yards this was after the muffed punt safety 5 plays, 26 yards bo nix is...
  69. Smitty

    Week 1

    HAHAHAHAHAHA sounds about right. sure enough... denver's offense does nothing... bo nix is averaging 3 yards/att... but seattle ends up at their own 1 twice and can't get out of the end zone. insane.
  70. Smitty

    Week 1

    none whatsoever. he's horrible. but geno gave him 3 points already, which will probably kill that bet. i already took it up the ass with the tennessee meltdown. they held chicago's offense under 150 yards and 9 points. the bears' 3 scoring "drives" were 28 yards, 44 yards, and 1 yard. i've...
  71. Smitty

    Week 1

    sorry for the late post az +6.5 4.2 to win 4 az tt over 18.5 3.6 to win 3 tenn +4 2 units denver 1H tt under 8.5 5.4 to win 5
  72. Smitty

    Trump on Making Child Care Affordable...

    as we've said dozens of times... facts didn't get cricket to his current position; they're certainly not gonna get him away from it. the fact that 40 of 44 former cabinet members won't endorse trump should tell cricket all he needs to know. every single one of them is a republican. the fact...
  73. Smitty

    Fmr. Republican VP Dick Cheney Endorses Harris

    i'm waiting for these guys to call cheney a RINO. i mean, why not, they already called liz one. really gotta wonder if one day they'll figure out they are the real RINOs.
  74. Smitty

    Somebody call the cops

    when tiafoe went up 2-1, i started contemplating it. woulda been tough to hedge in the final because sinner would have been a large favorite. this did make me think of a possible strategy going forward on those bets with long odds... and this may piss off kick... but instead of a $40 bet, i...
  75. Smitty

    Somebody call the cops

  76. Smitty


    not much wind the first couple hours. it's expected to pick up a little around 2:00, with gusts up to 17 mph.
  77. Smitty

    Somebody call the cops

    smitty's been robbed.
  78. Smitty

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    maybe because none of them actually tried to overturn a free and fair election. see, hedgy, you really are a patriot!
  79. Smitty

    Lies, lies, lies

    well now, that is fucking hilarious.
  80. Smitty


    you're making me hungry
  81. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    ok, i'm not even going to get into the details of the amendment. so just two points. 1) you realize that amendments are not absolute, right? for example, there are exceptions to the first amendment. you may have heard the classic "you can't yell FIRE in a crowded theater". 2) is there a...
  82. Smitty


    where is her thong?
  83. Smitty


    pretty cheap for any place with an "ique" at the end of the name.
  84. Smitty

    Matt Chapman

    apparently hitting .247 is good enough to get a 31-year old 3rd baseman $150M for 6 years.
  85. Smitty

    Thoughts and Prayers Season is Here

    did you see the congressman who represents that area (mike collins) posted a video of him shooting an AR-15 during his campaign? he asked that he be sent to washington to blow things up. it's ok though... he posted his thoughts and prayers yesterday. if only the shooter was an illegal...
  86. Smitty

    Jive talking

    once again, maga can't come up with one single fact to support their position. keep voting for politicians who are ok with kids and teachers being murdered in school.
  87. Smitty


    did you take slumdog's private jet? kick some ass!
  88. Smitty

    Jive talking

    THERE IT IS!! "i have black friends, so i can't be racist." thank you.
  89. Smitty

    Jive talking

    soooo... do you actually think before posting this drivel? don't worry, it's a rhetorical question. you support donald trump, right? let's start with "comrade." donny has repeatedly praised putin. shit, i'm pretty sure he'd suck vlad's dick if he pulled it out. he's also a big fan of xi...
  90. Smitty

    Jive talking

    look, we get it. you're a huge piece of shit who is terrified of black people and women. you shouldn't feel the need to keep proving it.
  91. Smitty


    perhaps you are not "wrong forum mod" material after all.
  92. Smitty


    kickserv is banned for 2 hours and 38 minutes for not enforcing the "wrong forum" rule
  93. Smitty

    Jive talking

    his first thought... "does aunt jemima count?"
  94. Smitty

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    are we seriously still talking about whose fault the mess in afghanistan was? it was a complete fiasco. the deal was struck in February 2020. for the slow members of the group, that was when trump (greatest deal-maker of all time!) was still in the white house. here's an excellent timeline...
  95. Smitty

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    how is that misinformation? does not matter one iota that they were "invited." same exact rules at any us military location. just because some Private invites a politician to fort drum doesn't mean suddenly the rules don't apply. they are not allowed to take photos or video for political...
  96. Smitty

    Two faced debate!

    a grown ass man (allegedly) literally told someone on the internet "you are what you eat, dung beetle."