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  1. smurphy

    Read a Book
  2. smurphy

    We don't hear much about Turkey, but...

    They seem to be a wildcard in the Iraq mess. Now they have amassed 140,000 troops on the border with Kurdish Iraq!!?? For a little persepctive, that's more than our entire forces in all of Iraq. Kurdish rebels operate in and around Turkey, regularly carrying out suicide missions (which we...
  3. smurphy

    Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Bill
  4. smurphy

    This morning's cards...

    This morning's cards shall be distributed as follows for the following reasons: GREEN Sponge - publicly supported by Madjack Fat Daddy Cool - protecting us from Canada Eddie Haskell - keeping God out of our school lunches Buddy - keeping His name alive in the face of Eddie Garden Weasel -...
  5. smurphy


    English, mother f**ker. Do you speak it? Sincerely, Jehovah
  6. smurphy

    Wolfowitz: Is there nothing he can't f*#k up?

    Perhaps the worst example of Bush's "Loyalty trumps competence" philosophy. Please, Dubya - don't give him anymore jobs! Architect of the Iraq War and unethical President of the World Bank. Big FU to you, Paul - for all you've done. Really, thanks a lot! [Source: House Committee on...
  7. smurphy

    Tony Blair Stepping Down Britain's Blair Says He Is Resigning By DAVID STRINGER The Associated Press...
  8. smurphy

    gmroz22 infiltrates Starbucks!

    I gotta say, I really enjoy that gardenweasel website.. BIG BREWHAHA Anti-God Starbucks cup has customer steaming Woman says: 'I don't think there needs to be religious dialogue on it. I just want coffee' Posted: May 6, 2007 2:07 p.m...
  9. smurphy

    Lynch, Tillman's brother: U.S. military lied

    Lynch, Tillman's brother: U.S. military lied WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former Pfc. Jessica Lynch and the brother of Army Ranger Pat Tillman told a House panel Tuesday that the U.S. military lied about Tillman's death and Lynch's capture. Also during Tuesday's testimony, the last soldier to see...
  10. smurphy

    O'Reilly's bogus coverage of the Portland peace protest

    Anybody see his 'Talking Points' today? What a jackass! He shows footage of those 15 anarchists out of the 20,000 peaceful attendees as if THEY were the rally. Very misleading and irresponsible journalism. His show is complete garbage.
  11. smurphy

    Dick's bullshit growing tiresome

    I really hate our vice president. This angle that people who disagree with his view are undermining the troops is complete crap. But when a POS like him who avoided combat when duty called in his day keeps making comments like this, it becomes offensive as well as wrong. Chickenhawk, crook...
  12. smurphy

    I'm sorry, AR

    The stock market is not holding up. I can be of no service. My best recommendation at this point is to put your money under your mattress. Over 5% of my vast wealth is gone today.
  13. smurphy

    Cheney's trip

    Not going so well. I guess there's still a little work to be done in Afghanistan. ...Hey, this is the most war action the kid has ever seen. ...Unless of course you count shooting his lawyer friend in the face. I'm pretty sure his proximity to China made their stock market tumble too. The...
  14. smurphy

    Share your portfolio...

    Was thinking maybe we could just lay it all out, and hopefully share some good insight. Here's what I got going at the moment...basically equal investment in each position: AGU AKS ARW BG CE CF CHL ETN EWA EWS EWZ FDS FTEK IGLD JASO JCI KR...
  15. smurphy

    Hannity & Colmes

    I know they've always been a joke, but when did they become Greta Van Susteren & Larry King? They haven't discussed anything remotely news-worthy or political since Anna died.
  16. smurphy

    Parole in 10 years for raping/murdering Iraqi girl?! FORT CAMPBELL, Kentucky (AP) -- A U.S. soldier was sentenced to 100 years in prison Thursday for the gang rape and murder of an Iraqi girl and the killing of her family last year. Sgt. Paul E. Cortez, 24, also was given a...
  17. smurphy

    Military Accepting More Ex-Cons

    I guess this is the real reason behind DTB's optimistic enrollment figures.,13319,125220,00.html?wh=news Military Accepting More Ex-Cons Associated Press | February 14, 2007 WASHINGTON - More recruits with criminal records, including felony convictions...
  18. smurphy

    VLNC up 20% today. Now what?

    Still very new to semi-aggressive trading. Caught my first biggie today. Bought Valence Technologies a week ago. They are at the forefront of large lithium-ion batteries, which seems to be the wave of the future for hybrid cars. After GM went begging to congress for funding of this...
  19. smurphy

    Aqua Teen Hunger Force!

    I guess they were kind of a big deal yesterday.
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