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  1. smurphy

    One Muslim chickenhawk comes home to roost "I have the right like everyone else to safety...." What a dlck!
  2. smurphy

    Friendly Saudis Still Teaching Hate

    Amazing how this country which gave birth to 15 of the 9-11 hijackers and have one of the worst human rights records continues to be praised by us and considered an ally.
  3. smurphy

    Bush hatred of coal miners deplorable!

    How the hell are some of these obvious conflicts of interest allowed? from
  4. smurphy

    'Most Liveable' states are BLUE Interesting. Despite being badly outnumbered overall, 4 of the country's top 5 liveable states are Democrat. Meanwhile all of the bottom 15 are Republican.
  5. smurphy

    What the hell is going on in your state, Kosar?

    If the canes, mosquitos, sharks, or random freeway bullets don't get you, the gators will. ....I pray the Manatees don't discover human meat someday. Quote of the year: "You just don't think of your...
  6. smurphy

    The Walkout Will Fail

    I don't see how this protest will help any kind of immigrant cause. For one thing, what's the message? Yes - of course this country values immigration - it always has - that's never been the issue of concern. So, if the walkout is to make people appreciate immigrants - well, that message...
  7. smurphy

    Bush Eases Environmental Rules on Gasoline
  8. smurphy

    McCain offers union crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona

    I'm starting to think maybe Bush was correct in 2000 when he questioned McCain's sanity. $50/ hour? Uh yeah, I'd do it. What the hell - Americans don't mind hard work, it's all about the benjamins. Nobody wants to work their ass off and not ascend the poverty line. I don't know which is...
  9. smurphy

    Anybody been to Iceland?

    I'm going for a few days around the solstice. Have no clue what to expect or do, just figure it will be interesting. Any advice?
  10. smurphy

    Today's Saddam Tape - Lil' different than the Manson spams,2933,188665,00.html
  11. smurphy

    So, what should we do with Iraq at this point?

    All the arguing about reasons for starting this war are somewhat moot. They serve a purpose in that maybe we can learn something for the future, but don't really do anything positive about the current predicament. So what are some ideas about what we should do now? Withdraw? Apologize to the...
  12. smurphy

    Chef quits South Park because they made fun of Scientology South Park makes fun of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Mormons, Atheists, males, females, straights, gays, adults, kids, teens, fat people, gay animals, straight animals, models, athletes, singers...
  13. smurphy

    11 of 12 Iraq War veterans running for congress are Democrats
  14. smurphy

    Bush embarrasses himself and USA again...

    Bush on Pakistan: The leader of the free world doesn't realize that Pakistan is NEITHER free or Arab. And if Pakistan does ever (not likely) become democratic, they will vote in pretty hardline Islamists - not at all likely to be our "stedfast partner". This is basic geography. I'd think...
  15. smurphy

    South Dakota Bans Abortion Wow, what busy week in politics. Like many others here, I don't feel too strong either way. I predict a few other states will take this step before long. It's gonna be...
  16. smurphy

    Bush supporters need to explain this one,2933,185347,00.html Gardenweasel mentioned it before, now it's closer than ever to happen. 6 major ports (including one in NY) have been approved to be sold to an Arab company by the Bush administration. Does this run counter to the war on terror? Does this...
  17. smurphy

    Incredible new Pete Rose revelations

    Anybody hear this stuff today? Impromptu interview with that sidekick guy of his (some Italian name) on 'Wise Guys' radio show today and he spilled some major beans. Pete Rose trafficked and sold huge quantities of cocaine to pay off gambling debts. He was a very heavy user of...
  18. smurphy

    Jackasses with their high-beams always on!

    Is it just me noticing this, or are there more assholes than ever who drive the highways with high-beams on all the time - whether people are ahead of them, behind them, or coming straight at them. Just made my 6 hour route through the desert complete bullshlt. I remember 15 years ago as a...
  19. smurphy

    ARE YOU BEANTOWNJIM.....Take the test

    I really don't know where to go with this after the title. Maybe someone else can make a punchline.
  20. smurphy

    A True Sign of Hope This is why I think we may be able to deal with Iran. They are already ahead of many other Muslims by leaps and bounds. Instead of blowing everything up, they are holding a cartoon contest. This is actually the...
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