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  1. smurphy

    Biden on Daily Show

    Most unelectable guy I ever liked. Dammit - he's so close, but he doesn't stand a chance. Not these days. Too out of touch. Dems' version of McCain.
  2. smurphy

    Scooter Libby In-Trial Thread

    Jury selection today. One lady was dismissed because she said "there's no way they could convince me" the defendant was innocent. ...Aww come on, that's not good enough reason. Perhaps the supidest person on the planet said the trial would cause them "financial hardship". ...Are you kidding...
  3. smurphy

    Barry Bonds Tested Positive for Amphetamines

    Please, can we finally get this guy booted and his records scratched.
  4. smurphy

    Bush pardons 16 last week

    Including a meth dealer (good news for Ted Haggard). BUT still no pardons for Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, the border patrol agents who shot at a fleeing drug smuggler 2 years ago. 12 congressmen have petitioned Bush to pardon them and virtually all logical people in the US want him to as...
  5. smurphy

    Mary Cheney and "wife" pregnant...,2933,234725,00.html Fox really buried this story for some reason, but I found it.
  6. smurphy

    Webb doesn't roll over for Bush By BOB LEWIS, Associated Press Writer Wed Nov 29, 6:11 PM ET RICHMOND, Va. - Democratic Sen.-elect Jim Webb avoided the receiving line during a recent White House reception for new members of Congress and had a chilly exchange with...
  7. smurphy

    Is 'Happy Feet' a leftist propaganda film?

    Neil Cavuto and many neocons believe so. The environmental message is downright communist. Apparently one of the penguins even promotes homosexuality.:142smilie
  8. smurphy

    Israel can't be fking up like this

    They simply cannot be off-target by a mile and blowing up residential Palestinian neighborhoods, killing lots of kids and women. No apology from them can make up the loss. The fighting will go on forever and they lose increasing moral high ground. Be mo' betta, dummies!
  9. smurphy

    Rumsfeld Steps Down

    Well, that's a new course.
  10. smurphy

    Florida Foley question....

    Why is Foley's name on the ballot instead Negron? That is quite a disadvantage.
  11. smurphy

    Britney drops K-Fed! Somehow this makes it seem like the planet is back on it's axis a little bit.
  12. smurphy

    Oh crap, I guess I am a leftist The whole "blue state / red state" thing makes more sense now. The obvious overwhelming downside to Smurf society is the lack of females.
  13. smurphy

    GOP sinks to new level of depravity

    Nice lil' scare tactics commercial with Osama and nuclear detonation. "The Stakes". Does LBJ get royalties, or at least a copyright credit for this one? Good to see they are spending money on commercials reminding us to be afraid of the guy that Bush "isn't that concerned" about.
  14. smurphy

    Another sick Republican exposed

    It's beyond ironic that he chaired the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus.
  15. smurphy

    Mr. Conservative

    Anybody see the HBO special on Barry Goldwater? Pretty fascinating political figure.
  16. smurphy

    Middle East Geography Test Curious to see how the political forum participants do. I used to know every country on the globe ...but that was 1985. Still haven't learned all those pesky ex-Soviet nations, but I think Ali-G's Borak character is from one of them.
  17. smurphy

    Sugestinons needed - what's the opposite of a "fag hag"?

    So I've pretty much got 2 lives now - a California one which I'm trying to mold in a conventional normal kinda way, perhaps find a wife, gamble less, etc etc - and a Vegas one, which pays the bills and is...well, in Vegas. As it turns out, my recent set of friends in Vegas ((they tend to change...
  18. smurphy

    Spike Lee's Katrina Documentary

    Anybody watching this? Pretty good, frustrating stuff. .....God, Nagin is a pompous prick.
  19. smurphy

    $300 billion and 2,600 lives for THIS,2933,207265,00.html
  20. smurphy

    Charles Barkley to run for governor in 2010 "I was a Republican until they...
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