I have no desire to see him killed at all but it is another sign of the chaos he has brought to this nation and another reason we need Gun control. Of course your head is soooooo far up you ass it will never be considered by you.
Oh man, awhile back I tried to listen to him for about 10 minutes but couldn't take it. At least someone like Neal Cavuto doesn't sound like he has rabies.
Never been but suspect I would like Colorado. Really like the Flagstaff area and might move there when I retire but my top choice for anywhere is the coastal area from Pismo to Cambria. Ocean breeze first choice, pine trees second choice. :smilies9
Monkey? More weak sauce and I live in Ventura County where there are not as many assholes like DeSantis and Scott like they are in your swamp but thanks buddy.
Inflation is better then the majority of first world nations. If prices dropped dramatically that would be deflation and that ISN'T what we want. If they want a right wing idea of running a economy look at brexit.