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  1. Chadman

    Hey, Illuminati:

    Speaking only from my perspective... can you not post a plethora of posts all the time, especially when you see no responses to them? I know I'm guilty of posting an article to make a point more than most, but several in one day, or several on multiple days? Seriously, I argue against Raymond...
  2. Chadman

    Conservatives prop up their favs for President

    Interesting to see the favorites of the staunch conservatives in the CPAC straw vote, important to republicans hoping to become president next election: 1st - Ron Paul. 2nd - Mitt Romney. 3rd - Sarah Palin. Excited, righties? At least you can get behind the guy from Massachusetts that got...
  3. Chadman

    Who receives majority of public aid dollars? Some of you might be surprised.

    This might be educational for some around here - while I know it's not a Youtube video, maybe a couple people might actually take the time to become more aware of reality with this revelation: The entire article can be read here - there are more details, if you like...
  4. Chadman

    PC Laptop Problem

    I hate PC's. Now, that being said... My Gateway laptop has been acting strangely for a while now, not booting up at times, forcing me to shut down with the on/off key. I was/am going to take it in to have it looked at on Monday, but need to get some schoolwork done this weekend if possible. The...
  5. Chadman

    Top five health insurers posted 56 percent profit gains in 2009

    Believe this story paints a bit of a different picture than the 2% profit margin story from Wayne and Mags, and also paints a picture of exactly how they get to these margins. I'm sure it's a bit slanted, but the numbers seem to back it up. - C Top five health insurers posted 56 percent profit...
  6. Chadman

    Garbage In, Garbage Out

    Considering this view of corporations and our economy, does it make sense to turn them loose using American's money to fund elections and causes? - C. Garbage In, Garbage Out The Free Market Fetish By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan answered that he had...
  7. Chadman

    Colts, Saints Blinded By Natural Sunlight Upon Arrival At Stadium

    Colts, Saints Blinded By Natural Sunlight Upon Arrival At Stadium FEBRUARY 3, 2010 | ISSUE 46?04 | ONION SPORTS MIAMI?Members of both Super Bowl teams, who played the majority of their regular season and playoff games in domed stadiums, squinted in pain and sought refuge from the sun Thursday...
  8. Chadman

    How corporations secretly move millions to fund political ads

    Exclusive: How corporations secretly move millions to fund political ads By Brad Jacobson Thursday, February 4th, 2010 -- 9:06 am The Supreme Court?s seismic January ruling that corporations are free to spend unlimited amounts of their profits to advertise for or against candidates may have...
  9. Chadman

    Rule By The Rich

    Don't Look to Washington for Help Rule by the Rich By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS The election of Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate by Democratic voters in Massachusetts sends President Obama a message. Voters perceive that Obama?s administration has morphed into a Bush-Cheney government...
  10. Chadman

    Corporate Personhood and Political Free Speech

    Tin Man KO's Straw Man Corporate Personhood and Political Free Speech By MANUEL GARCIA, Jr. With a 5-to-4 split decision on the 21st of January, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled "that labor unions and corporations can spend unlimited amounts to influence federal elections, throwing out a ban that...
  11. Chadman

    Largest US health insurer?s profits rise 30 percent

    Largest US health insurer?s profits rise 30 percent By John Byrne Thursday, January 21st, 2010 -- 8:59 am As if to mock the Democrats' loss of Ted Kennedy's Senate seat and the subsequent and rapid unraveling of a healthcare bill that seemed determined to curb the excesses of the US health...
  12. Chadman

    AVOID the movie Leap Year

    Not that many of you would go see this flic... wife and I had to see it because we were late getting to Sherlock Holmes and The Blind Side. Really an awful movie, the only cool thing was the scenery across the pond. Amy Adams had a scene in her undergarments, and THAT wasn't even worthwhile. She...
  13. Chadman

    Tea Party Nation convention only has room for friendly press

    Tea Party Nation convention only has room for friendly press By Daniel Tencer Thursday, January 14th, 2010 -- 5:58 pm After taking some heat for barring the press altogether from their upcoming convention in Nashville, the organizers of the Nationwide Tea Party Convention say they will open...
  14. Chadman

    Right Wing Catches On That Conservative Trade Policies Hurt Us

    Right Wing Catches On That Conservative Trade Policies Hurt Us By Dave Johnson January 11, 2010 - 9:08pm ET Be afraid. Over at The Drudge Report, under a photo of a Chinese soldier (but no siren), are three headlines: CHINA ENDS AMERICA'S REIGN AS LARGEST AUTO MARKET... Becomes biggest...
  15. Chadman

    Obama institutes profiling of Muslims - still think he's working from the inside?

    Just wondered, since I haven't seen anything from the "birther crew" or the "Obama hired by Muslims Crowd," if you think he acted properly in instituting racial profiling and extra searches and checks on muslims and everyone flying from muslim/terrorist suspected countries. Specifically, the...
  16. Chadman

    NFL Player list by position for playoffs?

    Hey, does anyone have a list, or has anyone seen one online that I could copy and paste, of a listing of players by position for the playoffs? I'm running a local playoff contest, and want to get a list out to everyone as soon as I can. It needs to be a fairly complete listing of offensive...
  17. Chadman

    Merry Christmas to all y'all

    Since I have to complete all my chores and head out into the winter storm warning, I thought I would take a minute to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. Not sure what Internet time I'll have coming up - it's a zoo at the wife's parents house, so thought I'd get this in now. Please be safe, and...
  18. Chadman

    Michele Bachmann update for Hedgie

    Hedgie, I know you're holding a candle for the Palin/Bachmann ticket. Just thought you'd like an update from home... :) Bad week for Michele Bachmann Our crazy Congresswoman hits the trifecta Share By Hart Van Denburg Published on December 21, 2009 at 2:41pm What did I say this...
  19. Chadman

    GOP favors partisanship over the troops

    Can you imagine if this had happened a couple of years back? What the outcry from conservatives would be? What do you think they would say? Interesting ? really sad ? but interesting. -------------- GOP senators to block defense bill in bid to delay health-care vote By Paul Kane and Lori...
  20. Chadman

    If private health insurance worked, we wouldn't need health reform

    I'd be interested to hear what Mags has to say about this article. It brings up some interesting points - not saying they are all accurate, but they make some sense to me. - C ------------------------------------------ If private health insurance worked, we wouldn't need health reform Lost in...