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  1. Chadman

    The $10 Trillion Hangover: Paying the Price for 8 Years of Bush

    With all the extreme focus on Obama and Co.'s economic policies and the national debt, I started looking into this a bit more. Here is an interesting and detailed look at things, and how decisions and policies from the Bush administration continue to be a part of the current budget deficits...
  2. Chadman

    MN, WI, IL, OH, NY, PA, MI News, tips and info.

    Hey, guys, just thought I would mention, I work part time for a hunting/fishing newspaper that's published in 7 states (MN, WI, IL, OH, NY, PA, MI). It's a really good pub, with editors in each state and local writers. I never venture in here, not a hunter myself but do like to fish...
  3. Chadman

    Al-Qaeda No. 3 Yazid reported killed by U.S. drone

    Al-Qaeda No. 3 Yazid reported killed by U.S. drone By Greg Miller and Craig Whitlock Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Al-Qaeda's third-ranking operative, an Egyptian who was a founding member of the terrorist network and a key conduit to Osama bin Laden, has been killed in Pakistan, according to a...
  4. Chadman

    BP and the Audacity of Greed

    Screw the Environment BP and the Audacity of Greed By DAVE LINDORFF Even as BP?s blown well a mile beneath the surface in the Gulf of Mexico continues to gush forth an estimated 70,000 barrels of oil a day into the sea, and the fragile wetlands along the Gulf begin to get coated with crude...
  5. Chadman

    My Heros: Brothers embark on walk across America to fight corporate personhood

    I am going to check out their efforts on Facebook, and see if they are going to be walking anywhere close to where I could see them, and commend them for their actions. Kind of makes me rethink what I can do for the good of my country: Brothers embark on walk across America to fight corporate...
  6. Chadman

    The Road to Recession

    From my favorite economic commentator, could be scary times ahead (no surprise, of course): Systemic Instability The Road to Recession By MIKE WHITNEY Debt woes in Greece have sent bond yields soaring and increased the prospect of sovereign default. A restructuring of Greek debt will deal a...
  7. Chadman

    Another republican "family values" hypocrite

    I'm sure God can't wait to resume his (or her) walk with this gem...:rolleyes: ?Family values? congressman says he?ll resign over affair Indiana Republican Rep. Mark Souder announced Tuesday he would resign from Congress, effective Friday, because he had an affair with a staffer. Souder said...
  8. Chadman

    Minnesota MadJacks Golf Outing Summer 2010?

    I thought I might put something up here since I know so many Minnesotans and other close-by states post here... This isn't anything sponsored, planned, or otherwise special at this point, just thought I would take the temperatures of some of the usuals around here. Anyone in the vicinity of the...
  9. Chadman

    Exciting time to be in central Minnesota!

    Just have to crow a little, coming out of the cold season, and into an amazing baseball season. Experienced Target Field for the first time on Saturday, and cannot believe how wonderful that stadium is. I honestly cannot think how they could have done anything any better - a truly awesome...
  10. Chadman

    The New War on Social Security

    Bernanke the Ax Man The New War on Social Security By DEAN BAKER Suppose our top generals described the growing threat from a hostile Middle East power. The country has tens of billions of oil dollars, a growing army, chemical and biological weapons, and is in the process of developing...
  11. Chadman

    Poll: Most Tea Party Supporters Say Their Taxes Are Fair

    Poll: Most Tea Party Supporters Say Their Taxes Are Fair Posted by Stephanie Condon 183 comments CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto. As Tea Partiers gather for today's rally in Boston, home of the original Tea...
  12. Chadman

    Business Week: Public wrong, markets right, Obama plan working

    Business Week: Public wrong, markets right, Obama plan working By Ron Brynaert Friday, April 9th, 2010 -- 10:16 am Never mind the polls, Mike Dorning seems to be suggesting in an article for Business Week which analyzes Obama administration's economic policies. In a shorter version of the...
  13. Chadman

    GO TWINS!!!

    Hey, sorry to clutter up the forum - but just wanted to wish my boys a great season, and if I learn of anything of value from a capping perspective here locally, I'll post it. Best of luck to everyone capping bases this season. GO TWINS!!! Baby Jesus in his New Manger in 2010 - and beyond...
  14. Chadman

    Post-Palin Alaska has largest debt burden in US

    Post-Palin Alaska has largest debt burden in US By Raw Story Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 -- 3:12 pm Sarah Palin has long sold herself as a fiscal conservative, arguing against the Democrats' health overhaul on the grounds that the nation simply can't afford it. But when the former vice...
  15. Chadman

    Captain Crunch: KC schools closing

    Hey, Captain, I just read where the superintendent is closing a bunch of schools in Kansas City. I'd imagine that is causing quite an uproar there, but the schools were running with half empty schools, etc? Wondering if that affects you in any way, or your daughters?
  16. Chadman

    The Untouchable Budget

    The Untouchable Budget Defense Department, Inc. By SAUL LANDAU and NELSON P. VALDES Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is...
  17. Chadman

    Fact-checker's delight: Bachmann vs. Grayson on Healthcare

    From (website that fact checks comments by political leaders and newsmakers) Fact-checker's delight: Bachmann vs. Grayson By Angie Drobnic Holan Published on Thursday, March 4th, 2010 at 7:06 p.m. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., and Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., discuss health care...
  18. Chadman

    Minnesota Sports Fans Support Group

    I thought I would do a "kumbaya"-themed "suicide" watch kind of thread for some possible current events. Heard this morning that Joe Mauer's agent is at Twins Spring Training today, meeting with the Twins. Could signal a deal might actually be close to getting done. Please, God, let it be so...
  19. Chadman

    Opinions wanted

    I was just reading in the Market this week thread a review of a post talking about the decline of real estate in large part due to the escalation of online business, meaning brick and mortar businesses no longer being needed or as prevalent. Also mentioned schools and education going online, and...
  20. Chadman

    Top 1%: Lower Tax Rate Than Their Secretaries

    Top 1%: Lower Tax Rate Than Their Secretaries By Robert Borosage February 18, 2010 - 8:15am ET Yes, there is a class war, Warren Buffett once said, and my class is winning. The IRS study of taxes paid in 2007 makes his point. The top 1% of taxpayers averaged about $138 million in income, and...