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  1. Chadman

    Wheel Covers question

    I realize how novice this question is, but I've never had to deal with it before. I am still driving a 2005 Pontiac Grand Am and will be until I secure my teaching job hopefully this summer or fall. I may keep the car for a while after that, depending on how far I have to drive. All four of the...
  2. Chadman

    The top reasons Wall Street and Republicans are scared of Richard Cordray

    The top reasons Wall Street and Republicans are scared of Richard Cordray By Business Insider Thursday, January 5, 2012 By Linette Lopez After months of pushback from Republicans in Congress, President Obama has finally decided to go over their heads and appoint former Ohio Attorney General...
  3. Chadman

    Boehner?s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating

    Boehner?s office cuts off C-SPAN cameras as GOP takes verbal beating By Stephen C. Webster Wednesday, December 21, 2011 A strange thing happened Wednesday morning on Capitol Hill. As Rep. Stenny Hoyer (D-MD) attempted to call for a vote to extend a payroll tax cut to middle class and working...
  4. Chadman

    Who do you think you are kidding?

    Republicans in the House, that is. This is more of a rhetorical question than anything, but, why did they attach the monstrous oil pipeline construction legislation to the payroll tax cut legislation that both parties supposedly are for? What does this oil pipeline have to do with payroll tax...
  5. Chadman

    President's Cup

    I understand the home "field" advantage of the Internationals which will be big. But it seems to me that Couples will do more "coaching" in putting the right guys together in these matches, compared to Norman leaning towards putting countrymen together to be comfortable playing together. I...
  6. Chadman

    Interesting election results from Tuesday night

    I'm guessing that had the vote in Ohio gone in favor backing Kasich and his crew that this story would have been posted on Tuesday night or Wednesday. As it didn't, I'll post it in case some of you missed some results. It appears that those who are predicting a conservative/tea party/anti-union...
  7. Chadman

    Saturday Night Fun

    Playing a little tonight, mostly for fun as I finally have a night to watch a little football while doing homework. 1* 2T Tease Bama +.5 K State +26.5 1/2* 3T Parlay Bama -5 K State +20.5 Mizzou +2.5 1/2* 5T Parlay Washington +16.5 Arkansas -5 Bama -5 K State +20.5 Mizzou +2.5 What the Hell...
  8. Chadman

    Get your Suck for Luck shirts here!

    Hey, Vikes fans! I've designed shirts we can all get behind this season - wear them with hope in your heart! Get them while they are hot and the Vikes are cold! You can see an example of one as my avatar - I designed two versions. Here's the link: If any of...
  9. Chadman

    Weather/Field conditions in Jacksonville

    Any locals have a take on the field conditions in Jax today? I know it's been ugly and will continue to be, especially later in the day. The weather channel is showing a break in the rains from now until just after game time. I'm wondering if the field is protected at all from what has already...
  10. Chadman

    A Letter To The Secretary Of The Treasury

    A very short "story" from Mark Twain - probably something a few people could send this winter... A Letter To The Secretary Of The Treasury Story Riverdale-on-the-Hudson, OCTOBER 15, 1902. THE HON. THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, WASHINGTON, D. C.: Sir,--Prices for the customary kinds of...
  11. Chadman

    Clarence Thomas on the take? You mean money affects the Supremes, too?

    Democrats mobilize over Clarence Thomas ethics investigation By Rachel Rose Hartman | The Ticket ? 16 hrs ago Forty-six House Democrats have joined forces this week to ask the chamber's Judiciary Committee to investigate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for ethics violations. The...
  12. Chadman

    Hey, thought it was about time I gave an update on my cancer surgery progress

    The thought occurred to me that some of you might want to know some details on the back end of my prostate cancer removal surgery and subsequent lifestyle. I have been remiss in keeping folks updated, and that is not good considering the amazing support and positive wishes that were extended to...
  13. Chadman

    Saving the Rich, Losing the Economy - a great read.

    This is a great article that gives a great overview of how we got where we are economically, that places blame where it needs to be placed - not one party, not one group, but appropriately. A great read, I think. - C. When There's Nothing Left to Lose Saving the Rich, Losing the Economy by PAUL...
  14. Chadman

    More proof the really wealthy avoid their tax responsibilities

    Thought it worth posting - when we talk about how tough it is for the upper 1%ers in this country. Further proof how this group of people has access to ways to avoid their tax responsibilities that the rest of us (I assume) don't have... 12,000 tax cheats come clean under IRS program By STEPHEN...
  15. Chadman

    Fan Duel - any participants?

    Hey guys/gals. Just wondering if anyone has taken part in the Fan Duel contests promoted here. Sounds like a fun thing to do on days when you have a lot of free time to devote. Any info?
  16. Chadman

    Obama admin. crackdown on health care fraud leads to 85% more prosecutions

    Obama admin. crackdown on health care fraud leads to 85% more prosecutions By Kase Wickman Tuesday, August 30th, 2011 -- 12:15 pm Under the newly reformed health care laws championed by President Barack Obama, it's not only what people pay for insurance that will change, but also...
  17. Chadman

    What specifically should I not like about Ron Paul?

    Every time I read something he writes, listen to what he says, study his grasp and command of history and government, I can appreciate and understand his position and opinion. Most of the time I agree completely with him. Leaning to the left, I'm sure I'd have problems of some of his positions...
  18. Chadman

    Deck Staining Opinons...

    Okay, so it's been several years since I did maintenance on my deck, no cleaning, no re-staining, no nothing. Undertaking this in my last week of freedom before starting back for my last year of school and new career. It has actually weathered pretty well, overall. I have plenty of materials...
  19. Chadman

    Hey, Mags - looks like Wisconsin isn't completely happy with Walker and Repubs...

    Only one seat left and the balance of power shifts back to democrats after the recall elections of republicans tonight? Seems you are not exactly painting an accurate picture about how your state really feels about what Walker did? And the one race is taking so long that should have been the...
  20. Chadman

    Personalizing the Debt Limit

    Buy Now, Pay Later Personalizing the Debt Limit By WALTER BRASCH taken from You have a credit card with a $25,000 limit. Because you have a good job, you only have $6,000 on the card, and routinely pay the monthly statement and a little extra on the principal. But then you...