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  1. S

    T.O. felt "used"

    T.O. tells magazine he felt 'used' by Eagles This was the headline from an article in a national publication. Well, duh, that's what companies do. They "use" employees to produce...... :s4: I'm so tired of hearing this "direspect" card being pulled out every time something goes wrong in an...
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    How's this for bad beats...

    1) I played Iona last night (along with half the universe) and gave 2 pts. They led all game and by as much as 10 in the 2nd half. At the end a Fordham player throws it up from half court and, sure enough, it goes in for a trey. Fordham loses but covers by a point.....:nooo: 2) I play Tenn...
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    Loiusville pick

    First let me say, that I'm not playing this game nor recommending such. I found this across the street and this is the style the poster uses every week. He actually is a pretty good capper. I posted this here for the comedic value....enjoy :mj07: 1. Louisville minus 21.5 football points...
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    MAC hesitation..(?)

    I want to play Cent. Michigan so bad, but I'm leery of the game. The Mac got steamed last week and they're still investigating exactly what happened (if anything). I have Cent. Mich winning outright by 5 and they are 3 pt. dogs. I noticed they were getting 91% of the action on the ML. I'd...
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    MAC hesitation (?)

    I want to play Cent. Michigan so bad, but I'm leery of the game. The Mac got steamed last week and they're still investigating exactly what happened (if anything). I have Cent. Mich winning outright by 5 and they are 3 pt. dogs. I noticed they were getting 91% of the action on the ML. I'd...
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    Box and One...need N.Texas help

    Box, I'm looking at this game and either it's a big overlay or I'm missing something important. UL-Lafayette giving only 4 to North Texas. I know it's AT N. Texas, but is that stadium a huge factor in this game? :shrug: I see N.Texas getting beat up on all the major stats. They've only...
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    Gamblers heyday

    I'm sitting here in front of my big screen listening to Breeders cup chatter on TVG, with NBC on picture in picture, the Wisky game on another TV and playing a poker tourney on my laptop, which has 4 screens mininmized to offshore's (for Breeders Cup action) and of course Madjacks......Gambling...
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    Can the Skins score 20?

    That is the question here. I'm not sold on the Giants. They have had some very lucky breaks....from favorable game winning turnovers early on to the miracle pass in the closing seconds last week against Denver. I think it all stops here..... Now for the facts. The skins are averaging 22 pts...
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    Lady fires back against record companies

    Oregon RIAA Victim Fights Back; Sues RIAA for Electronic Trespass, Violations of Computer Fraud & Abuse, Invasion of Privacy, RICO, Fraud I hope she wins this case. If you've ever downloaded music, you'll want to read this article...
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    Just Venting....

    Observations and quotes out of the mouth of N.Y. Yankee Gary Sheffield: Sheffield all but appointed himself the Yankees' most valuable player in an interview with New York magazine, accusing reporters of distorting the truth and ruining team chemistry. "It happens because you're white and I'm...
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    Carib contest for Madjackers.

    Is there a running accounting of the baseball contest? The sign-up thread is locked and Carib web site doesn't show anything.... IE.....any idea?
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    Branson Golf

    I'm going to Branson in a couple of weeks and I'm taking my clubs. I've never been there before and I wouldn't go now, but my Dad asked me to go and he's getting up in years. It may be the last trip he can take and if he asked....I'm going. Wives can do whatever the "F" wives do but I plan on...
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    Where are the Abuses??

    I don't come into this forum very often, but I find it necessary to vent today. I'm sick of reading in my local "fishwrap" about the congressional hearings regarding mistreatment of the poor detainees in Quantanamo. In particular, a Mohamed al-Qahtani, who is named by the govt. as the 20th...
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    Try to keep a straight face when listening

    This is the funniest godda*n thing I have ever heard This guy is calling in that he is late for a meeting and....well, listen for yourself..
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    Colts can win it Sunday...

    A reporter in the local fish-wrap was pontificating on the weekend games. He made some points about a game I like and I paraphrased and added a few of my own thoughts. For those with a betting interest in this game, here is food for thought. I think the Colts can handle the Pat?s, and here?s...
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    Another SD/Jets viewpoint

    I have read Senior Capper?s excellent input and Dizzaytons? thread along with input from those who contributed, as well as others, so at risk of ?beating a dead horse? here is another way to look at this Charger/Jets matchup. Using yds./pt. as a guide, on both offense and defense, you can...
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    Where's the other dollar?

    3 Fishermen found a motel the night before a big fishing tournament. The motel clerk said he had 1 room left for $30 bucks. The men agreed and each paid $10. When the manager returned, the clerk notified him of the last room rental and told him he charged $30. The manager pointed out a...
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    San Diego rolls

    "Figures lie and Liars figure", but my figures show San Diego to roll right thru Oakland. Now I'm an analytical type of 'capper. I keep my own stats, so they may vary slighty from what you may see at or where ever. I do the math, match the numbers, look at the stats, etc. I'm not...
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    What would you do?

    I was walking :walk: thru the crowded Stardust recently, following an endless stream of people. I noticed a piece of paper on the ground. Just like a little kid, I kicked at it gently, only to see it slide along the ground instead of popping up in the air as I expected. I stopped, picked it...
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    Jets ML O.T.B. @ WSEX

    Does anyone know why the ML would be OTB and the game (at a PK) and total are available?