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  1. Chadman

    If Private Health Insurance Is So Awesome, Why Would It Lose A Competition With Gov't

    If Private Health Insurance Is So Awesome, Why Would It Lose A Competition With Gov't Health Care? By David Sirota March 5th, 2009 - 11:02am ET If government is so awful, so inefficient and so supposedly hated by the country as the right so often insists, how are those same Republicans...
  2. Chadman

    Wars, Endless Wars

    Wars, Endless Wars By BOB HERBERT Published: March 2, 2009 The singer Edwin Starr, who died in 2003, had a big hit in 1970 called ?War? in which he asked again and again: ?War, what is it good for?? The U.S. economy is in free fall, the banking system is in a state of complete collapse and...
  3. Chadman

    The Economy and the Big Picture

    Obama and the System The Economy and the Big Picture By FELICE PACE None of the reporting I?ve seen on the ?economic crisis? discloses to the American People what is at the core of the crisis. Also generally missing is an historical perspective that gets deeper than facile references to the...
  4. Chadman

    These are the people that we need to protect from "excessive"taxes?

    Group of Rich Americans Sues UBS to Keep Names Secret in Tax Case By LYNNLEY BROWNING Published: February 24, 2009 UBS was sued on Tuesday in a Swiss federal court by wealthy American clients seeking to prevent the disclosure of their identities as part of a tax-evasion investigation by the...
  5. Chadman

    Obama press conference

    One thing I can say for sure - Obama did a terrific job at the press conference tonight, explaining the reasoning behind much of the plan, and answering the questions put to him. Major Garrett, of course, tried to blow him up with a ridiculous question about an unspecific Biden comment from last...
  6. Chadman

    Obama names outside economic advisory panel

    Seems like some pretty strong people to help form policy initiatives. What a strong contrast to the previous form of making policy: "Hey Dick. Hey Karl. What do you wanna do?" ------------------- Obama names outside economic advisory panel Published: Friday February 6, 2009 President Barack...
  7. Chadman

    Economic Know-Nothingism: The GOP's nutso claim

    Economic Know-Nothingism The GOP's nutso claim that government spending doesn't create jobs. By Daniel Gross Posted Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2009, at 5:27 PM ET There are three options government can pursue when the economy goes south. First, the Fed can cut interest rates, buy up assets, and extend...
  8. Chadman

    Obama-Ragging Fatigue

    Great threads. Obama is bad for all of us for whatever reason we want to come up with. Saw above that Obama is just more of the same - politics as usual, and in the same thread his brand of change and differing ideas about how to get the country going again are going to make things a billion...
  9. Chadman

    My opinion...have fun today.

    My opinion, FWIW. Personally not wagering on this game, going to a party at the bar and not going to worry about things. I have a lot of pool action with some great numbers, so hoping to cash in with a couple squares - pretty much just rooting for a normal kind of game with no missed PATs or no...
  10. Chadman

    Gitmo made us less safe?

    Gitmo recruited thousands of terrorists, says US interrogator David Edwards and Joe Byrne Published: Tuesday January 27, 2009 A Pentagon report that 61 former inmates from Guantanamo Bay have "returned to the battlefield" doesn't seem to be scaring anyone. Matthew Alexander, a former senior...
  11. Chadman

    The Life and Crimes of George W. Bush

    High Plains Grifter The Life and Crimes of George W. Bush By JEFFREY ST. CLAIR Part One: The Ties That Blind The mad cowboys are on the loose. Pack only what you can carry. Liberate the animals. Leave the rest behind. The looters are hot on the trail. Only ruin stands in their wake. Not even...
  12. Chadman

    Bush farewell sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher

    McClellan: Bush farewell sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher :mj07: John Byrne and David Edwards Published: Friday January 16, 2009 You know things are bad when your former spokesman is comparing you with a character on Charlie Brown. Or if you're a Republican president and they're going on...
  13. Chadman

    Our Collapsing Economy

    US's Negative Net Worth at $59.3 Trillion Our Collapsing Economy By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nonfarm payroll employment declined by 3,445,000 from December 2007 through December 2008. The collapse in employment is across the board. Construction lost...
  14. Chadman

    Fantasy Golf Book - help?

    Hey, guys. In the past few years, there has been a decent fantasy golf book put out by somebody named Chapman, or something like that. If anyone has a link to that guy, can you please post it? Jack, if this is a problem for you, I understand, just delete this. I am in a few golf leagues, and...
  15. Chadman

    The 10 Worst Corporations of 2008

    What a Year for Corporate Criminality! The 10 Worst Corporations of 2008 By ROBERT WEISSMAN What a year for corporate criminality and malfeasance! As we compiled the Multinational Monitor list of the 10 Worst Corporations of 2008, it would have been easy to restrict the awardees to Wall...
  16. Chadman

    2009 PGA Championship - advice

    For those of you who have been to one of these in the past, or a major or even regular tour tournament, if you had two days to attend, what days would they be? I purchased '09 PGA tix with a group of guys and have two tickets for two days - one week day and one week end. I think I'd like to go...
  17. Chadman

    Christmas Gift Ideas Thread

    Thought it might be interesting to open up a thread for cool, unique, different, useful, whatever, Christmas gift ideas. What are you guys asking for this year (besides the traditional Christmas hummer, that is...)? Any new electronic trinkets you've seen? Gift certificates, new products...
  18. Chadman

    The REAL threat to our safety and security?

    Has it been prudent policy of this administration to allow so many assets to be controlled and so much of our debt to be held by China? Do any conservatives lay any blame on the Bush administration and his appointees in this regard? When you look at what this emerging world Superpower is...
  19. Chadman

    5-Hour Energy dealies

    Was wondering if anyone has tried those expensive little 5-hour energy "drink" containers? Do they really give you a boost for an extended period of time? I am pretty impervious to caffeine for the most part these days - drink plenty of coffee and pepsi, so I could see something like this that...
  20. Chadman

    Character? McCain's Women Problems

    What the Doctors Saw McCain's Women Problems By ALEXANDER COCKBURN and JEFFREY ST. CLAIR John McCain?s charges of sexism against Barack Obama must ring mighty hollow to those who know him best, and we dare say his second wife Cindy would have an acerbic comment or two of her own if freed from...