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  1. Chadman

    Chicago Murder Capital of the U.S.

    I just thought we needed FOUR threads on this topic. :rolleyes: I think you guys need to buy a larger straw holder/dispenser. I know you won't keep from grasping for more of them, and you need someplace to put them.
  2. Chadman

    The Truth About Waste In Government

    The Truth About Waste In Government The Politics John McCain and other conservatives promise to crack down on ?earmarks??federal spending allocated in legislation for a specific project or location. No more bridges to nowhere. That?s great, but it doesn?t add up to much. Want to root out waste...
  3. Chadman

    Why The Economy Fares Much Better Under Democrats

    WHY THE ECONOMY FARES MUCH BETTER UNDER DEMOCRATS On job and income growth, the record couldn't be clearer. By Larry M. Bartels Published in the Christian Science Monitor PRINCETON, N.J. - John McCain is a maverick and Barack Obama is a postpartisan problem-solver. But you wouldn't know it by...
  4. Chadman

    Good Presidential Preference Quiz?

    I know we've had these posted here previously, but if anyone has any links to Presidential Preference Quizzes, please post them. Looking for objective questions, not skewed or worded to steer opinions. My wife is having a very hard time deciding who to vote for, and I think something like this...
  5. Chadman

    Question for people about campaigning in your states

    Are there any big republican shooters showing up in your states to campaign on behalf of McCain and your senator/congressional candidates the past few days or next few days? Just trying to get a feel for this. I know Hillary is coming here to appear with Franken and to campaign for Obama, and I...
  6. Chadman

    Paintball Folks

    If there are son wants a paintball gun for his birthday, a group of his friends get together every once in a while and play against each other, and he never goes since he doesn't have a gun. Any ideas about what to get - reasonable price - decent quality, etc? I'm guessing this is more...
  7. Chadman

    Sarah the reformer? McCain had criticized earmarks from Palin

    McCain had criticized earmarks from Palin Three times in recent years, the Arizona senator's lists of 'objectionable' pork spending have included earmarks requested by his new running mate. By Tom Hamburger, Richard Simon and Janet Hook, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers September 3, 2008...
  8. Chadman

    Palin: Surge? What Surge?

    Palin: Surge? What Surge? Andrew Sullivan - 31 Aug 2008 01:21 pm Among the tiny number of occasions on which Sarah Palin has expressed even an opinion on foreign policy, one of the most recent bears putting out there one more time. It's from a critical moment in the war in Iraq...
  9. Chadman

    Big 10/Big 12 Plays

    Going to try to be more plugged into the action this season with my work schedule allowing me to work from home a little each week. Have decided to focus on the two conferences I follow the closest, and leave the capping of other schools to the experts. I am out of practice and will have to get...
  10. Chadman

    Golf Magnet Bracelets - do they help?

    I got an e-mail from a major golf store that is selling all of their golf magnet bracelets - the ones that are supposed to help with aches and pains, etc., - for $9.95. These are originally A LOT more expensive than that, and they have a lot of different styles. Wondering if anyone here has...
  11. Chadman

    Obama may announce VP in Tuesday A.M.

    My personal jury is still out as to who he will pick. My opinion is that he should look at Biden or Richardson, but think those two would make excellent cabinet members in positions of real importance. Should be an interesting evening/morning... PAPER: OBAMA MAY ANNOUNCE VP IN AM Mon Aug 18...
  12. Chadman

    The true picture of McCain and the windmills in his ad...

    Eight Strikes and You?re Out By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Published: August 12, 2008 John McCain recently tried to underscore his seriousness about pushing through a new energy policy, with a strong focus on more drilling for oil, by telling a motorcycle convention that Congress needed to come back...
  13. Chadman

    Colin Powell to endorse Obama? A Fox report...

    If this is true, I can think of few stronger endorsements than this one...and if Powell were to speak the same night as Bill Clinton...that would be some high powered promotion for the dems. Interesting the spokesperson so adamantly denies it - maybe Kristol is trying to stir up trouble in...
  14. Chadman

    The Great Corporate Tax Heist

    Apparently, there are some conservatives - both nationally, and in this forum, that might be completely wrong about some things. An interesting story about top end corporations in this country (any we've been arguing about lately come to mind?) and how tough it really is for them to operate in...
  15. Chadman

    FBI admits spying on multiple US reporters, apologizes

    Continuing to answer the question of who exactly has been harmed in the illegal spying - no oversight - no responsibility - no explanation department...but hey, they're SORRY, so... :rolleyes: FBI admits spying on multiple US reporters, apologizes John Byrne Published: Saturday August 9...
  16. Chadman

    While we're all ridiculing Obama for his tire pressure message...

    The message didn't seem so funny for conservative supporters a while was "smart" when somebody named Bush said it to protect oil companies... :mj07: Bush Sr. Said "Drive Smart"; Today, Conservatives Drive Dumb By Isaiah J. Poole August 8th, 2008 - 10:01am ET Facts be damned, Sen...
  17. Chadman

    McCain?s Oil Drilling Hoax

    McCain?s Oil Drilling Hoax By Joe Conason Forced to cancel a visit to an oil platform off the Mississippi coast last week because of inclement weather?and the untimely leaking of hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil from a damaged barge in the area?John McCain finally got his photo op at a...
  18. Chadman

    Smurph...just for you...

    1. I have been drinking heavily tonight. 2. I finally noticed your moniker sub-head. 3. I think "Helvetica" is one of the funniest things I've seen in this forum. 4. Yeah, I am a graphics guy. 5. I have been drinking heavily tonight. 6. My wife took the new regulation kickball up the her parents...
  19. Chadman

    If We Drill in the US, We Don't Get the Oil

    Another way to look at the oil drilling debate... If We Drill in the US, We Don't Get the Oil Posted July 23, 2008 | 12:20 PM (EST) - Cenk Uyger One thing has been driving me crazy about this drilling debate -- everyone seems to assume that if we drill for oil in the US, that we will get the...
  20. Chadman

    President George Bush: 'Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter'

    Quite simply, this man is an embarrassment to our country - and should not be allowed to represent us anywhere. I think this scenario probably best describes just how stupid this man really is. -------------------- President George Bush: 'Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter' By Robert...