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    Baylor +11.5
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    Vets for Freedom vs. Obama

    I am the SURGE!!!
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    Bill Clinton: "obama has the political instinct of a Chicago thug"

    Denver drama: Can Clintons get over it? By JOHN F. HARRIS | 8/26/08 4:31 AM EST Hillary Rodham Clinton is over it ? at least when people are watching. Within days of losing the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama, her aides said she was all business, returning to her Senate duties...
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    No Bounce McCain creeps ahead, 46% to 44%
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    Carville gives a thumbs down

    CNN) ? Have the Democrats wasted the first night of the convention? Yes, says Democratic Strategist and CNN contributor James Carville. . . . "The way they planned it tonight was supposed to be sort of the personal ? Michelle Obama will talk about Barack Obama personally, Ted Kennedy was a...
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    The Racism Excuse

    The Racism Excuse August 26, 2008; Page A20 Things are supposed to be looking rosy for Democrats this November. But in case Barack Obama loses the Presidency, an excuse is all ready to go: America's too racist to elect a black man. Not even, in his Vice Presidential pick Joe Biden's inimitable...
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    3 AM

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    Obama to DOJ: Block terrorist ad

    Obama to DOJ: Block terrorist ad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sen. Barack Obama has launched an all-out effort to block a Republican billionaire?s efforts to tie him to domestic and foreign terrorists in a wave of negative television ads...
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    Obama's political godfather slurred Hillary delegate as 'Uncle Tom'

    DENVER -- A black Hillary Clinton delegate on Sunday accused state Senate President Emil Jones of calling her an "Uncle Tom." Jones -- Barack Obama's political mentor -- denied using the racially loaded slur against Chicago political consultant Delmarie Cobb, but two aldermen who said they...
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    Clinton offered delegates no instruction on how to cast their votes

    Speaking to reporters after her address to the New York delegation, Clinton offered delegates no instruction on how to cast their votes, Amie Parnes reports. "I will be telling my delegates that I will vote for Barack Obama," she said. "How they vote is a more personal decision. They want to...
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    Rendell: Obama coverage was embarrassing

    Rendell: Obama coverage was embarrassing Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell was supposed to give ?closing remarks? during this afternoon?s Shorenstein Center-sponsored panel discussion with all three Sunday show moderators ? NBC?s Tom Brokaw, ABC?s George Stephanopoulous and CBS?s Bob Schieffer ...
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    Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin for VP

    Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin for VP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Barack Obama has made his VP selection, taking Washington's most vicious attack dog, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware. So, the question has now become how to combat the...
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    Pelosi lies about Catholicism and abortion

    Pelosi lies about Catholicism and abortion posted at 1:55 pm on August 24, 2008 by Ed Morrissey Send to a Friend | printer-friendly I?m always astounded as to the extent of deception in which pro-choice Catholics indulge themselves, both inwardly and outwardly, to justify their positions...
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    The Biggest Missing Story in Politics

    The Biggest Missing Story in Politics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 25, 2008 The Biggest Missing Story in Politics By Bruce Walker The Battleground Poll, the most respected and thorough of all public opinion polls, released its...
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    Fox news attacked at DNC

    I thought dems were the party of love and inclusion while also representing - "Cut & Run" / "Retreat & Defeat" / "Raise the white flag" / "Surrender" / "Appeasement".
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    Colts -6
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    Carolina -3
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    Enviro wackos preventing alternative energy

    Enviro wackos preventing alternative energy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberal enviro wackos are one of the biggest obstacles to alternative energy. I know that many will say the claim is simply not the truth, but, in reality it is. Wind...
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    Biden?s lobbying ties

    Biden?s lobbying ties -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biden?s lobbying ties posted at 9:30 am on August 23, 2008 by Ed Morrissey Send to a Friend | printer-friendly How thoroughly did Barack Obama vet Joe Biden? After months of demonizing...
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    Joe Biden's racist slip

    Can't make this shit up!!:mj07: