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    Mccain campaign volunteer attacked and mutilated in pittsburgh

    'b' carved into 20-year old woman's face... Developing... shock: Mccain volunteer attacked and mutilated in pittsburgh Obama:"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or...
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    Obamacorn By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, October 13, 2008 4:20 PM PT Election '08: Barack Obama lies about his ACORN past while agreeing to let the group shape the policies of his administration. He hopes his community organizer pals will help him make America "less...
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    THE O JESSE KNOWS-Jackson on Obama's America

    Posted: 1:35 am October 14, 2008 EVIAN, FRANCE PREPARE for a new America: That's the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week. He promised "fundamental changes" in US foreign policy - saying...
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    Wright 101-Obama funded extremist Afrocentrists who shared Rev. Wright?s anti-America

    Wright 101 Obama funded extremist Afrocentrists who shared Rev. Wright?s anti-Americanism By Stanley Kurtz It looks like Jeremiah Wright was just the tip of the iceberg. Not only did Barack Obama savor Wright?s sermons, Obama gave legitimacy ? and a whole lot of money ? to education programs...
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    1981, New York City: Just a Bizarre Coincidence?

    It?s 1981, New York City. Barack Obama is residing two blocks away from Weather Underground leader William Ayers. We know very little about Obama?s life in NYC during that period; supposedly he transferred from Occidental College and completed undergraduate studies at Columbia University...
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    Blood On the Hands of Obama?s Terror Associate

    Blood On the Hands of Obama?s Terror Associate By Cliff Kincaid: & Wes Vernon Thursday, July 24, 2008 Barack Obama was asked, during one of the Democratic presidential debates, about his relationship with communist terrorist Bill Ayers. But the more controversial relationship was with his...
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    How allies of George Soros helped bring down Wachovia Bank

    Wachovia Bank, a major institution, has seen its stock plummet and its continued viability called into question, as the nation's financial crisis muddles forward. [Update: shortly after publication of this article, Citigroup agreed to purchase Wachovia's banking operations in a deal facilitated...
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    This is interesting

    A September 1999 study by Freddie Mac, for instance, confirmed what previous Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation studies had found: that African-Americans have disproportionate levels of credit problems, which explains why they have a harder time qualifying for mortgage...
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    ACORN office in Vegas raided in voter-fraud probe

    ACORN office in Vegas raided in voter-fraud probe Oct 7 01:30 PM US/Eastern By OSKAR GARCIA Associated Press LAS VEGAS (AP) - Nevada state authorities are raiding the Las Vegas headquarters of an organization that works to get low-income people to vote. A Nevada secretary of state's...
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    Frank says GOP housing attacks racially motivated

    I can't stand this faggot mother****er. Go suck a dick Barney!!:142smilie :142smilie :142smilie BOSTON (AP) - Rep. Barney Frank said Monday that Republican criticism of Democrats over the nation's housing crisis is a veiled attack on the poor that's racially motivated. The Massachusetts...
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    How do you fight Terrorism

    When you are friends with an unrepentant terrorist?:shrug:
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    Penny Pritzker: Another Friend of Barry We Should Be Concerned About

    Barack Obama is attacking John McCain today over the Keating 5, a little remembered scandal from the eighties, after which McCain repented and went on to fight to reform Congress. Meanwhile Barack Obama has another member of the Keating 5, John Glenn, out campaigning for him. But this is bigger...
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    Barack Obama sought the New Party's endorsement knowing it was a radical left org.

    Barack Obama sought the New Party's endorsement knowing it was a radical left organization Last week we documented Obama?s 1996 endorsement by the New Party: which raises the question: what is the New Party? It?s easy to allege that this group is closely tied to former communists, but digging...
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    Marianna teacher suspended for 'racially charged' comments about Obama

    "C.H.A.N.G.E. ? Come Help A (N-word) Get Elected." Marianna teacher suspended for 'racially charged' comments about Obama By TaMaryn Waters ? DEMOCRAT STAFF WRITER ? October 3, 2008 A Marianna middle-school teacher has been suspended for 10 days without pay after he wrote a racially...
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    OBAMA USES TERROR LAWYER TO FIGHT FORGED BIRTH CERTIFICATE LAWSUIT The plot thickens. The lawsuit Philip Berg filed based on my blockbuster expose of Obama's birth certificate forgery has taken a bizarre and disturbing twist. Why is a Presidential candidate using a terrorist lawyer. Every...
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    And now, the Mother of all Biden Gaffes (updated)

    And now, the Mother of all Biden Gaffes (updated) Rick Moran My jaw hit the floor when I heard Biden say this: Here's what the president said when we said no. He insisted on elections on the West Bank, when I said, and others said, and Barack Obama said, "Big mistake. Hamas will win. You'll...
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    Obama?s Economic Agenda: This Is Change?

    Obama?s Economic Agenda: This Is Change? by Edgar K. Browning The federal marginal tax rate applied to the top 5 percent will rise from about 38 percent to more than 50 percent as a result of Obama?s tax changes. Presidential candidate Barack Obama?s mantra for change in economic policies...
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    Oprah Winfrey?s irresponsible mom countersues store for giving her credit

    I kid you not. This is exactly the same entitlement/victim mentality that has gotten us into the bailout mess we are in. Irresponsible spender demands limitless credit. Cries ?predatory lender? when the chickens come home to roost. Borrow. Spend. Whine. Repeat: Oprah Winfrey?s mother should not...
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    An ACORN Falls from the Tree

    As negotiations over Congress?s emergency rescue bill continued over the weekend, repeated rumors leaked out that the Democrats were trying to funnel money to a hyper-partisan organization involved in criminal voter fraud. I?m speaking of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now...
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    When all else fails, Follow the Money

    Obama's Sub-Prime Buddies! Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, & More Updated September 15th - This Article is compiled from previous articles and new content. Bundler amounts have been updated, but individual contributions have not been updated since June. As a result, it is safe to assume that...