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  1. G

    Right spot-BC 2 1/2

    Think this is a letdown game for FL st...they are in the NCAAs no matter what..BC, not..they need a few more wins...FL St has been on a good roll..but on the road against a team that needs a win more than them...think they give this one away...and BC wins pretty easily...BC 72, FL st 60..
  2. G

    Titans 2 1/2 -120

    Bought the 1/2 point as I could see this being a field goal game. In looking at these teams they are really very much alike. Don't see either team being able to run or pass for that matter on the other. Titans will not turn the ball over like the Dolphins and if anything, it's more...
  3. G

    Case for two dogs today

    Will take Utah + 9 1/2 and ML and Ole Miss (+4) and ML today. There's a lot of angles that can go into why a team is selected over another. I believe in a few but rely on my own two eyes first then I take into consideration angles. For the 1st pick Utah, they play well enough to win...
  4. G

    Kick back and relax Saturday

    Like Ariz over Atlanta -165..don't normally like favs above -150 but I'll bite on this one. Braves are a shell of their hey-day...Haren should be able to hold the Braves down..Ariz 5 Braves 3 Like the Os over Rangers. Carbrera and Padilla have similiar stuff..both throw hard..Padilla better...
  5. G

    4 dogs for the dog-days

    Start with the Royals...Sox not a good road team...KC upstart team that can score some runs...Hocover a #1 pick with good stuff..just needs to learn to pitch..think maybe he can give them 5 good innings and KC holds on..KC 6 Bos 5 Texas over the Yanks...wonder who is more motivated, Ponson or...
  6. G

    Not a lot of good dogs or small favs tonight..but that doesn't stop me from...

    Like the Nats again tonight..Lannan pitches well almost every time out...Nats have an entirely new look right rid of a couple of head cases in Laduca and Perez...pen is solid..Rockies aren't what they were last year..Del La Rosa can be terrible (and once in awhile brilliant)..but more...
  7. G

    Going with 2 unglamerous teams tonite

    Like KC over the Sox tonight. Meche is typically a 2nd half pitcher and he's in that pattern right now. Royals a tough small market ball club...Meche should get them 6-7 and the Royals best of their pen can shut anybody down..think Meche gets it done..Buckholtz nothing specical..Royals 7, Red...
  8. G

    Two sweeps and two small favs

    Like the Os to sweep the Mariners. Cabrera a much better pitcher than the Os are a vastly superior hitting team. I don't care that this would be an away team sweep...the Os are a very solid club and only if there starting pitching was a bit better they'd be a contender...but...
  9. G

    A dog, a fav and an over

    Going righ tback to the well with the same two teams I won with last night, the Os and Nats. The Os at a very good dog price simply are the superior team. Now we know good pitching can beat good hitting...however both these starters are top assuming they both go about 7 innings or...
  10. G

    TGIF-Liken a few tonight

    Going with the Nats to break their losing streak against the Griffyless Reds...Nats have been waiting to play a team they can beat..which are few nowadsays...Perez sharp last time out...Nats should be able to manufacture a few against the youngster Bailey..Nats 5, Reds 4 Like the Os as a dog...
  11. G

    afternoon entertainment

    Going to the welll for the 3rd time in 3 days with the underdog Os...felt very confident on Monday, pretty confident yesterday and today, it's a real stab but here's why this is a play at absolutely great odds..first, Sarfante, the Os starter, has good stuff..he throws hard and has movement..and...
  12. G

    Back to the well again with a big dog

    Won with the Os last night and going right back again...this one I'm not quite as confident about as last night but still like the play...reason I'm not as confident is the starter, Cabrera can be real wild and self destructive..and is very inconsistent..but he also can be dominate when he's...
  13. G

    two birds, 2 overs and an under

    Like the Os over the Yanks as a big Guthrie over Mussina..Guthrie has been top notched all season and is the Os number one starter...Mussina throwing junk and doing OK but not dominant by any means...Yanks coming off Bosox series may be a letdown..Os coming off win might be prime to...
  14. G

    3 dogs, hope to win at least 2 of them

    Like the Astro's with their new starter Wolf over Suppan..sometimes a change of scenery can result in immediate returns..Wolf a career 500 pitcher but he does have his moments..nothing can be worse than pitching for the Padres with their support..Astros also out of contention but they have some...
  15. G

    Hump Day Picks

    Liken the Os over the Jays..two very solid starters pitching at the top of their game...just like the Os lineup more than the Jays...think the Os take this series and this, of course, is a must win to do so. Os 5 Jays 3. Like the Cubs over Ariz...Cubs are much better hitting team and the...
  16. G

    Two ugly dogs, two overs and one small fav

    OK, liken the Nats as an ugly dog...Giants had their way with the Nats in it's time to return the favor..Nats fresh off the series win over Atlanta is 'on a roll" (just kidden)..actually Bergman has good stuff...Nats pen has the baseball grit of their lousy...
  17. G

    Liken a couple of small favs

    Like the Os over the Blue Jays as a small favorite price. Os better hitting team than the Jays...Litsch is very off to a good start but has hit a wall lately...Os will get to him...Liz not much better...he's a hard throwing, wild 5-inning pitcher at best..but he does have good...
  18. G

    Like a sweep and a big dog and a big fav on the run line

    LIke the Angels to sweep the Bosox...Wakefield can be just the thing to cool down the Angels with his knuckleball but think tha Garland can be equally effective shutting down the Bosox..Garland at hime is tough...Bosox aren't hitting right now and Garland may have the best stuff on the...
  19. G

    Liken a couple

    Like the over 9 in Phil/Florida. Two good hitting teams...two mediocre pitchers..likelihood of both pitching well a bit of these teams will break out if not a 7-6, 8-7 type game. Os -120 over the Tigers..Robertson is pretty average..Cabrera has much better stuff as...
  20. G

    Big, Big Doggie tonight plus a couple of more

    OK, almost feel guilty saying I like this game tonight...but I like one of the worst teams in BB, the Nats at +190 and the Nats at +1 1 /2 -115. Reason is Nats are something like 15-4 in Redding starts this year...he hardly ever has bad outings...Nats have improved with Kearns back in the...