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  1. G

    It's Sunday, Let us Pray!

    Got a couple that look like pure prays as they say. First one is the NATS +190. Nats are horrible, no doubt against perhaps the NL all star starting why? well the Reds ain't so great either..not sure if Griffey will be playing or not but they can be as inept as the Nats...
  2. G

    Picking a couple of ugly ones

    Nats again...Nats are winning one or two games per series...thought they might have won the opener of the series yesterday but their medicore pen gave it we'll try again today..Bergman has been pitching well lately,..Nats have hit Arroyo almost everytime he the 1st 5...
  3. G

    Picken some dogs tonight-woof woof

    Will go back to the well again tonight with the Royals...think all the Royals need to do is get into the Os pen...they didn't last night but will tonight..Olson always has a high pitch count...he's raw and hittable...Davies is not all that great either...but like the Royals pen a lot more than...
  4. G

    Have to bet wtih my own two eyes

    Not a trend player as much as a real life visual observer....watched the Royals play the Os the other night and guess I didn't realize that these aren't the old Royals...these two teams are very evenly matched in almost all respects...except now the Os pen is gone south (except of...
  5. G

    A couple of bitches

    The Nats are the Marlins Bitch..thats' for sure..but Redding is top notch this year..Marlins typically win late against the Nats...if they win at all, it won't be before 5 innings..Nats coming off a big high yesterday..carries over for the 1st 5 innings..Nats 4-Florida 1 for Nats 7...
  6. G

    Are the Mets and Tigers too obvious picks? Nah

    Santana is having his typicaly season and has mastered the Yanks in the past..and this Yankee team isn't as good as the the past. Matsui being out hurts their lineup. Also, Yanks can't manufacture runs..Mets can..Petitte about 1/2 of what he was 5 years ago...surprised the line is as low as...
  7. G

    Dogs and counterintuitive picks for the afternoon

    Dog 1-Phillies +167...Great pitcher, Harden against an average pitcher, Eaton so why the Phils...think this game remains close through 7..low scoring...Phils better hitters get to the As pen late...Harden does his job but the rest of the As don't Phils 4- As 2. Dog 2-Os +155...this one I...
  8. G

    Go the the little league team tonite-Nats +147

    Nats were a bad team to begin with and have gotten worse through why bet them tonight, particularly against a real major league team? One reason, Tim Redding. Redding is a very solid starter and may make the all-star team. Angels really aren't as strong offensively as they were...
  9. G

    Defying logic-Orioles over Cubs +117

    OK,Cubs might be the best in the NL; OK they are streaking at home; OK they have a great home record so why bet the Os: 1) The AL East is the best division in bb 2) The Os are a solid lineup and fielding team this year..lots of good role players who make up a cohesive team. 3) Most...
  10. G

    Phils today

    Lots of good trends and stats being presented on the board..two very good lefties starting and two very good hitting teams with pretty good pens. On the surface I'd say this is a very close matchup today. The one intangible I can't help but consider however, is fact the Rockies played two...
  11. G

    How I read GMU/FLA

    Love all the analysis on this me, it's not obvious who has the edge's my take...I think maybe too much is being made regarding the last games for each club...Fla beat a Villanova team that exhausted itself Boston's hard to get back up two days later...
  12. G

    Rockies +110

    Rockies 200 to win 220. Starters pretty close in terms of talent. Padres get edge in lineup but think unproven young Rocks start the season with a bang...sometimes a fresh start and youth can temporarily elevate your keep an eye on the Rocks through May...Padres a better more...
  13. G


    1st play of season 440 to win 400..ariz...ortiz is either real good or real bad...think he's on tonite..cubs still the cubs.
  14. G

    my opinion for what it's worth

    Good news about our country is it can survive the worst of although this is the biggest election of them all, I will still be able to sleep at night knowing the strength of our constitution. That being said, think that John Kerry is the lesser of two evils. W Bush really is...
  15. G

    wizards -2

    Wiz -2Game sets up well for second half....Bucks may tire in 2nd half..Wizz due to put one away..have made runs in 2nd half but come up short...not tonight
  16. G

    under 44

    wind and rain in this one spells under. Rain doesn't affect the O/U as much as the wind...missed field goals, QBs flutter and/or sail or maybe curve....rain gets you slips for no, fumbled QB snaps...even the best offensive teams can be neutralized by weather....I'm not in Seattle, but looking...
  17. G


    Giants -1 5 units of 5. First 5 unit play of the season. Giants have many more weapnons than the Dolphins on O and think they have the edge in almost all skill positions on O. Collins has always had a gun for an arm and has matured quite well over the last few seasons. Dophins will have...
  18. G

    Playing a few

    Will play the lowly bengals for 4 out of 5 units. Who are the real Bengals? The first game which was an embarrassment, or the second game where they almost knocked off Oakland in Oakland? I'm gonna venture a guess that it was more the second game than the first. Bengals have #1 pass D in...
  19. G

    A couple of teasers

    Normally don't like teasers other then when I think a team will win outright and I don't have to worry about the points...that's the case with Giants this week. Can't resist the Giants teased down to 1/2 point (7 point tease). Now it's a matter of who to tease them with. Will play the...
  20. G

    Two for Sunday

    Like the SKins 4 units of 5 + 3 over Falcons. Skins a little better than most realize. The only real weak spot on the club is the D line...they have a good young QB, nice running backs...very good receivers and an excellent kicker on the O..and excellent linebackers and a solid secondary on...