Yes,,and lets penalize the younger generation who didn't get to walk down the graduation aisle,or the scholarship to play sports or continue the education they so longingly hoped for. Or the one who were going to get a job to help out but guess what? ,,Look,I am old as well,but I am not going to ask these kids with what we all know is the greatest times of thier life to watch it all get thrown away..AGAIN,,100 cases in my whole county,,NO deaths,,Move to my area,,it may kill us all one day ,, Fix your hair and go out if you want, or stay your ass inside and die one day and wish you had went somewhere with the family. Thats your call,,I choose to live while im alive.And if you want my mailing address to send me a check I will be glad to stay inside and not work or play,,BUt if you arent willing to pay my bills then I am going to do what I want to do,,and whether you want to admit it or not,,We on the downhill side,,Life is short,play hard,,I vote for lets open it up,,if you want to go outside ,,go,,you may die,,if you want to live inside in a bubble ,,do it,,but ,,we all gonna die,,Put me in the Salty category,,But im done living for someone else rules,,Selfish huh?