Personally, I don't have a problem with 5 dimes....i know my money is safe safe as any book dealing with usa customers and i think that's a fact.
To my knowledge there has never been anyone stiffed or slow payed which is the case of so many books....they do hate winners and will cut limits, but so what. that is their right, and in every instance they paid what was owed.
the problems with this whole scenario that don't even matter if the guy should be paid (fwiw, i'm not sure he should be paid, but I think they can reach some sort of agreement):
1. 6 weeks is way to long for books to re-grade a bet. you can say that the guy took shots, and he very well may have. but you can also look at it as the book taking a shot with him, free-rolling that no matter what he did, they were never going to pay him. just another way of looking at it.
2. Short of taking a gun and robbing the guy, I'm definitely sure that Tony should never have threatened physical violence on the guy. Do I think he meant it? probably not, but it's just bad business. Especially when there is a very good chance the chat logs will become public which they did.
Just a dumb situation, and I bet Tony regrets what he said. They'll for sure still have my action, but just know going in that they aren't a book that caters to customer service if that's what u are looking for in a book. But if you are looking for as safe an out as can be for US, and don't need bells, whistles, and promo's...this is for you.
also somewhere in this mix, their grader has to be somewhat accountable.....I'm sure him/her and Tony had a nice chat.