Stevie D...........What show are you watching?
Cook is the only real performer on this show. Everybody else does as SImon says, "Karaoke".
Cook plays an instrument and takes songs in different directions like others on the show could only dream of doing because they aren't creative enough, or at least they don't have the balls to try...........Every season they say, "Let me hear what you are all about, don't just do what somebody else has already done, let us see the real you." And every season the chicken shits stand there and drub out the same old played out songs with no emotion or adding anything new to them.
That, my friend, is what everybody else sees in Cook.
My only hope is that he does not win, so he isn't ruined by the goofballs at American Idol who will make him record their awful shit. At 29 he needs to get his ass moving, let Archuletta win, he has plenty of years ahead of him to recover. Cook can pave his own path as Daughtry did.