BDB, I agree with some of your comments, but completely disagree with some. I note you left Chris out - rightfully so. He goes home tomorrow - he was not good - horrible on the duet, and average on the single. You hate Danny, and can't allow for anything positive from him, really, and tonight was FAR from the worst AI performance in history. If you really think that - in my mind you lose all credibility. If you didn't like it - if you find fault with him having trouble with the scream at the end - I get it. But the rest of the night before the scream, he was good. He was really good on the duet, actually, and did just ok on Dream On, before the scream. For God sakes - Adam was RIDICULOUS on at least two songs this season, and this was the legitimately first bad moment for Danny - on a night he is not well-suited for. And it was a 10 on the difficulty scale - unlike Adam's BS song or two earlier.
Adam did a great job on the first song, but it was pretty much a Robert Plant imitation, in my mind. Tough to do, no doubt, but he has really done nothing but stage show acting through most of his songs. He remains a Broadway act in almost all of his songs, and in every song but a couple this year has gone screechingly over the top in his high ranges. Who has the best voice? Adam. Who is the American Idol? That's a different call.
Honestly, I thought (for the first time) Allison was the best of the night. Her duet performance was awesome (sorry, Janis Joplin doesn't play on Idol) and she was better than Adam. Adam was really good on his solo song, and Danny was pretty good on his solo before the scream, and was terrific on the duet. Chris was BAD on the duet, and was average at best on the solo.
Chris goes home easily tomorrow night, and we have this argument again next week, in a night better suited for Danny. There's a reason a lot of people like Danny - he's a good singer, likeable, and has been the most consistent performer throughout the competition. Yes, he had the setup with the wife scenario, but Adam is hard to handle for most people - in many ways.
Listen - if Taylor Hicks can win American Idol - Danny surely can. I still think he'll win it - and I may be wrong. The dead wife thing may have won him some votes throughout, but he's consistently been good, and deserves another week much more than Chris does.
Cheers - I like the discussions - good luck to your boy - and don't give up on Allison yet. She was terrific tonight - and I don't care much for her...