American Idol Season 8


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
it's possible tonights show will be cancelled

at dress rehersal bad accident as stage collapsed and someone fell the 20 feet down the stairs and get messed up.

everyone evacuated. not sure how they will get it ready to go in time for tonight......



Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Jeez.......the show's over!

Where are all you girls???

Adam was great

Allison was amazing but will probably go home.

Kris was his usual boring self

Danny had probably the worst performance in AI history. He destroyed a rock anthem. Literrally destroyed it and has zero credibility. He will stay because all the bible thumping southern christian moralists love him and apprently have quick thumbs. I hope he goes away for good and I never have to think about him again. He's everything that is wrong with AI and a complete fraud. If he didn't have a touching backstory that AI pumped down our throat for weeks he would never be here now. I HATE HIM


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Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Adam was great

Allison was amazing but will probably go home.

Kris was his usual boring self

Danny had probably the worst performance in AI history. He destroyed a rock anthem. Literrally destroyed it and has zero credibility. He will stay because all the bible thumping southern christian moralists love him and apprently have quick thumbs. I hope he goes away for good and I never have to think about him again. He's everything that is wrong with AI and a complete fraud. If he didn't have a touching backstory that AI pumped down our throat for weeks he would never be here now. I HATE HIM

Even though I'm from Milwaukee (where Gokey is from), I'd agree on Gokey - he was bad tonight.

I was very surprised at the judge's feedback on Kris Allen - I thought he was the best of the night.

I really hate how they praise Adam - I just don't get into the screaming he does. Personally, I don't care for this look either. But they had to push him hard to ensure votes. Although I don't buy for a minute that Adam was in the bottom 2 last week - it was a just a ploy to ensure voting for him in the future. Idol has decided Adam is their best shot to be a star. I guess I just don't see it.

I can see Kris Allen doing well - he is the only true musician and singer left. Hopefully he'll make it through and they'll have a better genre next week.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
BDB, I agree with some of your comments, but completely disagree with some. I note you left Chris out - rightfully so. He goes home tomorrow - he was not good - horrible on the duet, and average on the single. You hate Danny, and can't allow for anything positive from him, really, and tonight was FAR from the worst AI performance in history. If you really think that - in my mind you lose all credibility. If you didn't like it - if you find fault with him having trouble with the scream at the end - I get it. But the rest of the night before the scream, he was good. He was really good on the duet, actually, and did just ok on Dream On, before the scream. For God sakes - Adam was RIDICULOUS on at least two songs this season, and this was the legitimately first bad moment for Danny - on a night he is not well-suited for. And it was a 10 on the difficulty scale - unlike Adam's BS song or two earlier.

Adam did a great job on the first song, but it was pretty much a Robert Plant imitation, in my mind. Tough to do, no doubt, but he has really done nothing but stage show acting through most of his songs. He remains a Broadway act in almost all of his songs, and in every song but a couple this year has gone screechingly over the top in his high ranges. Who has the best voice? Adam. Who is the American Idol? That's a different call.

Honestly, I thought (for the first time) Allison was the best of the night. Her duet performance was awesome (sorry, Janis Joplin doesn't play on Idol) and she was better than Adam. Adam was really good on his solo song, and Danny was pretty good on his solo before the scream, and was terrific on the duet. Chris was BAD on the duet, and was average at best on the solo.

Chris goes home easily tomorrow night, and we have this argument again next week, in a night better suited for Danny. There's a reason a lot of people like Danny - he's a good singer, likeable, and has been the most consistent performer throughout the competition. Yes, he had the setup with the wife scenario, but Adam is hard to handle for most people - in many ways.

Listen - if Taylor Hicks can win American Idol - Danny surely can. I still think he'll win it - and I may be wrong. The dead wife thing may have won him some votes throughout, but he's consistently been good, and deserves another week much more than Chris does.

Cheers - I like the discussions - good luck to your boy - and don't give up on Allison yet. She was terrific tonight - and I don't care much for her...

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Adam- Consider me someone who doesn't get it with this guy. I mean he can hit some notes, but I can't see myself jammin to an Adam Lambert album. I like his slow stuff way better than his screeching screams.

Allison- I give her 9/10. I thought she killed it and it was the only performance I liked all night (individually).

Kris- Augusta has this shirt with a smiling, Curious George type- monkey on the front. Kris is a spitting image! btw, song sucked monkey face.

Danny- :mj07: :mj07: :mj07: :mj07:


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I guess my question would be, if you say there is zero reason to like dead wife guy, have you really liked all of Adam's performances? If anyone can step up here and say that Adam has not had at least two ridiculous performances, then so be it. I'd say that's not the case, but if you feel that way, so be it. The contest remains American Idol, which is not necessarily who is the best pure singer, or who is the most theatrical performer.

Allison is good. She is not marketable, I don't think. Adam has an amazing voice, but remains an actor in every song he sings. There has been not one song he's sung that seemed from his heart, or real. It's all been a performance. Chris is simply the fourth stringer here. He's pretty good, but not an American Idol.

Being an American Idol is more than having a big voice, or being unique. It's about striking a chord with the pop music clientele. The general public has to like you, and what you do. Adam is an act. Amazing voice, but an act. Allison is good, but can't sell all of America, I don't think.

Danny is everything that Idol is all about. People are dwelling too much about the dead wife. That hasn't been an issue for quite a while - earlier, yes, now, not so much. He made it on his own. Despite not knowing exactly what his album would be about, I know Idol thinks he could fit the mold. He's a great singer, and never misses a note. He has real soul, and doesn't ACT his songs out.

Although I would definitely not be surprised if Adam won, I still think Danny will win. When it comes down to that last night, and they both sing the song Idol will release on the pop charts - I think Danny will bring it home. I don't think there will be a tough night for Danny like tonight moving forward - and Chris will definitely go home Wednesday.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
I guess my question would be, if you say there is zero reason to like dead wife guy, have you really liked all of Adam's performances? If anyone can step up here and say that Adam has not had at least two ridiculous performances, then so be it. I'd say that's not the case, but if you feel that way, so be it. The contest remains American Idol, which is not necessarily who is the best pure singer, or who is the most theatrical performer.

Allison is good. She is not marketable, I don't think. Adam has an amazing voice, but remains an actor in every song he sings. There has been not one song he's sung that seemed from his heart, or real. It's all been a performance. Chris is simply the fourth stringer here. He's pretty good, but not an American Idol.

Being an American Idol is more than having a big voice, or being unique. It's about striking a chord with the pop music clientele. The general public has to like you, and what you do. Adam is an act. Amazing voice, but an act. Allison is good, but can't sell all of America, I don't think.

Danny is everything that Idol is all about. People are dwelling too much about the dead wife. That hasn't been an issue for quite a while - earlier, yes, now, not so much. He made it on his own. Despite not knowing exactly what his album would be about, I know Idol thinks he could fit the mold. He's a great singer, and never misses a note. He has real soul, and doesn't ACT his songs out.

Although I would definitely not be surprised if Adam won, I still think Danny will win. When it comes down to that last night, and they both sing the song Idol will release on the pop charts - I think Danny will bring it home. I don't think there will be a tough night for Danny like tonight moving forward - and Chris will definitely go home Wednesday.

I think Allison goes home tomorrow and I hope I'm wrong. In fact I'd be shocked if she didnt'.

As for Danny it's impossible to predict where he would have been without the backstory. But to say that he's done it all on his own is absurd. Yeah, they may not have mentioned it much lately, but all anyone is doing is voting for the guys who's wife died. That's how he built a large fan base and you can't just take that away now.

I haven't liked a Danny performance all year, but to be fair I fast forward through most of him. He's probably a likeable guy in person, but he comes across to me as a smug deuchbag on screen. I don't like his mannerisms or any of the songs he's chosen.

And what he did ruin arguably one of the greatest songs in rock history....that took talent....forget the whole note at the end......the whole thing was just a trainwreck from the look to the movements to the unbelievable I try to hard, but can't succeed rock vibe.

Chadman, we will never agree on Danny, but music is subjective so to each his own. Should be an interesting next few weeks, and it wouldn't shock me if Danny one. He has the conservative southern vote which is a big block and a backstory which can't be forgotten.



Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
found this funny:



Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
at certain times he also has a blind melon sound to him as well....i guess thats just what i hear...i may be tone deaf

Sun Tzu

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Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
There was one week I thought Adam was so so. He isnt ny "cup of tea" but vocally he is light years ahead of the rest of them. DWG doing Dream On might have been the worst performance ever at this stage of AI. By all rights he should go home tomorrow - but he wont.

As to the bigger point - none of these are "American Idols" and any of them will be commercial duds.


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
I think Adam has shown week after week that he is the best. Granted, last night was not original but he belted that song out better than Plant. Allison was also very good. The theme showed the weakness of Danny and Chis. Chris knows he doesn't have the big voice so he went with a song that didn't require it. He added nothing to the arragement and was boring. Gokey at least took it on but he was terrible.


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Forum Member
Oct 24, 2002
My conspiracy driven opinion is that the final two will be Allison and Adam. After watching that unreal duet those two did and the reaction it drew, it is all setup for an epic final showdown for those two. Adam will win but the semi-guy vs. girl thing would play out huge this year. Kris can only sing slow stuff where he can pick his guitar, just like any Dbag at your local bar. And Danny, I hate that guy. That performance last night was awful and all anyone remembers is the final note which showed his 'range'. Worst final note in AI history.

There is a reason the matched up Adam and Allison.


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Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
There is a reason the matched up Adam and Allison.

Sure there was - the obvious one is that the 2 contestants that wore eyeliner were 1 group, and the men were in the other....:mj07:

I have a hunch that there is an anti-Adam sentiment out there. He is way out there - and a lot of middle America won't vote for him I"ll bet.

I think Danny or Allison go home. I think the final will come down to Kris & Adam - and Kris wins.



Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
BDB, I would agree that Danny does come off a little smug, more lately than earlier. It's always surprised me how extreme people come to feel about these kids, literally hating them - as we see in here. Most of them came from nowhere to know that they now have a tour to go on and lots of fame and fortune ahead comparatively, so I can see how their attitudes can change some.

Clearly I remain in the minority in liking Danny, and thinking Adam's broadway act will not win out in the end. But that's why people watch the show, I guess. I really can't see how any of these people other than Kris could go home tonight, though. He was bad twice last night, and I think the other three have a more solid base and other than the one note from Danny were a lot better than Kris was.

GLTA - especially the ones with bets on it.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Bet on MyBookie