an interesting read

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hellah10 said:
i'll keep my reasons to myself - and i dont care if i get bashed



Enlighten all us Naive lemmings as to your 911 Theory ::


hellah10 said:
i'll go ahead and hit the road....

H10 you fire up a inflammatory sig. You are asked for some proof or a theory, then you cowardly retreat, I'm disappointed ::


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2002
someone please post what this anti-semite american hating bastard put in his signature line....:mad:


Registered User
Channel Member
Aug 31, 2002
Montgomery, AL
he had "the US gov. was behind 9/11
This or maybe it had another word or two but close enough.

Please remove if you need to.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
This is the kinda shit that gets a brutha beat down............

BTW....... L.H. Oswald served in the armed forces, too.........
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Wait a second- that's all he had as his sig? Just one line saying the US Gov. was responsible for 9/11? I expected it to be much more than that, considering the outcry.

So it's a stupid conspiracy theory. What's the problem with that? I mean, I sure as hell don't believe it, but still. I remember someone on here said they felt the US Gov. was behind the Oklahoma City bombings and there was no reaction at all.

There will always be conspiracy theories with things like that (i.e. TWA flight 800, Oklahoma City), and while they are usually a load of shit, I'm surprised people would react THAT harshly in this particular instance.

And hey, sometimes they're right (although I think we can all agree that its certainly not the case with 9/11). Look at JFK. Anyone with half a brain that looks at the evidence can see that there's no question there was more than one shooter.

Just about every post made by Dr. Freeze or Equity Trader in the GD forum offends me a hell of a lot more than Hellah's sig. Yeah, it was stupid, but jeez, I thought he must have threatened to kill your children or something by the reaction.

Mr Hockey

Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 17, 2003
bjfinste said:
Wait a second- that's all he had as his sig? Just one line saying the US Gov. was responsible for 9/11? I expected it to be much more than that, considering the outcry.

So it's a stupid conspiracy theory. What's the problem with that? I mean, I sure as hell don't believe it, but still. I remember someone on here said they felt the US Gov. was behind the Oklahoma City bombings and there was no reaction at all.

There will always be conspiracy theories with things like that (i.e. TWA flight 800, Oklahoma City), and while they are usually a load of shit, I'm surprised people would react THAT harshly in this particular instance.

And hey, sometimes they're right (although I think we can all agree that its certainly not the case with 9/11). Look at JFK. Anyone with half a brain that looks at the evidence can see that there's no question there was more than one shooter.

Just about every post made by Dr. Freeze or Equity Trader in the GD forum offends me a hell of a lot more than Hellah's sig. Yeah, it was stupid, but jeez, I thought he must have threatened to kill your children or something by the reaction.

The outcry is just another big example of hypocrisy mixed in with some people whining like a bunch of girls. So someone has a different opinion on an issue, they have a right to it like anyone else has whether you find it ridiculous or not.

I'm sure I'll get ripped by some for making this post but I don't give a damn what any of you think of me anyway so I'll express my opinion & be perfectly fine with whatever jabs come my way.


Originally posted by bjfinste Yeah, it was stupid, but jeez, I thought he must have threatened to kill your children or something by the reaction. [/B]

Nah H10 didn't threaten anyones children, but I'm sure the U.S. GOVT has something up their sleeve, we all know they killed 3000 people on 911:rolleyes:


hellah10 said:
i'll go ahead and hit the road....your a good host jack. gl in the future. feel free to email me if you have a questions...

Bye, SN:thefinger


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
I'd like to see Omar make the same accusation in Lebanon, even lightheartedly, as a sig. on a intenet forum. He's probably have his hands cut off, or even worse, his head. Nothing personal, it's just a fact of life.

What tolerance, nobody is preventing him from saying that the government caused 911, everybody is just strongly voicing their opinion against such a statement. Now, you can defend his right under U.S. law to make that statement, but it's hard to defend the validity of the statement itself. Hell, let the ACLU do that. They'll defend any twisted idea. All you liberals are so predictably downplaying such a statement as if such libel should be commonplace? WTF? Geeze, we don't live in Fantasyland, and Omar certainly knows that. There's a lot of dangerous characters out there and the comment is very inflammatory (sp?) and can cause many ripples. Perhaps it's best to not state it as a "bumper sticker" type fact and perhaps get into a real back and forth argument as an alternative.

I understand he may be pissed off for many reasons, but that is not a proof for his statement. And if you ask why he should have some at least a hypothesis regarding his statement? I'll tell you, it's because many people died at once in a low risk situation, in an ambush of innocent beings (innocent = not at war), and that deserves a great degree of respect. If somebody killed 3000 towel-head civilians in ONE BLOW, man, this world would be in for an Armagedon.

I'd like for the commies in the forum to come on out and defend his or anybody's right to that type of statement. Then I'll let ya'll know why I call you commies!


Wonder Dog
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2003
Irvine, California
If you honestly believe that Moscow has created a "revolutionary" weapon I would have to doubt your credibility. Moscow does not have the brain power, financial support, or military expertise to create such a thing. They are not the USSR of old.
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