an interesting read

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Wait til Half
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Jan 8, 2002
Indy Home of Basketball and Racing
Hellah I normally respect u but u have gone overboard w/ur religion and beliefs.

That is what is wrong in the middleeast they have RELIGION (Gods most sacred thing) confused w/Cults!!

Us in the US don't not confuse the 2, I don't condemn anybody for whatever religion they believe in, and I am not killing people for not believing in my religion. Which by the way I am catholic, yeah I know learned how to drink, smoke and gamble early!! But the US is not in a religious war cause the US believes in equal beliefs. THINK ABOUT IT!!! and ur crazy as hell if u think Bush is behind 9/11.

Snake Plissken

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Mar 21, 2000
The Island of Manhattan
"The U.S Was behind 9-11" :rolleyes:

It is truly amazing that a country like ours is hated so much. We give so much in Foreign Aid to so many countries. Forget Republican or Democrat for a second. When ever there is a major natural disaster who steps up to the plate with supplies (Even help was offered to Iran one of our so called enemies) Time after Time the U.S is there to help who ever needs it. The Arab countries don't like our support of Israel well you know what we support any democratic society. Everyday watching the news all I see over there is demonstration after demonstration with thousands and thousands of people crying the U.S is Evil. You know what I say to myself "Don't these people work?","Don't these people go to school?" if these people put as much effort into trying to better themselves through education as they do with there hateful demonstrations they would all live in a better place. The U.S gets a bum rap all the time. We got hit on 9-11 and we have the right to go after anyone who poses a threat to us. We can be your Best Friend or your worst nightmare. It is a shame that many choose the latter.


Registered User
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Sep 4, 2003
wolfpack country
My Daddy told me once:

"Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see."

About Hellah's signature, it was his opinion. Is he correct in the statement? I feel very confident that he is wrong!

I will say one thing and this goes for almost everything, "If you do not sit at the head table, then you have no real idea about what is going on."


Mr Hockey said:
I guess you must be on a little break from the ferry convention.

speaking of breaks, I haven't seen a 2-27 night in the NHL forum from you for quite some time- did the good folks at Parker Bros go on strike?


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
Mr Hockey said:
The outcry is just another big example of hypocrisy mixed in with some people whining like a bunch of girls. So someone has a different opinion on an issue, they have a right to it like anyone else has whether you find it ridiculous or not.

I'm sure I'll get ripped by some for making this post but I don't give a damn what any of you think of me anyway so I'll express my opinion & be perfectly fine with whatever jabs come my way.

Just like the Men of NAMBLA, they just have a different opinion of what a relationship should be between a man and a boy, whats wrong with that...:rolleyes:

Mr Hockey

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Mar 17, 2003
S-Love said:
speaking of breaks, I haven't seen a 2-27 night in the NHL forum from you for quite some time- did the good folks at Parker Bros go on strike?

Yawn typical comeback by you. So please tell me again what sport have you finished a season up in? I know I finished up in hockey.

Mr Hockey

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Mar 17, 2003
Blitz said:
Just like the Men of NAMBLA, they just have a different opinion of what a relationship should be between a man and a boy, whats wrong with that...:rolleyes:

Wow is that the best you could come up with? Don't get mad because I call a bunch of bitches as I see them.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2002
hellah10 IS A JEW LOVER:D

HR digs Jay Fiedler...

Miami has the Dolphins the greatest football team they take the ball from goal to goal like no ones ever seen...Their in the in air their on the ground their always in control and when you say Miami your talking SUPER BOWL...cause were the Miami Dolphins....Miami Dolphins...Miami Dolphins # 1.



Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
hellah10 IS A JEW LOVER

I'll start by not taking sides in the origin of this whole thread. I don't even care. I'm die hard american. But what i do want to comment on is what the fuk does him being a jew lover have to do with anything. I mean i'm really pissed. I'm farily new to this particular board and came over here cause chit like this ain't supposed to be going on here. I run a service and have for a while. I've been around the block too. Answer me this sir raymond.....What possessed you to make this stupid a comment. I mean why. That is so bad its almost comical. Is there something wrong with liking jewish people. Im not one, but I have a ton of friends who are. Why would you post such garbage. Im really pissed. Jewish people aren't good enough to live in the US now as well. Maybe if the US was made up of truck drivers then you could all get along. But unfortunately its not and thats part of the great thing about the US. If you cant handle a jewish person being around then maybe you should go to truck driver land. That really is a stupid and ignorant post.

Now go put together your next twenty team parlay and dust off the dart board so your clients can have their picks for tomorrow, and quite being anti-semetic. Oh yeah, and if the bookies still refuse to take your blazing forecasts beyond repair, I'll be happy to book em.


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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
hey Ray you idiot, can you keep the hatred and stupid, ignorant comments to yourself :thefinger :thefinger why be derogatory, are those your true feelings? Jeezus, just the kind of crap we dont need, Keep your damn ignorant feelings to yourself, I'm jewish and not religious, but it's not the point, I'm tolerant of every religion and race I dont make stupid comments out of the blue, keep it to yourself nobody wants to see it hear, thanks a lot, Jeezus :thefinger



Forum Member
Apr 30, 2002
Guys I think Ray Ray meant hellah really dislikes JEWS... kinda sarcastic..:shrug:


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
NySportsfan said:
hey Ray you idiot, can you keep the hatred and stupid, ignorant comments to yourself :thefinger :thefinger why be derogatory, are those your true feelings? Jeezus, just the kind of crap we dont need, Keep your damn ignorant feelings to yourself, I'm jewish and not religious, but it's not the point, I'm tolerant of every religion and race I dont make stupid comments out of the blue, keep it to yourself nobody wants to see it hear, thanks a lot, Jeezus :thefinger


You're idiotic and stupid. You didn't even understand the post.

Geeze, I'm afraid of what the world will beome in 20 years or so with punks like you. Damn, I sound like my dad.

Read the whole post, you moronic leftowich. THEN maybe you'll get the jist of it. Sheese, public shools are really gonne be the downfall of this country... Well, that and California. :tongue

Seriously, children like this should have a leash on them. Who the fuk brought in all that crap about religious tolerance and BS? Don't be so fuking sensitive that once you see something you turn all red and don't see anything else. :mad:


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2000
if u dont like it, get the ****-out of our country. way to fire this thread up eric. people like this disguss me:thefinger


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
RAYMOND's post was not derogatory to Jews, it was meant as a joke. Read some of hellah10s input on Israel, he is far from a Jew lover.

I read the quote earlier in the day before it was removed, and I thought it more a show of stupidity than anything and was really not angered about it. I like hearing hellah10s comments no matter how idiotic I think they are because of his ME background and Muslim beliefs just like I am glad there are folks like Eddie Haskell, reddsfan, vanurse, MrChristo, and others who have different beliefs and ideas than my own. I think that's what makes the GD forum go, all the diversity, and I don't get exposed to that anywhere else.
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