Anyone use Progressive Insurance company?

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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Jake what state are you in? Its not necessarily that cheaper isnt better but LOTS of factors go into it. If you have a good agent, STAY. If not call me :talk:


Wait til Half
Forum Member
Jan 8, 2002
Indy Home of Basketball and Racing
You guys gotta remember progressive, gecko and a couple of others are advertising for cheap MINIMUM coverage, that means minimum.

Basically the only people that should be using them is people w/driving violations and those w/dwi's
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Forum Member
Jan 4, 2003
Agent 0659 said:
Blazer, you are crazy. Progressive tries to low ball almost every claim...... PLUS Progressive doesn't do Homeowners so you have it somewhere else and you are missing out on up to a 25% discount in most cases f..... Get a good agent, .....Ok, sorry no more soapbox :violin:

Progressive is no longer a min. coverage company. They have expanded into the standard coverage market in many of their areas.

Progressive is a direct insurer.

A direct insurer basically circumvents people like Agent and gives that money back to consumers as a discount. I can understand why Agent does not like Progressive (direct insurers) because they will make people like him obsolete. Truth is you do not need an Agent anymore. If things get bad, which they rarely do, you can get a lawyer.

Recently, Progressive has "thrown a cookie" to people like Agent by adopting a campaign called "DRIVE". They have even put some commercials on air to support the program. I have heard from others that the program is lame and rarely helps an "average driver".

Take these points as facts:

- You should NEVER take the first offer from an insurance adjuster.

-You have to make a decision between a direct insurer (calling the company) or using an Agent (like Agent). I would rather do it myself and save the money. Personal choice.

-Insurance is a scam. They sell fear for a living. "If you don't have Insurance then....". Insurance companies are getting richer and richer, look at the stock market and how much insurance has risen in the past five years with Katrina, with 9-11, with the wildfires in would think they would be going broke. One would also think with gas prices Exxon would be losing money as well. Think again.

-The discount of home and car is a positive advantage. If you can do this it is the best way. I have my insurance for both thru the same company.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Agree SUn Tzu, I've got USAA for vehicle and home insurance... WOW is all I can say about their rates, as well as their prompt payouts.

Shoot, I'd join the military just for their rates! ;)

I get a lot of calls and mailings from Ins companies saying they can beat my rate by 15% or whatever.. so I give them a call and say let's do it. If you can beat it I will go with you.

I try to get the same coverage with Geico or Progressive and they are literally DOUBLE what I am paying now.

Had a funny call with a guy from Wells Fargo ins on the phone one night and he promised me they would be lower then my current provider. He said if he could beat my current rate would I switch? I said yes, but only if he would pay the difference of my current quote and his quote if he overbid.
Told him I had USAA and he prompty declined.

I'd suggest that if you are looking for ins, find a relative that was in the military somehow and get on a plan with them thru USAA. well worth it!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Question If you were in military you qualify USAA plan? How do you get in touch with them to get quote?

Blazer I would respetfully disagree with your statement--
"A direct insurer basically circumvents people like Agent and gives that money back to consumers as a discount. I can understand why Agent does not like Progressive (direct insurers) because they will make people like him obsolete. Truth is you do not need an Agent anymore. If things get bad, which they rarely do, you can get a lawyer."

I have had my P&C through same agent for 20 years. If there is a prob he gets right on it--Now not saying all agents are like that--but if given choice to call someone whose job it is too see things are right and takes his job seriously--or pay an attorney--It looks like no-brainer to me.
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
If things get that bad get a lawyer? LMAO that is the most retarded thing I have ever heard! Sorry Sir I cannot help you sue your insurance carrier because you dont know jack shit about insurance and you bought the wrong coverage to begin with so you cant sue. You are basially saying go to restaurant and tell them you dont want a server, you will just ring up your own food and get your own stuff because you dont want to pay the 20% gratuity. And for some reason since you dont know the menu or the computer system or anything else, if it gets screwed up you will just get a lawyer and sue. Yeah that always works, and even if it does a typical attorney will take 30% instead of the up fromt 15% of a standard policy commision, not to mention thats already built in to the price. I have Progressive as a carrier and beat their rates 18/20 times. I dont like them because I have seen how they handle claims TIME AND TIME AGAIN, not just a few. Good luck to you!

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Remember this motto:


Anybody But Allstate

unless of course, your in an accident and its your fault, and you want to get sued and go through a trial because they won't make a fair offer to the person you hit.


Sun Tzu

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
Question If you were in military you qualify USAA plan? How do you get in touch with them to get quote?

Blazer I would respetfully disagree with your statement--
"A direct insurer basically circumvents people like Agent and gives that money back to consumers as a discount. I can understand why Agent does not like Progressive (direct insurers) because they will make people like him obsolete. Truth is you do not need an Agent anymore. If things get bad, which they rarely do, you can get a lawyer."

I have had my P&C through same agent for 20 years. If there is a prob he gets right on it--Now not saying all agents are like that--but if given choice to call someone whose job it is too see things are right and takes his job seriously--or pay an attorney--It looks like no-brainer to me.

800 531 8080

Not sure you are eligible if you arent active or a spuse/child of a member.
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Forum Member
Jan 4, 2003
Agent 0659 said:
If things get that bad get a lawyer? LMAO that is the most retarded thing I have ever heard! Sorry Sir I cannot help you sue your insurance carrier because you dont know jack shit about insurance and you bought the wrong coverage to begin with so you cant sue. You are basially saying go to restaurant and tell them you dont want a server, you will just ring up your own food and get your own stuff because you dont want to pay the 20% gratuity. And for some reason since you dont know the menu or the computer system or anything else, if it gets screwed up you will just get a lawyer and sue. Yeah that always works, and even if it does a typical attorney will take 30% instead of the up fromt 15% of a standard policy commision, not to mention thats already built in to the price. I have Progressive as a carrier and beat their rates 18/20 times. I dont like them because I have seen how they handle claims TIME AND TIME AGAIN, not just a few. Good luck to you!

Agent, honestly dude, I worte that mostly to rattle your cage.

I'm sure you do a quality job.

Most people are ignorant about insurance and they need help. I am ignorant about cars and I always use a mechanic where others would laugh at me and do it themselves. I am sure the service you provide is top notch and worth it.

USAA is the best if you can get it (Military).

Sun Tzu

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
In my experience nobody has ever beaten USAA, but I am sure it can happen. And they offer everything, plus financial planning, mortgages, etc. They know who their customers are and act accordingly in my experience.
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Sun Tzu said:
In my experience nobody has ever beaten USAA, but I am sure it can happen. And they offer everything, plus financial planning, mortgages, etc. They know who their customers are and act accordingly in my experience.

Very good company, dont get me wrong. Just saying I have beat them about 4/10 times I have gone against them. My Neighbor has been in the Military for 25 years, I blew them away on his Home as their quote was 1100 and mine was 480 :com: Beat them on Auto as well but when he told them he was leaving they suddenly dropped his car rates below what I quoted and he left the vehicles. I cant understand why he would have stayed when they have been charging him 600 a year more than what they switched him to? But I did write the home.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Thanks for link Sun Tzu. You were correct--not eligible.

Have State Auto for last 15 years on house and cars and only one claim-car totaled and new roof ect both due to same hail storm--office covered by Westfield also had damage same storm.
Was very satisfied with service and payoff from both.
Was funny I was invited to Westfield office on golf outing several months later on different line of insurance business and we had nametags with name and location--when those in P%C saw Bowling Green KY tag every one would remark on damage of hail storm that day.One said every person insured with Westfield in Bowling Green had claim. I used to think those who spoke of hail size of tennis ball were stretching things till I went through it--I'm sure Clint can relate.

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
DTB Im in the State Auo Paceseter program starting last week. Was in Columbus Ohio Jan 28th-Feb 10th for brainwashing (I mean training) Their rates suck here though... :violin:


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 1, 2000
Deltona, Florida, USA
Here's the details that I'm comparing Agent. I don't mind listing my coverage as maybe others can learn from it also-

I am currently with a company called ANPAC (American National Property and Casualty). I've been with them for 9 years and went with them because they were low priced. I have excellent credit (800 credit score average of the three major scorers) never been in an accident and have one speeding ticket in the last 5 years (67 in a 55) which I took a driving class in order to get a lower ticket cost.

I have the following auto insurance:

Bod Injury 100,00/300,000
Prop Damage 100,000
UM/UIM BI (non stacking) 100,000/300,000
Personal Injury Protection: Basic with no deduct.
Supp Med payments 5,000

Then I have the following cars:

2004 Nissan Xterra:

Comp: 500 deductible
Collision: 500 deductible
Reim of auto rental included with $25 limit per day

1992 Jeep wrangler Renegade:

Comp: 50 deductible
Collision: 200 Deductible
Same Auto rental reim

My cost is $807 for 6 months

Now with Progressive I can up the Bod Injury and the UM/UIM to 250,000/500,000 each and change the Xterra deductibles to 100 each and change the Jeep deductibles to 100 comp and 200 collision. Rental reim for each car is to $30 day. All of this is offered with progressive for $647 for 6 months.

That's a savings of $160 for six months and double the coverage- that seems like a huge savings to me. I understand your thoughts on the Progressive company but I am currently with another company that probably doesn't rank high on your list either.

To me it seems like a no-brainer.

Tell me what you think about this now- too good to be true is what I thought but I called them directly after getting this quote on-line and according to them everything is on the up and up.

Respectfully, Mickstr68
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Mick why are you carrying comp and collision on a 1992 Jeep? And ridiculously low deductibles on top of it? Any idea what you would get on that vehicle for a total loss? No way it can be worth what you're paying for low deductibles like that. Do you own your home? I see you live in Florida, I'm sure that is not easy insurance to find. If you have Homeowners insurance you should give that carrier a chance. Figure in what it will save you on your home in the total price. I recommend at the minimum you carry high enough liability to cover your home. In todays world, 100,000/300,000 just doesn't cut it, also have them quote you (CSL) combined sigle limit liability. Do you know how an insurance policy works? Lets say you have 100,00/300,000 limits, and cause an accident. One guys injuries are 150,000 and his passengers are 75,000 so the total is 225,000-Well you have 300,000 each accident so you're good right? WRONG, carrying split limit you have 100,000 each person so the guy with the 150,000 bill is only getting 100,000 so hes suing your ass for 50,000. You can carry 300,000 CSL and in this scenario you would be ok because it doesn't break it down each person/each accident its just 300,000 total, and its not much more to carry it this way. I wouldn't buy Progressive personally but its what you value as an individual. I don't shop based on rates and rates alone because rates are cyclical and tend to be pretty even over the course of time. Whats important to me is a good company I know will be there if I ever need it, and a good agent ( :wall: ) to make sure I'm covered correctly. You guys think you are shopping apples for apples policies from company to company but you have no clue. They are all different and all have different INclusions and EXclusions so shopping around for price without a clue as to how any of this shit works is a recipe for trouble. If you go with Progressive, I hope you never have a claim because you will get a dipshit adjuster who will show up about 4 days later and lowball your estimate, AND put after market parts on that nice 2004 you are driving :com:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 1, 2000
Deltona, Florida, USA
thanks agent- you give me lots to think about.

In reference to the Jeep- I was thinking about dropping the coverage (Comp & Collision) but the Jeep is in Mint condition and I'm partial to it. I love the car and plan on keeping it for many more years as long as the engine stays strong. I don't remember the exact amount but when I looked at the higher deductible options on comp/coll the difference was so little in my mind that I decided to just keep the lower deductible.