Some more great investing advise from yyz. Buy @ $3607, sell @4000.
Just one teeny little problem. Bitcoin has not come close to $4000. The good news is it's down only a little from YYZ's buy point. I hope he sold and took a tiny loss. Of course he won't admit that. Not a financial genius like HE. The only thing yyz knows more about than finance is USA history. CA became a State more than 200 years ago. :mj07:
yyz needs a new screen name. about Colaca?....Yep, a perfect fit. It's even poetic.
Colaca, Colaca.
He's the one.
Colaca, Colaca,
Git 'er done.
Colaca, Colaca,
He's the most.
Colaca, Colaca,
Ponzi's ghost.
Colaca, Colaca,
Here's the rub.
Colaca, Colaca,
One dim bulb.
Colaca, Colaca,
Watch him go.
Ridin' ole Paint,
To Mexico.