a brother out,please

Jon Stewart

Forum Member
May 31, 2009
Just get Cheney all liquored up .... give him a shotgun and tell him the NKs hate "our freedoms" ..

hell ... Scarface ought to be able to take out a couple hundred NKs with 2 bottles of Jack Daniels and a full arsenal of shells


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Diplomacy is the only option at this time, as long as bullets aren?t flying, no one is dying.
And a re-run of the Korean war would be a huge blood bath. My father and my father in law where there. Very nasty brutal war, lots of civilians on both sides died.China is in a tough spot already, they don?t really care for that regime in power in NK, however that last thing they want is millions of starving militaristic NK?s streaming over their border into China. NK is a ticking time bomb for the Chinese too. Russia doesn?t want any more nukes in their back yard as well. That includes a nuclear armed Japan and SK.

lemme get this straight...

1)you`re worried about japan....

2)n.korea(building nukes and potentially selling them to terrorists...and feverishly working on a means of delivering them)...,not so much....

3)n.korea firing missiles over japan...just an inconveience..

4)n.korea treatening war against s.korea....not important...

5)on china and russia..quote:..."China is in a tough spot already, they don?t really care for that regime in power in NK, however that last thing they want is millions of starving militaristic NK?s streaming over their border into China. NK is a ticking time bomb for the Chinese too. Russia doesn?t want any more nukes in their back yard as well. That includes a nuclear armed Japan and SK"..

so this is the reasoon that russia and china block any steps to impose any meaningful(lol) sanctions on n. korea?...

makes sense...:banghead:

china says shit and n.korea says how much....if russia and china want japan and s.korea to remain impotent,all they have to do is put their foot on kim jong il`s neck....

the only reason this isn`t happening is because there are moonbats like yourself in japan and s.korea that are resisiting the normal self preservation response of any nation under threat...

china in particular,can stop this any time it wants to...

but theres no reason to as long as s.korea and japan continue to let n. korea take their lunch money....

ask yourself this...china claims that taiwan is a chinese possession..they want to absorb a financially lucrative taiwan into the chinese empire...

why don`t they?...what`s stopping them?...
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