Round By Round: Jose Luis Castillo vs Diego Corrales
by Jason Probst
Round 10
The cut on Castillo?s eye seems to be contained while Corrales left eye is in bad shape. Big counter hook by Castillo lands perfect and he drops! He gets up at eight! Perfect shot by Castillo as Corrales was caught throwing a hook and wide open. Hook by Castillo! He drills Chico again with a hook and lands a one two and Corrales is down, badly hurt! He gets up nine! He is penalized for taking his mouthpiece out while on the floor, as he got a break getting it reinserted after the first knockdown!
Jab by Castillo and a disastrous round on the cards for Chico!
Massive cross by Corrales and Castill backs up. Big hook by Corrales and Castillo is hrut now on the ropes! Incredible turn around of momentum! Combo by Castill buys him a break. Big cross by Chico and Castillo is hurt! Massive shot by Chico. Combo by Chico. Castillo hurt now! Castillo is out on his feet! He is getting hammered and ref Tony Weeks steps in and stops the fight! Diego Corrales rallies from the brink of Absolute Doom and pulls the fight out like a rock star!
Maxboxing has Castillo leading 86-85 at the time of the stoppage.
Official Time: 2:06 of RD 10| Referee: Tony Weeks | Judge: Daniel Van de Wiele 86-85 | Judge: Lou Moret 87-84 | Judge: Paul Smith 84-87 ~
Corrales down twice in Round 10.
Corrales lost a Point in Round 10 for spitting out the mouthpiece.
Tony Weeks stepped in and stopped the fight.
Round 9
Rocky-like action so far. Quick hooks by Castillo. He?s stil whacking the body whenever he can. Several rights in close by Corrales. Corrales? left eye is swollen shut. Double hook by Castillo. Right and a hook by Chico. Another combo by both. Right by Castillo up top. Good double left by Castillo and Chico whacks him a right. Hard low hook by Castillo gets another warning. Great right left combo and again by Catillo! Very quick and potent! Corrales gets hit another low blow and Castillo gets aserious warning! Big assault by Chico and Castillo?s head bounces around like a Bobble Head doll! Good god, how can a man take this kind of punishment?
He hammers Corrales a string of shots and a right. Body shot by Castillo. Uppercut by Castillo. Torrid pace so far. Chico seems to be sleepwalking at this point and slowing down. Good hook by Castillo and Corrales lands a big hook at the bell.
Castillo wins round 10-9
Round 8
Corrales opens with a combo and whacks Castillo in close with hooks. Big uppercut hook combo by Chico moves Castill back but he lands a right. Hard trades by both. Big hok by both. Incredible pace with neither man giving an inch. Massive hook by Chico and Castillo seems a tad hurt. Big combo back by Castillo and Corrales pulls back to regain his mojo. Both seem a little tired now. Big Combo by Castillo as Corrales moves back now. His left eye is nearly shut and he?s hurt but a huge hook by Chico staggers Castillo. Double hook by Castillo at the bell!
Castillo wins round 10-9
Round 7
Jab from Chico on the outside, as Joe Goossen has urged him to fight from the outside. Right by Castillo. Corrales is not resuming the distance once Castillo gets in close. It?s as though they are magnets that can?t be separated. Corrales has looming welts under both eyes. Right by Castillo. Good one two combo by Chico. Right by Chico. Uppercut by Castillo and body shots. Right by Chico and Castillo drilling him with steady hooks and uppercuts, in metronome fashion, back and forth.
Vicious right by Corrales and Castillo doesn?t even blink! Incredible chin. Incredible head body head combo by Corrales! Right by Corrales and Castillo drills him a mean body hook. Hook by Castillo. Good combo by Chico and Castillo hits a combo back. Massive Left by Corrales buckles Castillo?s knees at the bell! He was hit with a bomb and was actually hurt for the first time in the bout!
Corrales wins round 10-9
Round 6
Uppercuts by both in close. More trench fighting as neither shirks from battling chest to chest. The cut over Castillo?s eye was ruled from a head butt, accidental. Body right by Castillo. Nice hooks from Chico. Right by him in close. Good combo by Chico. Hook by Castillo. Uppercut by Castillo and he misses a hook. They are head to head and that is not good for the cut.
Vicious combo by Corrales and Castillo hits him back with an uppercut. Another low hook by Castillo. He has hit Corrales several times low and Corrales has done the same. Nice cross by Corrales. Nice uppercut by Castillo and Corrales counters him a hard hook. Double hook by Castillo and a right to the side. Hard trade and both men won?t budge. Right by Castillo as Corrales falls backward. Nice hook by Corrales and he is hits with a hook in return at the bell. Great round!
Corrales wins round 10-9
Round 5
Castillo has a cut on his left eye but it remains to be seen if its?a factor. . Vicious body cross by Corrales. Jab by Chico. Visou jab back by Castillo. Combo and Corrales falls right back into the trenches. Wicked body hook by Castillo. Counter cross by Castillo. Body shot by Chico. Nice mugging hooks in close by Castillo, as he fires them short and sneaky. Combo by Corrales and a counter right after a counter one two by Castillo. Body shot by Castillo. Combo by Castillo as he slips a punch.
One two by Chico. Hook by him. Castillo on the ropes. Chico pressing forward laying on him. Uppercut by Castillo and a right. Good body shot by Castillo. Right in close by Chico.
Castillo wins round 10-9
Round 4
Hooks by Corrales and a jab. They trade jabs. Good double left by Jose. Chico using more distance now. Great one two combo by Corrales. Body shot by Castillo and they are in close again. Corrles won?t clinch or back off. Big hook by Corrales! Jose drills him back with a body right. Castillo showing a huge chin here. Body hook by Castillo. Uppercut by Castillo and they are in close. Body hook by Castillo and several lefts in a row by Corrales and Castillo hits him a sneak right. Both seem to proud to clinch. Solid four punch combo by Corrales and Castillo just marches through it. Left by Castillo moves Corrales back and another left. Good uppercut by Castillo with a hook after it. Vicious pace. No way it goes the distance at this rate.
Huge hook by both. Corrales has ditched the jab and and is not using it, or his distance. Good double right by Castillo, and a hook. He is beating Chico in close now.
Castillo wins round 10-9
Round 3
Jabs from Corrales and a body right. Jab again from Chico and they are in close in the trenches once more. Virtually the entire second round was chest to chest with both guys refusing to clinch and throwing hard close punches. Big trade of rights. Body shot by Castillo. Big hook by Corrales, a nice short bomb. Corrales seems just as strong inside and won?t let Jose back him up. Double right by Chico and Castillo hits him three hooks in close. Corrales is in close and showing the kind of infighting that made him so impressive earlier in his career. Uppercut by Castillo and a hook. Great shot by him!
Uppercut from Jose. Big hook by Chico but Castillo drills him a cross and a series of right back! Corrales won?t budge. Uppercut from Chico and jab from Castillo. Great under and over combo by Corrales but Castillo hits him a hook. Jose seems to be warming up now and getting his combos going. Vicious hook off a body right by Chico! Hook by Castillo. Uppercut by Castillo. Great combo by Castillo. He?s bombing with short hard shots and Corrales seems to be woozy at the bell!
Castillo wins round 10-9.
Round 2
Corrales is letting Castillo come in close and doesn?t seem to mind. Good hook from Corrales and Castillo hits in a right in the clinch. Corrales in close and unloading with both hands. Fast action as both hammer to the body with short arm punches. Great body combo by Castillo. Combo up top by Castillo and hook by Chico. Big right by Castillo and a hook and Corrales might be buzzed! Hook by Castillo and good combo by Chico! He is fighting the wrong fight and has abandoned his distance and jab. Laying in the trenches and Castillo is doing a tad better than Chico so far but is taking big shot. Uppercut from Castillo get s a hard body shot by Corrales in close. Vicious cross hook combo by Corrales and Castill hits him a hook back! Two body shots by Corrales that are borderline. Big hook by Corrales! Castillo showing a cement chin. Fantastic action so far! Huge combo by Corrales and Castillo moves back, stunned but jumps right back into it with a hard body shot. Savage five punch combo by Corrales and Castillo moves back, seemingly buzzed! But he wades right back in at the bell.
Corrales wins round 10-9
Round 1
Chico opens with stiff jabs, and throws a body hook in close, with Castillo returning one. Body jab and hooks by both. In close again, Castillo mugs Chico in close. Corrales misses a big right and throws a nice stiff jab. Castillo is pressuring and working the body. Stiff jab by Corrales and they mug each other in close. Corrales ties Castillo up in close and hits him a hook. Stiff jab by Corrales and good body work in close by him. Compact combo by Corrles and Castillo doesn?t budge and hits him a combo back. Good double left uppercut by Castill! Great action so far. They are like two bulls testing each other?s ability to stand their ground.
Hard body shot by Corrales and a rabbit shot in close gets him a warning from ref Tony Weeks. Good combo by Corrales as he ends to the body. Castillo seems to be willing to take shots to push in close. Great jabs and double hook by Chico, but Castillo mugs him back with a combo and a hook, then another pair of stiff hooks! Castillo is ticked off and not giving an inch!
Corrales wins round 10-9