Well not exactly, it's been a run around since, it's over Fantasy football to be exact, this is from a guy who has been a loyal player for football and baseball with me for years and as always paid.. Early. Yet this year he says he had resent a check then no check then he blamed wife for not sending it, then apparently last Monday he says he resent check and nothing came. So he and his son are playing so he is paying for two entry fees. I give him the benefit of a doubt cause I am a fool or too nice to people but he has sent several emails apologizing I take the bait. Well his son is second over all and has some money coming and is in good position to win more money in playoffs. I told him that he better pay via MG, go to walmart and go to MG today and then I get an email that he will do before Saturday. If he doesn't he is going to have to pay his son, I don't care if he takes first place, he won't receive a dime for taking a free shot. I know I let this go for too long but really after a month was in too deep and would not have been able to sell teams off cause they were mediocre then his son's team won like 7 in a row, so I think he was going to stiff the entire time, but now he is in a Pickle cause his son's team is doing so good, it won't look good at home. Again I have his son's email and too nice as I have not disclosed this with his son. Just in shock as we have done all of this over the years and even the MLB 33 boards too.