China is going DOWN!!!


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Forum Member
Nov 29, 2000
Does anyone else out there want to just start fukin bombin those pricks....

Im gettin pissed off by the minute, just who do they think they're messin with, we ought to send a few aircraft carrier's and battlegroup destroyers over there and then hollar "wassssssupp!!!!!!"..."Wasssabbbiii!!"

If not that, just bomb our own plane, too late I guess, but god damn they are an arrogant nation. I have been readin Bill Gertz's new book about China's deceptive plans and tactics, and believe me....they are no FRIEND of this country...Clinton was an idiot and allowed them to buy him...

It was so obvious that this country questions it based on the fact that no one could do such a thing...right out in the open...kinda like bubba saying, "I aint that dumb"...but clearly, he was smarter than the citizens of this country...selling off our technology and trade secrets for campaign donations....demanding nothing from them and turning the cheek in every circumstance...

But Im not here to talk about Clinton, Im just pissed that we arent flexing a little muscle here and tossing a few threat's around...

I guess that's why Im not the Secretary of State though....Im sure I would really mess things up...but anyway, just wanted to rant and see if any of you others felt the same way...


By the way, had fun with you guys in Baskets, dont do bases, but will pop in every once in awhile to stick my liberal buddies in the side if they get outta line....kosar..redsfann,
wink.gif know I love ya..




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Dec 6, 2000
Alberta, Canada

don't want to start a flame war, but what did the USA do with the Mig fighters that Cuban aviators defected in, years ago? Was Cuban/Soviet sovereignty respected and the planes returned untouched? (Or were they pulled to bits, examined inside and out, and the info put to good use?)

Also, what would the US Air Force do if a Chinese spy plane cruised 70 miles off Manhattan?

Just trying to look at the other side's view...

Regardless of anyones point of view, left, right or middle, the diplomats should have instant access to the servicemen and they should be returned immediately. The hardware would seem to be examinable, based on precedent.




Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
I don't know about the Clinton stuff, Lock, but there sure seems to have been a rash of humiliating military accidents in the last, oh, 2 months or so.

Sounds like our 'Commander in Chief' needs to tighten it up a little, eh?...


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Nov 4, 2000
Ironlock, understand your first re-action. We may have been in a little to close. Lets Hope it Works Out and we just Get Our Men out of there. As for Clinton it start long before him. Nixon got the ball roleing. Then some of this countries best business went over there and built Mfg. plants. The sell out was under way. Why people ask? Greed, they pay them about a buck maybe the good ones two a hour. These great pillers of our country. Ask your self do they give a shit about you. It's like the oil they say we need from Alaska. Right! Not. That may be biggest bull shit handed our way in 20 years. Greed. Bush owes the big oil boys they want pay back. Do these business men know what China would like to do. As to wanting to take over few more countries. Sure they do. Greed. They don't give a shit unless it affects there business. Then they will want all the young men to go fight for there, Greed.

[This message has been edited by djv (edited 04-03-2001).]


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Aug 24, 1999
It's their time in the spotlight, just sit back and let 'em enjoy it for awhile. I think it was kind of silly for us to not believe they're gonna give the plane a good look over. Hell, I'd be surprised if they didn't keep the damn thing. The servicemen are a different story and I'll bet ya a million bucks they'll be sending them back really soon...


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Jan 12, 2001
My point of view on this topic is that we should definitely be very pissed off about it as a nation. Who the hell do they think they are. What they did was plain stupidity and Bush should let whoever the hell the chinese leader is (I don't know who he is, and I could really care less) that they made a major mistake and we are very disappointed with them, if it happens again in the next 10 years there will be WAR.

And if it happens again, we will have to do the same thing we did with Japan to China. Drop a nuke on them when they least expect it. That should do them some favors as well with their high birth rate and it sure would control population.



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Feb 6, 2001
China is testing Bush the way Krushchev tested John F. Kennedy. Bottom line is we dont want to go to war with China. It's a war neither side will win. Period.


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Apr 4, 2001
Hi all,

I'm a long time reader, first time poster. I am often tempted to post on the boards, but this post is the first where I felt the argument was just a tad uneven.

So I am going to take the bait on this one. I hope the hell ya'll are joking. Bomb China!?! Please.

The fact is that most non americans perceive Bush as a half-wit. He never knows what he is talking about, and god forbid somebody should ever ask him an intelligent
question. I really don't think china gives a rats arse what this 'straight shooter' might say, or do.

We know he makes the most outrageous blunders almost daily, and to be honest I'd only give give even money he won't last the full four years in office, specifically
because he resigns in disgrace after he was to slow witted to handle some difficult situation properly.

Bomb China!?! hee hee. For what? Protecting themselves against a power hungry, war mongering, texas oil man whose just a chip of the old block. I don't think so.

Just my two cents.


kneifl, what you posted is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. You'd go to war with a country when you don't even know who the leader is, and you
advocate nuking a foreign country as a population control measure. **** you, yank. Thank christ, you're over there


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Nov 6, 2000
Our spy satellites show China already taking apart the plane. So that's a loss. But if our girl and boy's are not released by Sunday. Well that's when I'd send in the ships.

War will come. If not today, maybe tomorrow.


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Aug 10, 1999
Unlikely- Agreed. And with posts like Kniefl's...jeez...very sad....


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Apr 4, 2001
Looks like your boys and girls may have to face charges in China. This is getting interesting. Between expelling Russian diplomats and this, Bush is in way over his

China blames US spy plane for collision - statement.

The statement, released by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Dublin, stated that the US plane, which was on a surveillance mission southeast of China's
Hainan Island, "suddenly veered at a wide angle towards the (two) Chinese planes."

"The US plane's nose and left wing rammed the tail of one of the Chinese planes, causing it to lose control and plunge into the sea."

The Embassy's statement said the US plane overran the scope of 'free over-flight' according to international law, and the alleged move against the Chinese planes
violated the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The statement also said it "was illegal for the US military surveillance plane to enter China's territorial space and to land at a Chinese airport without China's approval."

"Facts show that after the collision the US plane had the time and technical ability to issue a request or notice (to enter Chinese airspace or land on Chinese territory),
however the US plane failed to do so."

China called on the US to "face up to the facts, bear full responsiblity, apologise to China and not seek any excuse to shirk its responsibilty."

The Chinese also referred to international and domestic laws, which it claimed, gave them the "right to investigate the plane which caused all this trouble."

The statement also said that "China will deal properly with the US crew and plane in accordance with the law and the results of the investigation", into the incident.


Forgive me if I am labouring a dead issue here.



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Sep 7, 2000
Folks, if this situation was reversed and it happened off the coast near Hawaii, what would the opinion be? The plane was a spy plane near China, the US should apologize and move on. China holds all the cards in this.
Kneifl, please inform yourself about the situation before blasting someone. Going to war with someone who has nuclear weapons is not a smart idea unless you are a cockroach.


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Dec 17, 2000
Early test for the Commander-in-Chief. Old timers in control in China are in a staring contest with George W right now. Of course they're gonna take that plane apart, then return it in pieces. If they decide to charge our service people with crimes then we've really got a BIG problem, there is simply no way that the U.S. can allow those folks to be imprisoned over there.

I would hope that the U.S. Diplomatic corps is building support among our partner nations for the argument that our plane was in free airspace, that our plane did not initiate contact. With enough pressure from the world community China can be made to capitulate somewhat, as along as President Bush gives them some wiggle room. Whether anyone likes it or not that is the nature of diplomacy. If the Chinese take a hard line and attempt to incarcerate, or even worse, execute our service people, then I would say we would have a war on our hands.

I read once where you could line up the Chinese 1,000 abreast and march 'em off a cliff, and you would NEVER run out of Chinese. A billion people is a lot of people.

I hope they're bluffing. That would be one awful frigging war.



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Aug 24, 1999
Perhaps Bush has some shortcomings when it comes to an IQ situation, but he VERY brilliantly surrounded himself with extremely intelligent people. I like my chances with VP Cheney, SS Powell, SD Rumsfeld, etc..etc... Three fellas that have been around the block more than once and who provide significant contributions when it comes to matters such as these.

ARguement basically boils down to one important point: Was the plane in Chinese or International airspace? China is gonna say one thing and the US is gonna say another. Truthfully, I don't think we will ever know the truth about what location the plane was in when the accident occured.

I read in an article today that it has been reported that the crew in the surveillance plane were able to destroy most of the significant information in the plane before it landed. I was also unaware that the Chinese had nuclear weapons. I was under the assumption that they had none. CNBC stated that China had 12 long range missles that could do some damage to American soil, but other than that, the pretty much had nothing.


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Dec 17, 2000

If the truth is known, probably half the Americans think Bush is a halfwit also. He just barely won the election with a low turn-out and a little help from his friends. But he is OUR President and right now he needs support from citizens, and he's got mine.



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Dec 17, 2000

Don't you think it would be an EXTREMELY poor decision for the Chinese to launch their DOZEN nukes at the U.S? They would do some serious damage wherever they landed but let's get real, 12 nukes ain't gonna take out a land mass as big as the U.S.A. On the other hand, we still have something in the neighborhood of 5,000 multiple warhead large caliber nukes sitting somewhere with some guy from Dr. Strangelove sitting with his finger on the trigger. Surely someone could explain that to the Chinese.


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Aug 24, 1999
With its relatively small nuclear arsenal (an estimated 200-300 weapons) compared to the United States and the former Soviet Union, and its generally minor role in past international arms control negotiations, China attracted limited attention among U.S. nuclear arms control policy makers until recently. Primary U.S. attention fell on East-West arms control measures where China's role was seen as secondary.

More recently, however, China's importance has grown because its policies and practices appear to be at odds with several U.S. and international arms control goals,

He Hate Me

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Feb 21, 2001
Seal Beach,Ca
The plane was in international airspace,and was forced down by an ineffectual chinaman pilot to the island,the US plane was a big lumbering one that lacked agility.

The Usa is 1 nation under God,W is a born again Christian and our chosen president,he will do what is right and necessary.
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