
Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

Saturday, February 8

TENN at OKLA12:00 PMTENN -5.0
U 140.0
+500 +500
RICH at DAV12:00 PMDAV -9.5
O 136.0
+500 +500
TCU at ISU12:00 PMISU -17.0
U 137.0
+500 +500
HALL at GTWN12:00 PMHALL +11.0
O 130.5
+500 +500
ORE at MSU12:00 PMORE +8.0
U 147.0
+500 +500
SCAR at UK12:00 PMUK -11.0
U 152.0
+500 +500
FAU at TLSA12:00 PMFAU -6.0
U 151.5
+500 +500
BU at HC12:00 PMHC +2.0
U 129.0
+500 +500
WAG at FDU01:00 PMWAG +4.0
O 129.0
+500 +500
TROY at M-OH01:00 PMTROY -1.5
U 141.0
+500 +500
GASO at WMU01:00 PMWMU -1.0
U 151.0
+500 +500
NAVY at LAF01:00 PMNAVY +2.0
O 139.5
+500 +500
CIT at VMI01:00 PMVMI -9.5
O 138.0
+500 +500
MICH at IND01:00 PMMICH -2.5
U 152.0
+500 +500
BUCK at ARMY01:00 PMBUCK -1.5
U 141.0
+500 +500
YSU at DET01:00 PMYSU -8.0
U 143.0
+500 +500
VT at ND01:00 PMND -9.5
U 133.0
+500 +500
LIP at QNC01:00 PMQNC +2.5
O 149.5
+500 +500
NJIT at UNH01:00 PMUNH +1.0
O 134.5
+500 +500
TEX at VAN01:00 PMVAN -2.5
U 149.5
+500 +500
WIS at IOWA01:00 PMWIS -5.5
U 162.0
+500 +500
WM at DEL02:00 PMWM +1.0
U 167.0
+500 +500
NIAG at QUIN02:00 PMQUIN -11.0
U 141.5
+500 +500
ODU at EMU02:00 PMEMU -2.5
U 142.5
+500 +500
HARV at DART02:00 PMDART -2.0
O 148.5
+500 +500
UNCW at DREX02:00 PMUNCW -2.5
U 135.5
+500 +500
SIE at RID02:00 PMSIE -2.0
O 139.5
+500 +500
SPC at MAN02:00 PMMAN -4.5
U 135.5
+500 +500
L-MD at COLG02:00 PML-MD +7.0
O 143.5
+500 +500
JMU at TOL02:00 PMTOL +2.0
O 151.5
+500 +500
GAST at BUFF02:00 PMGAST -3.0
O 160.5
+500 +500
YALE at COR02:00 PMYALE -4.0
O 158.0
+500 +500
ARST at KENT02:00 PMARST -1.5
O 139.0
+500 +500
KU at KSU02:00 PMKU -3.5
U 141.5
+500 +500
UCF at BAY02:00 PMUCF +10.0
O 157.5
+500 +500
BRWN at CLMB02:00 PMCLMB -2.5
U 153.5
+500 +500
STONE at LIU02:00 PMSTONE +3.0
O 130.0
+500 +500
USA at AKR02:00 PMAKR -7.0
O 146.5
+500 +500
SFPA at CHS02:00 PMCHS +1.5
O 140.5
+500 +500
CCAR at BGSU02:00 PMBGSU -5.5
O 141.5
+500 +500
APP at OHIO02:00 PMOHIO -4.5
O 143.5
+500 +500
AMER at LEH02:00 PMLEH -2.5
U 134.0
+500 +500
ULL at NIU02:00 PMULL -1.5
U 143.5
+500 +500
CHSO at WEBB02:00 PMWEBB -7.0
U 149.5
+500 +500
LT at FIU02:00 PMLT -3.5
O 138.5
+500 +500
UALR at MORE02:00 PMUALR -3.0
U 129.5
+500 +500
WOF at MER02:00 PMWOF -3.0
O 149.0
+500 +500
WIN at SCUS02:00 PMWIN -9.0
U 164.5
+500 +500
MARQ at CREI02:00 PMCREI -4.0
O 145.5
+500 +500
UIC at SIU02:00 PMUIC +1.0
U 153.0
+500 +500
UMBC at ME02:00 PMME -5.0
U 146.5
+500 +500
UNA at UWG02:00 PMUNA -10.0
U 149.0
+500 +500
RMU at NKU02:00 PMRMU +1.0
O 139.5
+500 +500
MIA at LOU02:00 PMLOU -18.0
U 153.5
+500 +500
USM at BALL02:00 PMUSM +2.5
O 148.5
+500 +500
BRY at BING02:00 PMBING +9.0
O 148.5
+500 +500
NDSU at NEOM02:05 PMNDSU -1.5
U 152.0
+500 +500
RAD at LONG03:00 PMLONG -2.5
U 142.5
+500 +500
TULN at UNT03:00 PMUNT -9.0
O 124.0
+500 +500
MILW at CLEV03:00 PMMILW +1.5
O 145.0
+500 +500
LMC at MEHST03:00 PMMEHST -2.0
O 143.5
+500 +500
CAN at MW03:00 PMMW -13.5
O 130.5
+500 +500
PROV at BUT03:00 PMBUT -4.5
U 148.0
+500 +500
BC at SYR03:15 PMSYR -6.5
U 146.0
+500 +500
TXAM at MIZZ03:30 PMMIZZ -4.5
O 146.5
+500 +500
RICE at CHAR03:30 PMRICE +1.0
O 137.5
+500 +500
STON at HOF04:00 PMHOF -12.0
U 131.0
+500 +500
URI at GMU04:00 PMGMU -8.5
U 137.5
+500 +500
HAMP at NE04:00 PMNE -7.0
U 138.5
+500 +500
TOWS at MONM04:00 PMTOWS -3.5
O 135.5
+500 +500
NCCU at HOW04:00 PMNCCU +1.5
O 155.5
+500 +500
HOU at COLO04:00 PMHOU -14.0
U 128.0
+500 +500
EKY at STET04:00 PMSTET +8.5
O 154.0
+500 +500
SAM at ETSU04:00 PMSAM -1.5
O 149.5
+500 +500
MURR at VALP04:00 PMMURR -2.5
U 144.0
+500 +500
EIU at TNTC04:00 PMTNTC -4.5
U 138.5
+500 +500
STT at DEN04:00 PMSTT -10.0
O 150.0
+500 +500
SHSU at LIB04:00 PMLIB -10.5
U 143.0
+500 +500
PSU at UCLA04:00 PMUCLA -10.0
U 141.0
+500 +500
MVSU at JKST04:00 PMJKST -20.5
U 135.0
+500 +500
UNLV at WYO04:00 PMWYO +2.5
O 133.0
+500 +500
FLA at AUB04:00 PMAUB -9.5
O 156.0
+500 +500
PITT at UNC04:00 PMUNC -4.5
U 151.5
+500 +500
UNM at AFA04:00 PMUNM -15.5
U 146.0
+500 +500
WCU at UNCG04:00 PMUNCG -13.0
O 142.5
+500 +500
TST at UVU04:00 PMUVU -14.0
U 132.0
+500 +500
TAMC at NICH04:00 PMNICH -10.5
U 139.5
+500 +500
ARPB at ALCN04:00 PMALCN -7.5
U 147.0
+500 +500
WIU at UTM04:30 PMWIU +8.0
O 134.5
+500 +500
UNO at HBU04:30 PMHBU -9.5
U 145.5
+500 +500
FUR at CHAT04:30 PMCHAT -5.0
O 147.0
+500 +500
GRAM at ALST04:30 PMALST -4.0
U 134.0
+500 +500
TXST at CMU05:00 PMCMU -1.0
U 142.0
+500 +500
WKU at JVST05:00 PMJVST -4.0
U 147.0
+500 +500
MTU at KENN05:00 PMKENN -2.5
O 151.5
+500 +500
SOU at AAMU05:00 PMSOU -7.5
U 147.5
+500 +500
SAC at IDHO05:00 PMSAC +8.0
O 140.5
+500 +500
MOSU at BEL05:00 PMBEL -7.5
O 148.0
+500 +500
FGCU at UNF05:00 PMUNF +2.0
U 162.5
+500 +500
PRST at EWU05:00 PMPRST -1.5
O 144.5
+500 +500
UTAH at WVU05:00 PMWVU -7.5
U 135.5
+500 +500
NWST at MCNS05:00 PMMCNS -17.0
U 133.5
+500 +500
CARK at PEAY05:00 PMCARK +9.5
O 138.0
+500 +500
COOK at PV05:30 PMCOOK -3.0
U 151.0
+500 +500
GT at UVA05:30 PMUVA -2.5
U 127.5
+500 +500
FAMU at TXSO06:00 PMTXSO -9.0
U 143.0
+500 +500
PEPP at WSU06:00 PMWSU -10.0
U 153.0
+500 +500
ILL at MINN06:00 PMMINN +6.5
O 145.5
+500 +500
UND at UMKC06:00 PMUND +3.0
O 145.5
+500 +500
SELA at IW06:00 PMIW -3.0
U 142.0
+500 +500
ILST at UNI06:00 PMUNI -5.5
U 142.0
+500 +500
AMCC at SFA06:00 PMAMCC -2.5
U 137.5
+500 +500
ELON at COFC06:00 PMCOFC -4.0
O 147.5
+500 +500
MSST at UGA06:00 PMUGA -2.0
U 142.0
+500 +500
BYU at CIN06:00 PMBYU +1.5
O 140.0
+500 +500
L-IL at DUQ06:00 PML-IL +1.0
O 130.5
+500 +500
INST at DRKE06:00 PMDRKE -12.5
O 137.0
+500 +500
DUKE at CLEM06:30 PMDUKE -6.0
U 132.5
+500 +500
USD at SCU07:00 PMSCU -19.5
O 153.0
+500 +500
IONA at MRST07:00 PMMRST -4.0
U 128.0
+500 +500
SHU at FAIR07:00 PMSHU -1.0
U 152.0
+500 +500
UNCA at HP07:00 PMHP -9.5
O 155.0
+500 +500
CSN at LBSU07:00 PMCSN -11.5
O 146.5
+500 +500
GB at IPFW07:00 PMIPFW -15.5
U 153.0
+500 +500
BELL at JAC07:00 PMBELL +12.5
O 143.5
+500 +500
NCST at STAN07:00 PMSTAN -5.5
O 138.0
+500 +500
UVM at ALBY07:00 PMALBY -2.0
U 131.5
+500 +500
UTRGV at LAM07:00 PMLAM -4.5
U 145.5
+500 +500
GONZ at PAC08:00 PMPAC +25.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
SDAK at ORU08:00 PMSDAK -1.5
O 171.5
+500 +500
UTA at SEA08:00 PMSEA -9.0
U 143.0
+500 +500
MTST at UNCO08:00 PMUNCO -6.0
O 149.0
+500 +500
GC at CBU08:00 PMGC -5.5
O 146.5
+500 +500
MONT at NAU08:00 PMMONT +1.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
BRAD at EVAN08:00 PMBRAD -5.0
U 137.0
+500 +500
ECU at UTSA08:00 PMECU -2.0
U 146.0
+500 +500
SEMO at USI08:30 PMSEMO -3.5
U 142.5
+500 +500
ALA at ARK08:30 PMALA -4.5
O 166.0
+500 +500
MISS at LSU08:30 PMMISS -6.0
O 147.0
+500 +500
AC at SUU08:30 PMSUU +3.5
O 137.5
+500 +500
SF at LMU09:00 PMSF -3.5
O 139.0
+500 +500
IDST at WEB09:00 PMIDST -1.0
O 141.5
+500 +500
UTEP at NMSU09:00 PMNMSU -1.0
U 138.0
+500 +500
UCD at CSF09:00 PMCSF +6.5
O 135.5
+500 +500
SMC at ORST10:00 PMSMC -4.0
O 128.5
+500 +500
HAW at UCSB10:00 PMUCSB -5.0
O 137.0
+500 +500
CSB at UCRV10:00 PMUCRV -8.0
U 146.0
+500 +500
UCSD at UCI10:00 PMUCI -1.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
SDSU at CSU10:00 PMCSU -2.0
U 134.5
+500 +500
TTU at ARIZ10:30 PMTTU +3.5
O 150.0
+500 +500
NW at WASH10:30 PMWASH -1.5
U 139.0
+500 +500


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

02/08/2025..............75 - 71 - 0................51.36%..............- 15.50
02/06/2025..............24 - 27 - 0................47.05%..............- 28.50
02/05/2025.............28 - 17 - 0................62.22%...............+ 46.50
02/04/2025.............18 - 17 - 1................51.42%,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,- 3.50
02/03/2025.................4 - 8 - 0.................33.00%...............- 24.00
02/02/2025.............11 - 11 - 0................50.00%................- 5.50
02/01/2025..............22 - 22 -0................50.00%..............- 11.00

TOTALS................182 - 173 - 1................51.26%................- 41.50


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Sunday’s 6-pack:
Teams who get highest %age of their points on foul shots:
26.6%— Cal State-Fullerton (6-18)
26%— Charlotte (9-15)
25.2%— Cal-Davis (13-10)
25.2%— Tarleton State (10-15)
24.6%— Temple (14-9)
24.5%— Grand Canyon (17-6)

Quote of the Day
“I remember saying, ‘Patrick, there is no future in football. You are a baseball player.’ Man, am I glad he didn’t listen to me.”
Alex Rodriguez, who advised Patrick Mahomes to play baseball instead of football.

Sunday’s quiz
How many NFL teams have never played in a Super Bowl?

Saturday’s quiz
Hubie Brown went 121-72 coaching the Kentucky Colonels in the last two years of the ABA.

Friday’s quiz
2019-20 was the last time the Golden State Warriors finished a season under .500; they went 15-50 that year, but won their 4th championship in eight years in 2022.


Sunday’s Den: Wrapping a full day of college basketball

Two quick notes:
Top two teams in the college basketball top 25 lost Saturday
Sunday is Saquon Barkley’s 28th birthday.

Florida 90, Auburn 81

Gators shot 58.1% inside the arc.
Auburn led 15-5 early, but trailed 48-38 at halftime.
Loss snaps Auburn’s 14-game winning streak.

Mississippi State 76, Georgia 75
Miss State survived going 6-18 on the foul line. 6 for 18. Oy.
Miss State came into the game on a 2-5 skid.
Miss State shot 68.4% inside the arc.

Ole Miss 72, LSU 70
Rebels outscored LSU 13-0 over the last 3:15 of this game.
LSU was 12-25 on foul line, Ole Miss 20-29.
Bitter loss was LSU’s sixth in a row.
Auburn/Alabama are tied for first, two games ahead of Florida/Texas A&M
Bracketology has 13 SEC teams in the NCAA tournament.

Clemson 77, Duke 71

Duke led 41-35 at halftime.
Duke’s star Flagg was only 6-17 from the floor.
Clemson shot 58.8% inside the arc.
It was very excellent that 85-year old Dick Vitale was one of the TV analysts for this game; it was the first TV appearance in two years for the coach Vitale. Glad he is feeling better.

Syracuse 95, Boston College 86, 3 OT’s
Really bad beat if you had Boston College +6.5
BC led by seven points in the second OT.
Syracuse led by 11 with 12:12 left in the game.
12-1 Duke leads Louisville/Clemson by a game atop the ACC.
Bracketology has four ACC teams in the NCAA tournament.

— Big X
Arizona 82, Texas Tech 73

Texas Tech shot only 37.7% from the floor.
Arizona out-rebounded the Red Raiders, 42-29.
Arizona played only 7 guys; their two subs both scored 15 points.

Kansas State 81, Kansas 73
Third straight year the Jayhawks lost in the Little Apple.
Kansas is 3-5 in its last eight games; they’re only 7-5 in Big X.
K-State shot 56.4% inside the arc.
Arizona/Houston are tied for first place, two games ahead of Texas Tech.
Bracketology has eight Big X teams in the NCAA tournament.

— Big 18
Michigan State 86, Oregon 74

Tom Izzo won his 353rd Big 18 game, tied for the most ever.
Ducks led 50-36 at halftime.
Oregon has lost five in a row, after a 16-3 start.

Michigan 70. Indiana 67
Wolverines won their 4th game in a row, all by 4 or fewer points.
Michigan led this game 43-27 at halftime.
Wolverines shot 57.6% inside the arc.
11-2 Purdue leads Michigan/Michigan State by a half-game atop the Big 18.
Bracketology has ten Big 18 teams in the NCAA tournament.

Upsets of the Day:
Stony Brook (+12.5) 80, Hofstra 75
Niagara (+11.5) 76, Quinnipiac 75
Virginia Tech (+9.5) 65, Notre Dame 63
Florida (+8.5) 90, Auburn 81
Louisiana (+8.5) 66, Northern Illinois 64
Clemson (+7.5) 77, Duke 71
Hampton (+5.5) 84, Northeastern 75
Cal Baptist (+5.5) 85, Grand Canyon 71
Appalachian State (+4.5) 72, Ohio U 59

— Big East
Creighton 77, Marquette 67

Bluejays won their ninth game in a row.
Creighton shot 69.6% inside the arc.
Marquette has lost three games in row, for first time in three years,

Butler 82, Providence 81
Butler led by 13 with 9:2 left, hung on for dear life.
Bulldogs won consecutive games for first time since December 3rd.
Providence lost its last three games, giving up 76.7 ppg.
12-1 St John’s leads Creighton by a game atop the Big East standings.
Bracketology has four Big East teams in the NCAA tournament.

— Missouri Valley
Drake 85, Indiana State 81 OT

Drake led 49-33 with 14:58 left in the game.
Drake has won 10 in a row, is 12-2 in the MVC.
Bulldogs are 3-0 in overtime games this season.

Northern Iowa 68, Illinois State 65
Illinois State led by 8 with 4:21 left in the game.
Panthers shot 62.2% inside the arc.
Northern Iowa won five of its last six games.
12-2 Drake leads Northern Iowa by two games in the MVC.

— Conference USA
Jacksonville State 85, Western Kentucky 83

Hilltoppers led 35-16 midway thru the first half.
WKU shot 12-24 on the arc; Jax State shot 60% inside the arc.
Gamecocks won their eighth game in a row.
9-2 Jacksonville State leads Liberty/Middle Tennessee by two games.

— Summit
Omaha 85, North Dakota 74

Mavericks have won 11 of their last 12 D-I games.
Omaha shot 15-28 on the arc, North Dakota 14-33.

St Thomas 79, Denver 76
Denver led by 7 with 6:47 left in the game.
Tommies shot 60% inside arc, 9-17 on arc, scored 1.23 points/possession.
St Thomas won nine of its last 11 games.
10-1 Omaha leads St Thomas by a game atop Summit standings.

— West Coast
Washington State 87, Pepperdine 86

Pepperdine led by 12 with 6:17 left, by 7 with 1:30 left.
Coogs’ win snaps their five-game losing skid.
Wazzu shot 57.1% inside the arc.

Saint Mary’s 63, Oregon State 49
Oregon State shot 36.5% from the floor.
Saint Mary’s shot 60.6% inside the arc.
Oregon State has players from nine different countries.
Saint Mary’s leads Gonzaga/San Francisco by two games.

Famous birthdays, February 9th:
Joe Pesci, 82
Jim Nash, 80
Judith Light, 76
Danny White, 73
Mookie Wilson, 69
John Kruk, 64
Todd Lyght, 56
Vladimir Guerrero Sr, 50
Jameer Nelson, 43
Saquon Barkley, 28
Cobie Durant, 27
Logan O’Hoppe, 25

— Ivy League
Yale 103, Cornell 88

Bulldogs ended first half on a 14-0 run.
Yale led 54-44 at halftime
Yale shot 69.8% inside arc, scored a ridiculous 1.37 points/possession.
Yale leads Cornell/Princeton by two games. Dartmouth is in 4th place; top four teams get in the conference tournament.

— Big West
Cal-San Diego 85, Cal-Irvine 67

Tritons shot 16-31 on the arc, scored 1.23 points/possession.
Irvine turned ball over 18 times (minus-6)
Anteaters were 23-28 on foul line, UCSD 11-14.
These teams are both 10-2, two games ahead of Northridge/Riverside.

— Southern
East Tennessee State 66, Samford 59

Both teams took more 3’s than 2’s.
ETSU was 21-27 on foul line; Samford was 9-18.

UNC-Greensboro/Samford/Chattanooga are tied for first, a game ahead of ETSU. This conference tournament should be excellent.

— MAC/Sun Belt had a two-day challenge this season, with total of 24 games played between the two leagues. Nothing was decided; each league won 12 of the games.

Kent State 76, Arkansas State 75
Ark State led by 5 with 4:37 left to play.
Kent was 25-28 on foul line. Red Wolves 15-18.
Ark State lost its second game in a row, after a 7-0 run.

Toledo 72, James Madison 69
JMU led 32-16 midway thru the first half.
Dukes lost despite shooting 13-24 on the arc.
Toledo has won five in row, nine of last 11 games.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo's Write-Up

Sunday, February 9

5 of Sunday’s best college basketball games:

@ Maryland (-9.5)
Rutgers (12-11, 5-7)
KenPom rating: 67
Tempo: 106
Experience: 218
Continuity: 296
Rutgers is 2-3 SU in its last five games.
Knights covered six of their last seven games.
Rutgers is 3-7 vs top 50 opponents.
Knights are shooting 47.5% inside arc in Big 18 tilts (#18 of 18)
Rutgers won two of its last three road games.

Maryland (17-6, 7-5)
KenPom rating: 18
Tempo: 74
Experience: 110
Continuity: 246
Maryland won four of its last five games.
Terps are 5-0 SU/3-2 ATS as a Big 18 home favorite.
Maryland is 8-6 against top 100 opponents.
Terps are forcing turnovers 20.8% of time (#34)
Maryland has #52 eFG% defense.

Teams split their last six meetings.
Big East home favorites are 39-41 ATS in conference games.

Xavier @ Villanova (-2.5)
Xavier (14-9, 6-6)
KenPom rating: 51
Tempo: 126
Experience: 2
Continuity: 232
Xavier won five of its last seven games.
Musketeers are 2-3 ATS as a Big East road underdog.
Xavier is 6-9 against top 100 opponents.
Musketeers are shooting 38.3% on the arc (#17)
Xavier is 4-7 in games decided by 6 or fewer points.

Villanova (13-10, 6-6)
KenPom rating: 54
Tempo: 346
Experience: 23
Continuity: 249
Villanova lost five of its last seven games.
Wildcats are 3-3 ATS as a Big East home favorite.
Villanova is 4-8 against top 100 opponents.
Wildcats are shooting 39.5% on the arc (#6)
Villanova is 2-6 in games decided by 7 or fewer points.

Xavier (-7) beat Villanova 69-63 at home January 14
Villanova led that game by 10 in the first half.
Xavier is 3-2 in last five series games.
Big East home favorites are 21-25 ATS in conference games.

Temple @ Memphis (-13.5)
Temple (14-9, 6-4)
KenPom rating: 147
Tempo: 64
Experience: 56
Continuity: 181
Temple’s last three games (2-1) all went to overtime.
Owls are 4-0 ATS as an AAC road underdog.
Temple is 1-3 against top 100 foes (win was vs Memphis)
Owls lost their last three road games, by 9-9-9 points.
Temple is #260 team on defensive boards.

Memphis (19-4, 9-1)
KenPom rating: 42
Tempo: 44
Experience: 6
Continuity: 315
Memphis won its last six games (2-4 ATS)
Tigers are 1-4 ATS as an AAC home favorite.
Memphis is 13-4 against top 150 opponents.
Tigers are shooting 40.3% on the arc (#1)
Memphis is #340 team on defensive boards.

Temple (+7) upset Memphis 88-81 at home January 16th.
Owls out-rebounded Memphis 49-25 in that game.
Memphis won four of last five series games.
AAC home underdogs are 19-27 ATS in conference games.

Arizona State @ Oklahoma State (-1.5)
Arizona State (12-10, 3-8)
KenPom rating: 57
Tempo: 157
Experience: 96
Continuity: 291
ASU lost seven of its last nine games.
Sun Devils are 2-3 SU/3-2 ATS on Big X road.
ASU is 7-0 vs teams ranked outside top 100.
Sun Devils have #54 eFG% defense.
ASU lost the last eight times they gave up 70+ points.

Oklahoma State (11-11, 3-8)
KenPom rating: 109
Tempo: 54
Experience: 18
Continuity: 287
OSU lost four of its last five games.
Favorites are 5-0 ATS in their Big X home games.
OSU is 2-11 vs top 100 opponents.
Opponents are shooting 55.6% inside arc (#329)
OSU is shooting 48.3% inside arc (#283)

Big X home teams are 44-48 ATS in conference games.

Ohio State @ Nebraska (-2.5)
Ohio State (14-9, 6-6)
KenPom rating: 27
Tempo: 184
Experience: 101
Continuity: 204
Ohio State won four of its last five games.
Buckeyes are 3-3 SU on Big 18 road, 3-2 ATS as a road dog.
Ohio State is 4-8 vs top 50 opponents.
Buckeyes are 3-5 in games decided by 7 or fewer points.
Ohio State has #23 eFG% defense in country.

Nebraska (15-8, 5-7)
KenPom rating: 40
Tempo: 173
Experience: 29
Continuity: 156
Nebraska won its last three games, scoring 81 ppg.
Cornhuskers are 2-2 ATS as a Big 18 home favorite.
Nebraska is 4-5 vs top 50 opponents.
Cornhuskers are shooting 53.8% inside arc (#88)
Nebraska is 3-5 in games decided by 6 or fewer points or in OT.

Nebraska is 3-2 in last five series games.
Big 18 home favorites are 39-41 ATS in conference games.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Sunday, February 9

Trend Report

Rutgers vs Maryland
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Rutgers's last 5 games when playing on the road against Maryland
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Rutgers's last 5 games when playing Maryland
Maryland is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Maryland's last 5 games when playing Rutgers

George Washington vs St. Bonaventure
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of George Washington's last 5 games when playing on the road against St. Bonaventure
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of George Washington's last 5 games on the road
St. Bonaventure is 4-1 ATS in its last 5 games when playing at home against George Washington
St. Bonaventure is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games when playing at home against George Washington

Xavier vs Villanova
The total has gone UNDER in 8 of Xavier's last 9 games when playing Villanova
The total has gone UNDER in 9 of Xavier's last 12 games on the road
Villanova is 11-1 SU in its last 12 games when playing at home against Xavier
The total has gone UNDER in 8 of Villanova's last 9 games when playing Xavier

Ohio State vs Nebraska
Ohio State is 17-5 SU in its last 22 games when playing Nebraska
Ohio State is 6-2 SU in its last 8 games when playing on the road against Nebraska
Nebraska is 21-4 SU in its last 25 games at home
Nebraska is 4-1 ATS in its last 5 games when playing Ohio State

UMass vs La Salle
The total has gone OVER in 5 of UMass's last 5 games when playing on the road against La Salle
UMass is 5-1 ATS in its last 6 games on the road
The total has gone OVER in 5 of La Salle's last 5 games when playing at home against UMass
The total has gone OVER in 9 of La Salle's last 11 games when playing UMass

Arizona State vs Oklahoma State
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Arizona State's last 5 games on the road
Arizona State is 7-2 ATS in its last 9 games on the road
Oklahoma State is 9-3 SU in its last 12 games at home
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Oklahoma State's last 6 games at home

Wichita State vs South Florida
Wichita State is 8-2 SU in its last 10 games when playing South Florida
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Wichita State's last 6 games on the road
South Florida is 6-1 SU in its last 7 games at home
South Florida is 3-5-2 ATS in its last 10 games when playing Wichita State

Temple vs Memphis
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Temple's last 5 games on the road
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Temple's last 6 games when playing Memphis
Memphis is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home
Memphis is 6-1 SU in its last 7 games when playing Temple



Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Monday’s 6-pack:
All-time passing yardage leaders for the Philadelphia Eagles:
32,873— Donovan McNabb
26,963— Ron Jaworski
22,877— Randall Cunningham
16,811— Carson Wentz
15,672— Norm Snead
14,667— Jalen Hurts

Quote of the Day
“Guys it’s been hard, but I got a lot of love and a lot of people believing in me. I’m happy to be here.”
Former NFL WR Randy Moss, who was back on TV Sunday after missing two months because he was getting treatments to battle cancer

Monday’s quiz
When ABA folded after the 1975-76 season, which four teams got absorbed into the NBA?

Sunday’s quiz
Four NFL teams have never played in a Super Bowl; Browns, Lions, Texans, Jaguars.

Saturday’s quiz
Hubie Brown went 121-72 coaching the Kentucky Colonels in the last two years of the ABA.


Monday’s Den: Wrapping up a less-than-Super Sunday

— Eagles 40, Chiefs 22
Chiefs in first half: 20 plays, 13 yards, trailed 24-0 at halftime
Eagles in first half: 40 plays, 187 yards, plus a pick-6 by the defense.
QB Hurts threw for 221 yards, ran for 72 more.
Eagles will be the home team on Thursday night in Week 1 next season.
Teams with a pick-6 in the Super Bowl are now 13-1.

— So it turns out that Division II college basketball must be pretty good; there are two teams, Drake and Cal-San Diego, who are 22-2 and 20-4 this year; their rotations are stocked mainly with guys who were playing Division II ball last year.
Go figure.

— Bucks 135, 76ers 127— Sunday was the last game on TV for 91-year old Hubie Brown, who was an outstanding coach and an even better broadcaster.40 years ago, I met coach Brown when he was coaching the Knicks- they played an exhibition game in Glens Falls, about an hour north of where I live. Knicks-Bulls; Chicago had a rookie named Jordan, who turned out to be a pretty good player.

The day of the game, a Monday, friend of mine and I drove to Glens Falls and went into the Civic Center, where the Knicks were having their walk-through. We went down and sat on the bench and watched the practice- no one stopped us or threw us out.
After the practice, I talked to coach Brown for a few minutes about basketball statistics; I was an assistant high school coach at the time, dealing in analytics before analytics was a thing.

He was great to talk to and for decades after that, he was great to listen to. Learned a ton about basketball from listening to him. He will be missed on TV.

— Hubie Brown won an ABA championship coaching the Kentucky Colonels in 1975, the 2nd-to-last year of the ABA. Back then, ABA teams played an 84-game regular season schedule, with a 10-man roster. Lot of three games in four nights, not much load management in the ABA.

— Mike Woodson is out as Indiana’s basketball coach; Hoosiers are 14-10, 5-8 this season, after they went 63-40, 31-29 in Woodson’s first three years. Woodson was an outstanding player with the Hoosiers, played 11 years in the NBA, wound up as a head coach in the NBA for another nine years.
The rich boosters who fund the NIL stuff aren’t patient, which is why Woodson is gone now.
Am curious where Indiana will look for their next coach; firing an alum with extensive NBA experience makes it seem like a less-than-elite job. In any event, Indiana isn’t as good a job as it used to be; someone needs to tell them that.

Famous birthdays, February 10th:
Robert Wagner, 95
Tom LaGarde, 70
Lenny Dykstra, 62
Wayne Gandy, 54
Elizabeth Banks, 51
Lance Berkman, 49
Paul Millsap, 40
Liam Hendriks, 36
Travis d’Arnaud, 36
Max Kepler, 32
Cal Quantrill, 30
Bobby Portis, 30

— Eagles’ offensive coordinator Kellen Moore is going to be the new coach of the New Orleans Saints; coordinators from winning teams get better jobs.

— Memphis 90, Temple 82
Game was 35-35 at halftime.
Memphis shot 63.2% inside the arc.
Temple shot 11-22 on the arc; they’re 5-0 ATS as an AAC underdog.

— Nebraska 79, Ohio State 71
Nebraska outscored Buckeyes 45-32 in second half.
Cornhuskers shot 64.5% inside the arc.
Nebraska won its fourth game in a row.

— Villanova 80, Xavier 68
Xavier led by 6 with 12:38 left in the game.
Villanova shot 12-24 on the arc, scored 1.25 points/possession.
Both of these teams seem headed to the NIT.

— Oklahoma State 86, Arizona State 73
Arizona State shot 33.3% from the floor.
Sun Devils have lost three in row, eight of last ten games.
Oklahoma State is 4-0 ATS as a Big X home favorite.

— Wichita State 75, South Florida 70
Just third win in last ten games for Wichita.
Shockers out-rebounded USF, 42-22.
Teams combined to shoot 6-30 on the arc.

— Maryland 90, Rutgers 81
Derik Queen scored 29 points, was 11-13 on foul line.
Maryland won five of its last six games.
Rutgers lost four of its last six games.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
If this report ever updates, I'll add it.


Monday, February 10

Trend Report

North Carolina vs Clemson
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of North Carolina's last 6 games on the road
The total has gone OVER in 9 of North Carolina's last 11 games when playing Clemson
Clemson is 14-2 SU in its last 16 games at home
The total has gone OVER in 9 of Clemson's last 11 games when playing North Carolina

UTRGV vs Stephen F. Austin
UTRGV is 8-3-1 ATS in its last 12 games on the road
The total has gone OVER in 4 of UTRGV's last 6 games when playing Stephen F. Austin
UTRGV is 8-3-1 ATS in its last 12 games on the road
The total has gone OVER in 4 of UTRGV's last 6 games when playing Stephen F. Austin

Charlotte vs Florida Atlantic
Charlotte is 2-4 ATS in its last 6 games when playing Florida Atlantic
Charlotte is 2-4 ATS in its last 6 games on the road
Florida Atlantic is 5-1 SU in its last 6 games when playing Charlotte
Florida Atlantic is 19-6 SU in its last 25 games at home

Baylor vs Houston
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Baylor's last 6 games on the road
Baylor is 2-6 SU in its last 8 games on the road
Houston is 12-1 SU in its last 13 games at home
Houston is 4-1 ATS in its last 5 games when playing Baylor

Fresno State vs Nevada
The total has gone OVER in 15 of Fresno State's last 17 games when playing on the road against Nevada
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Fresno State's last 6 games on the road
Nevada is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing Fresno State
Nevada is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing at home against Fresno State



Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Tuesday’s 6-pack:
Average cost of a 30-second Super Bowl ad thru the years:
1995– $1.1M
2000— $2.2M
2005— $2.5M
2010— $3.1M
2020— $5.6M
2025— $8M

Quote of the Day
“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”
Warren Buffett

Tuesday’s quiz
Which team is the last ACC team to win a national title in basketball?

Monday’s quiz
When ABA folded after the 1975-76 season, four teams got absorbed into the NBA:
Nets, Nuggets, Pacers, Spurs

Sunday’s quiz
Four NFL teams have never played in a Super Bowl; Browns, Lions, Texans, Jaguars.


Tuesday’s Den: 13 baseball Hall of Famers who should’ve been elected unanimously…….

Mariano Rivera is the only Hall of Famer who was elected unanimously.

Here are 13 Hall of Famers who also should’ve been elected unanimously…….

13) Hank Aaron
755 home runs, 2,297 RBI, 6,856 total bases. He wasn’t unanimous?
Knocked in 100+ runs in eleven different seasons.
won World Series ring in 1957 with Milwaukee Braves.
OPS didn’t exist when he played, but his career OPS was .928.

12) Willie Mays
660 home runs, 1,909 RBI, won 12 Gold Gloves; who didn’t vote for him?
Had five seasons with a slugging %age over .600.
In 1954, he hit .345 with a 1.078 OPS, after he was in the military during the ’53 season.
Giants also won the World Series in 1954.

11) Ted Williams
.344 career batting average, .482 on-base %age, career OPS of 1.116.
In 1941, he hit .406, playing 143 games, with 147 walks.
He hit .316 in his last season, when he was 41 years old.
Missed three years due to military service; he was a fighter pilot.

10) Babe Ruth
714 home runs, 2,214 RBI, career OPS of 1.164
From 1920-31, he hit 40+ home runs in 10 of 12 seasons.
Hit 15 homers, had 33 RBI in 41 World Series games.
Oh yeah, he was 94-46, 2.28 in 147 starts as a pitcher.

9) Bob Gibson
251-174 with a 2.92 ERA in 482 career starts (255 complete games)
in 1968, he was 22-9, 1.12 in 34 starts, with 13 shutouts.
made All-Star team seven years in row, from 1964-70.
won two World Series MVP’s (1964/1967)

8) Rickey Henderson
scored 2,295 runs, stole 1,406 bases, both the most ever.
drew 2,190 walks, had a career on-base %age of .401
won two World Series rings, with A’s/Blue Jays.
scored 47 runs in 60 postseason games.
played for nine teams in his 25-year career.

7) Mickey Mantle
536 home runs, 1,509 RBI, a career on-base %age of .421
won seven World Series rings.
scored 42 runs, had 40 RBI in 65 playoff games.
had eight seasons with an OPS over 1.000.

Famous birthdays, February 11th:
Tina Louise, 91
James Silas, 76
Carey Lowell, 64
Jennifer Aniston, 56
Damian Lewis, 54
Jacque Vaughn, 50
Dansby Swanson, 31
Josh Jacobs, 27

6) Tom Seaver
was 311-205, 2.86 in 647 career starts (231 career games)
made 12 All-Star Games, won three Cy Young awards.
led the Mets to the 1969 World Series title.

5) Ichiro Suzuki
career batting average of .311, scored 1,420 runs.
made 10 All-Star games, won ten Gold Gloves
was Rookie of Year/MVP in the same year (2001)

4) Greg Maddux
was 355-227, 3.16 in 740 starts in his 23-year career.
helped Braves win the 1995 World Series
made 8 All-Star games, won 18 Gold Gloves

3) Stan Musial
.331 career batting average, career OPS of .976.
made seven batting titles, won three World Series titles.
had 3,630 hits, knocked in 1,951 runs in his career.

2) Frank Robinson
won an MVP in both leagues, for Reds/Orioles.
Hit 586 career home runs, had an OPS .926.
from 1960-62, had three years in row with an OPS of 1.000+.

1) Steve Carlton
won 329 career games in 709 starts (254 complete games)
won two World Series rings, won four Cy Young awards.
in 1972, he was 27-10, 1.97 in 41 starts for a Phillies team that went 59-97.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo's Write-Up

Tuesday, February 11

5 of Tuesday’s best college basketball games:

(-1.5) @ Mississippi State
Florida (20-3, 7-3)
KenPom rating: 5
Tempo: 91
Experience: 62
Continuity: 56
Florida won five of its last six games.
Gators are 3-2 SU on SEC road, 1-1 ATS as road favorites.
Florida is 7-3 vs top 50 opponents.
Gators have #3 eFG% defense in country.
Florida is #4 team in country on offensive boards.

Mississippi State (17-6, 5-5)
KenPom rating: 31
Tempo: 200
Experience: 77
Continuity: 126
Miss State is 3-5 in its last eight games.
Bulldogs are 2-3 SU at home in SEC; 1-3 ATS as an SEC dog.
Miss State is 6-5 against top 50 opponents.
Bulldogs are shooting 32% on arc (#271), 56% inside arc (#34)
Miss State is #34 team in country on offensive boards.

Florida won three of last four series games.
SEC home underdogs are 12-8 ATS in conference games.

Tennessee (-1.5) @ Kentucky
Tennessee (20-4, 7-4)
KenPom rating: 4
Tempo: 336
Experience: 15
Continuity: 157
Tennessee won its last three games, giving up 59 ppg.
Vols are 2-3 SU on SEC road, 1-2 ATS as a road favorite.
Tennessee is 10-4 vs top 50 opponents.
Vols have #1 eFG% defense in the country.
Tennessee is #10 team in country on offensive boards.

Kentucky (16-7, 5-5)
KenPom rating: 22
Tempo: 32
Experience: 4
Continuity: 355
Kentucky lost four of its last six games.
Wildcats are 3-2 SU at home in SEC; 2-1 ATS as an SEC dog.
Kentucky is 7-7 vs top 50 opponents.
Wildcats have #14 eFG% offense in country.
Opponents are shooting 52.2% inside arc (#236)

Kentucky (+10) upset Vols 78-73 in Knoxville two weeks ago.
Wildcats shot 12-24 on arc; Tennessee was 11-45.
Kentucky won four of last five series games.
SEC home underdogs are 12-8 ATS in conference games.

Purdue @ Michigan (-2.5)
Purdue (19-5, 11-2)
KenPom rating: 7
Tempo: 269
Experience: 194
Continuity: 42
Purdue won four in row, 11 of last 12 games.
Boilers are 5-1 SU on Big 18 road, 1-1 ATS as a road dog.
Purdue is 6-4 against top 100 opponents.
Boilers have #12 eFG% offense in country.
Opponents are shooting 53.9% inside arc (#284)

Michigan (18-5, 10-2)
KenPom rating: 20
Tempo: 55
Experience: 88
Continuity: 267
Michigan won its last four games, all by 4 or fewer points.
Wolverines are 5-0 SU/1-4 ATS as a Big 14 home favorite.
Michigan is 3-3 vs top 50 opponents.
Wolverines are shooting 59.5% inside arc (#5)
Michigan gave up 84+ points in its last four losses.

Purdue (-4.5) whacked Michigan 91-64 at home January 24
Boilers led that game 32-11 early on.
That was Michigan’s last loss.
Purdue won last four series games.
Big 18 home favorites are 43-41 ATS in conference games.

UCLA @ Illinois (-5.5)
UCLA (18-6, 9-4)
KenPom rating: 25
Tempo: 306
Experience: 87
Continuity: 188
UCLA won its last seven games.
Bruins are 3-3 SU/2-2 ATS as a Big 18 road dog.
UCLA is 6-5 against top 50 opponents.
Bruins are forcing turnovers 24.2% of time (#1)
Last three games, UCLA gave up only 55.7 ppg.

Illinois (16-8, 8-6)
KenPom rating: 15
Tempo: 13
Experience: 299
Continuity: 345
Illinois is 3-4 in its last seven games.
Illini are 3-4 ATS as a Big 18 home favorite.
Illinois is 5-5 vs top 50 opponents.
Illini has #4 eFG% defense in country.
Illinois is shooting 56.9% inside arc (#22)

Big 18 home favorites are 43-41 ATS in conference games.

UConn @ Creighton (-3.5)
UConn (16-7, 8-4)
KenPom rating: 34
Tempo: 333
Experience: 173
Continuity: 107
UConn split its last eight games.
Huskies are 4-2 SU on Big East road, 1-2 ATS as road dogs.
UConn is 4-3 against top 50 opponents.
Huskies are 6-6 in games decided by 6 or fewer points.
UConn is shooting 58.8% inside the arc (#8)

Creighton (18-6, 11-2)
KenPom rating: 30
Tempo: 146
Experience: 38
Continuity: 88
Creighton won/covered its last nine games.
Bluejays are 5-0-1 ATS as a Big East home favorite.
Creighton is 4-5 against top 50 opponents.
Bluejays are shooting 60.7% inside arc (#3)
Creighton has #17 eFG% defense in country.

Creighton (+7.5) won 68-63 at UConn January 18
Bluejays were 14-15 on foul line, UConn 5-5.
Creighton is 8-2 in last ten series games.
Big East home favorites are 22-26 ATS in conference games.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Tuesday, February 11

Trend Report




Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Wednesday’s 6-pack:
Complete games pitched since 2000:
138— Blue Jays
134— Indians/Guardians
130— Phillies
126— White Sox
124— Giants
122— A’s

Quote of the Day
“One sign that you’re suited for some kind of work is when you like even the parts that other people find tedious.”
Paul Graham

Wednesday’s quiz
When Virginia won that national title in 2019, who did they beat in overtime in the national championship game?

Tuesday’s quiz
Virginia is the last ACC team to win a national title in basketball, in 2019.

Monday’s quiz
When ABA folded after the 1975-76 season, four teams got absorbed into the NBA:
Nets, Nuggets, Pacers, Spurs


Wednesday’s Den: Mid-week musings on a winter night…….

Kentucky 75, Tennessee 64

Vols led by 3 with 6:32 left in the game.
Kentucky beat Tennessee twice TY; they shot 12-24 on arc in both games.
Overall, SEC teams are shooting only 31% on arc against the Vols.

Florida 81, Mississippi State 68
Miss State led 34-33 at halftime.
Gators were 14-36 on arc, 14-25 inside arc.
Bulldogs out-rebounded Florida, 43-32.
Auburn/Alabama are tied for first, two games ahead of Florida.
Bracketology has 13 SEC teams in the NCAA Tournament.

— Big 12
Kansas State 73, Arizona 70

K-State has won six in row, after starting Big X play 1-6.
Teams combined to shoot 3-41 on arc in this game.
K-State led 35-29 at halftime; they survived shooting 16-26 on foul line.
12-1 Houston leads Arizona by a game, Texas Tech by two games.
Bracketology has eight Big X teams in the NCAA Tournament.

— Big 18
Michigan 75, Purdue 73

Michigan has won five games in a row.
Purdue led by 10 with 14:22 left to play.
Wolverines were 18-26 on foul line, Purdue 6-8

Illinois 83, UCLA 78
Illinois won the last 14 times they scored 80+ points.
Illinois is 1-7 when they score less than 80 points.
Illini scored 1.24 points possession; they out-rebounded UCLA, 36-23
Loss snaps UCLA’s six-game winning streak.
11-2 Michigan leads 11-3 Purdue, 10-3 Michigan State atop the standings.
Bracketology has ten Big 18 teams in the NCAA Tournament.

— Big East
UConn 70, Creighton 66

Liam McNeeley scored 38 points for UConn.
McNeeley was 5-10 on arc; rest of Huskies were 1-16.
Creighton PG Ashworth was 1-8 from floor, 11-12 on foul line.

Marquette 68, DePaul 58
Golden Eagles right the ship, end a three-game skid.
Teams combined to shoot 8-49 on the arc.
Marquette was 14-20 on foul line, Blue Demons 4-9
12-1 St John’s leads 11-3 Creighton, 10-4 Marquette atop the Big East.
Bracketology has four Big East teams in the NCAA Tournament.

— American
East Carolina 82, UAB 75

East Carolina shot 59.5% inside arc, scored 1.28 points/possession.
Just second loss in last ten games for UAB.

North Texas 67, Rice 61
North Texas had only five turnovers (+4)
Rice was only 12-23 on the foul line.
Mean Green won eight of its last ten games.
10-1 Memphis leads 9-3 North Texas, 8-3 UAB.

— Mountain West
San Diego State 69, San Jose State 66

San Jose State led this game 37-20 at halftime.
Spartans shot 3-10 on the foul line.
San Diego State shot 4-23 on the arc.

UNLV 77, Air Force 52
Air Force is 2-12 ATS in conference games.
12-1 New Mexico leads 12-2 Utah State atop the standings.
Bracketology has three Mountain West teams in the NCAA Tournament.

Famous birthdays, February 12th:
Joe Don Baker, 89
Dieter Brock, 74
Joanna Kerns, 72
Dave Revering, 72
Chet Lemon, 70
Larry Nance, 66
Todd Frazier, 39
Robert Griffin III, 35
Heston Kjerstad, 26
Victor Scott, 24
Abraham Lincoln was born on this day in 1809.
Basketball great Bill Russell was born on this day in 1934.

SMU 83, Pitt 63

SMU shot 10-20 on the arc, scored 1.22 points/possession.
Mustangs have won five games in a row.
Boston College is 1-7 ATS in its last eight games.
Clemson is 7-2 ATS in its last nine games.
Bracketology has four ACC teams in the NCAA Tournament

— Atlantic 15
George Mason 76, Saint Louis 74 OT
George Mason led by 10 with 10:33 left in regulation.
Patriots have won 10 games in a row, three of them in OT
George Mason shot 15-33 on the arc.
Dayton, St Bonaventure are both 2-8 ATS in its last ten games.
VCU is 7-1 ATS in its last eight games.
11-1 George Mason leads 9-2 VCU atop the standings.

— Missouri Valley
12-2 Drake leads 11-4 Northern Iowa, 10-4 Bradley atop the standings.
Illinois State is 6-0 ATS as an underdog, 1-7 as a favorite in MVC games
Missouri State is 4-10 ATS in MVC games.
Southern Illinois is 8-2 ATS in its last ten games.

9-1 Utah Valley leads 7-2 Grand Canyon atop the standings.
Utah Valley is 9-1 SU/ATS in conference games.
Southern Utah is 1-6 SU/2-5 ATS in its last seven games.

11-2 Merrimack leads Quinnipiac/Marist by a game; this is Merrimack’s first year in the MAAC, just their sixth year as a Division I team.
Iona is 6-1 SU/5-2 ATS in its last seven games.
Rider is 7-2 ATS in its last nine games.
Sacred Heart is 5-0 SU/4-1 ATS in its last five games.
Canisius is 3-9 ATS in conference games.

— Southern Conference
Samford, Chattanooga, NC-Greensboro are tied for first, at 9-3.
45.6% of shots in SoCon games are 3-pointers, highest %age in country.
VMI is 6-6 SU/11-1 ATS in conference games.
Chattanooga won/covered its last five games.
Furman is 3-8 ATS in its last eleven games.

— Big West
Cal-San Diego/Cal-Irvine are both 10-2, two games ahead of Northridge, Riverside.
Bakersfield is 1-6 ATS in its last seven games.
Cal-Davis is 5-2 SU/7-0 ATS in its last seven games.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo's Write-Up

Wednesday, February 12

5 of Wednesday’s best college basketball games:

St John’s
(-2.5) @ Villanova
St John’s (21-3, 12-1)
KenPom rating: 16
Tempo: 52
Experience: 72
Continuity: 271
St John’s has won ten games in a row.
Red Storm is 5-1 SU/4-2 ATS on Big East road.
St John’s is 12-3 against top 100 opponents.
Red Storm has #20 eFG% defense in country.
St John’s is forcing turnovers 22.3% of time (#14)

Villanova (14-10, 7-6)
KenPom rating: 51
Tempo: 347
Experience: 23
Continuity: 248
Villanova won its last two games, after a 1-5 skid.
Wildcats are 5-2 SU at home in Big East, 2-3 ATS as a Big East dog.
Villanova’s two Big East home losses were by 1-2 points.
Villanova is 1-5 vs top 50 opponents.
Wildcats are shooting 39.9% on arc (#4)

St John’s (-6.5) beat Villanova 80-68 at home January 11.
Red Storm was 29-39 on foul line, Villanova 14-17
St John’s won last three series games.

Oklahoma State @ TCU (-5.5)
Oklahoma State (12-11, 4-8)
KenPom rating: 100
Tempo: 46
Experience: 19
Continuity: 287
OSU lost four of its last six games.
Cowboys are 2-4 ATS as a Big X road underdog.
OSU is 3-11 vs top 100 opponents.
Cowboys have #267 eFG% offense, #311 eFG% defense.
OSU is forcing turnovers 20.3% of time (#46)

TCU (12-11, 5-7)
KenPom rating: 87
Tempo: 243
Experience: 130
Continuity: 331
TCU lost four of its last six games.
Horned Frogs are 2-2 ATS as a Big X home favorite.
TCU is 5-11 vs top 100 opponents.
Horned Frogs have #311 eFG% offense in country.
TCU is 6-1 in games decided by 5 or fewer points.

TCU is 5-2 in last seven series games.

Chattanooga @ Samford (-5.5)
Chattanooga (17-8, 9-3)
KenPom rating: 116
Tempo: 179
Experience: 198
Continuity: 197
Chattanooga won five in row, eight of last nine games.
Mocs won/covered their last five road games.
Chattanooga is 0-5 vs teams ranked in top 100
Mocs’ best win: 71-63 at #126 East Tennessee State
Chattanooga is shooting 57.7% inside the arc (#13)

Samford (19-6, 9-3)
KenPom rating: 97
Tempo: 57
Experience: 137
Continuity: 211
Samford is 4-3 in its last seven games, after an 11-1 run.
Bulldogs are 4-2 ATS as a SoCon home favorite.
Samford is 4-2 vs teams ranked in top 125.
Bulldogs are shooting 38.5% on arc (#15)
41.9% of their shots are 3’s (#4 in country)

Samford won (-2.5) 73-69 at Chattanooga January 23.
Samford won five of last six series games.

Oklahoma @ Missouri (-8.5)
Oklahoma (16-7, 3-7)
KenPom rating: 37
Tempo: 159
Experience: 69
Continuity: 247
Oklahoma lost three of its last four games.
Sooners are 2-3 ATS as an SEC road underdog.
Oklahoma is 5-7 vs top 50 opponents.
Sooners have #30 eFG% offense in country.
Opponents are shooting 54.5% inside arc (#300)

Missouri (17-6, 6-4)
KenPom rating: 23
Tempo: 169
Experience: 45
Continuity: 219
Missouri lost its last two games, by 4-3 points.
Tigers are 2-2 ATS as an SEC home favorite.
Missouri is 6-6 vs top 50 opponents.
Tigers are forcing turnovers 21.1% of time (#29)
Missouri gets 23.9% of its points on foul line (#11)

LSU @ Arkansas (-10.5)
LSU (12-11, 1-9)
KenPom rating: 81
Tempo: 116
Experience: 107
Continuity: 303
LSU lost its last six games (2-4 ATS)
Tigers are 1-4 ATS as an SEC road underdog.
LSU is 1-11 vs top 50 opponents.
Tigers are worst team in SEC games on defensive boards.
LSU is turning ball over 21.6% of time in SEC play (#15 of 16)

Arkansas (14-9, 3-7)
KenPom rating: 42
Tempo: 93
Experience: 227
Continuity: 330
Arkansas is 3-2 in its last five games, after an 0-5 skid.
Hogs are 1-4 SU at home in SEC, 0-2 ATS as a home favorite.
Arkansas is 5-9 vs top 100 opponents.
Hogs are shooting only 45.9% inside arc in SEC games (#15 of 16)
Arkansas is 3-5 in games decided by 7 or fewer points.

LSU’s only SEC win was 78-74 (+1) at home over Arkansas January 14.
LSU was 26-28 on foul line, Arkansas 11-13
LSU is 3-2 in last five series games.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Wednesday, February 12

Trend Report




Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

Wednesday, February 12

SJU at VILL06:00 PMVILL +3.0
O 139.0
+500 +500
ETSU at WCU06:00 PMWCU +11.0
O 141.5
+500 +500
CAN at NIAG06:30 PMNIAG -8.5
U 136.5
+500 +500
RAD at WIN06:30 PMWIN -3.5
U 152.0
+500 +500
IOWA at RUTG06:30 PMRUTG -6.5
O 162.0
+500 +500
IPFW at YSU06:30 PMYSU +1.5
O 157.0
+500 +500
ARMY at L-MD07:00 PMARMY +2.0
O 145.0
+500 +500
OKST at TCU07:00 PMTCU -5.5
U 140.0
+500 +500
LAS at JOES07:00 PMLAS +14.5
O 148.0
+500 +500
VMI at UNCG07:00 PMUNCG -10.0
U 141.0
+500 +500
BU at BUCK07:00 PMBUCK -4.5
U 130.0
+500 +500
DAV at MASS07:00 PMMASS -1.5
U 147.5
+500 +500
DAY at FOR07:00 PMDAY -7.5
U 146.0
+500 +500
SBON at URI07:00 PMSBON +2.5
O 144.0
+500 +500
VCU at GW07:00 PMVCU -9.5
U 141.0
+500 +500
TLSA at TEM07:00 PMTEM -7.5
U 148.0
+500 +500
UNCA at SCUS07:00 PMSCUS +9.5
O 160.0
+500 +500
STAN at GT07:00 PMSTAN +2.0
O 146.0
+500 +500
LEH at NAVY07:00 PMNAVY -2.5
U 137.5
+500 +500
LOU at NCST07:00 PMLOU -6.5
O 143.0
+500 +500
MISS at SCAR07:00 PMMISS -5.0
U 138.5
+500 +500
MER at FUR07:00 PMFUR -7.0
O 153.0
+500 +500
SIU at BRAD07:00 PMBRAD -8.5
O 145.5
+500 +500
RMU at CLEV07:00 PMCLEV -3.5
U 141.0
+500 +500
WOF at CIT07:00 PMWOF -12.5
O 137.0
+500 +500
CHAT at SAM07:30 PMSAM -5.0
U 156.0
+500 +500
PRE at CHSO07:30 PMPRE +1.5
O 138.5
+500 +500
UTSA at WICH07:30 PMWICH -6.5
U 151.5
+500 +500
XAV at PROV08:00 PMPROV +2.0
O 147.0
+500 +500
BEL at VALP08:00 PMBEL -4.0
U 161.5
+500 +500
EVAN at MOSU08:00 PMMOSU -4.0
U 131.5
+500 +500
TROY at ULL08:30 PMTROY -10.0
U 136.5
+500 +500
USM at ARST08:30 PMUSM +13.5
O 151.5
+500 +500
WASH at OSU08:30 PMOSU -11.0
U 145.5
+500 +500
ASU at TTU09:00 PMTTU -15.5
O 143.5
+500 +500
CAL at DUKE09:00 PMCAL +23.0
O 142.5
+500 +500
OKLA at MIZZ09:00 PMMIZZ -8.5
U 152.0
+500 +500
LSU at ARK09:00 PMARK -10.5
U 147.0
+500 +500
ND at BC09:00 PMND -4.0
U 137.5
+500 +500
DRKE at ILST09:00 PMDRKE -3.0
U 124.5
+500 +500
WYO at UNM10:00 PMWYO +17.5
O 144.0
+500 +500
Bet on MyBookie