
Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
GMU at URI12:00 PMURI +2.0
O 135.5
+500 +500
COFC at NE12:00 PMCOFC -9.0
O 143.0
+500 +500
GTWN at XAV12:00 PMGTWN +17.0
U 157.5
+500 +500
SYR at GT12:00 PMGT +3.0
U 142.5
+500 +500
UCF at USF12:00 PMUCF -5.0
U 135.5
+500 +500
MIA at DUKE12:00 PMMIA +5.5
O 148.5
+500 +500
MISS at ARK12:00 PMMISS +9.0
O 138.0
+500 +500
DETU at INDPU12:00 PMINDPU +13.0
O 144.5
+500 +500
DAY at GW12:30 PMDAY -8.0
U 139.0
+500 +500
UNCW at STON01:00 PMSTON +6.0
O 129.5
+500 +500
L-MD at BU01:00 PML-MD +7.5
O 130.5
+500 +500
TCU at KU01:00 PMTCU +7.0
U 145.5
+500 +500
U 148.5
+500 +500
CIT at VMI01:00 PMVMI -1.0
U 148.0
+500 +500
VAN at UGA01:00 PMUGA -3.5
U 142.0
+500 +500
UNH at UMBC01:00 PMUMBC -7.0
U 142.5
+500 +500
NAVY at ARMY01:30 PMNAVY +1.5
U 140.0
+500 +500
DEL at DREX02:00 PMDREX -2.5
O 130.5
+500 +500
NCAT at CWM02:00 PMNCAT +1.5
O 141.5
+500 +500
ISU at OKST02:00 PMISU +0.0
U 125.5
+500 +500
TTU at KSU02:00 PMTTU +5.0
O 145.5
+500 +500
TAM at UK02:00 PMUK -5.0
O 136.0
+500 +500
DART at PRIN02:00 PMPRIN -12.0
U 137.5
+500 +500
COR at HARV02:00 PMHARV +1.5
O 145.5
+500 +500
FOR at DUQ02:00 PMDUQ -7.5
O 144.5
+500 +500
CMU at OHIO02:00 PMCMU +11.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
JVST at STET02:00 PMSTET -5.0
O 133.5
+500 +500
WEBB at WIN02:00 PMWIN +2.0
O 136.5
+500 +500
HP at RAD02:00 PMHP +6.5
O 141.5
+500 +500
LIB at UNF02:00 PMUNF +11.5
O 141.5
+500 +500
SCUS at UNCA02:00 PMUNCA -7.0
U 138.5
+500 +500
USA at CCU02:00 PMCCU +2.0
O 141.5
+500 +500
HC at BUCK02:00 PMBUCK -7.5
U 134.5
+500 +500
AMER at COLG02:00 PMAMER +10.5
O 140.5
+500 +500
DEP at PROV02:00 PMDEP +9.5
O 146.5
+500 +500
BC at ND02:00 PMBC +4.5
O 134.5
+500 +500
QNC at JAC02:00 PMJAC -2.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
IOWA at OSU02:00 PMIOWA +3.5
U 153.5
+500 +500
UCLA at ARIZ02:00 PMUCLA -1.0
U 148.5
+500 +500
UVA at WAKE02:00 PMUVA -2.5
U 136.5
+500 +500
UNI at UIC02:00 PMUIC +5.0
O 138.0
+500 +500
ORU at UND02:00 PMUND +13.5
O 149.5
+500 +500
KC at NDSU02:00 PMNDSU -5.0
O 133.5
+500 +500
LONG at PRE02:00 PMPRE +8.0
O 131.5
+500 +500
SIU at MOSU02:00 PMSIU +3.0
U 122.5
+500 +500
NEOM at SDAK02:00 PMSDAK -5.0
O 144.0
+500 +500
NEB at PSU02:15 PMPSU -8.5
U 133.0
+500 +500
HAMP at MONM02:30 PMMONM -2.0
O 138.5
+500 +500
LAS at SLU02:30 PMLAS +14.0
O 145.5
+500 +500
AKR at WMU02:30 PMWMU +7.0
O 139.0
+500 +500
JMU at USM03:00 PMUSM -1.0
U 146.5
+500 +500
GSU at GASO03:00 PMGASO -4.0
U 128.5
+500 +500
MRSH at ARST03:00 PMARST +11.0
O 140.5
+500 +500
DEN at SDST03:00 PMSDST -10.0
U 144.0
+500 +500
FSU at PITT03:00 PMPITT -7.5
U 144.0
+500 +500
ETSU at CHAT03:00 PMETSU +9.0
U 142.5
+500 +500
STT at WIU03:00 PMSTT +1.0
O 147.5
+500 +500
NIU at EMU03:30 PMNIU +3.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
AUB at SCAR03:30 PMSCAR +12.5
O 134.5
+500 +500
TOWS at ELON04:00 PMTOWS -10.0
O 133.5
+500 +500
MORG at HOW04:00 PMHOW -3.0+500
NORF at COPP04:00 PMNORF -4.5+500
DSU at NCCU04:00 PMNCCU -15.5+500
UMES at SCST04:00 PMUMES +1.0+500
COOK at JKST04:00 PMJKST -8.5+500
BAY at OKLA04:00 PMBAY -2.0
U 143.5
+500 +500
CLMB at BRWN04:00 PMBRWN -12.0
U 134.5
+500 +500
SBON at L-IL04:00 PMSBON -2.0
U 132.5
+500 +500
EKY at PEAY04:00 PMPEAY +4.0+500
HAW at UCRV04:00 PMUCRV -2.5
U 131.0
+500 +500
FIU at UTSA04:00 PMFIU -4.0
O 147.5
+500 +500
UNT at UAB04:00 PMUAB -4.0
O 130.5
+500 +500
MARQ at HALL04:00 PMMARQ -1.5
U 143.0
+500 +500
MER at UNCG04:00 PMUNCG -8.0
U 128.5
+500 +500
BEL at BRAD04:00 PMBEL +7.0
O 136.5
+500 +500
TENN at LSU04:00 PMLSU +11.0
O 131.0
+500 +500
EWU at NAU04:00 PMEWU -4.0
U 147.5
+500 +500
CSU at WYO04:00 PMWYO +1.0
O 143.5
+500 +500
DRKE at EVAN04:00 PMDRKE -14.0
O 135.5
+500 +500
EIU at UTM04:30 PMUTM -9.0
U 142.5
+500 +500
TNST at UALR04:30 PMTNST -2.0
U 149.5
+500 +500
O 136.5
+500 +500
TAMCOM at SELA04:30 PMSELA -5.5+500
NICH at MCNS04:30 PMNICH -4.0+500
SIND at SIUE04:30 PMSIND +5.0
U 144.5
+500 +500
FAMU at ALCN05:00 PMALCN -14.0+500
M-OH at BGSU05:00 PMBGSU -3.5
U 156.5
+500 +500
TNTC at SEMO05:00 PMSEMO -4.0
O 147.5
+500 +500
MTU at LT05:00 PMLT -3.5
O 138.0
+500 +500
ULM at TROY05:00 PMTROY -10.5
U 136.5
+500 +500
NWST at UNO05:00 PMNWST -5.0
O 148.5
+500 +500
ULL at TXST05:00 PMULL -3.0
U 138.5
+500 +500
BELL at LIP05:00 PMBELL +7.0
O 134.0
+500 +500
NCST at UNC05:00 PMNCST +5.5
O 153.5
+500 +500
CAMP at CHSO05:30 PMCHSO -1.5+500
UTRGV at SHSU05:30 PMUTRGV +15.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
PEPP at PORT06:00 PMPORT -3.5
O 161.0
+500 +500
TEX at WVU06:00 PMWVU -1.0
U 146.0
+500 +500
ALA at MIZZ06:00 PMMIZZ +5.5
O 161.5
+500 +500
PENN at YALE06:00 PMYALE -6.0
U 143.5
+500 +500
INST at MURR06:00 PMMURR +3.0
U 146.5
+500 +500
WCU at SAM06:00 PMWCU +10.0
O 143.5
+500 +500
LBSU at UCSD06:00 PMLBSU -4.0
U 146.0
+500 +500
CP at UCD06:00 PMUCD -9.0
U 136.5
+500 +500
VT at CLEM06:00 PMCLEM -2.0
U 141.5
+500 +500
TXSO at AAMU06:00 PMAAMU +2.5+500
SUU at SEA06:00 PMSUU +2.0
U 150.5
+500 +500
UNLV at FRES06:00 PMFRES +3.5
O 130.0
+500 +500
SJSU at USU06:00 PMUSU -11.0
U 140.5
+500 +500
PFW at NKU06:00 PMNKU -3.0
U 129.5
+500 +500
PV at ALST06:30 PMALST +3.0
O 137.5
+500 +500
SOU at ARPB06:30 PMARPB +6.0
O 145.0
+500 +500
APP at ODU07:00 PMAPP +4.0
O 130.5
+500 +500
CHAR at WKU07:00 PMWKU -2.5
U 129.5
+500 +500
RMU at WIGB07:00 PMRMU -8.5
O 135.5
+500 +500
LAF at LEH07:00 PMLEH -1.0+500
KENN at FGCU07:00 PMFGCU -3.0
O 141.5
+500 +500
GRAM at MVSU07:00 PMGRAM -9.0+500
YSU at MILW07:00 PMYSU -4.0
O 154.5
+500 +500
O 143.5
+500 +500
VALP at ILST07:00 PMVALP +7.0
O 133.5
+500 +500
UTA at ACU07:00 PMACU -6.0
U 136.5
+500 +500
IW at LAM07:00 PMIW +0.0+500
SCU at SMC08:00 PMSCU +12.0
U 134.5
+500 +500
BYU at SF08:00 PMSF -1.0
O 145.5
+500 +500
WASH at UTAH08:00 PMWASH +7.5
O 139.5
+500 +500
TULN at TLSA08:00 PMTULN -8.0
O 159.0
+500 +500
PRST at IDST08:00 PMIDST -1.5
U 145.5
+500 +500
IDHO at UNCO08:00 PMUNCO -5.5
O 153.5
+500 +500
AMCC at HCU08:00 PMHCU +8.0+500
UVU at GRC08:00 PMGRC -2.0
O 139.0
+500 +500
CARK at NORAL08:15 PMNORAL -5.0+500
FLA at MSST08:30 PMMSST -2.0
U 128.0
+500 +500
FAU at UTEP09:00 PMUTEP +6.0
O 132.5
+500 +500
CSUS at WEB09:00 PMWEB -4.5
U 128.5
+500 +500
MTST at MONT09:00 PMMONT +0.0
O 134.5
+500 +500
U 146.5
+500 +500
GONZ at PAC10:00 PMGONZ -16.5
O 158.5
+500 +500
CSF at CSN10:00 PMCSN +6.5
O 127.5
+500 +500
CSB at UCSB10:00 PMUCSB -16.0
O 120.5
+500 +500
USC at ASU10:00 PMASU -3.5
U 138.0
+500 +500
SDSU at AFA10:00 PMAFA +8.0
O 131.5
+500 +500
TST at CALBA10:00 PMCALBA -6.0
O 132.0
+500 +500
ORE at STAN11:00 PMORE -3.0
O 138.5
+500 +500


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Completed Picks

Past Completed Picks


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo Sports

Sunday’s 6-pack
Money leaders early in the PGA Tour season:
$3,162,000— Jon Rahm
$2,585,224— Keegan Bradley
$2,449,805— Max Homa
$2,332,085— Tom Kim
$2,106,071— Seamus Power
$2,007,392— Brian Harman

Quote of the Day
“You’ve got only one life to live. You can make it chicken shit, or chicken salad!!!”
Lloyd Bridges, in the movie Cousins

Sunday’s quiz
The old TV show Frasier starred Kelsey Grammer; what city was it set in?

Saturday’s quiz
Steve Kerr played his college basketball at Arizona.

Friday’s quiz
Of the eight starting QB’s in this weekend’s NFL playoffs, two have started a Super Bowl; Patrick Mahomes and Joe Burrow.


Sunday’s Den: Wrapping up a sports Saturday……..

One of my boyhood heroes passed away this weekend; Sal Bando, the captain and 3B for the great Oakland A’s teams of the early 70’s, passed away from cancer at age 78.

Bando hit 242 home runs, knocked in 1,031 runs, made four All-Star teams; he later became general manager of the Milwaukee Brewers.

Bando was the heart and soul of those great A’s teams. RIP, sir.

Chiefs 27, Jaguars 20
— Mahomes sprained his ankle in 1st half; backup QB Henne led a TD drive. Mahomes played the second half.
— Jaguars turned ball over twice in fourth quarter.
— Jacksonville covered six of its last seven games.
— As a head coach, Pederson is 7-0 ATS as an underdog in playoff games.

— Chiefs’ first three drives: 35 plays, 224 yards, 17 points.
— Mahomes was 22-30/195 passing, with 2 TD passes
— Chiefs lost field position battle in nine of last 13 games.
— Chiefs are in the AFC Championship game for the fifth year in a row.

Eagles 38, Giants 7
— In three meetings TY, Eagles outscored Giants 61-7 in first half.
— Giants in first half: 19 plays, 64 yards, no points.
— Eagles in first half: 42 plays, 260 yards, 28 points.
— Total yardage for game: Eagles 416, Giants 227

— Philly is 8-2 SU/7-3 ATS at home this season.
— Eagles were 10-14 on third down, Giants 5-13.
— Under Sirianni, Eagles are 10-3 ATS as a home favorite.
— Philadelphia will host the NFC Championship game next Sunday.

In college basketball………
There were 13 teams that lost Saturday who at one time led by 10+ points.

Big X
TCU 83, Kansas 60— TCU snaps Jayhawks’ 16-game home winning streak.

Baylor 62, Oklahoma 60— Sooners shot 58% inside arc but were only 3-4 on foul line for the entire game. Baylor has won four in a row, is now 14-5, 4-3 in conference.

Oklahoma State 61, Iowa State 59— Cyclones led 28-12 early on, but wound up shooting 2-9 on arc, 7-12 on foul line.

Kansas State is 6-1 in Big X, leading three teams by a game. This is the best league in the country this season.

Duke 68, Miami 66— Miami was 12-42 (28.6%) inside the arc; they slip to 6-3 in the ACC.

Clemson 51, Virginia Tech 50– Clemson outscored the Hokies 5-1 over final 1:28 to stay in first place at 8-1. ACC teams are shooting 42.4% inside the arc vs Clemson.

Clemson is 8-1, Virginia is 7-2; five other teams are 6-3 in the ACC race.
Bottom four in the ACC: Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame, Louisville are a combined 3-31 in conference games.

Arizona 58, UCLA 52— Bruins’ 14-game win streak gets snapped; they shot 31.3% from the floor in this game. Arizona only played seven guys the whole game.

USC 77, Arizona State 69— Sun Devils got swept at home by the LA schools this week; Bobby Hurley tried pretty hard to get thrown out late in this game, but the refs wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Trojans were 14-14 on the foul line.

UCLA is 8-1 in conference; they still lead the league by two games, with five teams tied for second in the loss column. UCLA/Arizona are locks for the NCAA’s; everyone else is on the bubble, at best.

Oregon State made the Elite 8 two years ago; since then, they’re 10-40 overall, 2-27 in Pac-12 games.

Alabama 85, Missouri 64— Crimson Tide has won eight games in a row, all by 11+ points; they start two freshman and a sophomore.

If the NCAA Tournament started tomorrow, I’d pick Alabama, UCLA to be in the Final Four. Not sure who else I’d have in there, but I think those are the two best teams.

Alabama is 7-0 in conference; Auburn, Tennessee, Texas A&M all have one loss.
LSU was 11-1 in pre-conference; they’re 1-6 in SEC games.

Big West
Cal-Davis 65, Cal Poly 63— Aggies outscored Cal Poly 15-0 over final 4:29 of this game, to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Cal-Davis has won five of its last six games.

Long Beach State 112, Cal-San Diego 110, 3 OT’s— Marcus Tsohonis scored 46 points for Long Beach; they outscored the Tritons 5-0 over last 0:13 of the third OT. Two guys on Long Beach played 54:00 out of a possible 55:00.

This is a one-bid league; the conference tournament should be great fun.

Missouri Valley
Belmont 78, Bradley 76— Belmont outscored the Braves 11-3 over final 4:30; they swept Bradley this year, winning the two games by a combined five points.

Southern Illinois 61, Missouri 57— Salukis never trailed, are now 8-2 and tied for first place in the Valley. Salukis had four guys score in double figures, but they scored 11-10-10-10 points- they start four seniors.

Belmont/SIU are tied for first place; Northern Iowa is 7-3, after going 4-6 in pre-conference games. This is another one-bid league whose conference tournament will be must-watch TV.

Charleston 87, Northeastern 61— Cougars have won 20 games in a row; they lost to North Carolina on November 11. They’re far and away the best team in this league but my question is this: if they get upset in the CAA tournament, say they finish 31-2, would they get an at-large spot in the NCAA Tournament?

The CAA has fallen off the cliff; they were the #14 league last year, but after football-related shuffling of schools, now they’re the #24 league. That doesn’t bode well for an at-large spot, so Charleston will have a lot of pressure on them in early March.

Akron 63, Western Michigan 55— Zips have won four in row, eight of last ten games; they’re in second place in MAC, trailing Kent State by a game.

Kent State is 16-3; they’ve lost to Charleston by 2, Houston by 5, Gonzaga by 7, but they don’t have any real impressive wins.

Ball State/Toledo could make the semi-finals of the MAC tournament very interesting.

San Francisco 82, BYU 74— Dons made 12-29 on the arc, never trailed. BYU has lost four of its last six games; they move to the Big X soon— they’re not going to do well there.

Gonzaga 99, Pacific 90— Zags are 17-4, 6-1 in the WCC, but they’re not a super team the way they’ve been the last few years. Only two of their six WCC wins were by double figures.

Gonzaga/Saint Mary’s are locks for NCAA’s; can anyone upset them in the WCC tournament?


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018



Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Sunday, January 22

Trend Report




Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
This will probably be all the college hoops Dunkel's site can handle today.....


Sunday, January 22



Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo's Write-Up

Sunday, January 22

Butler @ UConn
— Butler (11-9, 3-6) ranked #91 by KenPom
— Tempo: #223
— Experience: #84
— Continuity: #210
— Butler lost three of its last four games SU
— Butler is 0-5 ATS as a Big East underdog this season.
— Bulldogs are shooting 42.7% inside arc in Big East games (last).
— Butler is 1-9 when they score less than 75 points.
— Bulldogs’ last eight losses were all by 15+ points.
— Butler’s schedule, to this point: #18
— bench minutes: #358
— Butler’s best win: 76-64 over #26 Kansas State

— UConn (15-5, 4-5) ranked #6 by KenPom
— Tempo: #160
— Experience: #110
— Continuity: #255
— UConn lost five of its last six games, after a 14-0 start
— UConn is 1-3 ATS in Big East home games.
— UConn is shooting 53.8% inside arc (#49), 35.2% on arc (#106)
— Huskies are #21 team in country on offense boards, #55 on defensive end.
— Huskies have #10 eFG% defense in country.
— UConn’s schedule, to this point: #17
— bench minutes: #132
— UConn’s best win: 82-67 over #4 Alabama

— UConn won 68-46 at Butler December 17.
— Since re-joining Big East, UConn is 5-0 vs Butler (all wins by 12+ points)

Michigan State @ Indiana
— Michigan State (13-6, 5-3) ranked #34 by KenPom
— Tempo: #310
— Experience: #151
— Continuity: #127
— Michigan State won eight of its last ten games.
— Spartans are 3-1 ATS as a Big 14 underdog, 2-1 on road.
— Michigan State is #29 team on defensive boards.
— Michigan State forces turnovers 23.7% of time (#19).
— Opponents are shooting 29.5% on arc (#20), 46.8% inside arc (#71)
— Michigan State’s schedule, to this point: #6
— bench minutes: #229
— Michigan State’s best win: 70-57 over #20 Rutgers

— Indiana (12-6, 3-4) ranked #22 by KenPom
— Tempo: #88
— Experience: #67
— Continuity: #36
— Indiana won its last two games, by 15-18 points.
— Indiana is 2-1 ATS as a Big 14 home favorite.
— Hoosiers are shooting 37% on arc (#41), 56.8% inside arc (#11).
— Hoosiers are turning ball over 19.6% of time (last) in Big 14 games.
— Indiana is #66 team in country on defensive boards.
— Indiana’s schedule, to this point: #50
— bench minutes: #52
— Indiana’s best win: 81-79 at #21 Xavier

— Spartans won last three series games, are 10-4 in last 14.
— Teams split last four meetings played here.

Maryland @ Purdue
— Maryland (12-6, 3-4) ranked #42 by KenPom
— Tempo: #248
— Experience: #13
— Continuity: #163
— Maryland is 4-6 in its last 10 games, after an 8-0 start.
— Maryland is 0-4 SU/ATS on Big 14 road, losing by 5-35-14-14 points.
— Big 14 rivals are shooting 53.6% inside arc (last)
— Maryland is shooting 53.6% inside arc (#53), 30.9% on arc (#305)
— Terps have #35 eFG% defense.
— Maryland’s schedule, to this point: #31
— bench minutes: #282
— Maryland’s best win: 80-73 over #19 Ohio State.

— Purdue (18-1, 7-1) ranked #5 by KenPom
— Tempo: #324
— Experience: #286
— Continuity: #232
— Purdue won its last five games, giving up 57.8 ppg.
— Purdue is 3-3 ATS as a Big 14 favorite, 2-1 at home.
— Boilers are shooting 53.9% inside arc (#48), 33.2% on arc (#213)
— Boilers are #5 team on offensive boards, #25 on defensive end.
— Purdue has #19 eFG% defense.
— Purdue’s schedule, to this point: #38
— bench minutes: #104
— Purdue’s best win: 75-70 over #8 Marquette

— Home team won last seven series games.
— Terps lost last five visits to Purdue, by 4-8-2-1-3 points.

Memphis @ Cincinnati
— Memphis (14-5, 4-2) ranked #35 by KenPom
— Tempo: #18
— Experience: #10
— Continuity: #257
— Memphis won six of its last eight games.
— Memphis is 4-2 SU/0-6 ATS in its AAC games (0-1 as underdog)
— Tigers are forcing turnovers 22.1% of time (#37)
— Memphis is #333 team on defensive boards.
— Tigers are 2-4 in games decided by 6 or less points.
— Memphis schedule, to this point: #43
— bench minutes: #71
— Memphis best win: 82-73 over #17 Auburn

— Cincinnati (14-6, 5-2) ranked #69 by KenPom
— Tempo: #116
— Experience: #40
— Continuity: #63
— Cincinnati won its last three games, giving up 58.7 ppg.
— Cincinnati is 4-2 ATS as an AAC favorite, 2-0 at home.
— Bearcats have #38 eFG% defense in country.
— Cincinnati is shooting 36.2% on arc (#65a).
— Bearcats are 1-4 against top 100 teams.
— Cincinnati’s schedule, to this point: #140
— bench minutes: #201
— Cincinnati’s best win: 88-77 over #85 Tulane

— Memphis won last three meetings, by 6-7-13 points.
— Tigers won 80-74/87-74 in last two visits here.

Minnesota @ Michigan
— Minnesota (7-10, 1-6) ranked #196 by KenPom
— Tempo: #296
— Experience: #129
— Continuity: #335
— Minnesota lost four of its last five games.
— Gophers are 1-5 SU/3-3 ATS in Big 14 games (3-1 ATS last four)
— Minnesota is shooting 48.1% inside arc (#258), 32.5% on arc (#239)
— Gophers are #305 team in country on offensive boards.
— Minnesota is 1-9 against top 100 teams.
— Minnesota’s schedule, to this point: #68
— bench minutes: #91
— Minnesota’s best win: 70-67 at #19 Ohio State

— Michigan (10-8, 4-3) ranked #56 by KenPom
— Tempo: #145
— Experience: #303
— Continuity: #277
— Michigan lost three of its last four games.
— Michigan is shooting 44.8% inside arc in Big X games (#10 of 10)
— Wolverines are 6-1 vs teams ranked outside top 100.
— Opponents are shooting 31.5% on arc (#79), 47.9% inside arc (#108)
— Michigan is 3-6 in games decided by 6 or less points.
— Michigan’s schedule, to this point: #28
— bench minutes: #292
— Michigan’s best win: 79-69 over #38 Penn State.

— Michigan won 90-75 at Minnesota December 8th.
— Teams split last six meetings.
— Gophers won their last three visits to Ann Arbor.

Fairfield @ Siena
— Fairfield (8-10, 4-4) ranked #250 by KenPom
— Tempo: #286
— Experience: #112
— Continuity: #79
— Fairfield won its last two games, giving up 52-58 points.
— Stags covered both games as a MAAC underdog this year.
— Fairfield is shooting 47.5% inside arc (#277), 28% on arc (#354)
— Stags are getting 24.1% of their points on foul line (#6)
— Stags are #241 team in country on defensive boards.
— Fairfield’s schedule, to this point: #317
— bench minutes: #233
— Fairfield’s best wins: 74-69 over #137 Towson.

— Siena (13-6, 7-1) ranked #154 by KenPom
— Tempo: #186
— Experience: #243
— Continuity: #121
— Siena won eight of their last nine games.
— Siena is 4-0 SU/2-2 ATS in its MAAC home games.
— Saints are shooting 36.4%% on arc (#58)
— Siena is turning ball over 20.3% of time (#285)
— Saints are 8-3 in games decided by 7 or less points.
— Siena’s schedule, to this point: #282
— bench minutes: #178
— Siena’s best win: 60-55 over #62 Seton Hall.

— Siena won 70-61 at Fairfield New Year’s Day.
— Saints won last nine series games.
— Fairfield lost last three visits to Albany, by 11-16-7 points.

Niagara @ Saint Peter’s
— Niagara (9-9, 4-5) ranked #248 by KenPom
— Tempo: #358
— Experience: #198
— Continuity: #260
— Niagara lost its last four games, all by 6 or less points.
— Eagles split four MAAC road games, losing by 5-22 points.
— Niagara is shooting 48.8% inside arc (#229).
— Niagara is 6-4 vs teams ranked outside top 200.
— Niagara is 5-4 in games decided by 6 or less points.
— Niagara’s schedule, to this point: #287
— bench minutes: #262
— Niagara’s best win: 64-60 at #125 Quinnipiac.

— Saint Peter’s (8-11, 3-7) ranked #307 by KenPom
— Tempo: #346
— Experience: #271
— Continuity: #323
— Saint Peter’s lost five of its last six games.
— Peacocks are 2-3 SU at home in MAAC; 1-3 ATS as home favorite.
— SPC is are shooting 43% inside arc (#352), 26.9% on arc (#361)
— Peacocks are #8 team in country on offensive boards.
— Saint Peter’s is 6-6 vs teams ranked outside top 200.
— Saint Peter’s schedule, to this point: #331
— bench minutes: #7
— Saint Peter’s best win: 63-56 over #125 Quinnipiac.

— Saint Peter’s won four in row, eight of last nine series games.
— Niagara lost its last six visits to Jersey City (53-49/63-36 last two years)

Manhattan @ Rider
— Manhattan (14-6, 7-2) ranked #123 by KenPom
— Tempo: #166
— Experience: #185
— Continuity: #267
— Manhattan won its last five games, scoring 76.2 ppg.
— Jaspers are shooting 40.4% on arc (#2)
— Manhattan is #311 team in country on defensive boards.
— Jaspers are 5-3 vs teams ranked in top 150.
— Manhattan is 7-2 in games decided by 6 or less points.
— Manhattan’s schedule, to this point: #207
— bench minutes: #175
— Manhattan’s best win: 63-60 over Bradley December 28

— Rider (8-9, 5-3) ranked #203 by KenPom
— Tempo: #266
— Experience: #24
— Continuity: #30
— Rider won its last two games, both by 3 points.
— Broncs are 2-1 SU/0-3 ATS in MAAC home games.
— Rider is shooting 47.2% inside arc (#290), 31.8% on arc (#274)
— Broncs are #47 team on offensive boards, #261 on defensive end.
— Rider is 5-6 in games decided by 6 or less points.
— Rider’s schedule, to this point: #233
— bench minutes: #202
— Rider’s best win: 70-67 at #78 Iona.

— Rider won 11 of last 13 series games.
— Manhattan lost its last seven games in Broncs’ Zoo.

Canisius @ Quinnipiac
— Canisius (5-13, 3-6) ranked #271 by KenPom
— Tempo: #199
— Experience: #200
— Continuity: #209
— Canisius won three of last five games, after a 2-11 start.
— Griffins are 1-4 ATS as MAAC underdog away from home.
— Canisius is shooting 44.6% inside arc (#338), 32.3% on arc (#252)
— Griffins are #278 team in country on defensive boards.
— Canisius is 4-6 in games decided by 7 or less points.
— Canisius schedule, to this point: #155
— bench minutes: #49
— Canisius best win: 66-62 over #154 Siena

— Quinnipiac (14-5, 5-3) ranked #125 by KenPom
— Tempo: #86
— Experience: #127
— Continuity: #45
— Quinnipiac won its last five games, giving up 57.6 ppg.
— Bobcats are 2-4 ATS as a MAAC favorite, 0-3 at home.
— Bobcats are #38 team on offensive boards, #64 on defensive end.
— Foes are shooting 46.5% inside arc (#57), 29.7% on arc (#28)
— Quinnipiac is 10-2 vs teams ranked outside top 200.
— Quinnipiac’s schedule, to this point: #294
— bench minutes: #59
— Quinnipiac’s best win: 81-58 over #78 Iona.

— Canisius won last four series games.
— Griffins won 79-67/72-67 in last two visits here.

Marist @ Mt St Mary’s
— Marist (7-10, 3-5) ranked #309 by KenPom
— Tempo: #280
— Experience: #311
— Continuity: #327
— Marist won three of its last four games, after a 4-9 start.
— Red Foxes are 2-2 SU/3-1 ATS in MAAC road games.
— Red Foxes are shooting 48.1% inside arc (#251), 32% on arc (#268).
— Opponents are shooting 46.5% inside arc (#58), 35.6% on arc (#273).
— Marist is 0-7 when it allows 70+ points.
— Marist’s schedule, to this point: #355
— bench minutes: #165
— Marist’s best win: 73-69 over #223 American.

— Mt St Mary’s (6-13, 2-6) ranked #275 by KenPom
— Tempo: #256
— Experience: #46
— Continuity: #69
— Mt St Mary’s lost four in row, seven of its last eight games.
— MSM is 0-3 SU/ATS in MAAC home games, 0-2 as a favorite.
— Mt St Mary’s is shooting 44.1% inside arc (#342), 35.3% on arc (#100)
— Mt St Mary’s is turning ball over 21.2% of time (#319)
— MSM is #299 team on defensive boards.
— You’re reading
— Mt St Mary’s’s schedule, to this point: #285
— bench minutes: #145

— Mt St Mary’s’s best win: 69-65 at #224 Pacific.
— Mt St Mary’s (-2) lost 63-56 at Marist January 8th.

Temple @ Houston
— Temple (11-9, 5-2) ranked #130 by KenPom
— Tempo: #258
— Experience: #203
— Continuity: #51
— Temple won five of its last seven games.
— Owls are 4-0 ATS as an AAC underdog this year.
— Temple won its AAC road games, by 2-4-4 points.
— Owls has #52 eFG% defense in country.
— Temple is turning ball over 19.9% of time (#269)
— Temple’s schedule, to this point: #108
— bench minutes: #312
— Temple’s best win: 72-66 over #20 Rutgers.

— Houston (18-1, 6-0) ranked #1 by KenPom
— Tempo: #345
— Experience: #258
— Continuity: #194
— Houston won its last nine games (6-2 ATS).
— Houston’s one loss: 71-65 to #3 Alabama December 10th.
— Cougars have #2 eFG% defense in country.
— Houston is #4 team in country on offensive boards.
— Cougars are forcing turnovers 23.5% of time (#15)
— Houston’s schedule, to this point: #101
— bench minutes: #216
— Houston’s best win: 53-48 over #7 Saint Mary’s.

— Houston won last six series games.
— Owls lost last five visits to Houston, by 13-3-7-26-38 points.

Wichita State @ SMU
— Wichita State (9-9, 2-4) ranked #123 by KenPom
— Tempo: #305
— Experience: #281
— Continuity: #319
— Wichita is 3-5 in its last eight games SU.
— Shockers are 1-2 SU/3-0 ATS in AAC road games.
— Wichita is shooting 29.3% on arc (#341)
— Wichita is 9-3 vs teams ranked outside top 100.
— Shockers have #14 eFG% defense, are #266 on defensive boards.
— Wichita’s schedule, to this point: #137
— bench minutes: #75
— Wichita’s best win: 55-43 over #108 Grand Canyon

— SMU (7-12, 2-4) ranked #172 by KenPom
— Tempo: #147
— Experience: #146
— Continuity: #270
— SMU lost four of its last five games.
— Mustangs are shooting 47.7% inside arc (#272), 30.9% on arc (#309)
— SMU is #280 team in country on defensive boards.
— Mustangs are 2-12 vs teams ranked in top 125.
— SMU is 3-4 in games decided by 4 or less points.
— SMU’s schedule, to this point: #55
— bench minutes: #201
— SMU’s best win: 77-74 over #47 Utah State

— Wichita won last five series games.
— Shockers won last three visits to SMU, by 6-12-4 points.

Oregon State @ California
— Oregon State (7-12, 1-7) ranked #225 by KenPom
— Tempo: #315
— Experience: #341
— Continuity: #309
— Oregon State lost its last six games, scoring 59.8 ppg.
— OSU is 0-5 SU/2-3 ATS in its Pac-12 road games.
— Beavers are turning ball over 21% of time (#313)
— Beavers are shooting 46.8% inside arc (#298), 33.4% on arc (#200)
— Oregon State is #224 team on defensive boards.
— Oregon State’s schedule, to this point: #57
— bench minutes: #159
— Oregon State’s best win: 66-65 over #106 Washington.

— California (3-16, 2-6) ranked #221 by KenPom
— Tempo: #357
— Experience: #211
— Continuity: #230
— California lost its last three games, giving up 78 ppg.
— Bears are 3-5 SU in Pac-12; they were underdog in all eight games.
— California is shooting 47.2% inside arc (#289), 30.8% on arc (#312)
— Opponents are shooting 53% inside arc (#292)
— California is turning ball over 20.7% of time (#304)
— California’s schedule, to this point: #44
— bench minutes: #109
— California’s best win: 80-76 over #55 Colorado.

— Teams split last eight series games.
— Beavers lost 10 of last 11 visits to Berkeley.

Furman @ Wofford
— Furman (14-6, 5-2) ranked #102 by KenPom
— Tempo: #94
— Experience: #114
— Continuity: #27
— Furman won four of its last five games.
— Paladins are 3-1 SU/ATS in their SoCon road games.
— Furman is shooting 59.3% inside arc (#3)
— Opponents are shooting 51.5% inside arc (#247), 35% on arc (#248)
— Furman is #84 team in country on defensive boards.
— Furman’s schedule, to this point: #279
— bench minutes: #321
— Furman’s best win: 89-74 over #115 Belmont

— Wofford (11-9, 3-4) ranked #199 by KenPom
— Tempo: #291
— Experience: #330
— Continuity: #322
— Wofford is 3-4 SU since their upset win at Texas A&M.
— Terriers split their four SoCon home games SU.
— Opponents are shooting 56.2% inside arc (#55).
— Terriers are shooting 53.6% inside arc (#351), 30.9% on arc (#307)
— Wofford is 1-5 against teams ranked in top 150.
— Wofford’s schedule, to this point: #262
— bench minutes: #104
— Wofford’s best win: 67-62 at #50 Texas A&M

— Teams split their last six meetings.
— Furman lost nine of its last ten visits to Wofford.

Washington State @ Colorado
— Washington State (9-11, 4-5) ranked #67 by KenPom
— Tempo: #338
— Experience: #297
— Continuity: #249
— Wazzu won three of its last four games.
— Coogs are 1-3 SU/ATS in their Pac-12 road games.
— Wazzu is shooting 48.5% inside arc (#240), 36.4% on arc (#58)
— Coogs are #54 team in country on offensive boards.
— Wazzu is 2-5 in games decided by 6 or less points.
— Wazzu’s schedule, to this point: #9
— bench minutes: #264
— Wazzu’s best win: 74-61 at #16 Arizona

— Colorado (11-9, 3-6) ranked #55 by KenPom
— Tempo: #49
— Experience: #293
— Continuity: #120
— Colorado lost its last three games, scoring 62.3 ppg.
— Buffs are 2-2 SU/ATS as a Pac-12 home favorite.
— Colorado shooting 31.5% on arc (#288), 51.5% inside arc (#120).
— Buffs are turning ball over 19.9% of time (#275)
— Colorado has #63 eFG% defense.
— Colorado’s schedule, to this point: #48
— bench minutes: #36
— Colorado s’s best win: 78-66 over #2 Tennessee

— Colorado won three of last four series games.
— Coogs lost their last ten visits to Boulder (83-78 LY)


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
CCSU at LIU12:00 PMCCSU -6.0
U 141.0
+500 +500
BUT at CONN12:00 PMBUT +15.5
O 137.5
+500 +500
MSU at IND12:00 PMMSU +4.5
U 137.5
+500 +500
SH at WAG01:00 PMWAG -4.5
U 134.5
+500 +500
MW at SFBK01:00 PMMW -3.0
U 122.0
+500 +500
MEM at CIN01:00 PMCIN -3.0
U 151.0
+500 +500
MINN at MICH01:00 PMMINN +12.5
O 137.5
+500 +500
MD at PUR01:00 PMMD +9.0
O 132.0
+500 +500
NJIT at UVM01:00 PMUVM -12.0
U 133.0
+500 +500
BRY at UMASS01:00 PMUMASS -2.5
O 156.0
+500 +500
CAN at QUIN02:00 PMQUIN -9.0
U 140.0
+500 +500
MAN at RID02:00 PMRID -8.0
U 136.0
+500 +500
NIAG at SPU02:00 PMSPU +0.0
U 117.5
+500 +500
MRST at MSM02:00 PMMSM -2.5
U 125.5
+500 +500
FAIR at SIE02:00 PMSIE -5.0
U 134.0
+500 +500
BING at ME02:00 PMME -2.5
U 136.0
+500 +500
TEM at HOU03:00 PMTEM +19.5
O 131.5
+500 +500
ORST at CAL03:00 PMCAL -3.5
U 123.5
+500 +500
WICH at SMU03:00 PMSMU -1.5
O 133.5
+500 +500
FUR at WOF04:00 PMFUR -4.5
O 147.0
+500 +500
WSU at COLO06:00 PMCOLO -5.5
U 136.5
+500 +500
STONE at FDU06:00 PMFDU -5.0
O 147.5
+500 +500


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Completed Picks

Past Completed Picks


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo Sports

Monday’s 6-pack
NHL leaders in goals scored:
40— McDavid, Oilers
35— Pastrnak, Bruins
32— Thompson, Sabres/Rantanen, Avalanche
31— Robertson, Stars
30— Ovechkin, Capitals/Horvat, Canucks
29— Hughes, Devils

Quote of the Day
“Ben Simmons is stealing money, ski mask and gloves, as a matter of fact.”
ESPN’s Jalen Rose

Monday’s quiz
Who was the Tennessee Titans’ QB in their one Super Bowl appearance?

Sunday’s quiz
The old TV show Frasier starring Kelsey Grammer was set in Seattle.

Saturday’s quiz
Steve Kerr played his college basketball at Arizona.


Monday’s Den: Wrapping up a sports weekend……..

49ers 19, Cowboys 12
Game was 9-9 after three quarters.
Prescott threw INT in red zone just before halftime, when they trailed 9-6.
Rookie QB Purdy is 7-0 in his first seven NFL starts.
49ers visit Philadelphia next week in the NFC title game.

Bengals 27, Bills 10
Bengals’ first two drives: 16 plays, 151 yards, 14 points.
Mixon ran 20 times for 105 yards and a TD.
Bengals ran ball for 172 yards (5.1 yards/carry)
Cincinnati @ Kansas City is next week’s AFC title game.

— Joe Burrow is now 5-1 in NFL playoff games; all the other QB’s in Bengals’ history are a combined 5-14 in playoff games.

— Chiefs’ backup QB Chad Henne led a 98-yard TD drive Saturday, while Patrick Mahomes was getting his sprained ankle looked at. Henne was 5-7 passing for 23 yards in his brief stint; all season long, he had taken a total of 18 snaps.

The 37-year old Henne is 18-36 as an NFL starter, earning around $40M in his career. He’s started one game since 2014, but he was ready when needed Saturday.

— Odds for the conference championship games next week:
49ers @ Eagles (-2.5, 45.5)
Bengals @ Chiefs (-1.5, 47.5)

— If you’re a Jaguars’ fan, you have to be fired up about this season, going 10-9 and winning a playoff game, especially since they went 4-29 the last two seasons. With Trevor Lawrence at QB and a Super Bowl-winning coach in Doug Pederson, things are looking up.

— Here are the nine teams who passed on Patrick Mahomes in the 2017 Draft, the player they took instead, and their records since then:
1) Cleveland- Myles Garrett 39-58-1
2) Chicago- QB Mitch Trubisky 42-56- they traded up to get here
3) San Francisco- Solomon Thomas 53-46
4) Jacksonville- Leonard Fournette 34-65
5) Tennessee- Corey Davis 57-41
6) NJ Jets- Jamal Adams 29-69
7) LA Chargers- Mike Williams 52-46
8) Carolina- Christian McCaffrey 40-58
9) Cincinnati- John Ross 41-55-1

Chiefs are 82-25 since they drafted Mahomes.

Temple 56, Houston 55— #1 team in the country loses as a 20.5-point home favorite; Cougars were 11-21 on foul line, Temple 20-22.

Fairfield 62, Siena 52— Visiting Stags scored 15 points in first half, 47 in second half to pull the upset. Siena led 16-4 early on, but had only one player score more than 7 points.

Fairfield has won three in row, is now in 5th place in the 11-team MAAC. Siena’s loss drops them into a tie for first with Iona in the loss column.

Furman 96, Wofford 82— Paladins scored 1.35 points/possession; they’re shooting 59.6% inside the arc, #3 in country, while getting 36.5% of their points on the arc, #46 in country.

Last eight years, Furman is 83-30 in SoCon games, but they haven’t made the NCAA tourney since 1980. Could this be the year they break their drought?

— Finally found this year’s college basketball referee stuff; figure the season is 77 days old, there are seven officials who’ve worked 56+ games this season, which means they’re working five games a week. Not a lot of load management for referees.

— One of the amusing things about college basketball is when coaches who don’t like each other shake hands after a game; they blow by each other, barely touching hands as they scoot by.

— Arizona Wildcats have players on their roster from seven different countries. Their coach has three different passports; they showed them on TV Saturday night.

Lakers 121, Portland 112— Trailblazers outscored LA 45-13 in the second quarter……and they lost!!! They’re only NBA team since 1955 to win a quarter by 32+ points and still lose the game.


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018

Monday, January 23

Trend Report




Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
WIS at NW06:30 PMWIS +2.5+500
PENN at HART07:00 PMHART +16.0
O 140.5
+500 +500
CHS at CCU07:00 PMCCU -8.0+500
COLG at BU07:00 PMCOLG -7.5
U 143.5
+500 +500
DUKE at VT07:00 PMDUKE +2.0+500
OAK at DETU07:00 PMOAK +4.0
O 154.5
+500 +500
UND at WIU07:00 PMWIU -6.5+500
NORF at MORG07:30 PMMORG +5.5+500
DSU at SCST07:30 PMSCST -7.0
U 146.5
+500 +500
UMES at NCCU07:30 PMNCCU -7.5
U 135.0
+500 +500
COPP at HOW07:30 PMCOPP +9.5+500
FAMU at JKST08:30 PMFAMU +12.0+500
COOK at ALCN08:30 PMALCN -9.5+500
TXSO at ALST08:30 PMALST +4.0+500
SOU at MVSU08:30 PMSOU -9.5+500
GRAM at ARPB08:30 PMARPB +3.5
O 135.0
+500 +500
KU at BAY09:00 PMKU +2.0
U 149.0
+500 +500
PV at AAMU09:00 PMAAMU +2.5
O 134.5
+500 +500
UNM at NEV09:00 PMUNM +3.5
O 148.0
+500 +500


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Completed Picks

Past Completed Picks


Forum Member
Sep 10, 2018
Armadillo Sports

Tuesday’s 6-pack
Baylor 75, Kansas 69— Jayhawks have lost three games in a row.
Virginia Tech 78, Duke 75— Duke is an ordinary 5-4 in ACC games.
Nevada 97, New Mexico 94, 2OT— Lobos led by 5 in the first OT.
Northwestern 66, Wisconsin 63— Badgers were only 9-16 on foul line.
Oakland 76, Detroit 67— Grizzlies held Antoine Davis to 14 points.
Kings 133, Grizzlies 100— Sacramento scored 47 points in first quarter.

Quote of the Day
“I don’t need to go into all the pluses or minuses, but I’ve got a lot more to evaluate Mike McCarthy on than this playoff game.”
Cowboys’ owner Jerry Jones

Tuesday’s quiz
Mike McCarthy won a Super Bowl with Green Bay 12 years ago; how many playoff games has he won since then?

Monday’s quiz
Steve McNair was the Tennessee Titans’ QB in their one Super Bowl appearance.

Sunday’s quiz
The old TV show Frasier starring Kelsey Grammer was set in Seattle.


Tuesday’s Den: Early looks at the NCAA Tournament field……

— Big X— How good is the Big X this season? Bracketology has West Virginia listed as one of the last four teams in the Field of 68; they’re 1-6 in Big X play. Right now, Bracketology has eight of the ten Big X teams in the NCAA’s.

— Big 14— Bracketology has 10 of the 14 teams in the Field of 68:
1-seed– Purdue
5— Rutgers
6– Illinois
7— Iowa, Michigan State
9— Indiana
10— Maryland, Wisconsin
11— Ohio State
12— Northwestern

— SEC— Bracketology has five SEC teams in the field, with fading Arkansas as a 7-seed; they’re 2-5 in SEC games and have injury issues. Alabama/Tennessee are far and away the two best SEC teams this season.

— Kentucky is a bubble team; they’ve won three games in a row, and play Kansas Saturday in the Big X/SEC Challenge, so a win there would likely get them off the bubble.Their loss to #244 South Carolina, just before they upset Tennessee, is a red flag on their resume.

— ACC— Bracketology has seven ACC teams in NCAA’s, but none higher than a 3-seed:
3-seed— Virginia
5— Miami, NC State
6— Duke
8— Clemson
9— North Carolina, Pittsburgh

— #1-seeds, to this point: Alabama, Houston, Kansas, Purdue— the last Bracketology was done before Houston lost at home to Temple Sunday. We’ll see if losing as a 20-point favorite knocks them out of a #1-seed, for now.

Only one #1-seed has ever lost in the first round of the tournament; after that, there isn’t much difference between play the 8-9 seed winner and the 7-10 winner in the second round.

— #2-seeds, to this point: Arizona, Iowa State, Tennessee, UCLA— Tennessee/UCLA are best of this group. I’m thinking that UCLA will wind up as a #1-seed.

— Last four teams in; the two play-in games would be:
Ohio State-West Virginia and Northwestern-Oklahoma.

Northwestern had their last two games postponed by COVID-related issues, which complicates their situation.

— Mountain West— San Diego State/Boise State seem like they’re headed to the NCAA’s, with surging New Mexico listed as an 11-seed, which means they don’t have much margin for error.

This league is improved; their #7-rating this year (and last year) is highest league has been rated since 2013. UNLV is 1-6 in Mountain West, tied for last with Wyoming; they’re 11-1 in their non-conference games.

— Big East— Bracketology has five Big East teams in:
3-seed— Xavier
4— UConn, Marquette
6— Providence
8— Creighton

Doesn’t seem to be much bubble activity here; none of the other six Big East teams have a shot at an at-large bid- they’ll need to win the Big East Tournament to get in the NCAA’s.

— Pac-12— Bill Walton won’t like this, but Bracketology has three teams in: UCLA, Arizona and 10-seed Arizona State. They list the first eight teams outside the Field of 68; none of them are Pac-12 teams. Can USC/Utah get hot and out themselves on the bubble?

— AAC— Houston is a big fish in a small pond; they’ll either be a #1 or a #2-seed. Memphis is the only other AAC team that Bracketology has in the Field of 68, and they’re listed as an 11-seed, a bubble team. There are two Houston-Memphis games between now and the AAC tournament; Tigers would be well-served to at least split the pair.

Central Florida is listed as one of the last four out of the field.

— Atlantic 15— Last time this league had only one team in the NCAA’s? 2002, but they appear headed that way this season.

Bracketology has VCU as the lone A-15 team, but as a 12-seed, barely avoiding a play-in game. Dayton just lost to George Washington, the kind of loss that sends you to the NIT, unless you win the conference tournament.

— Championship Week is so much fun because all the other leagues are one-bid leagues, so their conference tournaments are essentially play-in events for the NCAA’s. has Florida Atlantic ranked as #36, Charleston as #73; they would be the two fascinating teams to watch if they got upset in their conference tournament. Would they get at-large spots, and knock power conference teams out of the field?
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