Cnotes College Hoops Picks,Trends News 2018-2918 !


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

ISU at MISS 12:00 PM
MISS +0.0

GT at DUKE 12:00 PM
DUKE -22.5

ALA at BAY 12:00 PM
ALA +3.5
O 141.5

FLA at TCU 12:00 PM
TCU -4.0

OSU at NEB 12:00 PM
OSU +7.0
O 135.0

ILL at MD 12:00 PM
MD -9.0
O 145.5

UTA at GSU 01:00 PM
UTA +8.5

UVA at ND 01:00 PM
UVA -11.5
U 123.5

VMI at CIT 01:00 PM
VMI +8.0
O 177.5

DETU at INDPU 01:00 PM
INDPU -5.5



Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
DAV at SLU 02:00 PM
SLU -3.5
U 128.0

SCAR at OKST 02:00 PM
SCAR +3.0

MARQ at XAV 02:00 PM
MARQ -2.0

VCU at DUQ 02:00 PM
DUQ +3.0

CLEM at NCST 02:00 PM
NCST -5.0
O 148.5

EMU at WMU 02:00 PM
EMU -1.0

BALL at OHIO 02:00 PM
BALL -2.5

DAY at FOR 02:00 PM
FOR +7.0

TEX at UGA 02:00 PM
UGA +4.0

KSU at TAM 02:00 PM
KSU -4.0

DART at HARV 02:00 PM
HARV -10.0

HOF at TOWS 02:00 PM
HOF -9.5
O 138.0

PITT at LOU 02:00 PM
LOU -10.0

DREX at DEL 02:00 PM
DEL -4.5

NW at WIS 02:15 PM
WIS -8.0
U 129.5


USA at ULM 03:00 PM
O 146.0

MONM at NIAG 03:00 PM
MONM +2.5
O 143.5

BGSU at M-OH 03:30 PM
BGSU -1.5

JVST at MORE 03:35 PM
JVST -5.0


FRES at CSU 04:00 PM
FRES -5.5

WIN at PRE 04:00 PM
WIN -1.0
O 161.0

USU at UNM 04:00 PM
UNM +6.0

WVU at TENN 04:00 PM
TENN -14.5

USF at ECU 04:00 PM
USF -4.0

ELON at UNCW 04:00 PM
ELON +7.5
O 150.5

WYO at BSU 04:00 PM
BSU -16.0

PORT at PAC 04:00 PM
PAC -9.5

CWM at COFC 04:00 PM
COFC -7.5

BRAD at MOSU 04:00 PM
BRAD +6.0

WASH at ORST 04:00 PM
ORST -3.0

VAN at OKLA 04:00 PM
OKLA -9.5

ODU at UTSA 04:00 PM
UTSA +2.0

BC at WAKE 04:00 PM
WAKE +2.0

NE at JMU 04:00 PM
NE -7.0

IDST at MTST 04:00 PM
MTST -4.5

WIU at SDAK 04:30 PM
SDAK -9.0

SIUE at UTM 04:30 PM
O 155.0

SAM at FUR 04:30 PM
SAM +9.0

RUTG at PSU 04:30 PM
RUTG +6.5

BEL at PEAY 04:30 PM
BEL -2.5
O 158.0


MER at UNCG 05:00 PM
MER +9.0
U 139.0

WKU at LT 05:00 PM
LT -3.5

CCAR at ARST 05:00 PM
CCAR +0.0

TXST at GASO 05:00 PM
TXST +2.5

NIU at AKR 05:00 PM
NIU +4.5

MRSH at USM 05:00 PM
O 151.5

NEOM at SDST 05:15 PM
NEOM +12.0

EIU at SEMO 05:30 PM
SEMO -1.0


KU at UK 06:00 PM
UK -5.5

WICH at UCONN 06:00 PM
UCONN -6.0

MTU at UNT 06:00 PM
UNT -12.5
O 134.0

LSU at MIZZ 06:00 PM
MIZZ +5.0

SBON at RICH 06:00 PM
U 133.5

ARK at TTU 06:00 PM
TTU -10.0

TULN at SMU 06:00 PM
SMU -15.0


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

CMU at TOL 07:00 PM
CMU +9.5
O 158.0

MILW at NKU 07:00 PM
NKU -14.5

MAN at SIE 07:00 PM
MAN +8.0

JOES at PENN 07:00 PM
PENN -5.5

TNTC at EKY 07:00 PM
EKY -10.0

DEN at PFW 07:00 PM
PFW -7.0
O 155.0

GW at GMU 07:00 PM
GMU -9.5

ETSU at WCU 07:00 PM
WCU +11.5
O 141.5

COR at CLMB 07:00 PM
O 141.0

CHAT at WOF 07:00 PM
WOF -18.0
O 144.0

FAU at FIU 07:00 PM
FIU -5.0

YSU at CLEVST 07:00 PM
YSU +1.5
O 150.5

GB at WRST 07:00 PM
GB +9.0


SYR at VT 08:00 PM
SYR +7.0
U 136.0

UTAH at CAL 08:00 PM
UTAH -5.0

ASU at USC 08:00 PM
ASU +1.0

UAB at RICE 08:00 PM
UAB -3.0

TNST at MURR 08:00 PM
MURR -16.5

TROY at ULL 08:00 PM
O 159.5

COLO at STAN 08:00 PM
STAN -3.0

UNLV at SDSU 08:00 PM
SDSU -5.5

NDSU at ORU 08:00 PM
ORU +2.0
O 145.0

DRKE at VALP 08:00 PM
VALP -1.5
O 138.5

SMC at PEPP 08:00 PM
SMC -8.5

UNCO at NAU 08:00 PM
UNCO -6.5

EVAN at UNI 08:00 PM
UNI -5.0

AUB at MSST 08:30 PM
MSST +1.0


CHAR at UTEP 09:00 PM
CHAR +5.0

WEB at MONT 09:00 PM
MONT -8.0

LMU at SCU 09:00 PM
LMU -2.5

AFA at SJSU 09:00 PM
AFA -6.0

SF at USD 10:00 PM
SF -3.0

ARIZ at UCLA 10:00 PM
ARIZ +1.5

UCRV at UCI 10:00 PM
UCI -13.0

GRC at CALBA 10:00 PM
GRC -6.5

UCSB at LBSU 10:00 PM
UCSB -2.0

CSF at CP 10:00 PM
CSF -7.0

EWU at CSUS 10:05 PM
CSUS -4.0

IDHO at PRST 10:05 PM
PRST -9.5


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

01/26/2019 67-59-1 53.17% +10.50
01/25/2019 5-7-0 41.67% -13.50
01/24/2019 52-29-0 64.20% +100.50
01/23/2019 13-14-0 48.15% -12.00
01/22/2019 16-16-1 50.60% -7.50
01/21/2019 7-8-0 46.67% -9.00
01/20/2019 13-6-0 68.42% +32.00
01/19/2019 66-60-0 52.38% +0.00
01/18/2019 6-7-0 46.15% -8.50
01/17/2019 29-33-0 46.77% -36.50
01/16/2019 18-26-1 40.91% -53.00
01/15/2019 14-25-0 35.90% -67.50
01/14/2019 2-4-0 33.33% -12.00
01/13/2019 10-9-0 52.63% +0.50
01/12/2019 40-51-0 43.96% -80.50
01/11/2019 1-8-0 11.11% -39.00
01/10/2019 50-36-0 58.14% +52.00
01/09/2019 21-23-0 47.72% -20.50
01/08/2019 15-18-0 45.45% -24.00
01/07/2019 7-9-0 43.75% -14.50
01/06/2019 4-7-0 36.36% -18.50
01/05/2019 9-7-0 56.25% +6.50
01/04/2019 10-7-0 58.82% +11.50
01/03/2019 4-2-0 66.67% +9.00
01/02/2019 13-5-0 72.22% +37.50
01/01/2019 3-7-0 30.00% -23.50



DATE......................ATS...................UN ITS...................O/U...................UNITS..............TOTAL

01/26/2019..........32 - 26...............+17.00..................5 - 12.............-41.00.................-24.00
01/25/2019...........1 - 3..................-11.50...................2 - 2...............-1.00..................-12.50
01/24/2019..........18 - 13...............+18.50..................8 - 5...............+12.50...............+31.00
01/23/2019...........8 - 9..................-9.50.....................0 - 0...............+0.00................-9.50
01/22/2019...........4 - 8..................-24.00...................2 - 3................-6.50.................-30.50
01/21/2019...........4 - 4..................-2.00.....................2 - 1................+4.50................+2.50
01/20/2019...........5 - 2.................+14.00...................3 - 2................+4.00................+18.00
01/19/2019..........26 - 27 .............-18.50....................8 - 9.................-9.50................-28.00
01/18/2019...........1 - 4.................-17.00....................5 - 1................+19.50..............+2.50
01/17/2019..........13 - 12..............+1.00.....................7 - 6................+2.00...............+3.00
01/16/2019...........6 - 9.................-10.00....................7 - 6................+2.00...............-8.00
01/15/2019...........4 - 11...............-40.50....................2 - 5................-17.50..............-58.00
01/14/2019...........1 - 2.................-6.00......................1 - 1.................-0.50................-6.50
01/13/2019...........4 - 6.................-13.00....................3 - 3.................-1.50................-14.50
01/12/2019..........16 - 15...............-2.50.....................9 - 6.................+12.00.............+9.50
01/11/2019...........0 - 3..................-16.50...................1 - 5..................-22.50.............-39.00
01/10/2019..........12 - 10...............+5.00...................13 - 9.................+15.50............+20.50
01/09/2019...........7 - 5..................+7.50....................9 - 5.................+17.50............+25.00
01/08/2019...........4 - 8..................-24.00...................5 - 3..................+8.50..............-15.50
01/07/2019...........4 - 2..................+9.00....................3 - 3..................-1.50...............+7.50
01/06/2019...........2 - 1..................+4.50....................2 - 3.................-6.50................-2.00
01/05/2019...........2 - 1..................+4.50....................3 - 8.................-12.50...............-8.00
01/04/2019...........0 - 3..................-16.50....................6 - 2.................+19.00............+2.50
01/03/2019...........3 - 0..................+15.00...................1 - 2.................-6.00...............+9.00
01/02/2019...........4 - 1..................+14.50...................6 - 2.................+19.00............+33.50
01/01/2019...........1 - 2...................-6.00.....................1 - 2..................-6.00...............-12.00

Totals................182 - 189...............-107.00................114 - 106............+3.50..............-103.50


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Sunday's Tip Sheet
January 26, 2019
By David Schwab

Sunday?s college basketball?s betting board features a trio of nationally ranked teams trying to improve their current position in the polls. Early in the afternoon, the Big Ten?s No. 6 Michigan State Spartans will be on the road against Purdue.

Moving to the AAC, the No. 17 Houston Cougars face Tulsa on the road at the Reynolds Center. As the featured Sunday afternoon matchup on FOX, the No. 18 Villanova Wildcats will play host to Seton Hall in a Big East battle in Philadelphia.

No. 6 Michigan State Spartans at Purdue Boilermakers (CBS, 1 p.m. ET)

Opening Odds: Michigan State -2, Total 147

Betting Matchup

The Spartans? current straight-up winning streak reached 13 games with Thursday?s 82-67 road victory against Iowa. They covered the closing five-point spread as favorite to payoff against the spread in their ninth-straight outing. The total stayed UNDER 156 ?-points in that game and it has stayed UNDER in seven of their last eight games. Michigan State is 18-2 SU with a 16-4 record ATS overall. It is a highly profitable 9-0 SU and ATS in Big Ten play.

Purdue improved to 6-2 SU (5-3 ATS) with Wednesday?s 79-67 road victory against Ohio State as a slight 1 ?-point favorite. This was the Boilermakers? fourth win in a row (SU and ATS) after losing to Michigan State 77-59 on Jan. 8 as seven-point road underdogs. The total stayed UNDER 152 points in that game. Purdue shot just 31.3 percent from the field in that first meeting while going 7-for-31 from three-point range. This compares to an overall field goal percentage of 45.6.

Betting Trends

-- The Spartans are a perfect 6-0 ATS this season on the road and the total has stayed UNDER in four of their last five road games.

-- The Boilermakers have covered in their last four games against a team with a SU winning record and the total has gone OVER or ended as a PUSH in 12 of their last 17 games coming off a SU win.

-- The road team is 6-2-1 ATS in the last nine meetings and the total has gone OVER in the last five meetings at Purdue.

No. 17 Houston Cougars at Tulsa Golden Hurricane (ESPNEWS, 2 p.m. ET)

Opening Odds: Houston -5 ?, Total 138

Betting Matchup

With Wednesday?s 94-50 romp over East Carolina as 18-point home favorites, the Cougars maintained their lead in the AAC at 6-1 SU (5-2 ATS). The lone conference loss came against Temple on the road in a four-point deficit as one-point underdogs. This was also the only blemish on an overall SU record of 19-1 (13-6-1 ATS) . The total went OVER 141 ? points in Wednesday?s game and it has gone OVER in five of Houston?s first seven AAC matchups. The Cougars connected on 16 three-point shots against East Carolina.

Tulsa has dropped four of its last five games SU with Thursday?s 88-64 loss to Cincinnati as a 14-point road underdog. It started conference play with a 74-56 road loss to Houston on Jan. 2 as an 11-point underdog. The total stayed UNDER 134 ? points in that game. The Golden Hurricane are scoring as many points (70.6) as they are allowing on defense (70.1). Senior forward DaQuan Jeffries leads the team in scoring with 13.4 PPG while shooting 51.7 percent from the field.

Betting Trends

-- The Cougars have an 8-1 record ATS in their last nine games on the road and the total has stayed UNDER in six of their last seven road games.

-- The Golden Hurricane are 6-2 ATS in their last eight home games with the total going OVER in their last four games played at home.

-- The favorite has a 4-1 record ATS in the last five meetings and the total has stayed UNDER in three of the last five games between the two.

Seton Hall Pirates at No. 18 Villanova Wildcats (FOX, 2:30 p.m. ET)

Opening Odds: Villanova -9, Total 146

Betting Matchup

Seton Hall?s current SU losing streak reached three games in a wild 97-93 loss to DePaul last Saturday night as a 7 ?-point home favorite. This followed road losses to Marquette and Providence in its previous two Big East matchups. The Pirates are 3-4 SU (2-5 ATS) in seven conference games as part of an overall record of 12-7. They are 8-11 ATS with the total going OVER in six of their last nine games. The 93 points against DePaul was the first time they crossed the 80-point mark in their last eight games.

Following a roller-coaster start, the Wildcats are starting to gain some traction with a SU seven-game winning streak while going 5-2 ATS. They beat Butler 80-72 on Tuesday night as slight 1 ?-point road underdogs after posting an 85-75 victory against Xavier at home last Friday to cover the 9 ?-point closing spread. Villanova is 15-4 SU with a 12-7 record ATS. This includes a 4-5 record ATS at home this season. In the game against Butler, senior forward Eric Paschall led the way with 23 points and senior guard Phil Booth added 17 more points to help pace the win. The Wildcats hit 12 three-pointers in that eight-point victory.

Betting Trends

-- The Pirates have covered in eight of their last 11 games on the road and the total has gone OVER in 11 of their last 15 road games.

-- The Wildcats are 11-5 ATS in their last 16 games coming off an ATS win. The total has stayed UNDER or ended as a PUSH in 10 of their last 11 home games.

-- Villanova has won the last five meetings SU with a slight 3-2 edge ATS. The total has stayed UNDER in seven of the Wildcats? last eight home games against Seton Hall.


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Sunday Home Cooking
January 26, 2019

Sunday CBB Home Cooking

Turns out last Sunday's home cooked meal for the Utah Utes turned out to be a tasty one, as they got the 78-69 win over Colorado thanks to a dominant 1st half that saw the Utes head to the locker room with a 41-19 lead. That game, and my losing side fading Utah was decided at the break, so hopefully those results can flip this week as it's back to supporting a home team this Sunday. Home Team to BACK: Memphis Tigers

Memphis is hoping that being back on their own floor can correct their shooting woes that plagued them in Temple earlier this week. The Tigers shot 39.7% from the floor in the 85-76 defeat, but it was their 1-for-23 mark from distance that really prevented them from having a shot at winning.

This Memphis team typically makes 7+ three pointers a game, so I don't think that poor shooting carries over to this home date with a very good UCF squad.

Central Florida is among the leading pack in the AAC at 5-1 SU in the conference, and for as good as they are, they've only really faced on AAC rival that's currently competing with them for a conference crown. That was a 78-73 win home win against the aforementioned Temple program, and with Memphis sitting just one game back at 4-2 SU in AAC play, this is really the Knights first true road test. And it's one I believe they will fail, at least against the spread.

I've already touched on the notion that the shooting for Memphis will be much better than it was earlier this week, and the fact that the Tigers only home loss this year came to #1 Tennessee, it should be the home court that propels Memphis to the victory here. The Tigers are on a 4-0 ATS run at home against opponents that are winning teams on the road, and a 12-5-1 ATS run for Memphis against a winning team in general is a trend that I can't ignore in this spot.

Coming off a loss, Memphis is also 6-2 ATS in their last eight tries, and for the bulk of those guys in Tigers uniforms on a 0-4 SU and ATS run against this UCF program specifically, a little healthy payback for the Knights program should be in store.

Beating up on Tulane in Tulane earlier this week (75-50) is not nearly enough of a preparation game for UCF to go out and get a similar performance on the road in Memphis, and if this game is played at the quicker pace that the Tigers prefer, I'm not sure UCF has the firepower to keep up.

Two of the Knights three SU losses this year have come on the road against much worse teams talent wise than what Memphis has (Wichita State and Missouri) and I believe we see that poor road form show up for UCF again on Sunday.


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

Sunday, January 27

Georgetown @ St John's

Game 815-816
January 27, 2019 @ 12:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
St John's
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
St John's
by 3
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
St John's
by 7 1/2
161 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
(+7 1/2); Under

DePaul @ Providence

Game 819-820
January 27, 2019 @ 12:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 8
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 6
Dunkel Pick:
(-6); Over

Cincinnati @ Temple

Game 817-818
January 27, 2019 @ 12:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 7 1/2
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 2
Dunkel Pick:
(-2); Over

Michigan State @ Purdue

Game 823-824
January 27, 2019 @ 1:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Michigan State
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
Michigan State
by 6 1/2
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
Michigan State
by 2 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
Michigan State
(-2 1/2); Under

Iona @ Fairfield

Game 841-842
January 27, 2019 @ 1:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 1
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 1 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
(+1 1/2); Under

Marist @ Rider

Game 843-844
January 27, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 9
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 10 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
(+10 1/2); Under

Rhode Island @ Massachusetts

Game 827-828
January 27, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Rhode Island
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
Rhode Island
by 9
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
Rhode Island
by 3
Dunkel Pick:
Rhode Island
(-3); Under

Liberty @ Jacksonville

Game 1281-1282
January 27, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 13 1/2
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 12
141 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
(-12); Under

Houston @ Tulsa

Game 829-830
January 27, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 14 1/2
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 6 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
(-6 1/2); Over

St Peter's @ Quinnipiac

Game 845-846
January 27, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
St Peter's
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 3 1/2
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 6
131 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
St Peter's
(+6); Over

Indiana State @ Illinois State

Game 825-826
January 27, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Indiana State
Illinois State
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
Indiana State
by 1
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
Illinois State
by 4
Dunkel Pick:
Indiana State
(+4); Under

Seton Hall @ Villanova

Game 831-832
January 27, 2019 @ 2:30 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Seton Hall
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 10
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 8 1/2
147 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
(-8 1/2); Over

UCF @ Memphis

Game 833-834
January 27, 2019 @ 4:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 1 1/2
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 1
Dunkel Pick:
(+1); Under

North Alabama @ NJ Tech

Game 1285-1286
January 27, 2019 @ 4:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
North Alabama
NJ Tech
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
NJ Tech
by 10
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
NJ Tech
No Line
Dunkel Pick:
NJ Tech

Lipscomb @ Stetson

Game 1283-1284
January 27, 2019 @ 4:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 23 1/2
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 25
153 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
(+25); Under

Southern Illinois @ Loyola-Chicago

Game 821-822
January 27, 2019 @ 4:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Southern Illinois
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 2 1/2
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 5 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
Southern Illinois
(+5 1/2); Over

North Florida @ FL-Gulf Coast

Game 1287-1288
January 27, 2019 @ 5:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
North Florida
FL-Gulf Coast
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
North Florida
by 5
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
North Florida
by 1
Dunkel Pick:
North Florida
(-1); Under

Iowa @ Minnesota

Game 635-636
January 27, 2019 @ 5:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 8
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 1
Dunkel Pick:
(+1); Under

Florida State @ Miami-FL

Game 837-838
January 27, 2019 @ 6:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Florida State
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
Florida State
by 7
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
Florida State
by 3
146 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
Florida State


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Long Sheet

Sunday, January 27


GEORGETOWN (12 - 7) at ST JOHNS (15 - 4) - 1/27/2019, 12:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
GEORGETOWN is 28-45 ATS (-21.5 Units) in all games over the last 3 seasons.
GEORGETOWN is 28-45 ATS (-21.5 Units) in all lined games over the last 3 seasons.
GEORGETOWN is 180-227 ATS (-69.7 Units) against conference opponents since 1997.
ST JOHNS is 6-18 ATS (-13.8 Units) as a home favorite of 9.5 to 12 points since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
ST JOHNS is 3-3 against the spread versus GEORGETOWN over the last 3 seasons
ST JOHNS is 4-3 straight up against GEORGETOWN over the last 3 seasons
4 of 7 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


CINCINNATI (17 - 3) at TEMPLE (15 - 4) - 1/27/2019, 12:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
CINCINNATI is 121-165 ATS (-60.5 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games since 1997.
TEMPLE is 216-172 ATS (+26.8 Units) against conference opponents since 1997.
TEMPLE is 61-38 ATS (+19.2 Units) in home games when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games since 1997.
TEMPLE is 28-13 ATS (+13.7 Units) in home games versus good defensive teams - allowing <=64 points/game after 15+ games since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
TEMPLE is 2-1 against the spread versus CINCINNATI over the last 3 seasons
CINCINNATI is 4-0 straight up against TEMPLE over the last 3 seasons
3 of 4 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


DEPAUL (11 - 7) at PROVIDENCE (12 - 7) - 1/27/2019, 12:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
PROVIDENCE is 22-11 ATS (+9.9 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games over the last 3 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
DEPAUL is 3-1 against the spread versus PROVIDENCE over the last 3 seasons
PROVIDENCE is 2-2 straight up against DEPAUL over the last 3 seasons
2 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


S ILLINOIS (10 - 10) at LOYOLA-IL (12 - 8) - 1/27/2019, 4:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
LOYOLA-IL is 33-20 ATS (+11.0 Units) in all games over the last 2 seasons.
LOYOLA-IL is 33-20 ATS (+11.0 Units) in all lined games over the last 2 seasons.
LOYOLA-IL is 19-9 ATS (+9.1 Units) against conference opponents over the last 2 seasons.
LOYOLA-IL is 19-7 ATS (+11.3 Units) in January games over the last 3 seasons.
LOYOLA-IL is 29-17 ATS (+10.3 Units) after a conference game over the last 3 seasons.
S ILLINOIS is 7-1 ATS (+5.9 Units) in road games this season.
S ILLINOIS is 7-1 ATS (+5.9 Units) in road lined games this season.

Head-to-Head Series History
S ILLINOIS is 3-2 against the spread versus LOYOLA-IL over the last 3 seasons
S ILLINOIS is 3-2 straight up against LOYOLA-IL over the last 3 seasons
3 of 5 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


MICHIGAN ST (18 - 2) at PURDUE (13 - 6) - 1/27/2019, 1:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
MICHIGAN ST is 5-14 ATS (-10.4 Units) in road games when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games over the last 3 seasons.
PURDUE is 19-9 ATS (+9.1 Units) versus good offensive teams - scoring 77+ points/game over the last 3 seasons.
MICHIGAN ST is 16-4 ATS (+11.6 Units) in all games this season.
MICHIGAN ST is 16-4 ATS (+11.6 Units) in all lined games this season.
MICHIGAN ST is 99-63 ATS (+29.7 Units) when the total is 140 to 149.5 since 1997.
MICHIGAN ST is 16-3 ATS (+12.7 Units) as a favorite this season.
MICHIGAN ST is 9-0 ATS (+9.0 Units) against conference opponents this season.
MICHIGAN ST is 7-0 ATS (+7.0 Units) in January games this season.
MICHIGAN ST is 8-0 ATS (+8.0 Units) after a conference game this season.
MICHIGAN ST is 8-0 ATS (+8.0 Units) off a win against a conference rival this season.
MICHIGAN ST is 10-1 ATS (+8.9 Units) after scoring 80 points or more this season.
MICHIGAN ST is 12-3 ATS (+8.7 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record this season.
MICHIGAN ST is 9-2 ATS (+6.8 Units) versus good offensive teams - scoring 77+ points/game this season.

Head-to-Head Series History
PURDUE is 3-1 against the spread versus MICHIGAN ST over the last 3 seasons
PURDUE is 2-2 straight up against MICHIGAN ST over the last 3 seasons
2 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


INDIANA ST (11 - 8) at ILLINOIS ST (11 - 9) - 1/27/2019, 2:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
INDIANA ST is 6-0 ATS (+6.0 Units) as a road underdog of 3.5 to 6 points over the last 2 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
INDIANA ST is 3-2 against the spread versus ILLINOIS ST over the last 3 seasons
ILLINOIS ST is 4-1 straight up against INDIANA ST over the last 3 seasons
3 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


RHODE ISLAND (11 - 7) at MASSACHUSETTS (7 - 12) - 1/27/2019, 2:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
RHODE ISLAND is 23-12 ATS (+9.8 Units) off a win against a conference rival over the last 3 seasons.
MASSACHUSETTS is 5-12 ATS (-8.2 Units) in all games this season.
MASSACHUSETTS is 5-12 ATS (-8.2 Units) in all lined games this season.
MASSACHUSETTS is 0-9 ATS (-9.9 Units) in all home games this season.
MASSACHUSETTS is 0-9 ATS (-9.9 Units) in home lined games this season.
MASSACHUSETTS is 17-29 ATS (-14.9 Units) against conference opponents over the last 3 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
MASSACHUSETTS is 2-2 against the spread versus RHODE ISLAND over the last 3 seasons
RHODE ISLAND is 4-0 straight up against MASSACHUSETTS over the last 3 seasons
2 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


HOUSTON (19 - 1) at TULSA (12 - 8) - 1/27/2019, 2:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
TULSA is 17-8 ATS (+8.2 Units) as an underdog over the last 2 seasons.
TULSA is 7-0 ATS (+7.0 Units) in home games revenging a road loss vs opponent over the last 2 seasons.
TULSA is 65-40 ATS (+21.0 Units) in home games when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games since 1997.
HOUSTON is 31-18 ATS (+11.2 Units) in all games over the last 2 seasons.
HOUSTON is 31-18 ATS (+11.2 Units) in all lined games over the last 2 seasons.
HOUSTON is 9-2 ATS (+6.8 Units) after allowing 60 points or less this season.
HOUSTON is 23-13 ATS (+8.7 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 2 seasons.
HOUSTON is 13-5 ATS (+7.5 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games over the last 2 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
HOUSTON is 3-1 against the spread versus TULSA over the last 3 seasons
HOUSTON is 4-0 straight up against TULSA over the last 3 seasons
2 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


SETON HALL (12 - 7) at VILLANOVA (15 - 4) - 1/27/2019, 2:30 PM
Top Trends for this game.
SETON HALL is 2-10 ATS (-9.0 Units) after allowing 80 points or more over the last 2 seasons.
VILLANOVA is 40-19 ATS (+19.1 Units) in all games over the last 2 seasons.
VILLANOVA is 40-19 ATS (+19.1 Units) in all lined games over the last 2 seasons.
VILLANOVA is 18-8 ATS (+9.2 Units) when the total is 140 to 149.5 over the last 2 seasons.
VILLANOVA is 36-19 ATS (+15.1 Units) as a favorite over the last 2 seasons.
VILLANOVA is 23-13 ATS (+8.7 Units) after scoring 80 points or more over the last 2 seasons.
VILLANOVA is 36-14 ATS (+20.6 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 2 seasons.
VILLANOVA is 20-7 ATS (+12.3 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games over the last 2 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
VILLANOVA is 3-2 against the spread versus SETON HALL over the last 3 seasons
VILLANOVA is 5-0 straight up against SETON HALL over the last 3 seasons
3 of 5 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


UCF (15 - 3) at MEMPHIS (12 - 7) - 1/27/2019, 4:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
MEMPHIS is 162-113 ATS (+37.7 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
UCF is 4-0 against the spread versus MEMPHIS over the last 3 seasons
UCF is 4-1 straight up against MEMPHIS over the last 3 seasons
3 of 5 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


IOWA (16 - 4) at MINNESOTA (14 - 5) - 1/27/2019, 5:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
IOWA is 3-11 ATS (-9.1 Units) in road games over the last 2 seasons.
IOWA is 3-11 ATS (-9.1 Units) in road lined games over the last 2 seasons.
IOWA is 1-8 ATS (-7.8 Units) in road games off a loss against a conference rival over the last 3 seasons.
IOWA is 6-0 ATS (+6.0 Units) after allowing 80 points or more this season.
MINNESOTA is 19-31 ATS (-15.1 Units) in all games over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 19-31 ATS (-15.1 Units) in all lined games over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 9-18 ATS (-10.8 Units) against conference opponents over the last 2 seasons.
MINNESOTA is 7-19 ATS (-13.9 Units) after a conference game over the last 2 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
MINNESOTA is 2-1 against the spread versus IOWA over the last 3 seasons
MINNESOTA is 2-1 straight up against IOWA over the last 3 seasons
3 of 3 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


FLORIDA ST (14 - 5) at MIAMI (9 - 9) - 1/27/2019, 6:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
FLORIDA ST is 6-18 ATS (-13.8 Units) in road games against conference opponents over the last 3 seasons.
FLORIDA ST is 1-9 ATS (-8.9 Units) in road games in January games over the last 3 seasons.
FLORIDA ST is 6-18 ATS (-13.8 Units) in road games after a conference game over the last 3 seasons.
FLORIDA ST is 2-11 ATS (-10.1 Units) in road games off a win against a conference rival over the last 3 seasons.
MIAMI is 140-103 ATS (+26.7 Units) as an underdog since 1997.
MIAMI is 5-12 ATS (-8.2 Units) in all games this season.
MIAMI is 5-12 ATS (-8.2 Units) in all lined games this season.
MIAMI is 4-14 ATS (-11.4 Units) in all home games over the last 2 seasons.
MIAMI is 4-14 ATS (-11.4 Units) in home lined games over the last 2 seasons.
MIAMI is 8-17 ATS (-10.7 Units) against conference opponents over the last 2 seasons.
MIAMI is 6-15 ATS (-10.5 Units) in January games over the last 3 seasons.
MIAMI is 7-17 ATS (-11.7 Units) after a conference game over the last 2 seasons.
MIAMI is 11-21 ATS (-12.1 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record over the last 2 seasons.
MIAMI is 4-13 ATS (-10.3 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games over the last 2 seasons.
MIAMI is 2-9 ATS (-7.9 Units) versus good offensive teams - scoring 77+ points/game this season.

Head-to-Head Series History
FLORIDA ST is 3-2 against the spread versus MIAMI over the last 3 seasons
FLORIDA ST is 4-1 straight up against MIAMI over the last 3 seasons
3 of 5 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


WASHINGTON ST (8 - 11) at OREGON (11 - 8) - 1/27/2019, 8:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
WASHINGTON ST is 3-13 ATS (-11.3 Units) in road games over the last 2 seasons.
WASHINGTON ST is 3-13 ATS (-11.3 Units) in road lined games over the last 2 seasons.
WASHINGTON ST is 176-217 ATS (-62.7 Units) against conference opponents since 1997.
WASHINGTON ST is 2-10 ATS (-9.0 Units) in January games over the last 2 seasons.
OREGON is 29-16 ATS (+11.4 Units) after a conference game over the last 3 seasons.
OREGON is 9-28 ATS (-21.8 Units) in home games after scoring 60 points or less since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
OREGON is 2-2 against the spread versus WASHINGTON ST over the last 3 seasons
OREGON is 3-1 straight up against WASHINGTON ST over the last 3 seasons
2 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


IONA (7 - 11) at FAIRFIELD (5 - 15) - 1/27/2019, 1:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
IONA is 1-7 ATS (-6.7 Units) in road games this season.
IONA is 1-7 ATS (-6.7 Units) in road lined games this season.
IONA is 10-22 ATS (-14.2 Units) off a win against a conference rival over the last 3 seasons.
FAIRFIELD is 2-14 ATS (-13.4 Units) as a home underdog of 3 points or less or pick since 1997.
FAIRFIELD is 10-19 ATS (-10.9 Units) after a conference game over the last 2 seasons.
FAIRFIELD is 32-51 ATS (-24.1 Units) in home games revenging a road loss vs opponent since 1997.
FAIRFIELD is 3-11 ATS (-9.1 Units) off a loss against a conference rival over the last 2 seasons.
FAIRFIELD is 31-50 ATS (-24.0 Units) versus good offensive teams - scoring 77+ points/game since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
FAIRFIELD is 3-3 against the spread versus IONA over the last 3 seasons
IONA is 4-2 straight up against FAIRFIELD over the last 3 seasons
5 of 6 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


MARIST (7 - 12) at RIDER (10 - 8) - 1/27/2019, 2:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
RIDER is 6-0 ATS (+6.0 Units) in a home game where the total is 145 to 149.5 over the last 3 seasons.
MARIST is 24-10 ATS (+13.0 Units) as a road underdog of 9.5 to 12 points since 1997.
RIDER is 86-115 ATS (-40.5 Units) in all home games since 1997.
RIDER is 86-115 ATS (-40.5 Units) in home lined games since 1997.
RIDER is 23-42 ATS (-23.2 Units) in home games when playing against a team with a losing record after 15 or more games since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
RIDER is 3-1 against the spread versus MARIST over the last 3 seasons
RIDER is 4-0 straight up against MARIST over the last 3 seasons
2 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


ST PETERS (6 - 12) at QUINNIPIAC (9 - 9) - 1/27/2019, 2:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
QUINNIPIAC is 16-7 ATS (+8.3 Units) when playing against a team with a losing record over the last 2 seasons.
ST PETERS is 130-98 ATS (+22.2 Units) in road games since 1997.
ST PETERS is 130-98 ATS (+22.2 Units) in road lined games since 1997.
ST PETERS is 19-8 ATS (+10.2 Units) in road games after a conference game over the last 3 seasons.
ST PETERS is 53-33 ATS (+16.7 Units) in road games off a win against a conference rival since 1997.
QUINNIPIAC is 17-32 ATS (-18.2 Units) after scoring 80 points or more since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
ST PETERS is 3-1 against the spread versus QUINNIPIAC over the last 3 seasons
ST PETERS is 4-0 straight up against QUINNIPIAC over the last 3 seasons
3 of 4 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Armadillo's Write-Up

Sunday, January 27

Ponds scored 37 points in St John?s? 97-94 OT win at Georgetown Jan 5; Johnnies won four of last six series games. Teams split last four series games played here. Georgetown lost four of its last five games, with the win in double OT; this is Hoyas? first road game in 18 days- they split first two Big East road tilts. Johnnies lost three of last four games, as 3-4 in league, winning two of three conference home games. Under Ewing, Hoyas are 8-3 as a road underdog, 1-1 this year; under Mullin, Red Storm is 4-5 as a Big East home favorite, 2-1 this year.

Cincinnati won its last five games, is 6-1 in AAC, winning last two road games by 5-11 points. Bearcats are forcing turnovers 22.1% of time in AAC games. Temple won eight of last 10 games, with three OT wins; Owls are 5-1 in AAC, winning home games by 4-2-9 points. Cincinnati won its last four games with Temple, winning last two visits here, by 6-2 points. Underdogs covered four of last six series games. Cincy is 11-14 in last 25 games as an AAC road favorite, 1-2 this year; is 6-3 in its last nine games as a home underdog, 1-0 this year.

DePaul is 3-4 in Big East so far, 3-1 in games decided by 8 or fewer points; Big East teams are shooting 55.4% inside arc against the Blue Demons. Providence lost four of its last six games; their 45.4% eFG% in Big East games is worst in the league. Providence won eight of last ten games with DePaul; favorites covered six of last nine in series. Blue Demons lost last five visits here, by 23-11-21-9-20 points. DePaul is 3-0-1 vs spread this season as a road underdog, splitting the games SU; Friars are 2-5 in last seven games as a home favorite, 0-1 this year.

Southern Illinois lost four of five, seven of last 10 games; their last three losses were all by four of less points. Salukis are turning ball over 22.9% of time in Valley games. Loyola won five of its last seven games; they?re 3-0 in MVC home games, winning by 35-3-17 points. SIU/Loyola split their last eight meetings; Salukis are 3-2 in their last five visits to Loyola. Underdogs covered five of last seven series games. SIU is 11-5 in its last 16 games as a road underdog, 1-0 this year; Loyola is 12-8 in its last 20 games as a home favorite, 2-1 this year.

Michigan State won/covered its first nine Big 14 games this season; four of their five Big 14 road wins were by 9+ points. Purdue won four in row, seven of last eight games; they?re 4-0 in Big 14 home games, allowing only 59.8 ppg. MSU won nine of last 12 games with Purdue, but they lost last two visits to Mackey Arena, by 1-17 points. Spartans are 22-10 vs spread in last 32 games as a Big 14 road favorite, 5-0 this year; Purdue is 6-6 in last dozen games as a home underdog- this is first time in four years they?ve been a Big 14 home dog.

Illinois State won four of last six games after a 7-7 start; they?re 4-3 in Valley, 3-0 at home, with last two home wins by one point each. Indiana State lost five of its last eight games; they?re 2-2 in MVC home games. Sycamores are shooting 25.7% on arc in Valley games. Redbirds won four of their last five games with Indiana State; Sycamores lost last three visits to Normal, by 28-5-3 points. Indiana St is 11-13 in its last 24 games as an MVC road underdog, 1-2 this year; Redbirds are 6-11 in last 17 games as a home favorite, 1-2 this year.

Rhode Island won its last three games after an 8-7 start; Rams are 4-2 in A-14, winning last two road games by identical 78-67 scores, at Richmond/LaSalle. URI is turning ball over 21.4% of time, shooting only 28.6% on arc in A-14 games. UMass lost its last seven games, is 0-6 in A-14, with home losses by 9-15-14 points- they scored 54.7 ppg in last three games. URI won its last four games with UMass, winning last two visits here, by 8-12 points. Rams are 11-6 in last 17 games as an A-14 road favorite, 2-0 this year; UMass is 8-7 in its last 15 games as a home dog.

Houston held Tulsa to 30.9% from floor in 74-56 home win Jan 2s; Cougars won last four series games- they lost two of last three visits to Tulsa, winning 73-64 LY. Houston is 19-1 with only loss at Temple; they won last two road games, by 11-9 points. Cougars? 41.7% eFG% is #2 in country. Tulsa lost five of its last seven games, but they?ve won two of three AAC home games. Tulsa is shooting only 42.7% inside arc in AAC play. Houston is 15-7 in its last 22 games as a road favorite, 2-1 this year; Tulsa covered 10 of last 13 games as a home underdog (1-0 this year).

Seton Hall lost four of its last five games after an 11-3 start; Pirates lost last three road games, by 1-4-9 points. Villanova won its last seven games, is 6-0 in Big East, with home wins by 5-5-10 points. Wildcats are shooting 55.7% inside arc in conference games. Villanova won five in row, eight of last nine games with Seton Hall; Pirates lost their last ten visits here, with four of last five by 16+ points. Seton Hall is 25-12 vs spread in its last 37 games as a Big East road underdog, 2-0 this year; Wildcats are 13-17 in last 30 games as a home favorite, 0-3 this year.

Central Florida won nine of its last ten games; they?re 5-1 in AAC, with loss at Wichita and wins by 12-25 points. Knights are 4-1 vs top 100 teams this season. Memphis won seven of its last nine games; they?re 3-0 in AAC home games, scoring 82 ppg. Tigers are shooting 56.8% inside arc in AAC games. UCF won its last four games with Memphis; UCF?s 68-64 win here LY snapped their 10-game losing streak in Memphis. Knights are 9-12 vs spread in last 21 AAC road games, 1-2 this year; Memphis is 7-5 in its last dozen AAC home games, 2-1 this year.

Iowa won 10 of its last 12 games; they?re only 5-4 in Big 14, splitting four road games, winning last two, at Northwestern/Penn State. Minnesota lost three of its last five games; their last two games were decided by total of three points. Gophers are 4-4 in Big 14; 3-1 at home, 1-3 on road. Iowa/Minnesota split their last ten meetings; Hawkeyes lost four of last five visits to the Twin Cities, last two by 12-4 points. Hawkeyes are 6-16 vs spread in last 22 Big 14 road games, 2-2 this year; Minnesota is 16-14 vs spread in its last 30 home games, 2-2 this year.

Last three years, Florida State is 0-7 vs spread as an ACC road favorite, losing SU at Pitt/BC this month. Miami is 0-4 in its last four games as a home underdog, 0-2 this year. FSU lost four of its last six games after a 12-1 start; Seminoles are 2-4 in ACC, losing all three road games, by 13-13-5 points. Miami lost five of last six games, losing two of three ACC home games, losing by 5 to NC State, 9 to North Carolina. Miami was 4-18 on arc in 68-62 loss at FSU Jan 9; Seminoles won four of last five in series, but lost three of last four visits to South Beach.

Washington State lost eight of its last nine games; they?re 1-5 in Pac-12, losing all four road games, by 18-32-18-13 points. Coogs are 1-9 vs top 200 teams this year. Oregon lost five of last eight games, is 2-4 in Pac-12, 1-3 at home, with only win by 21 over USC. Oregon won 12 of last 14 games with WSU; Coogs lost their last eight visits to Eugene. Ducks needed OT to beat Wazzu in Pac-12 tourney LY. Oregon is 20-10 in its last 30 games as a Pac-12 home favorite, 1-3 this year; Coogs are 3-9 in last dozen games as a road underdog, 0-3 this year.


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

Sunday, January 27

Trend Report

DePaul @ Providence
The total has gone OVER in 5 of DePaul's last 5 games when playing on the road against Providence
The total has gone OVER in 8 of DePaul's last 11 games when playing Providence
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Providence's last 5 games when playing at home against DePaul
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Providence's last 5 games at home

Georgetown University @ St. John's
Georgetown University
The total has gone OVER in 7 of Georgetown University's last 8 games
The total has gone OVER in 6 of Georgetown University's last 8 games on the road
St. John's
St. John's is 10-1 SU in its last 11 games at home
St. John's is 4-1 ATS in its last 5 games at home

Cincinnati @ Temple
Cincinnati is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games
The total has gone OVER in 6 of Cincinnati's last 7 games
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Temple's last 5 games
Temple is 11-1 SU in its last 12 games at home

Iona @ Fairfield
The total has gone OVER in 7 of Iona's last 8 games when playing Fairfield
The total has gone OVER in 8 of Iona's last 10 games
The total has gone OVER in 7 of Fairfield's last 8 games when playing Iona
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Fairfield's last 6 games

Michigan State @ Purdue
Michigan State
Michigan State is 5-0 ATS in its last 5 games on the road
Michigan State is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games on the road
Purdue is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Purdue's last 5 games when playing at home against Michigan State

Marist @ Rider
The total has gone OVER in 6 of Marist's last 7 games
Marist is 4-2 ATS in its last 6 games when playing on the road against Rider
Rider is 10-1 SU in its last 11 games when playing at home against Marist
Rider is 16-2 SU in its last 18 games at home

Indiana State @ Illinois State
Indiana State
Indiana State is 19-6 ATS in its last 25 games when playing Illinois State
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Indiana State's last 7 games
Illinois State
Illinois State is 16-3 SU in its last 19 games at home
Illinois State is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games when playing Indiana State

Rhode Island @ UMass
Rhode Island
The total has gone UNDER in 6 of Rhode Island's last 7 games when playing on the road against UMass
Rhode Island is 5-1 SU in its last 6 games when playing UMass
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of UMass's last 5 games
The total has gone UNDER in 6 of UMass's last 7 games when playing at home against Rhode Island

Saint Peter's @ Quinnipiac
Saint Peter's
The total has gone UNDER in 6 of Saint Peter's's last 7 games when playing Quinnipiac
Saint Peter's is 5-1 ATS in its last 6 games when playing Quinnipiac
The total has gone UNDER in 6 of Quinnipiac's last 7 games when playing Saint Peter's
The total has gone OVER in 6 of Quinnipiac's last 8 games at home

Houston @ Tulsa
Houston is 19-1 SU in its last 20 games
Houston is 8-1 ATS in its last 9 games on the road
Tulsa is 8-1 SU in its last 9 games when playing at home against Houston
Tulsa is 6-1 SU in its last 7 games at home

Seton Hall @ Villanova
Seton Hall
The total has gone UNDER in 7 of Seton Hall's last 8 games when playing on the road against Villanova
The total has gone UNDER in 9 of Seton Hall's last 12 games when playing Villanova
Villanova is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing Seton Hall
Villanova is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home

Southern Illinois @ Loyola-Chicago
Southern Illinois
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Southern Illinois's last 5 games when playing on the road against Loyola-Chicago
Southern Illinois is 6-1-1 ATS in its last 8 games on the road
Loyola-Chicago is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Loyola-Chicago's last 5 games when playing at home against Southern Illinois

Central Florida @ Memphis
Central Florida
Central Florida is 5-0 ATS in its last 5 games when playing Memphis
Central Florida is 9-1 SU in its last 10 games
Memphis is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home
Memphis is 11-1 SU in its last 12 games when playing at home against Central Florida

Iowa @ Minnesota
Iowa is 5-1 ATS in its last 6 games
Iowa is 5-1 SU in its last 6 games
Minnesota is 12-1 SU in its last 13 games at home
Minnesota is 4-1 ATS in its last 5 games when playing Iowa

Florida State @ Miami
Florida State
The total has gone UNDER in 9 of Florida State's last 10 games on the road
Florida State is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games when playing Miami
The total has gone UNDER in 8 of Miami's last 10 games at home
Miami is 5-2 SU in its last 7 games when playing at home against Florida State

Washington State @ Oregon
Washington State
The total has gone UNDER in 5 of Washington State's last 6 games when playing on the road against Oregon
The total has gone OVER in 10 of Washington State's last 13 games
Oregon is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing at home against Washington State
Oregon is 12-2 SU in its last 14 games when playing Washington State


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

CIN at TEM 12:00 PM
TEM +3.5
O 137.5

GTWN at SJU 12:00 PM
SJU -7.0
O 162.5

DEP at PROV 12:00 PM
DEP +5.0


IONA at FAIR 01:00 PM
IONA -1.0
O 158.0

MSU at PUR 01:00 PM
PUR -1.5

SPC at QUIN 02:00 PM
QUIN -4.5
U 131.0

MRST at RID 02:00 PM
O 145.5

URI at MASS 02:00 PM
URI -3.0
O 140.5

HOU at TLSA 02:00 PM
TLSA +7.5

INST at ILST 02:00 PM
O 138.0

HALL at VILL 02:30 PM
VILL -8.0


SIU at L-IL 04:00 PM
L-IL -5.0

UCF at MEM 04:00 PM
O 148.0

IOWA at MINN 05:00 PM
IOWA +1.0

UNF at FGCU 05:00 PM
FGCU -1.0


FSU at MIA 06:00 PM
FSU -3.0

WSU at ORE 08:00 PM
ORE -12.5


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Purdue beats No. 6 Michigan State, 73-63
January 27, 2019
By The Associated Press

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (AP) Ryan Cline scored 17 points and Purdue held off No. 6 Michigan State for a 73-63 win Sunday.

Trailing by 23 with under 13 1/2 minutes left, Michigan State (18-3, 9-1 Big Ten) got within four points before falling short.

Carsen Edwards added 14 points for the Boilermakers (14-6, 7-2), who earned their fourth straight win. It also was Purdue's 12th straight victory at home.

Cassius Winston had 23 points, seven rebounds and eight assists for the Spartans, who had won 13 in a row. Matt McQuaid had 12 points.


TULSA, Okla. (AP) - Armoni Brooks scored 22 points, including six 3-pointers, and Houston became the first Division I men's team to reach 20 wins this season.

The Cougars (20-1, 7-1 American Athletic Conference) used a 49-24 rebounding edge to stay in control.

Fabian White had 14 points for Houston, and reserve Nate Hinton finished with 13. for Houston. Chris Harris Jr. had 10 rebounds.

DaQuan Jeffries led Tulsa (12-9, 2-7) with 17 points. Jeriah Horne had 15.


PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Phil Booth hit seven 3-pointers and scored 25 points, helping Villanova to its eighth consecutive victory.

The Wildcats (16-4, 7-0 Big East) made 17 3s and are rolling toward another conference crown under coach Jay Wright. The national champions still have some kinks to work out to become a deep threat in March - namely, finding a third scorer - but again should be a low single-digit seed in the NCAA Tournament.

The Pirates (12-8, 3-5) remain 0-for-Nova on the road since 1994. The Wildcats have won 17 straight games on their home court against Seton Hall (15-0 Pavilion; 2-0 Wells Fargo Center) and were never threatened in this one.

Myles Cale led Seton Hall with 14 points. The Pirates shot 35 percent from the floor.


MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Jordan Murphy and Amir Coffey each scored 23 points to help Minnesota hang on for the win.

Freshman Gabe Kalscheur had 19 points, his most in a Big Ten game, to help push the Gophers (15-5, 5-4) past the Hawkeyes (16-5, 5-5) into sixth place in the crowded conference race despite a late slump at the free-throw line that nearly derailed their upset.

Luka Garza matched his career high with 25 points and Isaiah Moss pitched in 23 points on 6-for-10 shooting from 3-point range, but the Hawkeyes didn't bounce back with much energy from their 15-point loss at home to sixth-ranked Michigan State three nights earlier.


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

01/27/2019 12-9-1 57.14% +10.50
01/26/2019 67-59-1 53.17% +10.50
01/25/2019 5-7-0 41.67% -13.50
01/24/2019 52-29-0 64.20% +100.50
01/23/2019 13-14-0 48.15% -12.00
01/22/2019 16-16-1 50.60% -7.50
01/21/2019 7-8-0 46.67% -9.00
01/20/2019 13-6-0 68.42% +32.00
01/19/2019 66-60-0 52.38% +0.00
01/18/2019 6-7-0 46.15% -8.50
01/17/2019 29-33-0 46.77% -36.50
01/16/2019 18-26-1 40.91% -53.00
01/15/2019 14-25-0 35.90% -67.50
01/14/2019 2-4-0 33.33% -12.00
01/13/2019 10-9-0 52.63% +0.50
01/12/2019 40-51-0 43.96% -80.50
01/11/2019 1-8-0 11.11% -39.00
01/10/2019 50-36-0 58.14% +52.00
01/09/2019 21-23-0 47.72% -20.50
01/08/2019 15-18-0 45.45% -24.00
01/07/2019 7-9-0 43.75% -14.50
01/06/2019 4-7-0 36.36% -18.50
01/05/2019 9-7-0 56.25% +6.50
01/04/2019 10-7-0 58.82% +11.50
01/03/2019 4-2-0 66.67% +9.00
01/02/2019 13-5-0 72.22% +37.50
01/01/2019 3-7-0 30.00% -23.50



DATE......................ATS...................UN ITS...................O/U...................UNITS..............TOTAL

01/27/2019...........5 - 4..................+3.00...................2 - 3...............-6.50..................-3.50
01/26/2019..........32 - 26...............+17.00..................5 - 12.............-41.00.................-24.00
01/25/2019...........1 - 3..................-11.50...................2 - 2...............-1.00..................-12.50
01/24/2019..........18 - 13...............+18.50..................8 - 5...............+12.50...............+31.00
01/23/2019...........8 - 9..................-9.50.....................0 - 0...............+0.00................-9.50
01/22/2019...........4 - 8..................-24.00...................2 - 3................-6.50.................-30.50
01/21/2019...........4 - 4..................-2.00.....................2 - 1................+4.50................+2.50
01/20/2019...........5 - 2.................+14.00...................3 - 2................+4.00................+18.00
01/19/2019..........26 - 27 .............-18.50....................8 - 9.................-9.50................-28.00
01/18/2019...........1 - 4.................-17.00....................5 - 1................+19.50..............+2.50
01/17/2019..........13 - 12..............+1.00.....................7 - 6................+2.00...............+3.00
01/16/2019...........6 - 9.................-10.00....................7 - 6................+2.00...............-8.00
01/15/2019...........4 - 11...............-40.50....................2 - 5................-17.50..............-58.00
01/14/2019...........1 - 2.................-6.00......................1 - 1.................-0.50................-6.50
01/13/2019...........4 - 6.................-13.00....................3 - 3.................-1.50................-14.50
01/12/2019..........16 - 15...............-2.50.....................9 - 6.................+12.00.............+9.50
01/11/2019...........0 - 3..................-16.50...................1 - 5..................-22.50.............-39.00
01/10/2019..........12 - 10...............+5.00...................13 - 9.................+15.50............+20.50
01/09/2019...........7 - 5..................+7.50....................9 - 5.................+17.50............+25.00
01/08/2019...........4 - 8..................-24.00...................5 - 3..................+8.50..............-15.50
01/07/2019...........4 - 2..................+9.00....................3 - 3..................-1.50...............+7.50
01/06/2019...........2 - 1..................+4.50....................2 - 3.................-6.50................-2.00
01/05/2019...........2 - 1..................+4.50....................3 - 8.................-12.50...............-8.00
01/04/2019...........0 - 3..................-16.50....................6 - 2.................+19.00............+2.50
01/03/2019...........3 - 0..................+15.00...................1 - 2.................-6.00...............+9.00
01/02/2019...........4 - 1..................+14.50...................6 - 2.................+19.00............+33.50
01/01/2019...........1 - 2...................-6.00.....................1 - 2..................-6.00...............-12.00

Totals................187 - 193...............-104.00................116 - 109............-3.50..............-107.50


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Armadillo: Monday's six-pack

? Villanova 80, Seton Hall 52? Wildcats are 7-0 in the Big East.

? Minnesota 92, Iowa 87? Hawkeyes made 10-18 on the arc, still lost.

? Florida State 78, Miami 66? Seminoles made 12-20 three-pointers.

? Oregon 78, Washington State 58? Coogs lost nine of their last ten games.

? Justin Rose won the Farmers Insurance Open by 3 shots over Adam Scott.

? Why is the Oklahoma City Thunder retiring Nick Collison?s jersey?


Armadillo: Monday's List of 13: Wrapping up a sports weekend??.

13) Quick story to start this week off:

Long, long time ago, my junior year in high school, we had a good basketball team. Third or fourth game of the year, we play a rival school that is also supposed to be really good, but with 2:00 left in the first half, we led 33-4. It was tremendous. 33. to. 4.

Other team scores last seven points of the half; we?re up 33-11 in a game with no shot clock and no 3-pointers? it is December, 1975. Our coach was NOT happy.

The guy spent the whole halftime screaming about those seven points; if I remember right, the final was 68-44, something like that. An easy win; halftime should?ve been a positive time.

We wound up winning the league in miraculous fashion on the last day of the season, but on that December night, I learned a lot about coaching, about how being too negative can turn kids off pretty quickly. Two of the juniors on that team wouldn?t play the next year, when they would?ve been starters. Finished 8-11 the next season. No bueno.

12) Really good article on about the Cleveland Browns? front office and how messed up it has been since Jimmy Haslam bought the team. Go read it; long article, but interesting.

Trivia: Haslam and former senator Bob Corker were roommates at U of Tennessee.

11) Sometimes things that help teams win are things that have NOTHING to do with that team.

For instance, the Cleveland Browns drafted Johnny Manziel because thats who Haslam wanted them to draft; the GM wanted Oregon State WR Brandin Cooks.

Cooks play WR for the Rams now, will play in the Super Bowl Sunday, all because the Browns? owner meddled and demanded they take Manziel.

10) Iowa State has come a long way this season; they?re 15-5, 4-3 in the Big X; last year, Cyclones went 13-18, 4-14 in league- they weren?t favored in any of their Big X games last year. None.

9) Home teams won nine of ten games in the SEC-Big X challenge; Iowa State was only road team to win- they won at Ole Miss.

They extended the SEC-Big X challenge six years, so it must get good TV ratings.

8) Cincinnati 72, Temple 68? Bearcats were down 35-25 at halftime, then by 14 in second half, but rallied to win and move to 7-1 in AAC.

7) Georgetown 89, St John?s 78? Patrick Ewing was a great defensive player, but his Hoya teams play fast, are fun to watch. Average total in Georgetown?s Big East games is 169; now all Ewing has to do is win (3-4) some more of those games.

6) Purdue 73, Michigan State 63? Boilermakers never trailed; they won?t play a better game this season, ending Michigan State?s 22-game Big 14 win streak.

5) No idea who the guy is, but the analyst on the Indiana State-Illinois State game Sunday went on a brief rant near the end of the game, about how ??.if we put a man on the moon, how come we can?t grow hair on a bald man?s head?? Briefly stunning, kind of funny and a fair question.

Turns out the guy?s name is Doyle; hope CBS moves him up in the analyst hierarchy.

4) Kirk Cousins makes $28M a year; Tom Brady makes $20.5M; either Robert Kraft is paying Brady off under the table, circumventing the salary cap, or Brady?s agent is the dumbest person in New England. How is Brady not one of the top five highest-paid QB?s?

3) Sunday of President?s Day weekend should be fun; college hoop, Daytona 500 and the NBA All-Star Game. That covers the demographics of just about everyone in America, right?

In case you?re wondering, first spring training baseball game is February 21; the first full day of games is February 23.

2) I watch a ton of sports on TV; basketball, baseball, football. Can?t remember the last time I watched the Pro Bowl, except a few minutes in a bar last year because Jared Goff was playing. Understood that people bet on the game and therefore have an interest, but there is nothing in sports that interests me less than the Pro Bowl, except soccer. Don?t like soccer.

1) Tip of the cap to my mailman, who trudged through snowy lawns all week delivering the mail to our neighborhood. Job can?t be much fun in the winter; cold as hell, windy, lot of snow on the ground, but his work is appreciated.


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Big Monday Tip Sheet
David Schwab

A new week of betting college hoops gets underway this Monday night with a pair of matchups involving two of the top teams in the nation. As part of ESPN?s Big Monday doubleheader, the ACC?s No. 2 Duke Blue Devils will be on the road against Notre Dame.

The other matchup is a Big 12 battle between TCU and the No. 14 Texas Tech Red Raiders. As a bonus game in the Big 12, Baylor will be on the road against Oklahoma to close out Monday night?s betting action.

No. 2 Duke Blue Devils at Notre Dame Fighting Irish (ESPN , 7 p.m. ET)

Opening Odds: Duke -13, Total 151

Betting Matchup

Saturday?s 66-53 victory against Georgia Tech moved the Blue Devils to 6-1 straight-up in the ACC. However, after failing to cover as heavy 22 ?-point home favorites they slipped to 1-4 against the spread in their last five games. Duke is 17-2 SU with an 11-8 record ATS. The total has stayed UNDER or ended as a PUSH in 14 of its first 19 games. Freshman guard Tre Jones was back in the lineup on Saturday after missing his last two starts with a shoulder injury. Freshman forward RJ Barrett led the team in scoring in that game with 24 points.

Notre Dame started play in the ACC with an 81-66 loss to Virginia Tech as an 11-point road underdog. It dropped to 1-6 SU in the conference with Saturday?s 82-55 beatdown by Virginia as a 12-point underdog at home. The Fighting Irish have failed to cover in six of those games as part of a dismal 2-8 record ATS over their last 10 outings. The total has stayed UNDER in five of their last eight contests. Junior forward John Mooney continues to lead the team in scoring with 14.5 points per game. With 15 points against Virginia, he has exceeded that average in each of his last five starts.

Betting Trends

-- The Blue Devils are 5-2 ATS in their last seven Monday games with the total going OVER in six of their last eight games played on that day.

-- The Fighting Irish have gone 0-5 ATS in their last five games following a SU loss. The total has stayed UNDER in seven of their last 10 games coming off a SU loss.

-- The favorite has covered in the last four meetings and the total has gone OVER in five of the last six games between the two.

TCU Horned Frogs at No. 14 Texas Tech Red Raiders (ESPN, 8 p.m. ET)

Opening Odds: Texas Tech -5, Total 131

Betting Matchup

TCU beat Florida on Saturday 55-50 as a 3 ?-point home favorite as part of the SEC/Big 12 Challenge. This was on the heels of a tight 65-61 victory at home against Texas as three-point favorites. The Horned Frogs are 3-2 SU in their last five games with a 4-1 record ATS. The total has stayed UNDER or ended as a PUSH in five of their last six games. Sophomore forward Kouat Noi led the way in Saturday?s win with 22 points in a game that TCU never trailed.

The Red Raiders faced Arkansas in their matchup against the SEC and squeezed out a 67-64 win as 10-point home favorites. This followed three losses in a row both SU and ATS. Texas Tech is 16-4 SU with a 6-13-1 record ATS. The total has stayed UNDER the closing line in 14 of those 20 games. A pair of sophomore guards led the way on Saturday with Davide Moretti scoring a game-high 21 points along with Jarrett Culver?s 15 points.

Betting Trends

-- The Horned Frogs have gone 8-3 ATS in their last 11 games following a SU win and the total has stayed UNDER in five of their last six road games.

-- The Red Raiders have failed to cover in their last five home games with one contest ending as a PUSH. The total gone OVER in four of those five games.

-- The road team is 13-3-1 ATS in the last 17 meetings and the total has gone OVER in six of the last eight matchups.

Baylor Bears at Oklahoma Sooners (ESPNU, 9 p.m. ET)

Opening Odds: Oklahoma -6 ?, Total 140

Betting Matchup

The Bears? current winning streak reached four games both SU and ATS with Saturday?s 73-68 victory at home against Alabama. The total stayed UNDER 143 ? points in that game after going OVER in their previous six games. Baylor is 4-2 SU (5-1 ATS) in Big 12 play as part of an overall record of 13-6. The combination of sophomore guard Mario Kegler and senior guard Makai Mason accounted for 30 of the Bears? 73 points in Saturday?s win. Baylor is averaging 72.2 PPG and Mason leads the team with 15.5 PPG.

Oklahoma streaked past Vanderbilt 86-55 in its SEC matchup on Saturday to easily cover as a 9 ?-point home favorite. This followed a shaky 3-4 SU (4-2-1 ATS) start in Big 12 play. The Sooners are 15-5 SU overall with a profitable 15-3-2 record ATS. The total has stayed UNDER or ended as a PUSH in 13 of 20 games. Senior guard Christian James is averaging a team-high 16.8 PPG and he posted a game-high 21 points in Saturday?s romp. He has now scored at least 20 points in three of his last four starts.

Betting Trends

-- The Bears are 5-1 ATS in their last six games following a SU win and the total has gone OVER in their last five Monday games.

-- The Sooners have an 8-1-1 record ATS in their last 10 games following a SU win and the total has stayed UNDER in seven of their last nine home games.

-- Baylor has covered in four of its last five road games against Oklahoma and the total has stayed UNDER in four of the last five meetings overall.


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Top 25 Betting Recap
Joe Williams

Each week until March Madness we'll take a look at how the Top 25 fared from college basketball, but straight up and against the number, while also taking a look at their upcoming schedule.

Maryland (16-5 SU, 10-10-1 ATS) had a surprisingly difficult week. There was certainly no shame losing to Michigan State (18-3 SU, 16-5 ATS) at Breslin Center in East Lansing, although they put up very little resistance in the 69-55 loss as 8 1/2-point underdogs. However, it was a complete shocker to see them take it on the chin against a terrible Illinois (6-14 SU, 8-12 ATS) side in a neutral-site battle at Madison Square Garden in New York City. It's the third year in a row the Big Ten scheduled a random conference game at MSG, and the lack of success as far as attendance likely will make this a thing of the past. Maryland certainly won't be volunteering to take part again after what could be a costly loss.

Iowa (16-5 SU, 10-11 ATS) had a bad week likely the Terps. The Hawkeyes entered their game against Michigan State on Thursday with optimism. They left their home court with an 82-67 loss and doubts. They looked to get back momentum on Sunday afternoon in Minnesota (15-5 SU, 9-11 ATS), but their road woes, especially against the number, continued. The Hawkeyes slipped to 5-12-1 ATS over the past 18 road contests, and that could be their undoing as they jockey down the stretch. It might also get Iowa onto a much lower line in the NCAA Tournament than we anticipated for them even just last week. Minnesota could be visiting the Top 25 soon with 15 wins, but they're still just 4-7 ATS in the past 11 overall and 2-6 ATS at home over the past eight even after the win.

Virginia (18-1 SU, 16-3 ATS) rebounded nicely after their narrow loss and backdoor cover at Duke (17-2 SU, 11-8 ATS) last weekend, blasting both Wake Forest (8-11 SU, 8-11 ATS) and Notre Dame (11-9 SU, 7-13 ATS) by a combined 50 points, and by at least 23 points in each. They'll be facing a difficult gauntlet over the next four games with trips to N.C. State (16-4 SU, 12-8 ATS) and North Carolina (15-4 SU, 11-6-2 ATS) bookending a pair of home games against Miami-Florida (9-10 SU, 6-13 ATS) and Duke on Feb. 9. The Hoos enter the new week on a 10-game cover streak, best in the nation right now.

Buffalo (18-2 SU, 12-6-1 ATS) is now tied for first place in the MAC East Division after a stunning loss to a mediocre Northern Illinois (11-9 SU, 12-6 ATS) this past week. As a result, you can expect the Bulls will be treated rather harshly and they'll freefall down the Top 25 rankings, potentially into the 20's. Iowa and Mississippi (14-5 SU, 15-4 ATS) could be exiting the rankings are a pair of 0-2 SU/ATS weeks. Mississippi State (15-4 SU, 9-10 ATS) will look to add to the woes of the Rebels, trying to return the favor after losing on their home court to Ole Miss on Jan. 12.

Houston (20-1 SU, 14-6-1 ATS) is likely to take a big jump up the rankings this week after two more wins and covers. They suffer from the same thing UCF did in football, as the American Athletic Conference just doesn't seem to move the needle for the voters in The Associated Press or Coaches Poll. The Cougars will likely elevate with plenty of teams in front of them losing, however. And they're the first team in the nation to 20 victories. That has to count for something, doesn't it?

Purdue (14-6 SU, 12-8 ATS) is likely heading back to the Top 25 after winning at skidding Ohio State (13-6 SU, 8-11 ATS) before curb-stomping Michigan State (18-3 SU, 16-5 ATS) by a 73-63 score in West Lafayette. The Boilers have now won and covered five in a row heading into the new week, so watch them. Florida State (15-5 SU, 8-11-1 ATS) could be poised for a return to the Top 25 after a pair of wins, including a 78-66 win at Miami on Sunday. They have covered back-to-back games for the first time since Nov. 19-22. Kansas State (15-5 SU, 10-10 ATS) should also pierce the rankings, as they're tied atop the Big 12 standings with their rivals from across the state. The Wildcats have covered four of the past five, and the 'under' is 10-3 across the past 13 for those who love betting totals.

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Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Long Sheet

Monday, January 28


DUKE (17 - 2) at NOTRE DAME (11 - 9) - 1/28/2019, 7:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
DUKE is 33-21 ATS (+9.9 Units) in all games over the last 2 seasons.
DUKE is 33-21 ATS (+9.9 Units) in all lined games over the last 2 seasons.
DUKE is 31-20 ATS (+9.0 Units) as a favorite over the last 2 seasons.
NOTRE DAME is 9-18 ATS (-10.8 Units) in all home games over the last 2 seasons.
NOTRE DAME is 9-18 ATS (-10.8 Units) in home lined games over the last 2 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
DUKE is 4-0 against the spread versus NOTRE DAME over the last 3 seasons
DUKE is 4-0 straight up against NOTRE DAME over the last 3 seasons
3 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


BAYLOR (13 - 6) at OKLAHOMA (15 - 5) - 1/28/2019, 9:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
OKLAHOMA is 15-3 ATS (+11.7 Units) in all games this season.
OKLAHOMA is 15-3 ATS (+11.7 Units) in all lined games this season.
OKLAHOMA is 6-0 ATS (+6.0 Units) when the total is 140 to 149.5 this season.
OKLAHOMA is 11-2 ATS (+8.8 Units) as a favorite this season.
OKLAHOMA is 11-1 ATS (+9.9 Units) after a non-conference game this season.
OKLAHOMA is 44-26 ATS (+15.4 Units) in home games after allowing 60 points or less since 1997.
OKLAHOMA is 6-0 ATS (+6.0 Units) after scoring 80 points or more this season.
OKLAHOMA is 11-3 ATS (+7.7 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record this season.
BAYLOR is 6-0 ATS (+6.0 Units) in January games this season.
OKLAHOMA is 3-15 ATS (-13.5 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games over the last 2 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
BAYLOR is 3-1 against the spread versus OKLAHOMA over the last 3 seasons
BAYLOR is 3-1 straight up against OKLAHOMA over the last 3 seasons
3 of 4 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


TCU (15 - 4) at TEXAS TECH (16 - 4) - 1/28/2019, 9:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
TCU is 163-203 ATS (-60.3 Units) against conference opponents since 1997.
TCU is 56-82 ATS (-34.2 Units) after scoring 60 points or less since 1997.
TCU is 188-235 ATS (-70.5 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record since 1997.
TCU is 114-150 ATS (-51.0 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games since 1997.
TCU is 8-1 ATS (+6.9 Units) in road games after a non-conference game over the last 2 seasons.
TCU is 9-1 ATS (+7.9 Units) after allowing 60 points or less over the last 3 seasons.
TEXAS TECH is 1-7 ATS (-6.7 Units) when the total is 130 to 139.5 this season.
TEXAS TECH is 8-17 ATS (-10.7 Units) against conference opponents over the last 2 seasons.
TEXAS TECH is 4-12 ATS (-9.2 Units) in January games over the last 2 seasons.
TEXAS TECH is 8-17 ATS (-10.7 Units) when playing against a team with a winning record after 15 or more games over the last 2 seasons.

Head-to-Head Series History
TEXAS TECH is 3-0 against the spread versus TCU over the last 3 seasons
TEXAS TECH is 3-1 straight up against TCU over the last 3 seasons
3 of 4 games in this series have gone OVER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


SOUTHERN UTAH (9 - 8) at N ARIZONA (5 - 13) - 1/28/2019, 2:00 PM
Top Trends for this game.
N ARIZONA is 12-3 ATS (+8.7 Units) when playing with one or less days rest over the last 2 seasons.
SOUTHERN UTAH is 10-2 ATS (+7.8 Units) in road games versus poor defensive teams - allowing 77+ points/game after 15+ games since 1997.

Head-to-Head Series History
SOUTHERN UTAH is 3-2 against the spread versus N ARIZONA over the last 3 seasons
SOUTHERN UTAH is 5-0 straight up against N ARIZONA over the last 3 seasons
3 of 5 games in this series have gone UNDER THE TOTAL over the last 3 seasons


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017
Armadillo's Write-Up

Monday, January 28

Duke is 6-1 in the ACC, winning road games by 22-2-15 points; Blue Devils are shooting only 26.7% on arc in ACC games, are forcing turnovers 20.7% of time. Notre Dame is 1-6 in ACC, 1-3 at home, with losses by 10 to Syracuse, 4 to NC State, 27 to Virginia. Duke won its last four games with Notre Dame; they?ve lost two of last three visits to South Bend. Teams split their meetings in last four ACC tourneys. Blue Devils are 7-5 vs spread in last 12 games as an ACC road favorite, 2-1 this year; ND is 3-8 in its last 11 games as a home underdog, 0-3 this season.

Baylor won its last four games after a 9-6 start; Bears are best rebounding team in Big X, but they don?t defend arc well. Oklahoma split its last eight games after an 11-1 start; they?re shooting 29.9% on arc in Big X play. Sooners are 4-5 this season vs top 50 teams. Baylor won three of last four games with Oklahoma, but lost five of their last six visits to Norman. Favorites are 5-3 vs spread in last eight series games. Bears are 14-7 vs spread in last 21 games as a road dog, 3-0 this year; Oklahoma is 9-6-1 in its last 16 games as a home favorite, 1-2 this season.

TCU is 3-0 at home, 0-3 on road in Big X games, losing by 9 at Kansas, 2 at Oklahoma, 10 at K-State; Big X teams are shooting 53.3% inside arc vs Horned Frogs. Texas Tech lost three of its last four games; they?re 4-4 vs top 50 teams. Red Raiders are forcing turnovers 22.1% of time in Big X. Tech is 11-2 vs TCU in Big X play, 3-2 in last five meetings; Horned Frogs lost their last six visits to Lubbock, losing last three by 4-6-4 points. Under Dixon, TCU is 6-10-2 as a Big X road underdog; Red Raiders are 10-15 in last 15 games as a home favorite, 1-2 this year.

Southern Utah outscored Northern Arizona 8-4 over final 0:47 in an 86-84 home win over the Lumberjacks Jan 12 in Cedar City, SUU?s sixth straight series win. T-birds won their last three visits to Flagstaff, by 10-13-9 points. Thunderbirds won four of their last five games, are 4-4 in Big Sky, 1-2 on road, winning at Weber St. NAU is 3-4 in its last seven games after a 2-9 start; they?re 2-3 in conference home games. SUU is 7-11-2 in its last 20 games as a Big Sky road underdog; NAU is 5-10-1 in its last 16 games as a home favorite, but 2-1 this year.


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

Monday, January 28

Trend Report

Southern Utah @ Northern Arizona
Southern Utah
Southern Utah is 5-0 ATS in its last 5 games when playing on the road against Northern Arizona
Southern Utah is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games when playing Northern Arizona
Northern Arizona
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Northern Arizona's last 5 games when playing at home against Southern Utah
The total has gone UNDER in 8 of Northern Arizona's last 11 games when playing Southern Utah

Duke @ Notre Dame
Duke is 12-1 SU in its last 13 games
Duke is 5-1 SU in its last 6 games on the road
Notre Dame
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Notre Dame's last 6 games when playing Duke
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Notre Dame's last 5 games

Baylor @ Oklahoma
Baylor is 8-1 ATS in its last 9 games
The total has gone OVER in 6 of Baylor's last 7 games
Oklahoma is 12-1 SU in its last 13 games at home
Oklahoma is 11-2 ATS in its last 13 games at home

TCU @ Texas Tech
TCU is 4-1 ATS in its last 5 games
TCU is 12-3 SU in its last 15 games
Texas Tech
Texas Tech is 14-1 SU in its last 15 games at home
The total has gone UNDER in 4 of Texas Tech's last 5 games at home


Forum Member
Nov 5, 2017

Monday, January 28

Southern Utah @ Northern Arizona

Game 857-858
January 28, 2019 @ 2:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Southern Utah
Northern Arizona
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
Northern Arizona
by 3
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
Northern Arizona
by 1 1/2
148 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
Northern Arizona
(-1 1/2); Over

Duke @ Notre Dame

Game 851-852
January 28, 2019 @ 7:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Notre Dame
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 12
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 14
152 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
Notre Dame
(+14); Under

Baylor @ Oklahoma

Game 853-854
January 28, 2019 @ 9:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
by 3
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
by 6
140 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
(+6); Over

TCU @ Texas Tech

Game 855-856
January 28, 2019 @ 9:00 pm

Dunkel Rating:
Texas Tech
Dunkel Team:
Dunkel Line:
Dunkel Total:
Texas Tech
by 8 1/2
Vegas Team:
Vegas Line:
Vegas Total:
Texas Tech
by 4 1/2
133 1/2
Dunkel Pick:
Texas Tech
(-4 1/2); Under
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