College Football 2023


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Ron - You're welcome, and thanks for stopping in. Good luck to you this season.


Got a W in a game where it looked like I was dead in the water right from the git.
I had Un 44 in UTEP/FIU.
UTEP, who barely averages 17 points per game, scores 21 points in just the first 11 minutes of the first quarter.
I almost changed the channel thinking this one is over ("over" as in Ov 44 and "over" as in finished, not even worth watching anymore.)

But then I remembered - it's college, ANYTHING can happen. Remember the Syracuse game back on 9/13? I had Ov 56'. They had 52 at halftime.
I only needed 5 in the entire second half. Easy W right? No, the two teams combined for just 3 pts in the second half, and I got stuck with a loser.

But as the saying goes, "What comes around, goes around" and Karma was about to come around my way and make up for that Syracuse debacle.
UTEP game has 31 pts at halftime, I'm barely hanging on. But only 7 pts in the 3rd Q had me starting the final fifteen minutes still Un by just 6 pts.
Game lands 41. A game I almost turned off turned out to be the best game (from a fun-to-watch point of view) of the season.


Okay, I'll try to make this brief and uncomplicated. As noted in week two of this season I had a play I used for about 18 years that I lost this year after week one because my data source no longer existed, and I was left without my main play to 'cap. Since then I've been relying on one situational play. But I kept doing research and found something that I think may be valuable.
It's the spot I gave as my reason for taking the UTEP game Under:
"An 0-2 spot this season says play this one Ov, so I'm fading it. It's a new situational spot I found this week while running numbers, not a lot of data but it's also 2-4 when it says take the Un for a combined 2-6 so I'm gonna ride it until the record reverses."
It's now 0-3 on Overs, a Fade of 3-0. Unders are 2-4, so a combined 2-7, or a solid 7-2 Fade.
Yes, not a lot of data but there's this, too:
NFL is 1-7 Ov, 2-1 Un, a Fade of 8-3.
College and pro are 1-10 on Overs. Will it continue? Hell if I know, but that's part of the fun for me. Digging for gold and seeing if the vein has staying power.

Need a way to designate and differentiate the two plays. Since it's the newer of the two spots I'm capping and posting I'll refer to this one as the New Play (NP) and the play I've been using all season thus far as OP (Other Play.)

OP is at 34-24, a respectable 58%; Ov 23-18, Un 11-6.
NP is at 2-7; Ov 0-3, Un 2-4.

Here's what I have left to choose from this week.

Ov in SMU/E Car, Stan/Col, Ark/'Bama
Un in Temple/N Tex, Mass/Penn St

Ov in Mich St/Rutgers, UNLV/Nev
Un Ark/'Bama

Like I said in my last post regarding the UTEP spot, "I'm gonna ride it until the record reverses" so I'm buying the 9am MIch/Rutgers spot.
I missed the best # on it, opened 40, now at 39', but the line drop of 2/2' pts didn't affect last night's UTEP spot, hopefuly won't matter here either.
After I get results from the early game I'll decide whether or not I'll Fade the other Over (UNLV/Nev at 2PM), too (missed the best # on that one too, by a whopping 3 pts, so I'll likely stay off it.)

The 'Bama game is a tough call for me. It's an easy decision to take the Ov based on the records.
NP says take the Un and those are 2-4 and the Old Play says take it Ov, and those are 23-18, not great, but winning.
Ark is 1-0 in this spot and 'Bama is 4-0 in this spot this season and though that combined 5-0 looks great there's that whole "Jump on the bandwagon/Johnny come lately" thing that hate, jumping on a play that I stayed off and it won, and I've done that two straight weeks now with 'Bama in this spot.
F'uk it, I'm buying it, if I get zapped I deserve it for not buying it the last two times it was active.

SMU/E Car Ov 51
Mich St/Rutgers Un 39'
Ark/'Bama Ov (wait, the # is dropping)
Temple/N Tex Un 70
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 0-1
Record: 13-15

Hindsight. It's always so easy in hindsight.
While handicapping E Car/SMU I looked at the E Car/Rice game where I lost on the Ov.
Before the E Car game Rice gave up 42 to S Fla. After the E Car game Rice gave up 38 to U Conn. U Conn, one of the worst offenses in the FBS. Against this lousy Rice defense E Car could only put up 17. I had no right using them in an Over with the # at 51. And . . . they scored just 10 pts.

Yes, it was from one of my plays, but the Ov in that spot was just 23-18, nothing great. I should have seen this one clearer and stayed off it.
Knew I was dead from the Pirates very first possession.
First down - short pass to the right sideline.
Second down - short pass to the right sideline.
Third down - short pass to the right sideline.
Fourth down - punt.
How do you get a job as offensive coordinator at a major college program with unimaginative play calling like that??!!

Like I said, Hindsight, it's always so easy in . . .

Adding a play today.
I don't have my logbook with me so I don't have the exact record for this spot but tonight's game fits a situation where I identify what I believe is a Wrong Favorite. I think it's .500 when the Fav is a Rd team, but 4-1 at Hm. And tonight is a Hm spot.

Memphis +5
Mich St/Rutgers Un 39'
Ark/'Bama Ov 45
Temple/N Tex Un 70
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 1-2-1
Record: 14-17

Took a Push on the 'Bama game that I had 44'; 45 was the common number so that's what I used here.
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 0-1
Record: 14-18

Lost last play with a pick that I really liked, USC/ND Un.
I was in decent shape entering Q4, as long as I didn't give up two TD's I was going to be okay.
And with ND up by two scores I knew they would ground and pound to use up clock, so I had that going for me.

But . . . ND runs back a kick off for a TD, no time off the clock there.
Then, with just three minutes left, USC fumbles.
If ND recovers the fumble they'll run out the final minutes and I'll win.
ND recovers the fumble! And the crowds rejoice!
ND takes the fumble and gets a scoop and score. And the crowds weep.

The kind of game that makes me want to find a new hobby.

Shake it off.
Four games under .500, got some work to do.

Old Play is now 36-26, Ov 24-19, Un 12-7
New Play is now 4-7, Ov 2-3, Un 2-4

This week:
OP has Ov in Miss St/Ark, Buff/Kent St, Tenn/'Bama, UCLA/Stan
Un in Haw/New Mex St, Utah St/San Jose St.

Miss St and Ark are each 1-0 on Ov in this play. Kent St is 2-0. 'Bama is 4-0. Stan is 0-1.
Haw is 1-0 Un in this spot. Utah St and S Jose St are each 0-1 in this spot.

NP has Ov in Char/E Car, Ak/B Green, Ok St/W Virg
Un in UCF/Ok, Utah St/S Jose St.
S Jose St is 0-1 on Un in this spot.

The Utah St/S Jose St gives me a problem. Easy to lay off due to records (0-2 in Old Play, 0-1 in New Play. But, when both Plays have a match,the record is 1-0. At just 1-0, I'll give more weight to the combined 0-3 records and lay off this one.

At 2-3 I'd like to Fade Ov in the New Play, but E Car has screwed me twice this season by staying Un when I took the Ov, afraid that if I take the Un with them in this game they'll finally score some pts and screw me again. I'm not touching that one.

Have to ride 'Bama until it loses, buying that one and most of the rest of the card from both plays.

Good luck with your decisions this week.

Miss St/Ark Ov (wait, it's dropping)
Buff/Kent St Ov (wait)
Tenn/'Bama Ov 49
UCF/Ok Ov (wait)
Ak/B Green Un 40
Ok St/W Virg Un 50
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Saturday morning update - there's trouble in Paradise.
I don't like anomalies. It's hard enough to figure out a winning strategy without curve balls coming my way and this morning I've got a hell of a curve ball to deal with.

Old play spots.
One game comes off the board, Haw/N Mex Un.
One game, that's normal.
EIGHT games are added, that's not normal.
I'll try but don't think I'll have time to check the records of each of these individual teams in this play. I do know the overall record of added plays is 8-7, Ov is 7-6, Un 1-1, no edges to play there.

Unders that have been taken off the board due to line changes (like Hawaii today) are 3-2, nothing I can really use there.

Here are the added spots.
Ov on Utah/USC, Char/E Car, Akron/B Green, C Mich/Ball St, Wash St/ Ore, Texas Tech/BYU
Un on Penn St/Ohio St, Army/LSU.

I now have three games that qualify for both the Old Play and the New Play: Char/E Car, Akron/B Green, Utah St/S Jose St. Matches are 1-0, but that game was an Under, these are all Overs.

I was looking forward to a nice quiet Saturday morning. I'll stop in, add or delete one or two games, and fill in the lines for the games that I was waiting to buy. Now my brains are a scrambled mess trying to figure out if I should take any of these added games.

Will update in this post if I do, for you now here are the lines I bought. (Good call waiting on Ov on Arkansas and Buffalo games, they both dropped; not a good job on Oklahoma, it went up a full FG.)

GOOD LUCK with your play today!

Miss St/Ark Ov 46'
Buff/Kent St Ov 43'
Tenn/'Bama Ov 49
UCF/Ok Ov 68
Ak/B Green Un 40
Ok St/W Virg Un 50
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 1-5
Record: 15-23

Well, it's official - I stink.
I stink worse than Hydrogen sulfide.
I make Amorphophallus titanum smell like lilacs.

Still a lot of games to be played but I've dug myself a huge hole and if I don't turn things around soon I'll be buried in it.

But there's hope, and then . . . there's not.
The Hope?
My best play, Un in the Old Play (which was the New Play years ago and gave me the ride of a lifetime here at MJ's) is 14-7, 67%.
The Not Hope?
No games qualify as Un this week.

OP has:
Ov in Fla Atl, Aub, Utah, Marshall, Ohio St.
This play is 26-22. No edge to play.

New Play has:
Ov in Syr, Char, Purdue, E Car, Mia-Oh
Un in Hou, Ok, Army, Pitt
NP is worthless at 8-8, Ov 4-4, Un 4-4. No edges to play, I'll likley drop it from my charts after this week.

I'm going to have to look elsewhere for plays this week, one of the other situational plays I track.
I have one that's 80%. YAY!
But . . . it's just 4-1, not much data. Boo.
Still, it's all I have thus far so I bought it this morning.

Good luck to all the 'Jackers this week.

N Mex +1


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Two drops, two added plays.
Flat Atl/Char and Ohio St/Wisc games no longer qualify.
NC St/G Tech Un and Wash St/Az St Ov are added.
Unders are 14-7, I should play it, but added plays Un are just 2-2.
NC St/G Tech Un barely qualifies, I'll make a buy decision after I see if it still qualifies tomorrow.

Adding Wash -26'.
Yes, I rarely play sides.
Even more rare that I lay this many points. But . . .
After their big win in the battle of undefeateds vs Oregon two weeks ago the 6-0 Huskies found themselves flat last week.
How flat?
They were LOSING to 1-5 Az St late in the 4th quarter! That's Dylan Mulvaney flat.
With just 8 minutes left they got lucky - an 89 yd pick six gave them the lead.
They managed to escape disaster and keep their unbeaten season intact with a 15-7 win.
That close call should mean they'll be laser focused to NOT let it happen again this week, facing a 2-5 Stanford team.

My only concern is they have USC up next, but that's just a slight concern.
This is a "Time to shut up the critics" spot for Wash after the near loss to a lousy Az St team last week that has people questioning their ranking.
This is a statement game for their offense. This reads "blowout" to me.

USC beat Stanford by 46, Oregon beat them by 36, and last week UCLA beat 'em by 35 points, so 26' shouldn't be difficult for Wash off a sub-sub par performance in their last game.

N Mex +1
Wash -26'

UPDATE: I wrote this post this morning. I bet Wash two days ago. I didn't check the current #, it's at 27'. That's the # I'll use here.
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 0-2
Record: 15-25

My deficit hits double digits as Wash offense showed up but their defense did not.
In my other game N Mex QB threw THREE interceptions in the FIRST HALF, putting Los Lobos in a 24-0 hole they could not dig out of, despite winning the second half 24-10.

There is a line of thought that says to up your wager amount at times like this but that's not me. I'll set a goal - use November to try to cut the deficit in half at worst case, and use the bowls to try to get back on the plus side of the margin.

Old play is 41-33, Ov 27-25, Un 14-8
This week Ov on Col St, Clem, Utah, Coastal C, UCLA
Un on N Tex

New Play is 15-10, Ov 9-4, Un 6-6
This week Ov on Ball St, Duke, Coastal C, Haw
Un on Fla St, W Virg

I bought two spots that line up the same way N Mex did last week, one Dog, one Fav. Hope they play clean w/out turnovers, unlike N Mex.
One tonight, one tomorrow.

Update: Tol -14' at about half the houses on the board now, probably won't matter but ya take what ya can get


Tol -14'

Ball St (wait; missed out on the opening number +7; it's +5' now, but no diff between +5 or +4' so may as well wait to see if there's a buy back.)

Ball St/B Green Ov 40

W For/Duke Ov (wait)
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 1-0
Record: 16-25

Review: Whew, close one!
When you're giving up more than two TD's and you give your opponent 17 pts off of turnovers you're likely not going to win your wager.
Mid-4th quarter, Toledo is up by 18 pts, first down on the Buffalo 11 yd line. A TD here will seal the game.
The Toledo running back gets to the one yard line, and . . . fumbles.
Toledo's FOURTH turnover of the game. I KNOW what's coming - the dreaded prevent defense.
Sure enough, Buf uses 11 plays to take it 54 yards, but . . . they turn it over on downs.

Seven minutes left, Toledo goes three-and-out, 3 yds and only used a lousy minute and a half off the clock; no help to me there.
After a short punt Buff takes over on the 49 yd line. And they're on the move.
It's first and goal on the Toledo eight yard line with three minutes left and I'm thinking, "Get the lube ready, it's back door time."
Incomplete pass; run for no gain; run for 2 yards; 4th down, and . . . incomplete pass!!!

That play was the situational spot that I mentioned at the end of post #28.
It was 4-1 going into last week, lost with Wash and N Mex, won with Coastal Car (the only one I don't post wins, it's been that kind of a season.)
This is the play I'm going to lean on this week. I'm going to buy most plays that qualify, which is why I posted a rare mid-week game last night.

After last night's game, here is how the play breaks down:
6-3 overall
Hm 2-0, Rd 4-3
Favs 2-1, Dogs 4-2
Hm Dog 1-0, Hm Fav 1-0, Rd Dogs 3-2, Rd Favs 1-1
When the play says the Dog will win SU 3-2 (This does not mean the Dog WILL win SU, it just means they are projected to win SU)
When the play says the Dog will win ATS 1-0
When the play says the Dog will win SU, 3 of 5 games they did win SU.

Here are this week's teams that qualify:
Toledo Hm Fav
Ball St Rd Dog SU
BC Rd Dog SU
Col St Rd Dog SU
Jax St Rd Dog SU
Conn Rd Dog ATS
Neb Rd Fav
Navy Rd Fav
Charl Rd Dog SU
Utah St Rd Fav
Kentucky Rd Fav

Missed a prime # on BC, was +3 now at +2'/+2
The two totals listed below are from a Trend Reversal play, 15-10 overall and 9-4 on Overs.

UPDATE: The Duke total opened 45, dropped to 44/44', now it's going up at a few houses.
I don't know which way it goes from here so I'm buying it now at the common number, 45.


Ball St -5
Ball St/B Green Ov 40
W For/Duke Ov 45
BC +2
Col St +7
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
In game comment - when eight out of every ten plays are the same thing, a simple run up the middle, how do you expect to score?
Ball State is just painful to watch.

Part 2: "How do you expect to score?"
Like they just did I guess!

Also - the Jeep commercial with Derek Jeter made me rewatch the video of "Drive All Night", and reminded me just how great a voice Roy Orbison had.
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Casa Bonita Cliff Diver
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
Thanks, brother, for the Ball St OV!


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
You're welcome, glad you rode it with me.

Recap: 2-0
Record: 18-25

Got a W with Ball St and the Over, thanks to a missed last minute FG that would have tagged me with a one pt loss, 'bout time I caught a break.
(Correction - post above had Ball St -5; they were +5)

After last night's W with Ball St, here is how that play breaks down:
7-3 overall
Hm 2-0, Rd 5-3
Favs 2-1, Dogs 5-2
Hm Dog 1-0, Hm Fav 1-0, Rd Dogs 4-2, Rd Favs 1-1
When the play says the Dog will win SU 4-2 (This does not mean the Dog WILL win SU, it just means they are projected to win SU)
When the play says the Dog will win ATS 1-0
When the play says the Dog will win SU, 3 of 6 games they did win SU.

Here's what's left:
BC Rd Dog SU
Col St Rd Dog SU
Jax St Rd Dog SU
Conn Rd Dog ATS
Neb Rd Fav
Navy Rd Fav
Charl Rd Dog SU
Utah St Rd Fav
Kentucky Rd Fav

I bought BC and Col St.
I kind of like Jax St but I have a concern about the FCS teams that made the jump to FBS - will their lack of depth be a factor late in the season?
Jax is playing above expectations, S Car is having a very disappointing season, two teams moving in opposite directions but does that change this week?
Can't trust U Conn to not get blown out; I'll pass on that one.
Charl sucks but getting better than a FG against a Tulsa team that also sucks is tempting.

Decisions, decisions.

The Ov spot I used on Ball St last night moves to 16-10 overall, 10-4 on Ov, 6-6 on Un.
Have 3 spots left on the Ov this week, Duke, Coastal, and Haw; 2 Un spots, Pit and W Virg.
I already bought Duke though I'm not loving the play (don't trust Wake to get me their share of the pts I need.)
I'll likely buy the Coastal spot, maybe Haw but not sure - can I get 27 or > from a Nev team that scored single digits in two of their last 4?

I made six buy recommendations this week. With three already in the bank I only need to hit one of the last three spots to get a 4-2 week, a week I'll gladly take any day.

If I add more I'll post it here.

UPDATE: Getting hammered on the Duke total. Opened 45, dropped to 44, went back to 45 so I bought it before it rose any higher. Board is lighting up right now, 41' is most common #. Ugh! Injury or money move? Don't know, won't check into it, doesn't matter - I'm in at the # I got.


W For/Duke Ov 45
BC +2
Col St +7
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Please, somebody tell me they got the Duke play at better than the 45 I used. By game time you could get it at 41. Before that, 44', 44, 43', 43, 42', 42, and 41' we're all available, all of them winners.

With 11:40 minutes left in the game Duke ties the score at 21-21. This means I have to survive 11 minutes and 40 seconds of Duke or Wake trying to kick a field goal to go ahead so I can get it to overtime where I have a high percentage chance of winning.
I survived 11 minutes and 38 seconds.
A rare time where I get screwed for not buying at the right time, right number. Like I said, I hope one of you guys liked the play and got a better number.

Update on tonight's numbers, one good move, one bad.
I bought BC too early at +2; they're +3, today, missed out on a key number.
Did better on the early buy on Colorado State, got a key number at +7; it's down to +6 today.


BC +2
Col St +7


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 1-1
Record: 19-26

Got a W with BC as another Rd Dog SU spot came through for me.
Lost by 2 pts with Col St, as an early missed FG came back to bite me on the ass, not to mention a Col St fumble/turnover at the Wyoming 24 yd line with three minutes left. But, that's football. Still, a helluva fun game to watch.

Finished the week at 4-1-1, so I knocked 33% off my deficit.
The only loss was Col St by 2 pts and the Duke push that came with 2 seconds left on the clock, which has me thinking I should go back and check the other two losses in this 6-3 Rd Dog SU spot and see if a teaser would have covered them, too. May be useful info over the last few weeks of the season.
Back in a minute.
Ok, the other losses were Duke on 10/21 (an 18 pt L to Fla St, getting 14' pts) and N Mex on 10/28 (a 10 pt loss to Nev, getting 1 pt.)
So, using a 6 or 7 pt teaser on these plays gets a 9-1 record.
Something to keep in mind in case I have a spot in this play where I think I might need a few extra pts.

Now the bad news - nothing qualifies for this play this week. NOTHING!!!
Last week I said I was going depend on this play to get me back in black before the bowl season, and now I lose one of the few weeks remaining in the season because no games fit the parameters to qualify as a play. Fuuuuuck meeeeee.
I only found that play three weeks ago, wish I had been tracking/using it all season long.

So - what do I have?
Most of the plays I'm tracking are at around .500. no help there.
But . . . the Old Play is at 15-8 on the Un, I can work with that, and it has three spots available this week:
C Mich/W Mich, Min/Pur, Ok St/UCF,

Also, the New(er) Play is 12-5 on Overs.
This week it has one spot: N Mex St/W Kent.

The C Mich/W Mich Un game is tonight. Buy it?
The opening # is up from 56' to 58, so I got that going for me (as Spackler would say.)
But . . . Tue and Wed Maction this season is 9-4 (69%) to the Over.
Tue and Wed is an odd night for teams to be playing, different rest periods/days off, practice schedule, different feel/vibe, etc.
A 69% recent trend is hard to ignore, if I was up $ for the season I might risk it, but down a few units I want to hold out for stronger spots.

The N Mex St/W Kent game Ov is worth a look as a 12-5 spot, but the number is 57', a full TEN pts higher than N Mex St avg game score.
And ZERO of their last five games surpassed 57, only two of them surpassing just 40 pts, TWO TD's and a FG short of this number.
W Kent isn't any better, just two of their last five were > 57, and the other three were at last THREE TD's short of this game's number.
Makes a case for the Un, no?

No buys for now, hate to do it but might just take the week off and hope for some stronger plays next week.
Good luck to all of you with your play this week.


Casa Bonita Cliff Diver
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
That my friend is a winner. I’ve learned it’s not about quantity but quality. I don’t feel the need to bet daily…GL
“No buys for now, hate to do it but might just take the week off and hope for some stronger plays next week.
Good luck to all of you with your play this week.”


Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Thanks T. You're correct, "quality NOT quantity" is the way to go when looking at investments. Discipline is KEY to beating this game over the long run.

I understand that bettors like to have a little action though, so here's what I always suggest. I am a HUGE proponent of bettors not varying their wager size. Staying above a profitable 54% is difficult enough without using different unit sizes. Some players can vary the amount they wager and be profitable but most can't. But, while I recommend betting in like dollar amounts, I do recommend one variable - TV/action games.
I use one size for my standard, investment plays, but if I want a little action on a game I'm going to watch I use a smaller size unit.
A much smaller size unit.
Not saying everyone should do this, just saying what works for me.

Looking back on the one early week spot that qualified:

"The C Mich/W Mich Un game is tonight. Buy it?
The opening # is up from 56' to 58."

That game was in a 58% spot in one of the plays I chart: "Old Play is at 15-8 on the Un."
And I did well with mid-week Maction last week.
But as I also noted: Tue and Wed Maction this season is 9-4 (69%) to the Over."

Laying off my 58% Un spot was a good move as the game came in at 66 pts.

I'll run the #'s again Saturday morning to see if any line changes give me a spot that qualifies as a strong play. Will stop by with an update then.
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
No recap, no plays last week.
Record: 19-26

Took last week off after closing my 10 unit negative gap to 7 the previous week.
Had two plays circled but not strong enough to buy/recommend. They split, saved a little juice.

I did my usual Sat morn recheck #'s/update, looking for a play, and made two errors.
I found a spot in the situation I was looking for, Road Dog Straight Up. But . . . it involved an FCS team, Holy Cross, vs Army.
I checked my data - none of the previous games had an FCS team. I added it to my chart as a play but because of the FCS thing I didn't play it. That was my first mistake. My second mistake was not posting it in case anyone was looking for a reason to play that game.
HC was +12, my play had them wining SU. They lost by 3.

This week I have a few games that fit the situations I chart.
Got two RD SU spots, S Miss vs Miss St, and N Mex St vs Auburn.
Yeah, I know, N Mex St? SU? I double checked my stats/numbers and yes, it qualifies. Will I buy it? No.
The other spot is tempting, but I'll wait and watch the #, currently at +14 and rising?

One game I will buy is Tex/Iowa St Ov. It's in the New Play Ov spot that was 12-5 going into last week when it had a play on New Mex St/W Kent. I laid off that one because I didn't like the #, 57'. It landed on 67, talked myself off a W there. It's 13-5 Ov now and 4-0 Ov in a subset where the game fits another qualifying parameter. Waiting to buy as the number is dropping, opened 48, down to 46' now, but definitely buying this one.

Update Thur 11/16: Still waiting to buy Tex game, added a buy, a New Play Ov spot.

Tulane/Fla Atl Ov 46'
Tex/Iowa St Ov 44
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Forum Member
Jul 23, 2020
Recap: 0-2
Record: 19-28

Two steps back last week, Fla Atl (8 pts) and Tulane (24 pts) both fell way short if what needed, Tex/Iowa St missed by 2 pts.

I don't have to re-read post #1 from this year, and what it said about mistakes I made last year - I did a lousy job choosing which plays to buy.
And it's been the same this year. Going out with a bang or a bust because this week I'm playing all spots that qualify (except Fla Atl/Rice Ov because BOTH of those teams have screwed me this year.

All buys listed will be bought. And I will definitely be adding to an already large last week of the season card.

B Green/Mich Un 53
E Mich/Buff Ov 36
Tol/C Mich Un 55
Utah St/N Mex Un 62
Mia Oh/Ball St Ov (wait)
Tex A&M/LSU Un 66'
V Tech/Virg Un 51
N West/Ill Un 47
Lib/UTEP Un 59
Wyoming/Nev Ov (wait)
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