Congress to investigate Spygate

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Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) wanted to know the NFL's explanation for the purging of evidence in the infamous "Spygate" case involving the New England Patriots. He wrote commissioner Roger Goodell on Nov. 15. He got no response.

Specter, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote Goodell again more than a month later, after getting no acknowledgment to the initial communication.

In a phone interview Thursday with the New York Times, Specter said the committee at some point will call on Goodell to talk about why the league destroyed the tapes that revealed the Patriots had been spying on its competition.

"That requires an explanation," Specter told the Times. "The NFL has a very preferred status in our country with their antitrust exemption. The American people are entitled to be sure about the integrity of the game. It's analogous to the CIA destruction of tapes. Or any time you have records destroyed."

An NFL spokesman told the Times that Specter's letters did not reach the league until late last week, and there was no mention of the letters on the occasions the two parties had communicated on other issues. Specter said his office had been told by the NFL that there would be no response until after the Super Bowl.

Spygate came to the forefront in September 2007, when New York Jets security officials discovered a Patriots video assistant recording the Jets' defensive signals during the Sept. 9 game at Giants Stadium. The videocamera and tape were confiscated. Goodell also ordered the Patriots to turn over all of the videotape, notes and files involving taping of opponents' signals.

The Patriots got hit by the most severe penalty in NFL history -- coach Bill Belichick was fined $500,000, the team was fined $250,000 and also will lose a 2008 first-round draft pick.

Subsequently, the league said it had destroyed the tapes after looking at them. NFL spokesman Greg Aiello, in a September e-mail to, wrote that the reason for destroying them was "so that our clubs would know they no longer exist and cannot be used by anyone."

Specter, a lifelong Philadelphia Eagles fan who still calls sports radio stations on Monday mornings, said he was concerned about the integrity of sports.

"I don't think you have to have a law broken to have a legitimate interest by the Congress on the integrity of the game ... What if there was something on the tapes we might want to be subpoenaed, for example? You can't destroy it. That would be obstruction of justice," Specter said to the Times.
There is no timetable for when the committee would call upon Goodell, who has a previously scheduled news conference Friday morning in Phoenix.

The possibility exists that Patriots employees or other NFL personnel would have to testify before the committee. "It's premature to say whom we're going to call or when," Specter said. "It starts with the commissioner. He had the tapes, and he made the decision as to what the punishment could be. He made the decision to destroy them."

:0corn :0corn


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Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Hide the needles...I mean tapes.
How can you investigate something that dont excist meaning the tapes!!:shrug:

Dead Money

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Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Like Congress has nothing more important to do...

Like Congress has nothing more important to do...

Obviously he is a frustrated Philly fan...

HOW BOUT dedicating your time to..

failing education system
Health Care for all
Deficit outta control
Drug abuse
Middle east quagmire
Airline Safety
Global Warming
Crumbling infra-structure
FDA failings
Serious UFO activity in Texas..:SIB
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Oct 3, 2006
Spector has a screw loose if he thinks he should devote any attention to the results and integrity of a game. No where does the NFL ever say that the sport of football is or has to be on the up and up. They make no such claims


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Nov 9, 2000
in today's ny post there is an article that has a question & answer session with jimmy johnson...

here is the question about spygate....with johnson's answer..

Q: If the Patriots to win this game, would their perfect record be marred by the Spygate scandal?

A: I think it is ridiculous for anyone to even consider that.It is such an insignificant thing, and coaches know that. I guarantee the punishment would not have been a first-round pick and a $500,000 fine if it was the Arizona Cardinals that got caught.

i think this is what most people around the nfl think...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Camera -Gate never became a big talking issue this week as some thought.Perhaps it was buried by TBs ankle ,Giantstrash talk and some colorful press conferences by Moss,but it never became "a thing "amoung the media.

It will be interesting to see if the story is advanced in the off-season,however,The Patriots think further details will become known,and when they do will play in there favor.

"Im not sure all the facts are out on that."said owner Robert Kraft,sounding a common theme."We all know that it didnt have an impact on any game this season.We have moved on from it,but it did do one thing.:It helped solidify the relationship that Bill and I have developed.And it has evolved because we did stand together and he explained it to me and he had my full support."

Source.. Boston Herald
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3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
Camera -Gate never became a big talking issue this week as some thought.Perhaps it was buried by TBs ankle ,Giantstrash talk and some colorful press conferences by Moss,but it never became "a thing "amoung the media.

It will be interesting to see if the story is advanced in the off-season,however,The Patriots think further details will become known,and when they do will play in there favor.

"Im not sure all the facts are out on that."said owner Robert Kraft,sounding a common theme."We all know that it didnt have an impact on any game this season.We have moved on from it,but it did do one thing.:It helped solidify the relationship that Bill and I have developed.And it has evolved because we did stand together and he explained it to me and he had my full support."

Source.. Boston Herald

Nothing like a little cheating to bring people closer together. :shrug:

3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
in today's ny post there is an article that has a question & answer session with jimmy johnson...

here is the question about spygate....with johnson's answer..

Q: If the Patriots to win this game, would their perfect record be marred by the Spygate scandal?

A: I think it is ridiculous for anyone to even consider that.It is such an insignificant thing, and coaches know that. I guarantee the punishment would not have been a first-round pick and a $500,000 fine if it was the Arizona Cardinals that got caught.

i think this is what most people around the nfl think...

Do you really believe that it was a one time isolated incident?

This has been going on for years w/ NE. They have been accused of various methods of cheating by multiple teams during the BB era....


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
Do you really believe that it was a one time isolated incident?

This has been going on for years w/ NE. They have been accused of various methods of cheating by multiple teams during the BB era....

don't know about other times...they got caught once & paid a heavy closed.
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Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
Do you really believe that it was a one time isolated incident?

This has been going on for years w/ NE. They have been accused of various methods of cheating by multiple teams during the BB era....

Do you really believe, that they are the only team to ever do what they did?

Why does congress give two hoots? I think dead money hit the nail on the head, when he said there is so much more to worry about, then a case that was resolved in house and dealt with.

I think there should be a probe on Specter, I'm sure you could find dirt on that F'ing clown....


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Nov 9, 2000
Do you really believe, that they are the only team to ever do what they did?

Why does congress give two hoots? I think dead money hit the nail on the head, when he said there is so much more to worry about, then a case that was resolved in house and dealt with.

I think there should be a probe on Specter, I'm sure you could find dirt on that F'ing clown....

agree 100% with you dice...

if people like 3 seconds is upset with the pats for this....they should have been around when george allen was coaching...he almost always was accused of bending the rules....

3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
agree 100% with you dice...

if people like 3 seconds is upset with the pats for this....they should have been around when george allen was coaching...he almost always was accused of bending the rules....

What exactly do you mean people like 3 seconds??

I dont like cheating. Plain & simple. They cheated, got caught red handed & deserved what they got. In fact I think they got off lightly.

Why it took so long to punish them is the question I have...why were all the other accusations swept under the rug? There has been smoke in NE for a long time...

So I guess you have no issues with Bonds then right? He has never even been caught.

I am surprised to see how easily you dismiss cheating in professional sports....
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Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
The NFL and Goodell met the accusations head on and acted swiftly, giving BB the max fine, stripping away a 1st round draft pick which are coveted in the NFL and fining the organization, all within weeks of the act...........

My problem is, why does congress need to stick their nose where it does not belong? The issue is dead, and hopefully the punishment would deter any future teams from trying to break particular rules.......

Is Specter out for personal gain? To bring this to light days away from the Super Bowl in which the pats are participating in? Give me a break.....a better story would be for Specter to stick his nose in Bush's ass and tell me what he had for dinner the night before...thats the equivalent of him wasting his time on this dead subject.......

3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
The NFL and Goodell met the accusations head on and acted swiftly, giving BB the max fine, stripping away a 1st round draft pick which are coveted in the NFL and fining the organization, all within weeks of the act...........

My problem is, why does congress need to stick their nose where it does not belong? The issue is dead, and hopefully the punishment would deter any future teams from trying to break particular rules.......

Is Specter out for personal gain? To bring this to light days away from the Super Bowl in which the pats are participating in? Give me a break.....a better story would be for Specter to stick his nose in Bush's ass and tell me what he had for dinner the night before...thats the equivalent of him wasting his time on this dead subject.......

Well no matter how you feel about it or which side you take, I think you have to admit it is a bit odd that the NFL destroyed the tapes.

Why was it necessary to destroy them. I dont think anyone thinks that the commisioners office would give them back to the Pats or any other team.

Simply seal them up & file them away.

It is odd they begs for conspiracy types to think of a cover up of some type....something isnt on the up & up there.


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Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Article by Martin Chase former NFL player

Article by Martin Chase former NFL player

Good insite to the cheating that is not an isolated incident to just 1team writtin by Chase.

Who would of thought it would come to this?What has pro. sports come to by cheating.NBA,NHL MLB have all been caught cheating now the NFL is joining the ranks of pro. sports who cheat.

As a former NFL player I would always hear the saying"If your not cheating your not trying"Pretty sad isnt it.?Well I think the Patriots took that ststement to heart,and thats why they got caught.Unfortuantly cheating in the NFL is more common that fans(3Seconds) realize.

When I played in the nfl,there were many teams that I played against by "MAGIC" knew what our plays were.There were teams that I played against were id ask myself"How on earth do they know what plays were running"?

You should know that cheating runs rampart in the nfl and its just not the Patriots that are cheating.Yes,they got caught cause they made there cheating too odvious.(plus of Mangini,IMO ,anyways)But make no mistake about it,it is a fact that all NFL teams cheat to some extent.

In my NFL career I was taught that a team has to do whatever it can do to get an edge over its competition,and cheating is considered ok as long as you dont get caught.It is just a part of the game.But in my heart I knew it was wrong.
As pro. athletes and pro sports teams we are suppose to be setting a good example of the highest level of sports.Be we are not setting a good example.We are not playing fair.Maybe you can say cheating is fair cause everyone is doing it but I think it is wrong.I believe in fair competition and what is going on in the NFL is a disgrace.

Another huge problem caused by pro srorts cheating is that it teaches our children that its ok-as long as you dont get caught.As pro athletes and pro sports teams,we need to set an example and show kids that cheating is wrong.

Cheating is black and white and there should be no grey areas.You can not say cheating is good for some things,but bad for other things.Cheating is always wrong and cannot be tolerated.Cheating has a snowball effect.Kids learn that if they dont get caught then thats ok.

This article goes on to take a tough stand on cheating.He states that teams should forfiet games,suspentions inforced etc.

My pt was to show how rampart it is not only in the NFL but sports in general.
So if were gonna take a tough stand on the Pats ,lets investigate the whole league ,cause the root of the cause is the league,not the pats.

I think this guys article is good,but think hes a little hardcore on the kids issue and the punishments are to harsh IMO.


Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
Well no matter how you feel about it or which side you take, I think you have to admit it is a bit odd that the NFL destroyed the tapes.

Why was it necessary to destroy them. I dont think anyone thinks that the commisioners office would give them back to the Pats or any other team.

Simply seal them up & file them away.

It is odd they begs for conspiracy types to think of a cover up of some type....something isnt on the up & up there.

Is it odd? Maybe, I could agree I guess

I could also, see Goodell being like.....we're not the FBI, why do we need these files, this particular part of the case is over and done with and the punishment is documented.....we'll increase the punishment from here for suitors who happen to disobey......he has said that, yeah the case is open ended, but I would safely assume that it does not include the evidence already viewed, meaning if there is more shananigans to the story that the appropriate actions would be taken.....

I can't see the tapes(being destroyed) that they were already punished for, being that big of a deal

I'm not a patriots fan by any stretch, but if it was that much of an advantage, how did they go 18-0 under the microscope of the NFL league office?....

You mentioned Barry Bonds and HGH....if the league was tipped off and Barry handed over his syringes and illegal crap and was then dealt with, punished, served his suspension....would it be a story if the league destroyed the syringes and hgh? I wouldnt have a problem with it, since he already admitted to it and was punished for it, thats what I get out of this.........congress can eat a

3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
Is it odd? Maybe, I could agree I guess

I could also, see Goodell being like.....we're not the FBI, why do we need these files, this particular part of the case is over and done with and the punishment is documented.....we'll increase the punishment from here for suitors who happen to disobey......he has said that, yeah the case is open ended, but I would safely assume that it does not include the evidence already viewed, meaning if there is more shananigans to the story that the appropriate actions would be taken.....

I can't see the tapes(being destroyed) that they were already punished for, being that big of a deal

I'm not a patriots fan by any stretch, but if it was that much of an advantage, how did they go 18-0 under the microscope of the NFL league office?....

You mentioned Barry Bonds and HGH....if the league was tipped off and Barry handed over his syringes and illegal crap and was then dealt with, punished, served his suspension....would it be a story if the league destroyed the syringes and hgh? I wouldnt have a problem with it, since he already admitted to it and was punished for it, thats what I get out of this.........congress can eat a

What I think Congress can do is flush any other stuff out.

The have the NFL by the ballz w/ its anti-trust exemption. Goodell & the NFL will not play hard ball w/ antitrust exemption & the league is toast.

Some new interesting stuff is coming out...this Matt Walsh stuff etc...New accusations that this type of stuff goes back the 2001 or 2002 Super Bowl vs St. Louis...Even the dumb ass ESPN guys were saying this could change everything...

I dont think this is over yet.
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Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
What I think Congress can do is flush any other stuff out.

The have the NFL by the ballz w/ its anti-trust exemption. Goodell & the NFL will not play hard ball w/ antitrust exemption & the league is toast.

Some new interesting stuff is coming out...this Matt Walsh stuff etc...New accusations that this type of stuff goes back the 2001 or 2002 Super Bowl vs St. Louis...Even the dumb ass ESPN guys were saying this could change everything...

I dont think this is over yet.

You state that "What I think congress can do is flush any other stuff out."Getting late,but wouldnt that be obstruction of Justice??


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
What I think Congress can do is flush any other stuff out.

The have the NFL by the ballz w/ its anti-trust exemption. Goodell & the NFL will not play hard ball w/ antitrust exemption & the league is toast.

Some new interesting stuff is coming out...this Matt Walsh stuff etc...New accusations that this type of stuff goes back the 2001 or 2002 Super Bowl vs St. Louis...Even the dumb ass ESPN guys were saying this could change everything...

I dont think this is over yet.

I go further with ya. How bout a quote by Peyton Manning Stating that cheating is common in the NFL.Bring it on I have it!!