I know this is old now, but if I can give my opinion on "running up the score".
I could never understand why when a team is ahead by a few touchdown ( talking NFL)
and they put in 2nd and 3rd string players,
why these players who want to look good,
must sit on the lead and not try to score.
These are all professionals.
They all want to "look good".
They don't get put in to run the clock out.
If the team that is behind has a defense
that sucks that much, are they supposed to
play down to their level.
If they can't stop anyone, thats tough.
They look a hellava lot worse that the team
scoring the points.
last I heard it was 11 against 11 on every play.
I guess Tiger Woods should bogey a few
ff he's ahead in the Master's too much, or Pedro
should give up a few gopher balls or walks
if he dominating too much.
I believe you play as hard as you can all the time.
That is good sportsmanship....not laying down so you don't make the other team
"look bad".