That's why I think the guy is a complete Prick.He can't just cut the guy he always has to insult them. That fight was boring but no way like the Starnes fight. One of these days one of these fighters are gonna shut that big fat mouth of his.
He is GREAT with the fans but treats fighters like dogshit.
The way he was mouthing off to Bobby Southworth on TUFF 1 about respect when Bobby just wanted to be left alone after feeling shafted by the judges.
Dana puts on the hard man, bad ass persona knowing these fighters can't afford to call his bluff and batter his cunt in.
He wants to be a fighter sooooo bad. Why the Fuck does the Boxercise guy get to be on the first UFC fight magazine doing a fighter pose.
Spill some of the blood the fighters spill, you posing cunt then you have the right to ACT like a fighter!!!
I hope just one time, someone goes Brett Hart on his arse!!!